import numpy as np
import getopt
import sys
from glob import glob
import os

import constants as c
from utils import process_clip

def process_training_data(num_clips):
    Processes random training clips from the full training data. Saves to TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS by

    @param num_clips: The number of clips to process. Default = 5000000 (set in __main__).

    @warning: This can take a couple of hours to complete with large numbers of clips.
    num_prev_clips = len(glob(c.TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS + '*'))

    for clip_num in xrange(num_prev_clips, num_clips + num_prev_clips):
        clip = process_clip()

        np.savez_compressed(c.TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS + str(clip_num), clip)

        if (clip_num + 1) % 100 == 0: print 'Processed %d clips' % (clip_num + 1)

def usage():
    print 'Options:'
    print '-n/--num_clips= <# clips to process for training> (Default = 5000000)'
    print '-t/--train_dir= <Directory of full training frames>'
    print '-c/--clips_dir= <Save directory for processed clips>'
    print "                (I suggest making this a hidden dir so the filesystem doesn't freeze"
    print "                 with so many files. DON'T `ls` THIS DIRECTORY!)"
    print '-o/--overwrite  (Overwrites the previous data in clips_dir)'
    print '-H/--help       (Prints usage)'

def main():
    # Handle command line input

    num_clips = 5000000

        opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'n:t:c:oH',
                                ['num_clips=', 'train_dir=', 'clips_dir=', 'overwrite', 'help'])
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-n', '--num_clips'):
            num_clips = int(arg)
        if opt in ('-t', '--train_dir'):
            c.TRAIN_DIR = c.get_dir(arg)
        if opt in ('-c', '--clips_dir'):
            c.TRAIN_DIR_CLIPS = c.get_dir(arg)
        if opt in ('-o', '--overwrite'):
        if opt in ('-H', '--help'):

    # set train frame dimensions
    assert os.path.exists(c.TRAIN_DIR)
    c.FULL_HEIGHT, c.FULL_WIDTH = c.get_train_frame_dims()

    # Process data for training


if __name__ == '__main__':