import unittest
from tests.TestSupport.Info import resource_path
import EXOSIMS
import EXOSIMS.Prototypes.ZodiacalLight
import EXOSIMS.ZodiacalLight
from EXOSIMS import MissionSim
import astropy.units as u
import pkgutil
from EXOSIMS.util.get_module import get_module
import numpy as np
import os, json
from tests.TestSupport.Utilities import RedirectStreams
import sys

# Python 3 compatibility:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    from io import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

"""ZodiacalLight module unit tests
based on previous tests by Paul Nunez, JPL"""

class TestZodiacalLight(unittest.TestCase):

    Global ZodiacalLight tests.
    Applied to all implementations, for overloaded methods only.

    Any implementation-specific methods, or to test specific new
    method functionality, separate tests are needed.


    def setUp(self):
        self.dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        self.script = resource_path('test-scripts/template_prototype_testing.json')
        with open(self.script) as f:
            self.spec = json.loads(

        with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
            self.sim = MissionSim.MissionSim(self.script)
        self.TL = self.sim.TargetList
        self.nStars = self.TL.nStars
        self.star_index = np.array(range(0, self.nStars))
        self.Obs = self.sim.Observatory
        self.mode = self.sim.OpticalSystem.observingModes[0]
        self.TK = self.sim.TimeKeeping
        assert self.nStars > 10, "Need at least 10 stars in the target list for the unit test."
        self.unit = 1./u.arcsec**2

        modtype = getattr(EXOSIMS.Prototypes.ZodiacalLight.ZodiacalLight, '_modtype')
        pkg = EXOSIMS.ZodiacalLight
        self.allmods = [get_module(modtype)]
        for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(pkg.__path__, pkg.__name__ + '.'):
            if not is_pkg:
                mod = get_module(module_name.split('.')[-1], modtype)
                self.assertTrue(mod._modtype is modtype, '_modtype mismatch for %s' % mod.__name__)

    def test_fZ(self):
        Test that fZ returns correct type and units.

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if 'fZ' in mod.__dict__:
                obj = mod()
                fZs = obj.fZ(self.Obs, self.TL, self.star_index, self.TK.currentTimeAbs, self.mode)
                self.assertEqual(len(fZs), self.nStars,'fZ does not return same number of values as nStars for {}'.format(mod.__name__))
                self.assertEqual(fZs.unit, self.unit, 'fZ does not return 1/arcsec**2 for {}'.format(mod.__name__))

    def test_fEZ(self):
        Test that fEZ returns correct shape and units.

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in exclude_mods:
            if 'fEZ' in mod.__dict__:
                obj = mod()
                # use 3 planets
                d = 10.*np.random.rand(3)*u.AU
                I = np.random.uniform(0.0, 180.0, 3)*u.deg
                fEZs = obj.fEZ(self.TL.MV[0], I, d)
                self.assertEqual(len(fEZs), 3, 'fEZ does not return same number of values as planets tested for {}'.format(mod.__name__))
                self.assertEqual(fEZs.unit, self.unit, 'fEZ does not return 1/arcsec**2 for {}'.format(mod.__name__))

    def test_generate_fZ(self):
        Test generate fZ method

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if 'generate_fZ' in mod.__dict__:
                with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                    obj = mod()
                #Check if File Exists and if it does, delete it
                #if os.path.isfile(self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname+'starkfZ'):
                #    os.remove(self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname+'starkfZ')
                OS = self.sim.OpticalSystem
                allModes = OS.observingModes
                mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['detectionMode'] == True, allModes))[0]
                hashname = self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname
                self.sim.ZodiacalLight.fZ_startSaved = obj.generate_fZ(self.Obs, self.TL, self.TK, mode, hashname)
                #Should also check length of fZ_startSaved??
                self.assertEqual(self.sim.ZodiacalLight.fZ_startSaved.shape[1],1000)#This was arbitrarily selected.

    def test_calcfZmax(self):
        Test calcfZmax method

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if 'calcfZmax' in mod.__dict__:
                with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                    obj = mod()

                #Check if File Exists and if it does, delete it
                if os.path.isfile(self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname+'fZmax'):
                sInds = np.asarray([0])
                currentTimeAbs = self.sim.TimeKeeping.currentTimeAbs
                OS = self.sim.OpticalSystem
                allModes = OS.observingModes
                mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['detectionMode'] == True, allModes))[0]
                hashname = self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname
                self.sim.ZodiacalLight.fZ_startSaved = obj.generate_fZ(self.Obs, self.TL, self.TK, mode, hashname)
                valfZmax = np.zeros(sInds.shape[0])
                timefZmax = np.zeros(sInds.shape[0])
                [valfZmax, timefZmax] = obj.calcfZmax(sInds, self.Obs, self.TL, self.TK, mode, hashname)
                self.assertTrue(len(valfZmax) == len(sInds))
                self.assertTrue(len(timefZmax) == len(sInds))
                self.assertTrue(valfZmax[0].unit == self.unit)
                self.assertTrue(timefZmax[0].format == currentTimeAbs.format)

    def test_calcfZmin(self):
        Test calcfZmin method

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if 'calcfZmin' in mod.__dict__:
                with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                    obj = mod()
                sInds = np.asarray([0])
                currentTimeAbs = self.TK.currentTimeAbs
                OS = self.sim.OpticalSystem
                allModes = OS.observingModes
                mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['detectionMode'] == True, allModes))[0]
                hashname = self.sim.SurveySimulation.cachefname
                self.sim.ZodiacalLight.fZ_startSaved = obj.generate_fZ(self.Obs, self.TL, self.TK, mode, hashname)
                fZQuads = obj.calcfZmin(sInds, self.Obs, self.TL, self.TK, mode, hashname)
                [valfZmin, timefZmin] = obj.extractfZmin_fZQuads(fZQuads)
                self.assertTrue(len(valfZmin) == len(sInds))
                self.assertTrue(len(timefZmin) == len(sInds))
                self.assertTrue(valfZmin[0].unit == 1/u.arcsec**2)
                self.assertTrue(timefZmin[0].format == currentTimeAbs.format)

    def test_str(self):
        Test __str__ method, for full coverage and check that all modules have required attributes.
        atts_list = ['magZ', 'magEZ', 'varEZ', 'fZ0', 'fEZ0']

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in exclude_mods:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                obj = mod(**self.spec)
            original_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = StringIO()
            # call __str__ method
            result = obj.__str__()
            # examine what was printed
            contents = sys.stdout.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(type(contents), type(''))
            # attributes from ICD
            for att in atts_list:
                self.assertIn(att,contents,'{} missing for {}'.format(att,mod.__name__))
            # it also returns a string, which is not necessary
            self.assertEqual(type(result), type(''))
            # put stdout back
            sys.stdout = original_stdout