# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = 'S.I. Mimilakis and Scott H. Hawley'
__copyright__ = 'MacSeNet'

import os, subprocess, csv
import numpy as np
import wave as _wave
from scipy.io.wavfile import write, read
from sys import platform
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
#from signaltrain.nn_modules import nn_proc

class AudioIO:
	""" Class for handling audio input/output operations.
	    It supports reading and writing of various audio formats
	    via 'audioRead' & 'audioWrite' methods. Moreover playback
	    can be performed by using 'sound' method. For formats
	    different than '.wav' a coder is needed. In this case
	    libffmpeg is being used, where the absolute path of
	    the static build should be given to the class variable.
	    Finally, energy normalisation and anti-clipping methods
	    are also covered in the last two methods.

		Basic Usage examples:
		Import the class :
		import IOMethods as IO
		-For loading wav files:
			x, fs = IO.AudioIO.wavRead('myWavFile.wav', mono = True)
		-In case that compressed files are about to be read specify
			the path to the libffmpeg library by changing the 'pathToffmpeg'
			variable and then type:
			x, fs = IO.AudioIO.audioRead()
		-For writing wav files:
			IO.AudioIO.audioWrite(x, fs, 16, 'myNewWavFile.wav', 'wav')

		-For listening wav files:

    # Normalisation parameters for wavreading and writing
	normFact = {'int8' : (2**7) -1,
				'int16': (2**15)-1,
				'int24': (2**23)-1,
				'int32': (2**31)-1,
				'int64': (2**63)-1,
				'float32': 1.0,
				'float64': 1.0}

	# 'Silence' the bash output
	FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')

	# Absolute path needed here
	pathToffmpeg = '/home/mis/Documents/Python/Projects/SourceSeparation/MiscFiles'

	def __init__(self):

	def audioRead(fileName, mono=False):
		""" Function to load audio files such as *.mp3, *.au, *.wma, *.m4a, *.x-wav & *.aiff.
			It first converts them to .wav and reads them with the methods below.
			Currently, it uses a static build of ffmpeg.

            fileName:       (str)       Absolute filename of WAV file
            mono:           (bool)      Switch if samples should be converted to mono
            samples:        (np array)  Audio samples (between [-1,1]
                                        (if stereo: numSamples x numChannels,
                                        if mono: numSamples)
            sampleRate:     (float):    Sampling frequency [Hz]

		# Get the absolute path
		fileName = os.path.abspath(fileName)

		# Linux
		if (platform == "linux") or (platform == "linux2"):
			convDict = {
				'm4a':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					+ ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'mp3':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					+ ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'au': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -2],
				'wma':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'aiff':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -4],
				'wav':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3]

		# MacOSX
		elif (platform == "darwin"):
			convDict = {
				'm4a':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
					+ ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'mp3':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
					+ ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'au': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -2],
				'wma':[os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3],
				'aiff': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
					 + ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -4],
				'wav': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx')
						+ ' -i ' + fileName + ' ', -3]
		# Add windows support!
		else :
			raise Exception('This OS is not supported.')

		# Construct
		if fileName[convDict['mp3'][1]:] == 'mp3':
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:convDict['mp3'][1]] + 'wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['mp3'][0]+modfileName, shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		elif fileName[convDict['au'][1]:] == 'au':
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:convDict['au'][1]] + 'wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['au'][0]+modfileName, shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		elif fileName[convDict['wma'][1]:] == 'wma':
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:convDict['wma'][1]] + 'wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['wma'][0]+modfileName, shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		elif fileName[convDict['aiff'][1]:] == 'aiff':
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:convDict['aiff'][1]] + 'wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['aiff'][0]+modfileName, shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		elif fileName[convDict['wav'][1]:] == 'wav':
				General purpose reading of wav files that do not contain the RIFF header.
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:-4] + '_temp.wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['wav'][0] + modfileName, shell=True, stdout=AudioIO.FNULL,
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		elif fileName[convDict['m4a'][1]:] == 'm4a':
			modfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(fileName[:-4] + '_temp.wav'))
			subprocess.call(convDict['m4a'][0] + modfileName, shell=True, stdout=AudioIO.FNULL,
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO.wavRead(modfileName, mono)

		else :
			raise Exception('This format is not supported.')

		return samples, sampleRate

	def audioWrite(y, fs, nbits, audioFile, format):
		""" Write samples to WAV file and then converts to selected
		format using ffmpeg.
            samples: 	(ndarray / 2D ndarray) (floating point) sample vector
                    		mono:   DIM: nSamples
                    		stereo: DIM: nSamples x nChannels

            fs: 		(int) Sample rate in Hz
            nBits: 		(int) Number of bits
            audioFile: 	(string) File name to write
            format:		(string) Selected format
            				'mp3' 	: Writes to .mp3
            				'wma' 	: Writes to .wma
            				'wav' 	: Writes to .wav
            				'aiff'	: Writes to .aiff
            				'au'	: Writes to .au
            				'm4a'   : Writes to .m4a

		# Linux
		if (platform == "linux") or (platform == "linux2"):
			convDict = {
				'm4a':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux') + ' -i ', -3],
				'mp3':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux') + ' -i ', -3],
				'au':   [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux') + ' -i ', -2],
				'wma':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux') + ' -i ', -3],
				'aiff': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_linux') + ' -i ', -4]

		# MacOSX
		elif (platform == "darwin"):
			convDict = {
				'm4a':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx') + ' -i ', -3],
				'mp3':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx') + ' -i ', -3],
				'au':   [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx') + ' -i ', -2],
				'wma':  [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx') + ' -i ', -3],
				'aiff': [os.path.join(AudioIO.pathToffmpeg, 'ffmpeg_osx') + ' -i ', -4]

		else :
			raise Exception('This OS is not supported.')

		if (format == 'mp3'):
			prmfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(audioFile[:convDict['mp3'][1]] + 'wav'))
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, prmfileName)
			subprocess.call(convDict['mp3'][0] + prmfileName + ' ' + audioFile,
							shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

		elif (format == 'wav'):
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, audioFile)

		elif (format == 'wma'):
			prmfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(audioFile[:convDict['wma'][1]] + 'wav'))
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, prmfileName)
			subprocess.call(convDict['wma'][0] + prmfileName + ' ' + audioFile,
							shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

		elif (format == 'aiff'):
			prmfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(audioFile[:convDict['aiff'][1]] + 'wav'))
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, prmfileName)
			subprocess.call(convDict['aiff'][0] + prmfileName + ' ' + audioFile,
							shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

		elif (format == 'au'):
			prmfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(audioFile[:convDict['au'][1]] + 'wav'))
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, prmfileName)
			subprocess.call(convDict['au'][0] + prmfileName + ' ' + audioFile,
							shell = True,  stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

		elif (format == 'm4a'):
			prmfileName = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(audioFile[:convDict['m4a'][1]] + 'wav'))
			AudioIO.wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, prmfileName)
			subprocess.call(convDict['m4a'][0] + prmfileName + ' -b:a 320k ' + audioFile,
							shell = True, stdout=AudioIO.FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
		else :
			raise Exception('This format is not supported.')

	def wavRead(fileName, mono=False):
		""" Function to load WAV file.

            fileName:       (str)       Absolute filename of WAV file
            mono:           (bool)      Switch if samples should be converted to mono
            samples:        (np array)  Audio samples (between [-1,1]
                                        (if stereo: numSamples x numChannels,
                                        if mono: numSamples)
            sampleRate:     (float):    Sampling frequency [Hz]
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO._loadWAVWithWave(fileName)
			sWidth = _wave.open(fileName).getsampwidth()
			if sWidth == 1:
				#print('8bit case')
				samples = samples.astype(float, copy=False) / AudioIO.normFact['int8'] - 1.0
			elif sWidth == 2:
				#print('16bit case')
				samples = samples.astype(float, copy=False) / AudioIO.normFact['int16']
			elif sWidth == 3:
				#print('24bit case')
				samples = samples.astype(float, copy=False) / AudioIO.normFact['int24']
			#print('32bit case')
			samples, sampleRate = AudioIO._loadWAVWithScipy(fileName)

		# mono conversion
		if mono:
			if samples.ndim == 2 and samples.shape[1] > 1:
				samples = (samples[:, 0] + samples[:, 1])*0.5

		return samples, sampleRate

	def _loadWAVWithWave(fileName):
		""" Load samples & sample rate from 24 bit WAV file """
		wav = _wave.open(fileName)
		rate = wav.getframerate()
		nchannels = wav.getnchannels()
		sampwidth = wav.getsampwidth()
		nframes = wav.getnframes()
		data = wav.readframes(nframes)
		array = AudioIO._wav2array(nchannels, sampwidth, data)

		return array, rate

	def _loadWAVWithScipy(fileName):
		""" Load samples & sample rate from WAV file """
		inputData = read(fileName)
		samples = inputData[1]
		sampleRate = inputData[0]

		return samples, sampleRate

	def _wav2array(nchannels, sampwidth, data):
		"""data must be the string containing the bytes from the wav file."""
		num_samples, remainder = divmod(len(data), sampwidth * nchannels)
		if remainder > 0:
			raise ValueError('The length of data is not a multiple of '
                             'sampwidth * num_channels.')
		if sampwidth > 4:
			raise ValueError("sampwidth must not be greater than 4.")

		if sampwidth == 3:
			a = np.empty((num_samples, nchannels, 4), dtype = np.uint8)
			raw_bytes = np.fromstring(data, dtype = np.uint8)
			a[:, :, :sampwidth] = raw_bytes.reshape(-1, nchannels, sampwidth)
			a[:, :, sampwidth:] = (a[:, :, sampwidth - 1:sampwidth] >> 7) * 255
			result = a.view('<i4').reshape(a.shape[:-1])
			# 8 bit samples are stored as unsigned ints; others as signed ints.
			dt_char = 'u' if sampwidth == 1 else 'i'
			a = np.fromstring(data, dtype='<%s%d' % (dt_char, sampwidth))
			result = a.reshape(-1, nchannels)
		return result

	def wavWrite(y, fs, nbits, audioFile):
		""" Write samples to WAV file
            samples: (ndarray / 2D ndarray) (floating point) sample vector
                    	mono: DIM: nSamples
                    	stereo: DIM: nSamples x nChannels

            fs: 	(int) Sample rate in Hz
            nBits: 	(int) Number of bits
            fnWAV: 	(string) WAV file name to write
		if nbits == 8:
			intsamples = (y+1.0) * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
			fX = np.int8(intsamples)
		elif nbits == 16:
			intsamples = y * AudioIO.normFact['int' + str(nbits)]
			fX = np.int16(intsamples)
		elif nbits > 16:
			fX = y

		write(audioFile, fs, fX)

	def sound(x,fs):
		""" Plays a wave file using the pyglet library. But first, it has to be written.
			Termination of the playback is being performed by any keyboard input and Enter.
			x: 		   (array) Floating point samples
			fs:		   (int) The sampling rate
		import pyglet as pg
		global player
		# Call the writing function
		AudioIO.wavWrite(x, fs, 16, 'testPlayback.wav')
		# Initialize playback engine
		player = pg.media.Player()
		# Initialize the object with the audio file
		playback = pg.media.load('testPlayback.wav')
		# Set it to player
		# Sound call
		# Killed by "keyboard"
		kill = raw_input()
		if kill or kill == '':
		# Remove the dummy wave write

	def stop():
		""" Stops a playback object of the pyglet library.
			It does not accept arguments, but a player has to be
			already initialized by the above "sound" method.
		global player
		# Just Pause & Destruct
		player = None
		return None

# functions added by SHH:

def makemovie(datagen, model, batch_size):
    print("\n\nMaking movies")
    for sig_type in [0,4]:
        x_val_cuda2, y_val_cuda2, knobs_val_cuda2 = datagen_movie.new(chooser=sig_type)
        frame = 0
        intervals = 7
        for t in np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,intervals):          # threshold
            for r in np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,intervals):      # ratio
                for a in np.linspace(-0.5,0.5,intervals):  # attack
                    frame += 1
                    print(f'\rframe = {frame}/{intervals**3-1}.   ',end="")
                    knobs = np.array([t, r, a])
                    x_val_cuda2, y_val_cuda2, knobs_val_cuda2 = datagen_movie.new(knobs=knobs, recyc_x=True, chooser=sig_type)
                    x_val_hat2, mag_val2, mag_val_hat2 = model.forward(x_val_cuda2, knobs_val_cuda2)
                    loss_val2 = calc_loss(x_val_hat2,y_val_cuda2,mag_val2,objective,batch_size=batch_size)

                    framename = f'movie{sig_type}_{frame:04}.png'
                    print(f'Saving {framename}           ',end="")
                    plot_valdata(x_val_cuda2, knobs_val_cuda2, y_val_cuda2, x_val_hat2, knob_ranges, epoch, loss_val, filename=framename)
        shellcmd = f'rm -f movie{sig_type}.mp4; ffmpeg -framerate 10 -i movie{sig_type}_%04d.png -c:v libx264 -vf format=yuv420p movie{sig_type}.mp4; rm -f movie{sig_type}_*.png'
        p = call(shellcmd, stdout=PIPE, shell=True)

def savefig(*args, **kwargs):  # little helper to close figures
    plt.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
    plt.close(plt.gcf())       # without this you eventually get 'too many figures open' message

def plot_valdata(x_val_cuda, knobs_val_cuda, y_val_cuda, y_val_hat_cuda, effect, \
	epoch, loss_val, file_prefix='val_data', num_plots=50, target_size=None):

	x_size = len(x_val_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
	if target_size is None:
		y_size = len(y_val_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()[0])
		y_size = target_size
	t_small = range(x_size-y_size, x_size)
	for plot_i in range(0, num_plots):
		x_val = x_val_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()
		knobs_w = effect.knobs_wc( knobs_val_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()[plot_i,:] )
		titlestr = f'{effect.name} Val data, epoch {epoch+1}, loss_val = {loss_val.item():.3e}\n'
		for i in range(len(effect.knob_names)):
		    titlestr += f'{effect.knob_names[i]} = {knobs_w[i]:.2f}'
		    if i < len(effect.knob_names)-1: titlestr += ', '
		plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
		plt.plot(x_val[plot_i, :], 'b', label='Input')
		plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
		y_val = y_val_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()
		plt.plot(t_small, y_val[plot_i, -y_size:], 'r', label='Target')
		plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
		plt.plot(t_small, y_val[plot_i, -y_size:], 'r', label='Target')
		y_val_hat = y_val_hat_cuda.data.cpu().numpy()
		plt.plot(t_small, y_val_hat[plot_i, -y_size:], c=(0,0.5,0,0.85), label='Predicted')
		filename = file_prefix + '_' + str(plot_i) + '.png'

def plot_spectrograms(model, mag_val, mag_val_hat):
	Routine for plotting magnitude and phase spectorgrams
	plt.imshow(mag_val.data.cpu().numpy()[0, :, :].T, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
	plt.title('Initial magnitude')
	plt.figure(2)  # <---- Check this out! Some "sub-harmonic" content is generated for the compressor if the analysis weights make only small perturbations
	plt.imshow(mag_val_hat.data.cpu().numpy()[0, :, :].T, aspect='auto', origin='lower')
	plt.title('Processed magnitude')

	#if isinstance(model, nn_proc.AsymMPAEC):     # Plot the spectrograms
	plt.matshow(model.mpaec.dft_analysis.conv_analysis_real.weight.data.cpu().numpy().astype(float)[:, 0, :] + 1)
	plt.title('Conv-Analysis Real')
	plt.matshow(model.mpaec.dft_analysis.conv_analysis_imag.weight.data.cpu().numpy().astype(float)[:, 0, :])
	plt.title('Conv-Analysis Imag')
	plt.matshow(model.mpaec.dft_synthesis.conv_synthesis_real.weight.data.cpu().numpy().astype(float)[:, 0, :])
	plt.title('Conv-Synthesis Real')
	plt.matshow(model.mpaec.dft_synthesis.conv_synthesis_imag.weight.data.cpu().numpy().astype(float)[:, 0, :])
	plt.title('Conv-Synthesis Imag')


if __name__ == "__main__":
	# Define File
	myReadFile = 'EnterYourWavFile.wav'

	# Read the file
	x, fs = AudioIO.wavRead(myReadFile, mono = True)

	# Gain parameter
	g = 0.2

	# Listen to it

	# Make it better and write it to disk
	x2 = np.empty((len(x),2), dtype = np.float32)
	try :
		x2[:,0] = x * g
		x2[:,1] = np.roll(x*g, 512)
	except ValueError:
		x2[:,0] = x[:,0] * g
		x2[:,1] = np.roll(x[:,0] * g, 256)

	# Listen to stereo processed
	AudioIO.audioWrite(x2, fs, 16, 'myNewWavFile.wav', 'wav')