import unittest
from tests.TestSupport.Info import resource_path
from tests.TestSupport.Utilities import RedirectStreams
import EXOSIMS.SimulatedUniverse
from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.SimulatedUniverse import SimulatedUniverse
from EXOSIMS.Prototypes.TargetList import TargetList
from EXOSIMS.util.get_module import get_module
import os
import pkgutil
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
import json
import copy
import sys

# Python 3 compatibility:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    from io import StringIO
    from StringIO import StringIO

class TestSimulatedUniverse(unittest.TestCase):

    Global SimulatedUniverse tests.
    Applied to all implementations, for overloaded methods only.

    Any implementation-specific methods, or to test specific new
    method functionality, separate tests are needed.

    def setUp(self):

        self.dev_null = open(os.devnull, 'w')
        self.script = resource_path('test-scripts/template_minimal.json')
        with open(self.script) as f:
            self.spec = json.loads(
        with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
            self.TL = TargetList(ntargs=10,**copy.deepcopy(self.spec))
        self.TL.dist = np.random.uniform(low=0,high=100,size=self.TL.nStars)*u.pc
        modtype = getattr(SimulatedUniverse,'_modtype')
        pkg = EXOSIMS.SimulatedUniverse
        self.allmods = [get_module(modtype)]
        for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(pkg.__path__, pkg.__name__+'.'):
            if not is_pkg:
                mod = get_module(module_name.split('.')[-1],modtype)
                self.assertTrue(mod._modtype is modtype,'_modtype mismatch for %s'%mod.__name__)

    def test_init(self):
        Test of initialization and __init__.

        Because some implementations depend on a specific planet population,
        there needs to be additional logic in the setup

        req_atts = ['plan2star', 'a', 'e', 'I', 'O', 'w', 'Min', 'M0', 'Rp', 'Mp', 'p',
                    'r', 'v', 'd', 's', 'phi', 'fEZ', 'dMag', 'WA']

        for mod in self.allmods:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                spec['modules']['SimulatedUniverse'] = mod.__name__
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['scaleOrbits'] = True
                elif 'KnownRV' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['Rprange'] = [1,10]
                    spec['scaleOrbits'] = True
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'
                obj = mod(**spec)
            #verify that all attributes are there
            for att in req_atts:

            #planet properties must all be the same size
            self.assertTrue(len(obj.a) == len(obj.e) == len(obj.I) == len(obj.O) == len(obj.w) ==
                    len(obj.M0) == len(obj.Rp) == len(obj.Mp) == len(obj.p) == len(obj.d) == len(obj.s)
                    == len(obj.phi) == len(obj.fEZ) == len(obj.dMag) == len(obj.WA) == obj.nPlans,
                    "Planet parameters do not have all same lengths in %s"%mod.__name__)
            # r and v must be nx3
            self.assertEqual(obj.r.shape,(obj.nPlans,3),"r has incorrect shape in %s"%mod.__name__)
            self.assertEqual(obj.v.shape,(obj.nPlans,3),"v has incorrect shape in %s"%mod.__name__)

            #basic sanity checks
            self.assertTrue(np.all(np.linalg.norm('AU').value,axis=1) =='AU').value),"r and d do not match magnitudes in %s"%mod.__name__)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(obj.s <= obj.d),"Projected separation exceeds orbital radius in %s"%mod.__name__)

            #if module has its own propagator, spin first planet forward by one period and check that it returns to starting position
            if 'propag_system' in mod.__dict__:
                sInd = obj.plan2star[0]
                pInds = np.where(obj.plan2star == sInd)[0]
                pInd = pInds[0]
                Ms = obj.TargetList.MsTrue[[sInd]]
                Mp = obj.Mp[pInd]
                mu = (const.G*(Mp + Ms)).to('AU3/day2')
                dt = np.sqrt(4*np.pi**2.*obj.a[pInd]**3.0/mu).to(
                r0 = obj.r[pInd].copy()
                v0 = obj.v[pInd].copy()
                np.testing.assert_allclose(r0, obj.r[pInd],err_msg="propagated r mismatch in %s"%mod.__name__)
                np.testing.assert_allclose(v0, obj.v[pInd],err_msg="propagated r mismatch in %s"%mod.__name__)

    def test_honor_scaleOrbit(self):
        Test that scaleOrbit flag is honored

        Because some implementations depend on a specific planet population,
        there needs to be additional logic in the setup

        whitelist = ['KeplerLikeUniverse','KnownRVPlanetsUniverse','SAG13Universe']
        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in whitelist:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'KnownRV' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'KnownRV' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'

                obj = mod(scaleOrbits=True,**spec)

            self.assertTrue(obj.PlanetPopulation.scaleOrbits,"scaleOrbits not set in %s"%mod.__name__)

            aeff = obj.a/np.sqrt(obj.TargetList.L[obj.plan2star])
            self.assertTrue(np.all(aeff <= obj.PlanetPopulation.arange[1]),"scaled sma out of bounds in %s"%mod.__name__)
            self.assertTrue(np.all(aeff >= obj.PlanetPopulation.arange[0]),"scaled sma out of bounds in %s"%mod.__name__)

    def test_Honor_fixedPlanPerStar(self):
        Test that fixed PlanPerStar flag passes through integers and None

        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        #If fixedPlanPerStar is not Defined
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)

        #For 1 star
        del SU
        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        #If fixedPlanPerStar is defined
        spec['fixedPlanPerStar'] = 1
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)
        self.assertTrue(SU.plan2star == np.unique(SU.plan2star))
        self.assertTrue(SU.TargetList.nStars*SU.fixedPlanPerStar == SU.nPlans)  
        self.assertTrue(SU.nPlans == 1)#for this specific test instance

        #For a random integer of stars
        del SU
        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        #If fixedPlanPerStar is defined
        n = np.random.randint(1,100)

        spec['fixedPlanPerStar'] = n
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)
        SU.TargetList.nStars = np.random.randint(1,100)#randomly generate a number of stars in nStars
        SU.TargetList.Name[0] = 'TACO47'#Needs to be anything but prototype to ensure self attributes are not reset
        SU.gen_physical_properties(**spec)#update parameters in gen_physical_properties
        self.assertTrue(SU.fixedPlanPerStar == n)
        self.assertTrue(SU.nPlans == SU.TargetList.nStars*SU.fixedPlanPerStar)
        self.assertTrue(len(SU.plan2star) == SU.TargetList.nStars*SU.fixedPlanPerStar)
    def test_honor_Min(self):
        Test that gen_M0 assigns constant or random value to mean anomaly
        Because some implementations depend on a specific planet population,
        there needs to be additional logic in the setup
        whitelist = ['KnownRVPlanetsUniverse']
        # Test Min = None first
        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in whitelist:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['Rprange'] = [1,10]
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'
                obj = mod(**spec)
            self.assertTrue(obj.M0[0] != obj.M0[1],"Initial M0 must be randomly set")
        # Test Min = 20
        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in whitelist:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['Rprange'] = [1,10]
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'
                spec['Min'] = 20    
                obj = mod(**spec)

            self.assertTrue(np.all('deg').value == 20),"Initial M0 must be 20")
    def test_set_planet_phase(self):
        Test that set_planet_phase places planets at the correct phase angle
        Because some implementations depend on a specific planet population,
        there needs to be additional logic in the setup
        whitelist = ['KnownRVPlanetsUniverse']
        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in whitelist:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['Rprange'] = [1,10]
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'
                obj = mod(**spec)
            # attempt to set planet phase to pi/4
            betas = np.arccos(obj.r[:,2]/obj.d)
            val1 = np.abs('rad').value - np.pi/4.)
            val2 = np.abs('rad').value - np.pi/2.)
            inds1 = np.where(val1 < 1e-4)[0]
            inds2 = np.where(val2 < 1e-4)[0]
            num = len(inds1) + len(inds2)
            self.assertTrue(num == obj.nPlans,"Phase angles not set correctly")
    def test_dump_systems(self):
        Test that dump_systems returns a dictionary with correct keys and values
        # required dictionary keys
        req_keys = ['a','e','I','O','w','M0','Mp','mu','Rp','p','plan2star','star']
        # missing attributes from req_keys
        matts = ['mu','star']
        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        spec['modules']['StarCatalog'] = 'EXOCAT1'
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)
        test_dict = SU.dump_systems()
        for key in req_keys:
            self.assertIn(key,test_dict,"Key %s not in dictionary produced by dump_systems"%key)
            if key not in matts:
                self.assertTrue(np.all(test_dict[key] == getattr(SU,key)),"Value(s) for %s not same produced by dump_systems"%key)

    def test_load_systems(self):
        Test that load systems loads correctly

        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        spec['modules']['StarCatalog'] = 'EXOCAT1'
        with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
            SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)

        # dictionary of planetary parameter keys
        param_keys = ['a', 'e', 'I', 'O', 'w', 'M0', 'Mp', 'Rp', 'p', 'plan2star']
        systems = {'a': np.array([5.])*u.AU,
                   'e': np.array([0.]),
                   'I': np.array([0.])*u.deg,
                   'O': np.array([0.])*u.deg,
                   'w': np.array([0.])*u.deg,
                   'M0': np.array([0.])*u.deg,
                   'Mp': np.array([300.])*u.earthMass,
                   'Rp': np.array([10.])*u.earthRad,
                   'p': np.array([0.6]),
                   'plan2star': np.array([0], dtype=int)}
        for key in param_keys:
            self.assertTrue(systems[key] == getattr(SU, key), 'Value for %s not assigned with load_systems'%key)

    def test_revise_planets_list(self):
        Test that revise_planets_list filters correctly

        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        spec['Rprange'] = [1,20]
        spec['modules']['StarCatalog'] = 'EXOCAT1'
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)
        # keep planets > 4 R_earth
        pInds = np.where(SU.Rp >= 4*u.R_earth)[0]
        self.assertTrue(np.all(SU.Rp>=4*u.R_earth),"revise_planets_list does not filter correctly")
    def test_revise_stars_list(self):
        Test that revise_stars_list filters correctly

        with open(self.script) as f:
            spec = json.loads(
        spec['modules']['StarCatalog'] = 'EXOCAT1'
        spec['eta'] = 1
        SU = SimulatedUniverse(**spec)
        # star indices to keep
        sInds = np.arange(0,10,dtype=int)
        names = SU.TargetList.Name[sInds]
        # check correct stars in targetlist
        self.assertTrue(np.all(names==SU.TargetList.Name),"revise_stars_list does not select correct stars")
        # check that planets are only assigned to stars in filtered list
        pInds = set(SU.plan2star)
        sInds = set(sInds)
        self.assertTrue(pInds.issubset(sInds),"revise_stars_list does not assign planets only to filtered stars")

    def test_str(self):
        Test __str__ method, for full coverage and check that all modules have required attributes.

        atts_list = ['StarCatalog', 'PlanetPopulation', 'PlanetPhysicalModel', 'OpticalSystem', 'ZodiacalLight',
                     'BackgroundSources', 'PostProcessing', 'Completeness', 'TargetList', 'nPlans', 'plan2star',
                     'sInds', 'a', 'e', 'I', 'O', 'w', 'Min', 'M0', 'p', 'Rp', 'Mp', 'r', 'v', 'd', 's', 'phi',
                     'fEZ', 'dMag', 'WA']

        for mod in self.allmods:

            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                spec['modules']['PlanetPhysicalModel'] = 'FortneyMarleyCahoyMix1'
                spec['modules']['StarCatalog'] = 'EXOCAT1'
                spec['modules']['SimulatedUniverse'] = mod.__name__
                if 'Kepler' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'KeplerLike1'
                    spec['scaleOrbits'] = True
                elif 'KnownRV' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'KnownRVPlanets'
                    spec['modules']['TargetList'] = 'KnownRVPlanetsTargetList'
                elif 'SAG13' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'SAG13'
                    spec['Rprange'] = [1, 10]
                    spec['scaleOrbits'] = True
                elif 'DulzPlavchan' in mod.__name__:
                    spec['modules']['PlanetPopulation'] = 'DulzPlavchan'

            obj = mod(**spec)
            original_stdout = sys.stdout
            sys.stdout = StringIO()
            # call __str__ method
            result = obj.__str__()
            # examine what was printed
            contents = sys.stdout.getvalue()
            self.assertEqual(type(contents), type(''))
            # attributes from ICD
            for att in atts_list:
                self.assertIn(att,contents,'{} missing for {}'.format(att,mod.__name__))
            # it also returns a string, which is not necessary
            self.assertEqual(type(result), type(''))
            # put stdout back
            sys.stdout = original_stdout