# Copyright 2019 D-Wave Systems Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import io
import os
import time
import json
import unittest
import tempfile
import collections
from unittest import mock
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait

from requests.exceptions import HTTPError

from dwave.cloud.utils import tictoc
from dwave.cloud.client import Client
from dwave.cloud.exceptions import ProblemUploadError
from dwave.cloud.upload import (
    Gettable, GettableFile, GettableMemory, FileView, ChunkedData)

from tests import config

class TestGettableABC(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_invalid(self):
        class InvalidGettable(Gettable):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_valid(self):
        class ValidGettable(Gettable):
            def __len__(self):
                return NotImplementedError
            def __getitem__(self, key):
                return NotImplementedError
            def getinto(self, key):
                return NotImplementedError

            self.fail("unexpected interface of Gettable")

class TestGettables(unittest.TestCase):
    data = b'0123456789'

    def verify_getitem(self, gettable, data):
        n = len(data)
        # python 2 fix: indexing of bytes returns a slice (not int)
        data = bytearray(data)

        # integer indexing
        self.assertEqual(gettable[0], data[0])
        self.assertEqual(gettable[n-1], data[n-1])

        # negative integer indexing
        self.assertEqual(gettable[-1], data[-1])
        self.assertEqual(gettable[-n], data[-n])

        # out of bounds integer indexing
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

        # non-integer key
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # empty slices
        self.assertEqual(gettable[1:0], b'')

        # slicing
        self.assertEqual(gettable[:], data[:])
        self.assertEqual(gettable[0:n//2], data[0:n//2])
        self.assertEqual(gettable[-n//2:], data[-n//2:])

    def verify_getinto(self, gettable, data):
        n = len(data)
        # python 2 fix: indexing of bytes returns a slice (not int)
        data = bytearray(data)

        # integer indexing
        b = bytearray(n)
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(0, b), 1)
        self.assertEqual(b[0], data[0])

        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(n-1, b), 1)
        self.assertEqual(b[0], data[n-1])

        # negative integer indexing
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(-1, b), 1)
        self.assertEqual(b[0], data[-1])

        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(-n, b), 1)
        self.assertEqual(b[0], data[-n])

        # out of bounds integer indexing => nop
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(n, b), 0)

        # non-integer key
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            gettable.getinto('a', b)

        # empty slices
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(slice(1, 0), b), 0)

        # slicing
        b = bytearray(n)
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(slice(None), b), n)
        self.assertEqual(b, data)

        b = bytearray(n)
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(slice(0, n//2), b), n//2)
        self.assertEqual(b[0:n//2], data[0:n//2])
        self.assertEqual(b[n//2:], bytearray(n//2))

        b = bytearray(n)
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(slice(-n//2, None), b), n//2)
        self.assertEqual(b[:n//2], data[-n//2:])
        self.assertEqual(b[n//2:], bytearray(n//2))

        # slicing into a buffer too small
        m = 3
        b = bytearray(m)
        self.assertEqual(gettable.getinto(slice(None), b), m)
        self.assertEqual(b, data[:m])

    def test_gettable_file_from_memory_bytes(self):
        data = self.data
        fp = io.BytesIO(data)
        gf = GettableFile(fp)

        self.assertEqual(len(gf), len(data))
        self.verify_getitem(gf, data)
        self.verify_getinto(gf, data)

    def test_gettable_file_from_memory_string(self):
        data = self.data.decode()
        fp = io.StringIO(data)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_gettable_file_from_file_like(self):
        data = self.data

        # create file-like temporary object (on POSIX this is a tmp file)
        with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fp:
            gf = GettableFile(fp, strict=False)

            self.assertEqual(len(gf), len(data))
            self.verify_getitem(gf, data)
            self.verify_getinto(gf, data)

    def test_gettable_file_from_disk_file(self):
        data = self.data

        # create temporary file
        fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()
        os.write(fd, data)

        # test GettableFile from file on disk (read access)
        with io.open(path, 'rb') as fp:
            gf = GettableFile(fp)

            self.assertEqual(len(gf), len(data))
            self.verify_getitem(gf, data)
            self.verify_getinto(gf, data)

        # works also for read+write access
        with io.open(path, 'r+b') as fp:
            gf = GettableFile(fp)

            self.assertEqual(len(gf), len(data))
            self.verify_getitem(gf, data)
            self.verify_getinto(gf, data)

        # fail without read access
        with io.open(path, 'wb') as fp:
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

        # remove temp file

    def test_gettable_file_critical_section_respected(self):
        # setup a shared file view
        data = self.data
        fp = io.BytesIO(data)
        gf = GettableFile(fp)

        # file slices
        slice_a = slice(0, 7)
        slice_b = slice(3, 5)

        # add a noticeable sleep inside the critical section (on `file.seek`),
        # resulting in minimal runtime equal to (N runs * sleep in crit sect)
        sleep = 0.25
        def blocking_seek(start):
            return io.BytesIO.seek(gf._fp, start)
        gf._fp.seek = blocking_seek

        # define the worker
        def worker(slice_):
            return gf[slice_]

        # run the worker a few times in parallel
        executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3)
        slices = [slice_a, slice_b, slice_a]
        futures = [executor.submit(worker, s) for s in slices]
        with tictoc() as timer:

        # verify results
        results = [f.result() for f in futures]
        expected = [data[s] for s in slices]
        self.assertEqual(results, expected)

        # verify runtime is consistent with a blocking critical section
        self.assertGreaterEqual(timer.dt, 0.9 * len(results) * sleep)

    def test_gettable_memory_from_bytes_like(self):
        data_objects = [

        for data in data_objects:
            gm = GettableMemory(data)

            self.assertEqual(len(gm), len(data))
            self.verify_getitem(gm, data)
            self.verify_getinto(gm, data)

class TestFileView(unittest.TestCase):
    # python 2 fix: indexing of bytes returns a slice (not int)
    data = bytearray(b'0123456789')

    def test_file_interface(self):
        data = self.data
        size = len(data)
        fp = io.BytesIO(data)
        gf = GettableFile(fp)
        fv = FileView(gf)

        # partial read
        self.assertEqual(fv.read(1), data[0:1])

        # read all, also check continuity
        self.assertEqual(fv.read(), data[1:])

        # seek and tell
        self.assertEqual(len(fv), size)

        self.assertEqual(fv.seek(2), 2)
        self.assertEqual(fv.tell(), 2)

        self.assertEqual(fv.seek(2, io.SEEK_CUR), 4)
        self.assertEqual(fv.tell(), 4)

        self.assertEqual(fv.seek(0, io.SEEK_END), size)
        self.assertEqual(fv.tell(), size)

        # IOBase derived methods
        self.assertEqual(fv.readlines(), [data])

    def test_view_interface(self):
        data = self.data
        size = len(data)
        fp = io.BytesIO(data)
        gf = GettableFile(fp)
        fv = FileView(gf)

        # view, slice index
        subfv = fv[1:-1]
        self.assertEqual(subfv.read(), data[1:-1])
        self.assertEqual(len(subfv), size - 2)

        # view, integer index
        self.assertEqual(fv[2], data[2])

        # view, out of bounds index
        with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

        # view are independent
        self.assertEqual(fv[:2].read(), data[:2])
        self.assertEqual(fv[-2:].read(), data[-2:])

class TestChunkedData(unittest.TestCase):
    data = b'0123456789'

    def verify_chunking(self, cd, chunks_expected):
        self.assertEqual(len(cd), len(chunks_expected))
        self.assertEqual(cd.num_chunks, len(chunks_expected))

        chunks_iter = [c.read() for c in cd]
        chunks_explicit = []
        for idx in range(len(cd)):

        self.assertListEqual(chunks_iter, chunks_expected)
        self.assertListEqual(chunks_explicit, chunks_iter)

    def test_chunks_from_bytes(self):
        cd = ChunkedData(self.data, chunk_size=3)
        chunks_expected = [b'012', b'345', b'678', b'9']
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

    def test_chunks_from_bytearray(self):
        cd = ChunkedData(bytearray(self.data), chunk_size=3)
        chunks_expected = [b'012', b'345', b'678', b'9']
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

    def test_chunks_from_str(self):
        cd = ChunkedData(self.data.decode('ascii'), chunk_size=3)
        chunks_expected = [b'012', b'345', b'678', b'9']
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

    def test_chunks_from_memory_file(self):
        data = io.BytesIO(self.data)
        cd = ChunkedData(data, chunk_size=3)
        chunks_expected = [b'012', b'345', b'678', b'9']
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

    def test_chunk_size_edges(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cd = ChunkedData(self.data, chunk_size=0)

        cd = ChunkedData(self.data, chunk_size=1)
        chunks_expected = [self.data[i:i+1] for i in range(len(self.data))]
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

        cd = ChunkedData(self.data, chunk_size=len(self.data))
        chunks_expected = [self.data]
        self.verify_chunking(cd, chunks_expected)

@unittest.skipUnless(config, "No live server configuration available.")
class TestMultipartUpload(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_smoke_test(self):
        data = b'123'
        with Client(**config) as client:
            future = client.upload_problem_encoded(data)
                problem_id = future.result()
            except Exception as e:

def choose_reply(key, replies, statuses=None):
    """Choose the right response based on a hashable `key` and make a mock

    if statuses is None:
        statuses = collections.defaultdict(lambda: iter([200]))

    if key in replies:
        response = mock.Mock(['text', 'json', 'raise_for_status'])
        response.status_code = next(statuses[key])
        response.text = replies[key]
        response.json.side_effect = lambda: json.loads(replies[key])
        def raise_for_status():
            if not 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
                raise HTTPError(response.status_code)
        response.raise_for_status = raise_for_status
        return response
        raise NotImplementedError(key)

@mock.patch('time.sleep', lambda *args: None)
class TestMockedMultipartUpload(unittest.TestCase):

    @mock.patch.multiple(Client, _UPLOAD_PART_SIZE_BYTES=1)
    def test_single_problem_end_to_end(self):
        """Verify a fresh problem multipart upload works end to end."""

        upload_data = b'123'
        upload_problem_id = '84ef154c-28f9-46ed-9f22-aec0583499f2'

        parts = list(range(len(upload_data)))
        part_data = [upload_data[i:i+1] for i in parts]

        _md5 = Client._digest
        _hex = Client._checksum_hex
        _b64 = Client._checksum_b64
        part_digest = [_md5(part_data[i]) for i in parts]
        combine_checksum = _hex(_md5(b''.join(part_digest)))

        # we need a "global session", because mocked responses are stateful
        def global_mock_session():
            session = mock.MagicMock()
            session.__enter__ = lambda *args: session

            def get(path, seq=iter(range(2))):
                all_parts = [{"part_number": i+1,
                              "checksum": _hex(part_digest[i])} for i in parts]

                return choose_reply((path, next(seq)), {
                    # initial upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 0):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": []}),

                    # final upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 1):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts}),

            def post(path, **kwargs):
                json_ = kwargs.pop('json')
                body = json.dumps(sorted(json_.items()))
                return choose_reply((path, body), {
                    # initiate upload
                     json.dumps([('size', len(upload_data))])):
                        json.dumps({'id': upload_problem_id}),

                    # combine parts
                     json.dumps([('checksum', combine_checksum)])):

            def put(path, data, headers):
                body = data.read()
                headers = json.dumps(sorted(headers.items()))
                replies = {
                        'bqm/multipart/{}/part/{}'.format(upload_problem_id, i+1),
                            ('Content-MD5', _b64(part_digest[i])),
                            ('Content-Type',     'application/octet-stream')
                    ): json.dumps({})
                    for i in parts
                return choose_reply((path, body, headers), replies)

            session.get = get
            session.put = put
            session.post = post

            return session

        session = global_mock_session()

        with mock.patch.object(Client, 'create_session', lambda self: session):
            with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client:

                future = client.upload_problem_encoded(upload_data)
                    returned_problem_id = future.result()
                except Exception as e:

                self.assertEqual(returned_problem_id, upload_problem_id)

    @mock.patch.multiple(Client, _UPLOAD_PART_SIZE_BYTES=1)
    def test_partial_upload(self):
        """Verify only missing parts are uploaded."""

        upload_data = b'123'
        upload_problem_id = '84ef154c-28f9-46ed-9f22-aec0583499f2'

        parts = list(range(len(upload_data)))
        part_data = [upload_data[i:i+1] for i in parts]

        _md5 = Client._digest
        _hex = Client._checksum_hex
        _b64 = Client._checksum_b64
        part_digest = [_md5(part_data[i]) for i in parts]
        combine_checksum = _hex(_md5(b''.join(part_digest)))

        # we need a "global session", because mocked responses are stateful
        def global_mock_session():
            session = mock.MagicMock()
            session.__enter__ = lambda *args: session

            def get(path, seq=iter(range(2))):
                all_parts = [{"part_number": i+1,
                              "checksum": _hex(part_digest[i])} for i in parts]

                return choose_reply((path, next(seq)), {
                    # initial upload status: all parts uploaded except the first one
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 0):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts[1:]}),

                    # final upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 1):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts}),

            def post(path, **kwargs):
                json_ = kwargs.pop('json')
                body = json.dumps(sorted(json_.items()))
                return choose_reply((path, body), {
                    # initiate upload
                     json.dumps([('size', len(upload_data))])):
                        json.dumps({'id': upload_problem_id}),

                    # combine parts
                     json.dumps([('checksum', combine_checksum)])):

            def put(path, data, headers):
                body = data.read()
                headers = json.dumps(sorted(headers.items()))
                replies = {
                    # only the first part!
                        'bqm/multipart/{}/part/{}'.format(upload_problem_id, i+1),
                            ('Content-MD5', _b64(part_digest[i])),
                            ('Content-Type',     'application/octet-stream')
                    ): json.dumps({})
                    for i in parts[:1]
                return choose_reply((path, body, headers), replies)

            session.get = get
            session.put = put
            session.post = post

            return session

        session = global_mock_session()

        with mock.patch.object(Client, 'create_session', lambda self: session):
            with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client:

                future = client.upload_problem_encoded(upload_data)
                    returned_problem_id = future.result()
                except Exception as e:

                self.assertEqual(returned_problem_id, upload_problem_id)

    def test_part_upload_retried(self):
        """Verify upload successful even if part upload fails a few times."""

        # using the default part size here (5MB), so we have only one part
        upload_data = b'123'
        upload_problem_id = '84ef154c-28f9-46ed-9f22-aec0583499f2'

        parts = [0]
        part_data = [upload_data]

        _md5 = Client._digest
        _hex = Client._checksum_hex
        _b64 = Client._checksum_b64
        part_digest = [_md5(part_data[i]) for i in parts]
        combine_checksum = _hex(_md5(b''.join(part_digest)))

        # we need a "global session", because mocked responses are stateful
        def global_mock_session(n_failures):
            session = mock.MagicMock()
            session.__enter__ = lambda *args: session

            def get(path, seq=iter(range(2))):
                all_parts = [{"part_number": i+1,
                              "checksum": _hex(part_digest[i])} for i in parts]

                return choose_reply((path, next(seq)), {
                    # initial upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 0):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": []}),

                    # final upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 1):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts}),

            def post(path, **kwargs):
                json_ = kwargs.pop('json')
                body = json.dumps(sorted(json_.items()))
                return choose_reply((path, body), {
                    # initiate upload
                     json.dumps([('size', len(upload_data))])):
                        json.dumps({'id': upload_problem_id}),

                    # combine parts
                     json.dumps([('checksum', combine_checksum)])):

            def put(path, data, headers, seq=iter(range(Client._UPLOAD_PART_RETRIES+1))):
                body = data.read()
                headers = json.dumps(sorted(headers.items()))
                keys = [
                        'bqm/multipart/{}/part/{}'.format(upload_problem_id, i+1),
                            ('Content-MD5', _b64(part_digest[i])),
                            ('Content-Type',     'application/octet-stream')
                    ) for i in parts
                attempt = next(seq)
                if attempt < n_failures:
                    return choose_reply((path, body, headers),
                                        replies={key: '{}' for key in keys},
                                        statuses={key: iter([500]) for key in keys})
                    return choose_reply((path, body, headers),
                                        replies={key: '{}' for key in keys})

            session.get = get
            session.put = put
            session.post = post

            return session

        # part upload fails exactly _UPLOAD_PART_RETRIES times;
        # problem upload must recover
        session = global_mock_session(n_failures=Client._UPLOAD_PART_RETRIES)
        with mock.patch.object(Client, 'create_session', lambda self: session):
            with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client:

                future = client.upload_problem_encoded(upload_data)
                    returned_problem_id = future.result()
                except Exception as e:

                self.assertEqual(returned_problem_id, upload_problem_id)

        # part upload fails exactly _UPLOAD_PART_RETRIES + 1 times;
        # problem upload will also fail
        session = global_mock_session(n_failures=Client._UPLOAD_PART_RETRIES + 1)
        with mock.patch.object(Client, 'create_session', lambda self: session):
            with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client:

                with self.assertRaises(ProblemUploadError):

    @mock.patch.multiple(Client, _UPLOAD_PART_SIZE_BYTES=1)
    def test_problem_reupload_end_to_end(self):
        """Verify problem multipart upload continued."""

        upload_data = b'123'
        upload_problem_id = '84ef154c-28f9-46ed-9f22-aec0583499f2'

        parts = list(range(len(upload_data)))
        part_data = [upload_data[i:i+1] for i in parts]

        _md5 = Client._digest
        _hex = Client._checksum_hex
        _b64 = Client._checksum_b64
        part_digest = [_md5(part_data[i]) for i in parts]
        combine_checksum = _hex(_md5(b''.join(part_digest)))

        # we need a "global session", because mocked responses are stateful
        def global_mock_session():
            session = mock.MagicMock()
            session.__enter__ = lambda *args: session

            def get(path, seq=iter(range(2))):
                all_parts = [{"part_number": i+1,
                              "checksum": _hex(part_digest[i])} for i in parts]

                return choose_reply((path, next(seq)), {
                    # initial upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 0):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts[:2]}),

                    # final upload status
                    ('bqm/multipart/{}/status'.format(upload_problem_id), 1):
                        json.dumps({"status": "UPLOAD_IN_PROGRESS", "parts": all_parts}),

            def post(path, **kwargs):
                json_ = kwargs.pop('json')
                body = json.dumps(sorted(json_.items()))
                return choose_reply((path, body), {
                    # combine parts
                     json.dumps([('checksum', combine_checksum)])):

            def put(path, data, headers):
                body = data.read()
                headers = json.dumps(sorted(headers.items()))
                replies = {
                        'bqm/multipart/{}/part/{}'.format(upload_problem_id, i+1),
                            ('Content-MD5', _b64(part_digest[i])),
                            ('Content-Type',     'application/octet-stream')
                    ): json.dumps({})
                    for i in parts[2:]
                return choose_reply((path, body, headers), replies)

            session.get = get
            session.put = put
            session.post = post

            return session

        session = global_mock_session()

        with mock.patch.object(Client, 'create_session', lambda self: session):
            with Client('endpoint', 'token') as client:

                future = client.upload_problem_encoded(
                    upload_data, problem_id=upload_problem_id)

                    returned_problem_id = future.result()
                except Exception as e:

                self.assertEqual(returned_problem_id, upload_problem_id)