# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
import os
    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle
import hashlib
from EXOSIMS.Completeness.BrownCompleteness import BrownCompleteness
from EXOSIMS.util.eccanom import eccanom
from EXOSIMS.util.deltaMag import deltaMag
import sys
import itertools
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar

# Python 3 compatibility:
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
    xrange = range

class SubtypeCompleteness(BrownCompleteness):
    """Completeness class template
    This class contains all variables and methods necessary to perform 
    Completeness Module calculations in exoplanet mission simulation.
            user specified values
        Nplanets (integer):
            Number of planets for initial completeness Monte Carlo simulation
        classpath (string):
            Path on disk to Brown Completeness
        filename (string):
            Name of file where completeness interpolant is stored
        updates (float nx5 ndarray):
            Completeness values of successive observations of each star in the
            target list (initialized in gen_update)
        binTypes (string):
            string specifying the kopparapuBin Types to use
    def __init__(self, Nplanets=1e8, binTypes='kopparapuBins_extended', **specs):
        # bring in inherited Completeness prototype __init__ values
        BrownCompleteness.__init__(self, **specs)
        # Number of planets to sample
        self.Nplanets = int(Nplanets)
        # get path to completeness interpolant stored in a pickled .comp file
        self.filename = self.PlanetPopulation.__class__.__name__ + self.PlanetPhysicalModel.__class__.__name__

        # get path to dynamic completeness array in a pickled .dcomp file
        self.dfilename = self.PlanetPopulation.__class__.__name__ + \
                         self.PlanetPhysicalModel.__class__.__name__ +\
                         specs['modules']['OpticalSystem'] + \
                         specs['modules']['StarCatalog'] + \
        atts = list(self.PlanetPopulation.__dict__)
        self.extstr = ''
        for att in sorted(atts, key=str.lower):
            if not callable(getattr(self.PlanetPopulation, att)) and att != 'PlanetPhysicalModel':
                self.extstr += '%s: ' % att + str(getattr(self.PlanetPopulation, att)) + ' '
        ext = hashlib.md5(self.extstr.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
        self.filename += ext

        #Generate Kopparapu Bin Ranges
        if binTypes == 'kopparapuBins_extended':

        #Overall Population Upper and Lower Limits of dmag vs s JPDF
        pmin = self.PlanetPopulation.prange[0]
        pmax = self.PlanetPopulation.prange[1]
        rmax = self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1]
        rmin = self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[0]
        Rmax = self.PlanetPopulation.Rprange[1]
        Rmin = self.PlanetPopulation.Rprange[0]
        self.dmag_limit_functions, self.lower_limits, self.upper_limits = self.dmag_limits(rmin,rmax,pmax,pmin,Rmax,Rmin,self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi)

        #Calculate Upper and Lower Limits of dmag vs s plot
        self.jpdf_props = dict()
        self.jpdf_props['limit_funcs'] = dict()
        self.jpdf_props['lower_limits'] = dict()
        self.jpdf_props['upper_limits'] = dict()
        for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):
            pmin = self.PlanetPopulation.prange[0]
            pmax = self.PlanetPopulation.prange[1]
            emax = self.PlanetPopulation.erange[1] #Maximum orbital Eccentricity


            #ravgt_rtLstar_lo = 1./np.sqrt(self.L_lo[ii,j]) #these are the classification bin edges being used
            #ravgt_rtLstar_hi = 1./np.sqrt(self.L_hi[ii,j]) #these are the classification bin edges being used
            #Note at e=0, ravgt=a. Orbital Radius Limits will be based on most Eccentric Orbits
            #Therefore we can say
            #rmax = ravgt_rtLstar_hi*(1. + emax) #from rp = a(1-e)
            #rmin = ravgt_rtLstar_lo*(1. - emax)

            amax = np.sqrt(1./(self.L_hi[ii,j]*(1.+emax**2./2.)**2.)) #This is the time-averaged orbital SMA
            amin = np.sqrt(1./(self.L_lo[ii,j]*(1.+emax**2./2.)**2.))
            if j == len(self.L_hi[0,:]):
                amax = self.PlanetPopulation.arange[1].value

            rmax = amax*(1.+emax)
            rmin = amin*(1.-emax)
            Rmax = self.Rp_hi[ii]*u.earthRad
            Rmin = self.Rp_lo[ii]*u.earthRad
            self.jpdf_props['limit_funcs'][ii,j] = list()
            self.jpdf_props['lower_limits'][ii,j] = list()
            self.jpdf_props['upper_limits'][ii,j] = list()
            self.jpdf_props['limit_funcs'][ii,j], self.jpdf_props['lower_limits'][ii,j], self.jpdf_props['upper_limits'][ii,j] = \
            # funcs_tmp, lower_limits_tmp, upper_limits_tmp = self.dmag_limits(rmin,rmax,pmax,Rmax,self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi)
            # self.jpdf_props['limit_funcs'][ii,j].append(funcs_tmp)
            # self.jpdf_props['lower_limits'][ii,j].append(lower_limits_tmp)
            # self.jpdf_props['upper_limits'][ii,j].append(upper_limits_tmp)
            #TODO replace phaseFunc with phase function for individual planet types

    def target_completeness(self, TL, calc_char_comp0=False, subpop=-2):
        """Generates completeness values for target stars
        This method is called from TargetList __init__ method.
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            calc_char_comp0 (boolean):
            subpop (int):
                planet subtype to use for calculation of comp0
                -2 - planet population
                -1 - earthLike population
                0-N - kopparapu planet subtypes
            float ndarray: 
                Completeness values for each target star
        # set up "ensemble visit photometric and obscurational completeness"
        # interpolant for initial completeness values
        # bins for interpolant
        bins = 1000
        # xedges is array of separation values for interpolant
        if self.PlanetPopulation.constrainOrbits:
            xedges = np.linspace(0.0, self.PlanetPopulation.arange[1].to('AU').value, bins+1)
            xedges = np.linspace(0.0, self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value, bins+1)
        # yedges is array of delta magnitude values for interpolant
        ymin = -2.5*np.log10(float(self.PlanetPopulation.prange[1]*\
        ymax = -2.5*np.log10(float(self.PlanetPopulation.prange[0]*\
        yedges = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, bins+1)
        # number of planets for each Monte Carlo simulation
        nplan = int(np.min([1e6,self.Nplanets]))
        # number of simulations to perform (must be integer)
        steps = int(self.Nplanets/nplan)
        # path to 2D completeness pdf array for interpolation
        Cpath = os.path.join(self.cachedir, self.filename+'.comp')
        #DELETECpdf, xedges2, yedges2 = self.genC(Cpath, nplan, xedges, yedges, steps, TL)
        Cpdf, xedges2, yedges2 = self.genSubtypeC(Cpath, nplan, xedges, yedges, steps, TL)
        Cpdf_pop = Cpdf['h']
        Cpdf_earthLike = Cpdf['h_earthLike']
        Cpdf_hs = Cpdf['hs']

        xcent = 0.5*(xedges2[1:]+xedges2[:-1])
        ycent = 0.5*(yedges2[1:]+yedges2[:-1])
        xnew = np.hstack((0.0,xcent,self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value))
        ynew = np.hstack((ymin,ycent,ymax))
        Cpdf_pop = np.pad(Cpdf_pop,1,mode='constant')
        Cpdf_earthLike = np.pad(Cpdf_earthLike,1,mode='constant')
        for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):#lo
            Cpdf_hs[ii,j] = np.pad(Cpdf_hs[ii,j],1,mode='constant')

        #save interpolant and counts to object
        self.Cpdf_pop = Cpdf_pop
        self.EVPOCpdf_pop = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xnew, ynew, Cpdf_pop.T)
        self.EVPOC_pop = np.vectorize(self.EVPOCpdf_pop.integral, otypes=[np.float64])
        self.count_pop = Cpdf['count']
        self.xnew = xnew
        self.ynew = ynew  
        self.Cpdf_earthLike = Cpdf_earthLike
        self.EVPOCpdf_earthLike = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xnew, ynew, Cpdf_earthLike.T)
        self.EVPOC_earthLike = np.vectorize(self.EVPOCpdf_earthLike.integral, otypes=[np.float64])
        self.count_earthLike = Cpdf['count_earthLike']
        self.Cpdf_hs = Cpdf_hs
        self.EVPOCpdf_hs = dict()
        self.EVPOC_hs = dict()
        self.count_hs = dict()
        for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):#lo
            self.EVPOCpdf_hs[ii,j] = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xnew, ynew, Cpdf_hs[ii,j].T)
            self.EVPOC_hs[ii,j] = np.vectorize(self.EVPOCpdf_hs[ii,j].integral, otypes=[np.float64])
            self.count_hs[ii,j] = Cpdf['counts'][ii,j]

        # calculate separations based on IWA and OWA
        OS = TL.OpticalSystem
        if calc_char_comp0:
            mode = list(filter(lambda mode: 'spec' in mode['inst']['name'], self.observingModes))[0]
            mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['detectionMode'] == True, OS.observingModes))[0]
        IWA = mode['IWA']
        OWA = mode['OWA']
        smin = np.tan(IWA)*TL.dist
        if np.isinf(OWA):
            smax = np.array([xedges[-1]]*len(smin))*u.AU
            smax = np.tan(OWA)*TL.dist
            smax[smax>self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1]] = self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1]

        # limiting planet delta magnitude for completeness
        dMagMax = self.dMagLim
        comp0 = np.zeros(smin.shape)
        if self.PlanetPopulation.scaleOrbits:
            L = np.where(TL.L>0, TL.L, 1e-10) #take care of zero/negative values
            smin = smin/np.sqrt(L)
            smax = smax/np.sqrt(L)
            dMagMax -= 2.5*np.log10(L)
            mask = (dMagMax>ymin) & (smin<self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1])
            comp0[mask] = self.EVPOC_pop(smin[mask].to('AU').value, \
                    smax[mask].to('AU').value, 0.0, dMagMax[mask])
            mask = smin<self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1]
            comp0[mask] = self.EVPOC_pop(smin[mask].to('AU').value, smax[mask].to('AU').value, 0.0, dMagMax)
        # remove small values
        comp0[comp0<1e-6] = 0.0
        # ensure that completeness is between 0 and 1
        comp0 = np.clip(comp0, 0., 1.)
        return comp0

    def gen_update(self, TL):
        """Generates dynamic completeness values for multiple visits of each 
        star in the target list
            TL (TargetList):
                TargetList class object
        OS = TL.OpticalSystem
        PPop = TL.PlanetPopulation
        # limiting planet delta magnitude for completeness
        dMagMax = self.dMagLim
        # get name for stored dynamic completeness updates array
        # inner and outer working angles for detection mode
        mode = list(filter(lambda mode: mode['detectionMode'] == True, OS.observingModes))[0]
        IWA = mode['IWA']
        OWA = mode['OWA']
        extstr = self.extstr + 'IWA: ' + str(IWA) + ' OWA: ' + str(OWA) + \
                ' dMagMax: ' + str(dMagMax) + ' nStars: ' + str(TL.nStars)
        ext = hashlib.md5(extstr.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
        self.dfilename += ext 
        self.dfilename += '.dcomp'

        path = os.path.join(self.cachedir, self.dfilename)
        # if the 2D completeness update array exists as a .dcomp file load it
        if os.path.exists(path):
            self.vprint('Loading cached dynamic completeness array from "%s".' % path)
                with open(path, "rb") as ff:
                    self.updates = pickle.load(ff)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                with open(path, "rb") as ff:
                    self.updates = pickle.load(ff,encoding='latin1')
            self.vprint('Dynamic completeness array loaded from cache.')
            # run Monte Carlo simulation and pickle the resulting array
            self.vprint('Cached dynamic completeness array not found at "%s".' % path)
            self.vprint('Beginning dynamic completeness calculations')
            # dynamic completeness values: rows are stars, columns are number of visits
            self.updates = np.zeros((TL.nStars, 5))
            # number of planets to simulate
            nplan = int(2e4)
            # sample quantities which do not change in time
            a, e, p, Rp = PPop.gen_plan_params(nplan)
            a = a.to('AU').value
            # sample angles
            I, O, w = PPop.gen_angles(nplan)
            I = I.to('rad').value
            O = O.to('rad').value
            w = w.to('rad').value
            Mp = PPop.gen_mass(nplan) # M_earth
            rmax = a*(1.+e) # AU
            # sample quantity which will be updated
            M = np.random.uniform(high=2.*np.pi,size=nplan)
            newM = np.zeros((nplan,))
            # population values
            smin = (np.tan(IWA)*TL.dist).to('AU').value
            if np.isfinite(OWA):
                smax = (np.tan(OWA)*TL.dist).to('AU').value
                smax = np.array([np.max(PPop.arange.to('AU').value)*\
            # fill dynamic completeness values
            for sInd in xrange(TL.nStars):
                mu = (const.G*(Mp + TL.MsTrue[sInd])).to('AU3/day2').value
                n = np.sqrt(mu/a**3) # in 1/day
                # normalization time equation from Brown 2015
                dt = 58.0*(TL.L[sInd]/0.83)**(3.0/4.0)*(TL.MsTrue[sInd]/(0.91*u.M_sun))**(1.0/2.0) # days
                # remove rmax < smin 
                pInds = np.where(rmax > smin[sInd])[0]
                # calculate for 5 successive observations
                for num in xrange(5):
                    if num == 0:
                        self.updates[sInd, num] = TL.comp0[sInd]
                    if not pInds.any():
                    # find Eccentric anomaly
                    if num == 0:
                        E = eccanom(M[pInds],e[pInds])
                        newM[pInds] = M[pInds]
                        E = eccanom(newM[pInds],e[pInds])
                    r1 = a[pInds]*(np.cos(E) - e[pInds])
                    r1 = np.hstack((r1.reshape(len(r1),1), r1.reshape(len(r1),1), r1.reshape(len(r1),1)))
                    r2 = (a[pInds]*np.sin(E)*np.sqrt(1. -  e[pInds]**2))
                    r2 = np.hstack((r2.reshape(len(r2),1), r2.reshape(len(r2),1), r2.reshape(len(r2),1)))
                    a1 = np.cos(O[pInds])*np.cos(w[pInds]) - np.sin(O[pInds])*np.sin(w[pInds])*np.cos(I[pInds])
                    a2 = np.sin(O[pInds])*np.cos(w[pInds]) + np.cos(O[pInds])*np.sin(w[pInds])*np.cos(I[pInds])
                    a3 = np.sin(w[pInds])*np.sin(I[pInds])
                    A = np.hstack((a1.reshape(len(a1),1), a2.reshape(len(a2),1), a3.reshape(len(a3),1)))
                    b1 = -np.cos(O[pInds])*np.sin(w[pInds]) - np.sin(O[pInds])*np.cos(w[pInds])*np.cos(I[pInds])
                    b2 = -np.sin(O[pInds])*np.sin(w[pInds]) + np.cos(O[pInds])*np.cos(w[pInds])*np.cos(I[pInds])
                    b3 = np.cos(w[pInds])*np.sin(I[pInds])
                    B = np.hstack((b1.reshape(len(b1),1), b2.reshape(len(b2),1), b3.reshape(len(b3),1)))
                    # planet position, planet-star distance, apparent separation
                    r = (A*r1 + B*r2) # position vector (AU)
                    d = np.linalg.norm(r,axis=1) # planet-star distance
                    s = np.linalg.norm(r[:,0:2],axis=1) # apparent separation
                    beta = np.arccos(r[:,2]/d) # phase angle
                    Phi = self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi(beta*u.rad) # phase function
                    dMag = deltaMag(p[pInds],Rp[pInds],d*u.AU,Phi) # difference in magnitude
                    toremoves = np.where((s > smin[sInd]) & (s < smax[sInd]))[0]
                    toremovedmag = np.where(dMag < dMagMax)[0]
                    toremove = np.intersect1d(toremoves, toremovedmag)
                    pInds = np.delete(pInds, toremove)
                    if num == 0:
                        self.updates[sInd, num] = TL.comp0[sInd]
                        self.updates[sInd, num] = float(len(toremove))/nplan
                    # update M
                    newM[pInds] = (newM[pInds] + n[pInds]*dt)/(2*np.pi) % 1 * 2.*np.pi
                if (sInd+1) % 50 == 0:
                    self.vprint('stars: %r / %r' % (sInd+1,TL.nStars))
            # ensure that completeness values are between 0 and 1
            self.updates = np.clip(self.updates, 0., 1.)
            # store dynamic completeness array as .dcomp file
            with open(path, 'wb') as ff:
                pickle.dump(self.updates, ff)
            self.vprint('Dynamic completeness calculations finished')
            self.vprint('Dynamic completeness array stored in %r' % path)

    def genSubtypeC(self, Cpath, nplan, xedges, yedges, steps, TL):
        """Gets completeness interpolant for initial completeness
        This function either loads a completeness .comp file based on specified
        Planet Population module or performs Monte Carlo simulations to get
        the 2D completeness values needed for interpolation.
            Cpath (string):
                path to 2D completeness value array
            nplan (float):
                number of planets used in each simulation
            xedges (float ndarray):
                x edge of 2d histogram (separation)
            yedges (float ndarray):
                y edge of 2d histogram (dMag)
            steps (integer):
                number of simulations to perform
             TL (target list object):

            float ndarray:
                2D numpy ndarray containing completeness probability density values
        H = dict()
        # if the 2D completeness pdf array exists as a .comp file load it
        if os.path.exists(Cpath):
            self.vprint('Loading cached completeness file from "%s".' % Cpath)
                with open(Cpath, "rb") as ff:
                    H = pickle.load(ff)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                with open(Cpath, "rb") as ff:
                    H = pickle.load(ff,encoding='latin1')
            self.vprint('Completeness loaded from cache.')
            # run Monte Carlo simulation and pickle the resulting array
            self.vprint('Cached completeness file not found at "%s".' % Cpath)
            self.vprint('Beginning Monte Carlo completeness calculations.')
            t0, t1 = None, None # keep track of per-iteration time
            for i in xrange(steps):
                t0, t1 = t1, time.time()
                if t0 is None:
                    delta_t_msg = '' # no message
                    delta_t_msg = '[%.3f s/iteration]' % (t1 - t0)
                self.vprint('Completeness iteration: %5d / %5d %s' % (i+1, steps, delta_t_msg))
                # get completeness histogram
                hs, bini, binj, h_earthLike, h, xedges, yedges, counts, count, count_earthLike = self.SubtypeHist(nplan, xedges, yedges, TL)
                if i == 0:
                    H['h_earthLike'] = h_earthLike
                    H['h'] = h
                    H['hs'] = hs
                    H['count_earthLike'] = count_earthLike
                    H['count'] = count
                    H['counts'] = counts
                    H['h_earthLike'] += h_earthLike
                    H['h'] += h
                    H['count_earthLike'] += count_earthLike
                    H['count'] += count
                    for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):#lo
                        H['hs'][ii,j] += hs[ii,j]
                        H['counts'][ii,j] += counts[ii,j]
            #Not sure why this correction to  the rates was applied
            H['h_earthLike'] = H['h_earthLike']/(self.Nplanets*(xedges[1]-xedges[0])*(yedges[1]-yedges[0]))
            H['h'] = H['h']/(self.Nplanets*(xedges[1]-xedges[0])*(yedges[1]-yedges[0]))
            for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):#lo
                H['hs'][ii,j] = hs[ii,j]/(self.Nplanets*(xedges[1]-xedges[0])*(yedges[1]-yedges[0]))

            # store 2D completeness pdf array as .comp file
            with open(Cpath, 'wb') as ff:
                pickle.dump(H, ff)
            self.vprint('Monte Carlo completeness calculations finished')
            self.vprint('2D completeness array stored in %r' % Cpath)
        return H, xedges, yedges

    def SubtypeHist(self, nplan, xedges, yedges, TL):
        """Returns completeness histogram for Monte Carlo simulation
        This function uses the inherited Planet Population module.
            nplan (float):
                number of planets used
            xedges (float ndarray):
                x edge of 2d histogram (separation)
            yedges (float ndarray):
                y edge of 2d histogram (dMag)
            TL (target list object):

            float ndarray:
                2D numpy ndarray containing completeness frequencies
            hs (dict):
                dict with index [bini,binj] containing arrays of counts per Array bin
            bini (float):
                planet size type index
            binj (float):
                planet incident stellar flux index
            h_earthLike (float):
                number of earth like exoplanets
            h (numpy array):
                2D numpy array of bin counts over all dmag vs s
            xedges (numpy array):
                array of bin edges originally input and used in histograms
            yedges (numpy array):
                array of bin edges originally input and used in histograms
            counts (dict):
                dict with index [bini,binj] containing total number of planets in bini,binj
            count (float):
                total number of planets in the whole populatiom
            count_earthLike (float):
                total number of earth-like planets in the whole population
        tStartSTH = time.time()
        gpStart = time.time()
        s, dMag, bini, binj, earthLike = self.genplans(nplan, TL)
        gpStop = time.time()
        self.vprint("genplans: " + str(gpStop-gpStart))

        # get histogram for whole population
        t1 = time.time()
        h, yedges, xedges = np.histogram2d(dMag, s.to('AU').value, bins=1000,
                range=[[yedges.min(), yedges.max()], [xedges.min(), xedges.max()]])
        count = np.sum(h)
        t2 = time.time()
        self.vprint("pop hist: " + str(t2-t1))

        # get h_earthlike histogram for earthLike population
        t3 = time.time()
        h_earthLike, yedges, xedges = np.histogram2d(dMag[earthLike==1], s.to('AU').value[earthLike==1], bins=1000,
                range=[[yedges.min(), yedges.max()], [xedges.min(), xedges.max()]])
        count_earthLike = np.sum(h_earthLike)
        t4 = time.time()
        self.vprint("earthLike hist: " + str(t4-t3))

        # get bini,binj
        hs = dict()
        counts = dict()
        for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):#lo
            t5 = time.time()
            hs[ii,j], yedges, xedges = np.histogram2d(dMag[(bini==ii)*(binj==j)], s.to('AU').value[(bini==ii)*(binj==j)], bins=1000,
                range=[[yedges.min(), yedges.max()], [xedges.min(), xedges.max()]])
            counts[ii,j] = np.sum(hs[ii,j])
            t6 = time.time()
            self.vprint("bin(" + str(ii) + "," + str(j) + ") hist: " + str(t6-t5))

        tStopSTH = time.time()
        self.vprint("STH: " + str(tStopSTH - tStartSTH))

        return hs, bini, binj, h_earthLike, h, xedges, yedges, counts, count, count_earthLike

    def genplans(self, nplan, TL):
        """Generates planet data needed for Monte Carlo simulation
            nplan (integer) - Number of planets
            TL (target list object)
            s (astropy Quantity array):
                Planet apparent separations in units of AU
            dMag (ndarray):
                Difference in brightness
            bini (int):
                planet size-type: 0-rocky, 1- Super-Earths, 2- sub-Neptunes, 3- sub-Jovians, 4- Jovians
            binj (int):
                planet incident stellar-flux: 0- hot, 1- warm, 2- cold
            earthLike (bool):
                boolean indicating whether the planet is earthLike or not earthLike

        PPop = self.PlanetPopulation
        nplan = int(nplan)
        # sample uniform distribution of mean anomaly
        M = np.random.uniform(high=2.0*np.pi,size=nplan)
        # sample quantities
        a, e, p, Rp = PPop.gen_plan_params(nplan)
        # check if circular orbits
        if np.sum(PPop.erange) == 0:
            r = a
            e = 0.0
            E = M
            E = eccanom(M,e)
            # orbital radius
            r = a*(1.0-e*np.cos(E))

        beta = np.arccos(1.0-2.0*np.random.uniform(size=nplan))*u.rad
        s = r*np.sin(beta)
        # phase function
        Phi = self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi(beta)
        # calculate dMag
        dMag = deltaMag(p,Rp,r,Phi)

        t10 = time.time()
        starInds = np.random.randint(0,TL.nStars,size=len(e))
        bini = np.zeros(len(e),dtype=int)
        binj = np.zeros(len(e),dtype=int)
        earthLike = np.zeros(len(e),dtype=int)
        bini, binj, earthLike = self.classifyPlanets(Rp, TL, starInds, a, e)
        t11 = time.time()
        self.vprint("Time Classifying Planets: " + str(t11-t10))
        return s, dMag, bini, binj, earthLike

    def comp_per_intTime(self, intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=None, C_sp=None):
        """Calculates completeness for integration time
            intTimes (astropy Quantity array):
                Integration times
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            sInds (integer ndarray):
                Integer indices of the stars of interest
            fZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            fEZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            WA (astropy Quantity):
                Working angle of the planet of interest in units of arcsec
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode
            C_b (astropy Quantity array):
                Background noise electron count rate in units of 1/s (optional)
            C_sp (astropy Quantity array):
                Residual speckle spatial structure (systematic error) in units of 1/s
            flat ndarray:
                Completeness values
        intTimes, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, smin, smax, dMag = self.comps_input_reshape(intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=C_b, C_sp=C_sp)
        comp = self.comp_calc(smin, smax, dMag)
        mask = smin>self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value
        comp[mask] = 0.
        # ensure completeness values are between 0 and 1
        comp = np.clip(comp, 0., 1.)
        return comp
    def comp_calc(self, smin, smax, dMag, subpop=-2):
        """Calculates completeness for given minimum and maximum separations
        and dMag
        Note: this method assumes scaling orbits when scaleOrbits == True has
        already occurred for smin, smax, dMag inputs
            smin (float ndarray):
                Minimum separation(s) in AU
            smax (float ndarray):
                Maximum separation(s) in AU
            dMag (float ndarray):
                Difference in brightness magnitude
            subpop (int):
                planet subtype to use for calculation of comp0
                -2 - planet population
                -1 - earthLike population
                (i,j) - kopparapu planet subtypes
            float ndarray:
                Completeness values
        if subpop == -2:
            comp = self.EVPOC_pop(smin, smax, 0., dMag)
        elif subpop == -1:
            comp = self.EVPOC_earthlike(smin, smax, 0., dMag)
            #for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo))):
            comp = self.EVPOC_hs[subpop[0],subpop[1]](smin, smax, 0., dMag)
        # remove small values
        comp[comp<1e-6] = 0.
        return comp

    def comp_calc2(self, smin, smax, dMag_min, dMag_max, subpop=-2):
        """Calculates completeness for given minimum and maximum separations
        and dMag
        Note: this method assumes scaling orbits when scaleOrbits == True has
        already occurred for smin, smax, dMag inputs
            smin (float ndarray):
                Minimum separation(s) in AU
            smax (float ndarray):
                Maximum separation(s) in AU
            dMag_min (float ndarray):
                Minimum difference in brightness magnitude
            dMag_max (float ndarray):
                Maximum difference in brightness magnitude
            subpop (int):
                planet subtype to use for calculation of comp0
                -2 - planet population
                -1 - earthLike population
                (i,j) - kopparapu planet subtypes
            float ndarray:
                Completeness values
        if subpop == -2:
            comp = self.EVPOC_pop(smin, smax, dMag_min, dMag_max)
        elif subpop == -1:
            comp = self.EVPOC_earthlike(smin, smax, dMag_min, dMag_max)
            #for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo))):
            comp = self.EVPOC_hs[subpop[0],subpop[1]](smin, smax, dMag_min, dMag_max)
        # remove small values
        comp[comp<1e-6] = 0.
        return comp

    def dcomp_dt(self, intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=None, C_sp=None):
        """Calculates derivative of completeness with respect to integration time
            intTimes (astropy Quantity array):
                Integration times
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            sInds (integer ndarray):
                Integer indices of the stars of interest
            fZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            fEZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            WA (astropy Quantity):
                Working angle of the planet of interest in units of arcsec
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode
            C_b (astropy Quantity array):
                Background noise electron count rate in units of 1/s (optional)
            C_sp (astropy Quantity array):
                Residual speckle spatial structure (systematic error) in units of 1/s
            astropy Quantity array:
                Derivative of completeness with respect to integration time (units 1/time)
        intTimes, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, smin, smax, dMag = self.comps_input_reshape(intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=C_b, C_sp=C_sp)
        ddMag = TL.OpticalSystem.ddMag_dt(intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode).reshape((len(intTimes),))
        dcomp = self.calc_fdmag(dMag, smin, smax)
        mask = smin>self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value
        dcomp[mask] = 0.
        return dcomp*ddMag
    def comps_input_reshape(self, intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=None, C_sp=None):
        Reshapes inputs for comp_per_intTime and dcomp_dt as necessary
            intTimes (astropy Quantity array):
                Integration times
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            sInds (integer ndarray):
                Integer indices of the stars of interest
            fZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface bright ness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            fEZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            WA (astropy Quantity):
                Working angle of the planet of interest in units of arcsec
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode
            C_b (astropy Quantity array):
                Background noise electron count rate in units of 1/s (optional)
            C_sp (astropy Quantity array):
                Residual speckle spatial structure (systematic error) in units of 1/s (optional)
            intTimes (astropy Quantity array):
                Integration times
            sInds (integer ndarray):
                Integer indices of the stars of interest
            fZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            fEZ (astropy Quantity array):
                Surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
            WA (astropy Quantity):
                Working angle of the planet of interest in units of arcsec
            smin (ndarray):
                Minimum projected separations in AU
            smax (ndarray):
                Maximum projected separations in AU
            dMag (ndarray):
                Difference in brightness magnitude

        # cast inputs to arrays and check
        intTimes = np.array(intTimes.value, ndmin=1)*intTimes.unit
        sInds = np.array(sInds, ndmin=1)
        fZ = np.array(fZ.value, ndmin=1)*fZ.unit
        fEZ = np.array(fEZ.value, ndmin=1)*fEZ.unit
        WA = np.array(WA.value, ndmin=1)*WA.unit
        assert len(intTimes) in [1, len(sInds)], "intTimes must be constant or have same length as sInds"
        assert len(fZ) in [1, len(sInds)], "fZ must be constant or have same length as sInds"
        assert len(fEZ) in [1, len(sInds)], "fEZ must be constant or have same length as sInds"
        assert len(WA) in [1, len(sInds)], "WA must be constant or have same length as sInds"
        # make constants arrays of same length as sInds if len(sInds) != 1
        if len(sInds) != 1:
            if len(intTimes) == 1:
                intTimes = np.repeat(intTimes.value, len(sInds))*intTimes.unit
            if len(fZ) == 1:
                fZ = np.repeat(fZ.value, len(sInds))*fZ.unit
            if len(fEZ) == 1:
                fEZ = np.repeat(fEZ.value, len(sInds))*fEZ.unit
            if len(WA) == 1:
                WA = np.repeat(WA.value, len(sInds))*WA.unit

        dMag = TL.OpticalSystem.calc_dMag_per_intTime(intTimes, TL, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, mode, C_b=C_b, C_sp=C_sp).reshape((len(intTimes),))
        # calculate separations based on IWA and OWA
        IWA = mode['IWA']
        OWA = mode['OWA']
        smin = (np.tan(IWA)*TL.dist[sInds]).to('AU').value
        if np.isinf(OWA):
            smax = np.array([self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value]*len(smin))
            smax = (np.tan(OWA)*TL.dist[sInds]).to('AU').value
            smax[smax>self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value] = self.PlanetPopulation.rrange[1].to('AU').value
        smin[smin>smax] = smax[smin>smax]
        # take care of scaleOrbits == True
        if self.PlanetPopulation.scaleOrbits:
            L = np.where(TL.L[sInds]>0, TL.L[sInds], 1e-10) #take care of zero/negative values
            smin = smin/np.sqrt(L)
            smax = smax/np.sqrt(L)
            dMag -= 2.5*np.log10(L)
        return intTimes, sInds, fZ, fEZ, WA, smin, smax, dMag            
    def calc_fdmag(self, dMag, smin, smax, subpop=-2):
        """Calculates probability density of dMag by integrating over projected
            dMag (float ndarray):
                Planet delta magnitude(s)
            smin (float ndarray):
                Value of minimum projected separation (AU) from instrument
            smax (float ndarray):
                Value of maximum projected separation (AU) from instrument
            subpop (int):
                planet subtype to use for calculation of comp0
                -2 - planet population
                -1 - earthLike population
                (i,j) - kopparapu planet subtypes
                Value of probability density
        if subpop == -2:
            f = np.zeros(len(smin))
            for k, dm in enumerate(dMag):
                f[k] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.xnew,self.EVPOCpdf_pop(self.xnew,dm),ext=1).integral(smin[k],smax[k])
        elif subpop == -1:
            f = np.zeros(len(smin))
            for k, dm in enumerate(dMag):
                f[k] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.xnew,self.EVPOCpdf_earthLike(self.xnew,dm),ext=1).integral(smin[k],smax[k])
            f = np.zeros(len(smin))
            for k, dm in enumerate(dMag):
                f[k] = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(self.xnew,self.EVPOCpdf_hs[subpop[0],subpop[1]](self.xnew,dm),ext=1).integral(smin[k],smax[k])
        return f

    def putPlanetsInBoxes(self,out,TL):
        """ Classifies planets in a gen_summary out file by their hot/warm/cold and rocky/superearth/subneptune/subjovian/jovian bins
            out (dict):
                a gen_summary output dict
            TL (object):
                a target list object
            aggbins (list):
                dims [# simulations, 5x3 numpy array]
            earthLikeBins (list):
                dims [# simulations]

        aggbins = list()
        earthLikeBins = list()
        bins = np.zeros((self.L_bins.shape[0]-1,self.L_bins.shape[1]-1)) # planet type, planet temperature
        #planet types: rockey, super-Earths, sub-Neptunes, sub-Jovians, Jovians
        #planet temperatures: cold, warm, hot
        for i in np.arange(len(out['starinds'])): # iterate over simulations
            bins = np.zeros((self.L_bins.shape[0]-1,self.L_bins.shape[1]-1)) # planet type, planet temperature
            earthLike = 0
            starinds = out['starinds'][i]#inds of the stars
            plan_inds = out['detected'][i] # contains the planet inds
            Rps = out['Rps'][i]
            smas = out['smas'][i]
            es = out['smas'][i]
            for j in np.arange(len(plan_inds)): # iterate over targets
                Rp = Rps[j]
                starind = int(starinds[j])
                sma = smas[j]
                ej = es[j]

                bini, binj, earthLikeBool = self.classifyPlanet(Rp, TL, starind, sma, ej)
                if earthLikeBool:
                    earthLike += 1 # just increment count by 1

                bins[bini,binj] += 1 # just increment count by 1
                del bini
                del binj

            aggbins.append(bins) # aggrgate the bin count for each simulation
        return aggbins, earthLikeBins

    def classifyPlanets(self, Rp, TL, starind, sma, ej):
        """ Determine Kopparapu bin of an individual planet. Verified with Kopparapu Extended
            Rp (float):
                planet radius in Earth Radii
            TL (object):
                EXOSIMS target list object
            sma (float):
                planet semi-major axis in AU
            ej (float):
                planet eccentricity
            bini (int):
                planet size-type: 0-rocky, 1- Super-Earths, 2- sub-Neptunes, 3- sub-Jovians, 4- Jovians
            binj (int):
                planet incident stellar-flux: 0- hot, 1- warm, 2- cold
            earthLike (bool):
                boolean indicating whether the planet is earthLike or not earthLike

        Rp = Rp.to('earthRad').value
        sma = sma.to('AU').value

        #Find Planet Rp range
        bini = np.zeros(len(ej),dtype=int) + len(self.Rp_hi) # For each bin this is not in, subtract 1
        for ind in np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)):
            bini -= np.asarray(Rp<self.Rp_hi[ind],dtype=int)*1
        #TODO check to see if any self.Rp_lo violations sneak through

        #IF assigning each planet a luminosity
        #L_star = TL.L[starind] # grab star luminosity
        L_star = 1.
        L_plan = L_star/(sma*(1.+(ej**2.)/2.))**2./(1.) # adjust star luminosity by distance^2 in AU scaled to Earth Flux Units
        #Note for earth sma=1,e=0 so r=(1+(0**2)/2)=1
        #*uses true anomaly average distance

        #Find Luminosity Ranges for the Given Rp
        L_lo1 = self.L_lo[bini] # lower bin range of luminosity
        L_lo2 = self.L_lo[bini+1] # lower bin range of luminosity
        L_hi1 = self.L_hi[bini] # upper bin range of luminosity
        L_hi2 = self.L_hi[bini+1] # upper bin range of luminosity        
        k1 = (L_lo2 - L_lo1)
        k2 = (self.Rp_hi[bini] - self.Rp_lo[bini])
        k3 = (Rp - self.Rp_lo[bini])
        k4 = k1/k2[:,np.newaxis]
        L_lo = k4*k3[:,np.newaxis] + L_lo1
        #Find Planet Stellar Flux range
        binj = np.zeros(len(ej),dtype=int)-1
        for ind in np.arange(len(L_lo[0,:])):
            binj += np.asarray(L_plan<L_lo[:,ind])*1

        # earthLike = False
        # if (Rp >= 0.90 and Rp <= 1.4) and (L_plan >= 0.3586 and L_plan <= 1.1080):
        #     earthLike = True
        earthLike = np.ones(len(ej),dtype=bool)
        earthLike = earthLike*(Rp >= 0.9)
        earthLike = earthLike*(Rp <= 1.4)
        earthLike = earthLike*(L_plan >= 0.3586)
        earthLike = earthLike*(L_plan <= 1.1080)

        #Limits from Kopparapu2018 pg6
        #if (Rp >= 0.5 and Rp <= 1.4)
        #if (Rp >= 0.95 and Rp <= 1.67) #conservative limits from Kopparapu2014

        return bini, binj, earthLike

    def classifyPlanet(self, Rp, TL, starind, sma, ej):
        """ Determine Kopparapu bin of an individual planet
            Rp (float):
                planet radius in Earth Radii
            TL (object):
                EXOSIMS target list object
            sma (float):
                planet semi-major axis in AU
            ej (float):
                planet eccentricity
            bini (int):
                planet size-type: 0-rocky, 1- Super-Earths, 2- sub-Neptunes, 3- sub-Jovians, 4- Jovians
            binj (int):
                planet incident stellar-flux: 0- hot, 1- warm, 2- cold
            earthLike (bool):
                boolean indicating whether the planet is earthLike or not earthLike

        #Find Planet Rp range
        bini = np.where((self.Rp_lo < Rp)*(Rp < self.Rp_hi))[0] # index of planet size, rocky,...,jovian
        if bini.size == 0: # correction for if planet is outside planet range
            if Rp < 0:
                bini = 0
            elif Rp > max(self.Rp_hi):
                bini = len(self.Rp_hi)-1
            bini = bini[0]

        #IF assigning each planet a luminosity
        #L_star = TL.L[starind] # grab star luminosity
        L_star = 1. #Allow to be scale by stellar Luminosity
        L_plan = L_star/(sma*(1.+(ej**2.)/2.))**2. # adjust star luminosity by distance^2 in AU
        #*uses true anomaly average distance

        #Find Luminosity Ranges for the Given Rp
        L_lo1 = self.L_lo[bini] # lower bin range of luminosity
        L_lo2 = self.L_lo[bini+1] # lower bin range of luminosity
        L_hi1 = self.L_hi[bini] # upper bin range of luminosity
        L_hi2 = self.L_hi[bini+1] # upper bin range of luminosity        

        L_lo = (L_lo2 - L_lo1)/(self.Rp_hi[bini] - self.Rp_lo[bini])*(Rp - self.Rp_lo[bini]) + L_lo1
        L_hi = (L_hi2 - L_hi1)/(self.Rp_hi[bini] - self.Rp_lo[bini])*(Rp - self.Rp_lo[bini]) + L_hi1

        binj = np.where((L_lo > L_plan)*(L_plan > L_hi))[0] # index of planet temp. cold,warm,hot
        if binj.size == 0: # correction for if planet luminosity is out of bounds
            if L_plan > max(L_lo):
                binj = 0
            elif L_plan < min(L_hi):
                binj = len(L_hi)-1
            binj = binj[0]

        earthLike = False
        if (Rp >= 0.90 and Rp <= 1.4) and (L_plan >= 0.3586 and L_plan <= 1.1080):
            earthLike = True

        return bini, binj, earthLike

    def kopparapuBins_old(self):
        """ A function containing the Inner 12 Kopparapu bins
        Updates the Rp_bins, Rp_lo, Rp_hi, L_bins, L_lo, and L_hi attributes


        #1: planet-radius bin-edges  [units = Earth radii]
        self.Rp_bins = np.array([0.5, 1.4, 4.0, 14.3]) # Old early 2018 had 3 bins
        # 1b: bin lo/hi edges, same size as the resulting histograms
        self.Rp_lo = self.Rp_bins[:-1]
        self.Rp_hi = self.Rp_bins[1:]

        # 2: stellar luminosity bins, in hot -> cold order
        self.L_bins = np.array([
           [185, 1.5,  0.38, 0.0065],
           [185, 1.6,  0.42, 0.0065],
           [185, 1.55, 0.40, 0.0055]])
        # the below : selectors are correct for increasing ordering
        self.L_lo = self.L_bins[:,:-1]
        self.L_hi = self.L_bins[:,1:]

        RpL_bin_count = self.L_bins.size - (self.Rp_bins.size - 1)

        return None

    def kopparapuBins(self):
        """A function containing the Center 15 Kopparapu bins
        Updates the Rp_bins, Rp_lo, Rp_hi, L_bins, L_lo, and L_hi attributes


        #1: planet-radius bin-edges  [units = Earth radii]
        # New (May 2018, 5 bins x 3 bins, see Kopparapu et al, arxiv:1802.09602v1,
        # Table 1 and in particular Table 3 column 1, column 2 and Fig. 2):
        self.Rp_bins = np.array([0.5, 1.0, 1.75, 3.5, 6.0, 14.3])
        # 1b: bin lo/hi edges, same size as the resulting histograms
        self.Rp_lo = self.Rp_bins[:-1]
        self.Rp_hi = self.Rp_bins[1:]

        # 2: stellar luminosity bins, in hot -> cold order
        self.L_bins = np.array([
            [182, 1.0,  0.28, 0.0035],
            [187, 1.12, 0.30, 0.0030],
            [188, 1.15, 0.32, 0.0030],
            [220, 1.65, 0.45, 0.0030],
            [220, 1.65, 0.40, 0.0025],
        # the below : selectors are correct for increasing ordering
        self.L_lo = self.L_bins[:,:-1]
        self.L_hi = self.L_bins[:,1:]

        RpL_bin_count = self.L_bins.size - (self.Rp_bins.size - 1)

        return None

    def kopparapuBins_extended(self):
        """A function containing the Full 35 Kopparapu bins
        Updates the Rp_bins, Rp_lo, Rp_hi, L_bins, L_lo, L_hi, and type_names attributes


        #1: planet-radius bin-edges  [units = Earth radii]
        self.Rp_bins = np.array([0., 0.5, 1.0, 1.75, 3.5, 6.0, 14.3, 11.2*4.6])
        #0 is the smallest theoretical planet radius
        #4.6Rj is the size of "GQ Lupi b", the largest detected exoplanet making this a nice upper bound
        # 1b: bin lo/hi edges, same size as the resulting histograms
        self.Rp_lo = self.Rp_bins[:-1]
        self.Rp_hi = self.Rp_bins[1:]

        # 2: stellar luminosity bins, in hot -> cold order
        self.L_bins = np.array([
            [1000., 182., 1.0,  0.28, 0.0035, 5e-5],
            [1000.,182., 1.0,  0.28, 0.0035, 5e-5],
            [1000.,187., 1.12, 0.30, 0.0030, 5e-5],
            [1000.,188., 1.15, 0.32, 0.0030, 5e-5],
            [1000.,220., 1.65, 0.45, 0.0030, 5e-5],
            [1000.,220., 1.65, 0.40, 0.0025, 5e-5],
            [1000.,220., 1.68, 0.45, 0.0025, 5e-5],
            [1000.,220., 1.68, 0.45, 0.0025, 5e-5]
        # the below : selectors are correct for increasing ordering
        self.L_lo = self.L_bins[:,:-1]
        self.L_hi = self.L_bins[:,1:]

        RpL_bin_count = self.L_bins.size - (self.Rp_bins.size - 1)

        #Planet Subtype Names
        self.type_names = dict()
        for ii,j in itertools.product(np.arange(len(self.Rp_hi)),np.arange(len(self.L_lo[0,:]))):
            self.type_names[ii,j] = "" #None
        self.type_names[4+1,0+1] = "Hot Jovians"
        self.type_names[4+1,1+1] = "Warm Jovians"
        self.type_names[4+1,2+1] = "Cold Jovians"
        self.type_names[3+1,0+1] = "Hot Neptunes"
        self.type_names[3+1,1+1] = "Warm Neptunes"
        self.type_names[3+1,2+1] = "Cold Neptunes"
        self.type_names[2+1,0+1] = "Hot Sub-Neptunes"
        self.type_names[2+1,1+1] = "Warm Sub-Neptunes"
        self.type_names[2+1,2+1] = "Cold Sub-Neptunes"
        self.type_names[1+1,0+1] = "Hot Super Earths"
        self.type_names[1+1,1+1] = "Warm Super Earths"
        self.type_names[1+1,2+1] = "Cold Super Earths"
        self.type_names[0+1,0+1] = "Hot Rocky"
        self.type_names[0+1,1+1] = "Warm Rocky"
        self.type_names[0+1,2+1] = "Cold Rocky"

        #Webplot digitization of the Kopparapu grid
        # webplot = np.asarray([[181.73853848906157, 0.49999999999999994],
        # [1.00182915700625, 0.49999999999999994],
        # [0.28139033938694097, 0.49999999999999994],
        # [0.00349497189402043, 0.49999999999999994],
        # [0.003004197591674162, 0.997104431643149],
        # [0.29981487455107425, 1.0025384668314574],
        # [1.1184403433978212, 1.0025384668314574],
        # [184.8087079285292, 0.997104431643149],
        # [187.99901007928253, 1.7452663629174578],
        # [1.148438018211251, 1.7452663629174578],
        # [0.3166015314382051, 1.7452663629174578],
        # [0.002999518600677973, 1.7452663629174578],
        # [0.0029937140862911983, 3.499393327383567],
        # [0.44639011070745355, 3.4804256497254378],
        # [1.6343970709211206, 3.499393327383567],
        # [217.86870468948888, 3.499393327383567],
        # [217.5425454557648, 5.993385824568572],
        # [1.6319503051177793, 5.993385824568572],
        # [0.39847121258699214, 5.993385824568572],
        # [0.002503306626150767, 5.993385824568572],
        # [0.0024972527535430267, 14.299999999999994],
        # [0.44464393306162575, 14.222490053236154],#culprit
        # [1.6899820258808993, 14.222490053236154],
        # [217.01645135159276, 14.299999999999994]])

        return None

    def dmag_limits(self,rmin,rmax,pmax,pmin,Rmax,Rmin,phaseFunc):
        """Limits of delta magnitude as a function of separation
        Limits on dmag vs s JPDF from Garrett 2016
        #See https://github.com/dgarrett622/FuncComp/blob/master/FuncComp/util.py
            rmin (float):
                minimum planet-star distance possible in AU
            rmax (float):
                maximum planet-star distance possible in AU
            pmax (float):
                maximum planet albedo
            Rmax (float):
                maximum planet radius in earthRad
            phaseFunc (function) - with input in units of rad
            dmag_limit_functions (list):
                list of lambda functions taking in 's' with units of AU
            lower_limits (list):
                list of floats representing lower bounds on 's'
            upper_limits (list):
                list of floats representing upper bounds on 's'
        def betaStarFinder(beta,phaseFunc):
            """From Garrett 2016
                beta (float) in radians
            return -phaseFunc(beta*u.rad)*np.sin(beta)**2.
        res = minimize_scalar(betaStarFinder,args=(self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi,),method='golden',tol=1e-4, bracket=(0.,np.pi/3.,np.pi))
        #All others show same result for betaStar
        # res2 = minimize_scalar(betaStarFinder,args=(self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi,),method='Bounded',tol=1e-4, bounds=(0.,np.pi))
        # from scipy.optimize import minimize
        # res3 = minimize(betaStarFinder,np.pi/4.,bounds=[(0.,np.pi)], tol=1e-4, args=(self.PlanetPhysicalModel.calc_Phi,))
        betaStar = np.abs(res['x'])*u.rad #in rad

        dmag_limit_functions = [lambda s:-2.5*np.log10(pmax*(Rmax/rmin).decompose()**2.*phaseFunc(np.arcsin((s/rmin).decompose()))),\
                                lambda s:-2.5*np.log10(pmax*(Rmax*np.sin(betaStar)/s).decompose()**2.   *phaseFunc(betaStar)),\
                                lambda s:-2.5*np.log10(pmax*(Rmax/rmax).decompose()**2.*phaseFunc(np.arcsin((s/rmax).decompose()))),\
                                lambda s:-2.5*np.log10(pmin*(Rmin/rmax).decompose()**2.*phaseFunc(np.pi*u.rad - np.arcsin((s/rmax).decompose())))]
        lower_limits = [0.*u.AU, rmin*np.sin(betaStar), rmax*np.sin(betaStar),0.*u.AU]
        upper_limits = [rmin*np.sin(betaStar), rmax*np.sin(betaStar), rmax, rmax]

        return dmag_limit_functions, lower_limits, upper_limits