import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from numpy.linalg import inv    
from scipy.linalg import schur, sqrtm
import torch
from  torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F
def invSqrt(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12 
    mask = (b !=  0)
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = np.sign(r1) / (np.abs(r1) + np.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / np.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;
    x = 1. / np.sqrt( r*r*a - 2*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / np.sqrt( t*t*a + 2*r*t*b + r*r*c)
    d = np.sqrt( x * z)
    x = x / d
    z = z / d
    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c
def LAFs2ellT(LAFs):
    ellipses = torch.zeros((len(LAFs),5))
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        ellipses = ellipses.cuda()
    scale = torch.sqrt(LAFs[:,0,0]*LAFs[:,1,1]  - LAFs[:,0,1]*LAFs[:,1, 0] + 1e-10)#.view(-1,1,1)
    unscaled_As = LAFs[:,0:2,0:2] / scale.view(-1,1,1).repeat(1,2,2)
    u, W, v = bsvd2x2(unscaled_As)
    #W = 1.0 / ((W *scale.view(-1,1,1).repeat(1,2,2))**2) 
    W[:,0,0] = 1.0 /  (scale*scale*W[:,0,0]**2 )
    W[:,1,1] = 1.0 /  (scale*scale*W[:,1,1]**2 )
    A = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(u,W), u.permute(0,2,1))
    ellipses[:,0] = LAFs[:,0,2]
    ellipses[:,1] = LAFs[:,1,2]
    ellipses[:,2] = A[:,0,0]
    ellipses[:,3] = A[:,0,1]
    ellipses[:,4] = A[:,1,1]
    return ellipses
def invSqrtTorch(a,b,c):
    eps = 1e-12
    mask = (b != 0).float()
    r1 = mask * (c - a) / (2. * b + eps)
    t1 = torch.sign(r1) / (torch.abs(r1) + torch.sqrt(1. + r1*r1));
    r = 1.0 / torch.sqrt( 1. + t1*t1)
    t = t1*r;
    r = r * mask + 1.0 * (1.0 - mask);
    t = t * mask;

    x = 1. / torch.sqrt( r*r*a - 2.0*r*t*b + t*t*c)
    z = 1. / torch.sqrt( t*t*a + 2.0*r*t*b + r*r*c)

    d = torch.sqrt( x * z)

    x = x / d
    z = z / d

    new_a = r*r*x + t*t*z
    new_b = -r*t*x + t*r*z
    new_c = t*t*x + r*r *z

    return new_a, new_b, new_c,
def ells2LAFsT(ells):
    LAFs = torch.zeros((len(ells), 2,3))
    LAFs[:,0,2] = ells[:,0]
    LAFs[:,1,2] = ells[:,1]
    a = ells[:,2]
    b = ells[:,3]
    c = ells[:,4]
    sc = torch.sqrt(torch.sqrt(a*c - b*b + 1e-12))
    ia,ib,ic = invSqrtTorch(a,b,c)  #because sqrtm returns ::-1, ::-1 matrix, don`t know why 
    A =[[(ia/sc).view(-1,1,1), (ib/sc).view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2),
         [(ib/sc).view(-1,1,1), (ic/sc).view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2)], dim = 1)
    sc = torch.sqrt(torch.abs(A[:,0,0] * A[:,1,1] - A[:,1,0] * A[:,0,1]))
    LAFs[:,0:2,0:2] = rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp(A / sc.view(-1,1,1).repeat(1,2,2)) * sc.view(-1,1,1).repeat(1,2,2)
    return LAFs

def LAFs_to_H_frames(aff_pts):
    H3_x = torch.Tensor([0, 0, 1 ]).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0).repeat(aff_pts.size(0),1,1);
    if aff_pts.is_cuda:
        H3_x = H3_x.cuda()
    return[aff_pts, H3_x], dim = 1)

def checkTouchBoundary(LAFs):
    pts = torch.FloatTensor([[-1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]).unsqueeze(0)
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        pts = pts.cuda()
    out_pts =  torch.bmm(LAFs_to_H_frames(LAFs),pts.expand(LAFs.size(0),3,4))[:,:2,:]
    good_points = 1 -(((out_pts > 1.0) +  (out_pts < 0.0)).sum(dim=1).sum(dim=1) > 0)
    return good_points

def bsvd2x2(As):
    Su = torch.bmm(As,As.permute(0,2,1))
    phi = 0.5 * torch.atan2(Su[:,0,1] + Su[:,1,0] + 1e-12, Su[:,0,0] - Su[:,1,1] + 1e-12)
    Cphi = torch.cos(phi)
    Sphi = torch.sin(phi)
    U = torch.zeros(As.size(0),2,2)
    if As.is_cuda:
        U = U.cuda()
    U[:,0,0] = Cphi
    U[:,1,1] = Cphi
    U[:,0,1] = -Sphi
    U[:,1,0] = Sphi
    Sw = torch.bmm(As.permute(0,2,1),As)
    theta = 0.5 * torch.atan2(Sw[:,0,1] + Sw[:,1,0] + 1e-12, Sw[:,0,0] - Sw[:,1,1] + 1e-12)
    Ctheta = torch.cos(theta)
    Stheta = torch.sin(theta)
    W = torch.zeros(As.size(0),2,2)
    if As.is_cuda:
        W = W.cuda()
    W[:,0,0] = Ctheta
    W[:,1,1] = Ctheta
    W[:,0,1] = -Stheta
    W[:,1,0] = Stheta
    SUsum = Su[:,0,0] + Su[:,1,1]
    SUdif = torch.sqrt((Su[:,0,0] - Su[:,1,1])**2 + 4 * Su[:,0,1]*Su[:,1,0] + 1e-12)
    if As.is_cuda:
        SIG = torch.zeros(As.size(0),2,2).cuda()
        SIG[:,0,0] = torch.sqrt((SUsum+SUdif)/2.0)
        SIG[:,1,1] = torch.sqrt((SUsum-SUdif)/2.0)
        SIG = torch.zeros(As.size(0),2,2)
        SIG[:,0,0] = torch.sqrt((SUsum+SUdif)/2.0)
        SIG[:,1,1] = torch.sqrt((SUsum-SUdif)/2.0)
    S = torch.bmm(torch.bmm(U.permute(0,2,1),As),W)
    C = torch.sign(S)
    C[:,0,1] = 0
    C[:,1,0] = 0
    V = torch.bmm(W,C)
    return (U,SIG,V)

def getLAFelongation(LAFs):
    u,s,v = bsvd2x2(LAFs[:,:2,:2])
    return torch.max(s[:,0,0],s[:,1,1]) / torch.min(s[:,0,0],s[:,1,1])

def getNumCollapsed(LAFs, th = 10.0):
    el = getLAFelongation(LAFs)
    return (el > th).float().sum()

def Ell2LAF(ell):
    A23 = np.zeros((2,3))
    A23[0,2] = ell[0]
    A23[1,2] = ell[1]
    a = ell[2]
    b = ell[3]
    c = ell[4]
    sc = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(a*c - b*b))
    ia,ib,ic = invSqrt(a,b,c)  #because sqrtm returns ::-1, ::-1 matrix, don`t know why 
    A = np.array([[ia, ib], [ib, ic]]) / sc
    sc = np.sqrt(A[0,0] * A[1,1] - A[1,0] * A[0,1])
    A23[0:2,0:2] = rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp(A / sc) * sc
    return A23

def rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp_np(A):
    det = np.sqrt(np.abs(A[0,0]*A[1,1] - A[1,0]*A[0,1] + 1e-10))
    b2a2 = np.sqrt(A[0,1] * A[0,1] + A[0,0] * A[0,0])
    A_new = np.zeros((2,2))
    A_new[0,0] = b2a2 / det
    A_new[0,1] = 0
    A_new[1,0] = (A[1,1]*A[0,1]+A[1,0]*A[0,0])/(b2a2*det)
    A_new[1,1] = det / b2a2
    return A_new

def ells2LAFs(ells):
    LAFs = np.zeros((len(ells), 2,3))
    for i in range(len(ells)):
        LAFs[i,:,:] = Ell2LAF(ells[i,:])
    return LAFs

def LAF2pts(LAF, n_pts = 50):
    a = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n_pts);
    x = [0]
    x = np.array(x).reshape(1,-1)
    y = [0]
    y = np.array(y).reshape(1,-1)
    HLAF = np.concatenate([LAF, np.array([0,0,1]).reshape(1,3)])
    H_pts =np.concatenate([x,y,np.ones(x.shape)])
    H_pts_out = np.transpose(np.matmul(HLAF, H_pts))
    H_pts_out[:,0] = H_pts_out[:,0] / H_pts_out[:, 2]
    H_pts_out[:,1] = H_pts_out[:,1] / H_pts_out[:, 2]
    return H_pts_out[:,0:2]

def convertLAFs_to_A23format(LAFs):
    sh = LAFs.shape
    if (len(sh) == 3) and (sh[1]  == 2) and (sh[2] == 3): # n x 2 x 3 classical [A, (x;y)] matrix
        work_LAFs = deepcopy(LAFs)
    elif (len(sh) == 2) and (sh[1]  == 7): #flat format, x y scale a11 a12 a21 a22
        work_LAFs = np.zeros((sh[0], 2,3))
        work_LAFs[:,0,2] = LAFs[:,0]
        work_LAFs[:,1,2] = LAFs[:,1]
        work_LAFs[:,0,0] = LAFs[:,2] * LAFs[:,3] 
        work_LAFs[:,0,1] = LAFs[:,2] * LAFs[:,4]
        work_LAFs[:,1,0] = LAFs[:,2] * LAFs[:,5]
        work_LAFs[:,1,1] = LAFs[:,2] * LAFs[:,6]
    elif (len(sh) == 2) and (sh[1]  == 6): #flat format, x y s*a11 s*a12 s*a21 s*a22
        work_LAFs = np.zeros((sh[0], 2,3))
        work_LAFs[:,0,2] = LAFs[:,0]
        work_LAFs[:,1,2] = LAFs[:,1]
        work_LAFs[:,0,0] = LAFs[:,2] 
        work_LAFs[:,0,1] = LAFs[:,3]
        work_LAFs[:,1,0] = LAFs[:,4]
        work_LAFs[:,1,1] = LAFs[:,5]
        print ('Unknown LAF format')
        return None
    return work_LAFs

def LAFs2ell(in_LAFs):
    LAFs = convertLAFs_to_A23format(in_LAFs)
    ellipses = np.zeros((len(LAFs),5))
    for i in range(len(LAFs)):
        LAF = deepcopy(LAFs[i,:,:])
        scale = np.sqrt(LAF[0,0]*LAF[1,1]  - LAF[0,1]*LAF[1, 0] + 1e-10)
        u, W, v = np.linalg.svd(LAF[0:2,0:2] / scale, full_matrices=True)
        W[0] = 1. / (W[0]*W[0]*scale*scale)
        W[1] = 1. / (W[1]*W[1]*scale*scale)
        A =  np.matmul(np.matmul(u, np.diag(W)), u.transpose())
        ellipses[i,0] = LAF[0,2]
        ellipses[i,1] = LAF[1,2]
        ellipses[i,2] = A[0,0]
        ellipses[i,3] = A[0,1]
        ellipses[i,4] = A[1,1]
    return ellipses

def visualize_LAFs(img, LAFs, color = 'r', show = False, save_to = None):
    work_LAFs = convertLAFs_to_A23format(LAFs)
    plt.imshow(255 - img)
    for i in range(len(work_LAFs)):
        ell = LAF2pts(work_LAFs[i,:,:])
        plt.plot( ell[:,0], ell[:,1], color)
    if show:
    if save_to is not None:


def get_normalized_affine_shape(tilt, angle_in_radians):
    assert tilt.size(0) == angle_in_radians.size(0)
    num = tilt.size(0)
    tilt_A = Variable(torch.eye(2).view(1,2,2).repeat(num,1,1))
    if tilt.is_cuda:
        tilt_A = tilt_A.cuda()
    tilt_A[:,0,0] = tilt.view(-1);
    rotmat = get_rotation_matrix(angle_in_radians)
    out_A = rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp(torch.bmm(rotmat, torch.bmm(tilt_A, rotmat)))
    #re_scale = (1.0/torch.sqrt((out_A **2).sum(dim=1).max(dim=1)[0])) #It is heuristic to for keeping scale change small
    #re_scale = (0.5 + 0.5/torch.sqrt((out_A **2).sum(dim=1).max(dim=1)[0])) #It is heuristic to for keeping scale change small
    return out_A# * re_scale.view(-1,1,1).expand(num,2,2)

def get_rotation_matrix(angle_in_radians):
    angle_in_radians = angle_in_radians.view(-1, 1, 1);
    sin_a = torch.sin(angle_in_radians)
    cos_a = torch.cos(angle_in_radians)
    A1_x =[cos_a, sin_a], dim = 2)
    A2_x =[-sin_a, cos_a], dim = 2)
    transform =[A1_x,A2_x], dim = 1)
    return transform
def rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUp(A):
    det = torch.sqrt(torch.abs(A[:,0,0]*A[:,1,1] - A[:,1,0]*A[:,0,1] + 1e-10))
    b2a2 = torch.sqrt(A[:,0,1] * A[:,0,1] + A[:,0,0] * A[:,0,0])
    A1_ell =[(b2a2 / det).contiguous().view(-1,1,1), 0 * det.view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2)
    A2_ell =[((A[:,1,1]*A[:,0,1]+A[:,1,0]*A[:,0,0])/(b2a2*det)).contiguous().view(-1,1,1),
                        (det / b2a2).contiguous().view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2)
    return[A1_ell, A2_ell], dim = 1)

def rectifyAffineTransformationUpIsUpFullyConv(A):#A is (n,4,h,w) tensor
    det = torch.sqrt(torch.abs(A[:,0:1,:,:]*A[:,3:4,:,:] - A[:,1:2,:,:]*A[:,2:3,:,:] + 1e-10))
    b2a2 = torch.sqrt(A[:,1:2,:,:] * A[:,1:2,:,:] + A[:,0:1,:,:] * A[:,0:1,:,:])
    return[(b2a2 / det).contiguous(),0 * det.contiguous(),
                      (A[:,3:4,:,:]*A[:,1:2,:,:]+A[:,2:3,:,:]*A[:,0:1,:,:])/(b2a2*det),(det / b2a2).contiguous()], dim = 1)

def abc2A(a,b,c, normalize = False):
    A1_ell =[a.view(-1,1,1), b.view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2)
    A2_ell =[b.view(-1,1,1), c.view(-1,1,1)], dim = 2)
    return[A1_ell, A2_ell], dim = 1)

def angles2A(angles):
    cos_a = torch.cos(angles).view(-1, 1, 1)
    sin_a = torch.sin(angles).view(-1, 1, 1)
    A1_ang =[cos_a, sin_a], dim = 2)
    A2_ang =[-sin_a, cos_a], dim = 2)
    return[A1_ang, A2_ang], dim = 1)

def generate_patch_grid_from_normalized_LAFs(LAFs, w, h, PS):
    num_lafs = LAFs.size(0)
    min_size = min(h,w)
    coef = torch.ones(1,2,3) * min_size
    coef[0,0,2] = w
    coef[0,1,2] = h
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        coef = coef.cuda()
    grid = F.affine_grid(LAFs * Variable(coef.expand(num_lafs,2,3)), torch.Size((num_lafs,1,PS,PS)))
    grid[:,:,:,0] = 2.0 * grid[:,:,:,0] / float(w)  - 1.0
    grid[:,:,:,1] = 2.0 * grid[:,:,:,1] / float(h)  - 1.0     
    return grid

def batched_grid_apply(img, grid, batch_size = 32):
    n_patches = len(grid)
    if n_patches > batch_size:
        bs = batch_size
        n_batches = int(n_patches / bs + 1)
        for batch_idx in range(n_batches):
            st = batch_idx * bs
            if batch_idx == n_batches - 1:
                if (batch_idx + 1) * bs > n_patches:
                    end = n_patches
                    end = (batch_idx + 1) * bs
                end = (batch_idx + 1) * bs
            if st >= end:
            if batch_idx == 0:
                if img.size(0) != grid.size(0):
                    first_batch_out = F.grid_sample(img.expand(end - st, img.size(1), img.size(2), img.size(3)), grid[st:end, :,:,:])# kwargs)
                    first_batch_out = F.grid_sample(img[st:end], grid[st:end, :,:,:])# kwargs)
                out_size = torch.Size([n_patches] + list(first_batch_out.size()[1:]))
                out = torch.zeros(out_size);
                if img.is_cuda:
                    out = out.cuda()
                out[st:end] = first_batch_out
                if img.size(0) != grid.size(0):
                    out[st:end,:,:] = F.grid_sample(img.expand(end - st, img.size(1), img.size(2), img.size(3)), grid[st:end, :,:,:])
                    out[st:end,:,:] = F.grid_sample(img[st:end], grid[st:end, :,:,:])
        return out
        if img.size(0) != grid.size(0):
            return F.grid_sample(img.expand(grid.size(0), img.size(1), img.size(2), img.size(3)), grid)
            return F.grid_sample(img, grid)

def extract_patches(img, LAFs, PS = 32, bs = 32):
    w = img.size(3)
    h = img.size(2)
    ch = img.size(1)
    grid = generate_patch_grid_from_normalized_LAFs(LAFs, float(w),float(h), PS)
    if bs is None:
        return torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(img.expand(grid.size(0), ch, h, w),  grid)  
        return batched_grid_apply(img, grid, bs)
def get_pyramid_inverted_index_for_LAFs(LAFs, PS, sigmas):

def extract_patches_from_pyramid_with_inv_index(scale_pyramid, pyr_inv_idxs, LAFs, PS = 19):
    patches = torch.zeros(LAFs.size(0),scale_pyramid[0][0].size(1), PS, PS)
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        patches = patches.cuda()
    patches = Variable(patches)
    if pyr_inv_idxs is not None:
        for i in range(len(scale_pyramid)):
            for j in range(len(scale_pyramid[i])):
                cur_lvl_idxs = pyr_inv_idxs[i][j]
                if cur_lvl_idxs is None:
                cur_lvl_idxs = cur_lvl_idxs.view(-1)
                #print i,j,cur_lvl_idxs.shape
                patches[cur_lvl_idxs,:,:,:] = extract_patches(scale_pyramid[i][j], LAFs[cur_lvl_idxs, :,:], PS, 32 )
    return patches

def get_inverted_pyr_index(scale_pyr, pyr_idxs, level_idxs):
    pyr_inv_idxs = []
    ### Precompute octave inverted indexes
    for i in range(len(scale_pyr)):
        cur_idxs = pyr_idxs == i #torch.nonzero((pyr_idxs == i).data)
        for j in range(0, len(scale_pyr[i])):
            cur_lvl_idxs = torch.nonzero(((level_idxs == j) * cur_idxs).data)
            if cur_lvl_idxs.size(0) == 0:
    return pyr_inv_idxs

def denormalizeLAFs(LAFs, w, h):
    w = float(w)
    h = float(h)
    num_lafs = LAFs.size(0)
    min_size = min(h,w)
    coef = torch.ones(1,2,3).float()  * min_size
    coef[0,0,2] = w
    coef[0,1,2] = h
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        coef = coef.cuda()
    return Variable(coef.expand(num_lafs,2,3)) * LAFs

def normalizeLAFs(LAFs, w, h):
    w = float(w)
    h = float(h)
    num_lafs = LAFs.size(0)
    min_size = min(h,w)
    coef = torch.ones(1,2,3).float()  / min_size
    coef[0,0,2] = 1.0 / w
    coef[0,1,2] = 1.0 / h
    if LAFs.is_cuda:
        coef = coef.cuda()
    return Variable(coef.expand(num_lafs,2,3)) * LAFs

def sc_y_x2LAFs(sc_y_x):
    base_LAF = torch.eye(2).float().unsqueeze(0).expand(sc_y_x.size(0),2,2)
    if sc_y_x.is_cuda:
        base_LAF = base_LAF.cuda()
    base_A = Variable(base_LAF, requires_grad=False)
    A = sc_y_x[:,:1].unsqueeze(1).expand_as(base_A) * base_A
    LAFs  =[A,
                                    sc_y_x[:,1:2].unsqueeze(-1)], dim=1)], dim = 2)
    return LAFs
def sc_y_x_and_A2LAFs(sc_y_x, A_flat):
    base_A = A_flat.view(-1,2,2)
    A = sc_y_x[:,:1].unsqueeze(1).expand_as(base_A) * base_A
    LAFs  =[A,
                                    sc_y_x[:,1:2].unsqueeze(-1)], dim=1)], dim = 2)
    return LAFs
def get_LAFs_scales(LAFs):
    return torch.sqrt(torch.abs(LAFs[:,0,0] *LAFs[:,1,1] - LAFs[:,0,1] * LAFs[:,1,0]) + 1e-12)

def get_pyramid_and_level_index_for_LAFs(dLAFs,  sigmas, pix_dists, PS):
    scales = get_LAFs_scales(dLAFs);
    needed_sigmas = scales / PS;
    sigmas_full_list = []
    level_idxs_full = []
    oct_idxs_full = []
    for oct_idx in range(len(sigmas)):
        sigmas_full_list = sigmas_full_list + list(np.array(sigmas[oct_idx])*np.array(pix_dists[oct_idx]))
        oct_idxs_full = oct_idxs_full + [oct_idx]*len(sigmas[oct_idx])
        level_idxs_full = level_idxs_full + list(range(0,len(sigmas[oct_idx])))
    oct_idxs_full = torch.LongTensor(oct_idxs_full)
    level_idxs_full = torch.LongTensor(level_idxs_full)
    closest_imgs = cdist(np.array(sigmas_full_list).reshape(-1,1),,1)).argmin(axis = 0)
    closest_imgs = torch.from_numpy(closest_imgs)
    if dLAFs.is_cuda:
        closest_imgs = closest_imgs.cuda()
        oct_idxs_full = oct_idxs_full.cuda()
        level_idxs_full = level_idxs_full.cuda()
    return  Variable(oct_idxs_full[closest_imgs]), Variable(level_idxs_full[closest_imgs])