import six
import os
import time
import logging
import tensorflow as tf

from eight_mile.confusion import ConfusionMatrix
from baseline.progress import create_progress_bar
from eight_mile.utils import listify, get_version
from import get_shape_as_list
from import *
from baseline.utils import get_model_file, get_metric_cmp
from import SET_TRAIN_FLAG
from import to_tensors
from baseline.train import EpochReportingTrainer, register_trainer, register_training_func
from baseline.utils import verbose_output
from baseline.model import create_model_for
import numpy as np

# Number of batches to prefetch if using tf.datasets
# The shuffle buffer
SHUF_BUF_SZ = 5000

log = logging.getLogger('baseline.timing')

TF_VERSION = get_version(tf)
if TF_VERSION < 2:

def loss(model, x, y):
    y_ = model(x)
    return tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=y, logits=y_)

class ClassifyTrainerEagerTf(EpochReportingTrainer):
    """A Trainer to use if using TF2.0
    def __init__(self, model_params, **kwargs):
        """Create a Trainer, and give it the parameters needed to instantiate the model

        :param model_params: The model parameters
        :param kwargs: See below

        :Keyword Arguments:

          * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
          * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
          * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
          * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
          * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
          * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
          * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
          * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
          * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8


        if type(model_params) is dict:
            self.model = create_model_for('classify', **model_params)
            self.model = model_params

        self.optimizer = EagerOptimizer(loss, **kwargs)
        self.nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps', six.MAXSIZE)
        self._checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(optimizer=self.optimizer.optimizer, model=self.model)
        checkpoint_dir = '{}-{}'.format("./tf-classify", os.getpid())

        self.checkpoint_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager(self._checkpoint,

    def _train(self, loader, steps=0, **kwargs):
        """Train an epoch of data using either the input loader or using `tf.dataset`

        In non-`tf.dataset` mode, we cycle the loader data feed, and pull a batch and feed it to the feed dict
        When we use `tf.dataset`s under the hood, this function simply uses the loader to know how many steps
        to train.  We do use a `feed_dict` for passing the `TRAIN_FLAG` in either case

        :param loader: A data feed
        :param kwargs: See below

        :Keyword Arguments:
         * *dataset* (`bool`) Set to `True` if using `tf.dataset`s, defaults to `True`
         * *reporting_fns* (`list`) A list of reporting hooks to use

        :return: Metrics

        reporting_fns = kwargs.get('reporting_fns', [])
        pg = create_progress_bar(steps)
        epoch_loss = tf.Variable(0.0)
        epoch_div = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32)
        nstep_loss = tf.Variable(0.0)
        nstep_div = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32)
        self.nstep_start = time.time()

        def _train_step(inputs):
            """Replicated training step."""
            features, y = inputs
            loss = self.optimizer.update(self.model, features, y)
            batchsz = get_shape_as_list(y)[0]
            report_loss = loss * batchsz
            return report_loss, batchsz

        for inputs in pg(loader):
            step_report_loss, step_batchsz = _train_step(inputs)
            step = self.optimizer.global_step.numpy() + 1

            if step % self.nsteps == 0:
                metrics = self.calc_metrics(nstep_loss.numpy(), nstep_div.numpy())
                    step, metrics, self.nstep_start,
                    'Train', 'STEP', reporting_fns, self.nsteps
                self.nstep_start = time.time()

        epoch_loss = epoch_loss.numpy()
        epoch_div = epoch_div.numpy()
        metrics = self.calc_metrics(epoch_loss, epoch_div)
        return metrics

    def _test(self, loader, steps=0, **kwargs):
        """Test an epoch of data using either the input loader or using `tf.dataset`

        In non-`tf.dataset` mode, we cycle the loader data feed, and pull a batch and feed it to the feed dict
        When we use `tf.dataset`s under the hood, this function simply uses the loader to know how many steps
        to train.

        :param loader: A data feed
        :param kwargs: See below

        :Keyword Arguments:
          * *dataset* (`bool`) Set to `True` if using `tf.dataset`s, defaults to `True`
          * *reporting_fns* (`list`) A list of reporting hooks to use
          * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on

        :return: Metrics

        cm = ConfusionMatrix(self.model.labels)
        total_loss = 0
        total_norm = 0
        verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", None)

        pg = create_progress_bar(steps)

        for features, y in pg(loader):
            logits = self.model(features)
            y_ = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1, output_type=tf.int32)
            cm.add_batch(y, y_)
            lossv = tf.compat.v1.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=y, logits=logits).numpy()
            batchsz = int(y.shape[0])
            assert len(y_) == batchsz
            total_loss += lossv * batchsz
            total_norm += batchsz
            cm.add_batch(y, y_)

        metrics = cm.get_all_metrics()
        metrics['avg_loss'] = total_loss / float(total_norm)
        verbose_output(verbose, cm)

        return metrics

    def checkpoint(self):
        """This method saves a checkpoint

        :return: None

    def recover_last_checkpoint(self):
        """Recover the last saved checkpoint

        :return: None

@register_training_func('classify', name='default')
def fit_eager(model_params, ts, vs, es=None, **kwargs):

    Train a classifier using TensorFlow with `tf.dataset`.  This
    is the default behavior for training.

    :param model_params: The model (or parameters to create the model) to train
    :param ts: A training data set
    :param vs: A validation data set
    :param es: A test data set, can be None
    :param kwargs:
        See below

    :Keyword Arguments:
        * *do_early_stopping* (``bool``) --
          Stop after evaluation data is no longer improving.  Defaults to True
        * *verbose* (`dict`) A dictionary containing `console` boolean and `file` name if on
        * *epochs* (``int``) -- how many epochs.  Default to 20
        * *outfile* -- Model output file, defaults to classifier-model.pyth
        * *patience* --
           How many epochs where evaluation is no longer improving before we give up
        * *reporting* --
           Callbacks which may be used on reporting updates
        * *nsteps* (`int`) -- If we should report every n-steps, this should be passed
        * *ema_decay* (`float`) -- If we are doing an exponential moving average, what decay to us4e
        * *clip* (`int`) -- If we are doing gradient clipping, what value to use
        * *optim* (`str`) -- The name of the optimizer we are using
        * *lr* (`float`) -- The learning rate we are using
        * *mom* (`float`) -- If we are using SGD, what value to use for momentum
        * *beta1* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.9`
        * *beta2* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `0.999`
        * *epsilon* (`float`) -- Adam-specific hyper-param, defaults to `1e-8

    :return: None
    do_early_stopping = bool(kwargs.get('do_early_stopping', True))
    verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', {'console': kwargs.get('verbose_console', False), 'file': kwargs.get('verbose_file', None)})
    epochs = int(kwargs.get('epochs', 20))
    model_file = get_model_file('classify', 'tf', kwargs.get('basedir'))

    batchsz = kwargs['batchsz']
    lengths_key = model_params.get('lengths_key')

    test_batchsz = kwargs.get('test_batchsz', batchsz)
    train_dataset =, lengths_key))
    train_dataset = train_dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=SHUF_BUF_SZ)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
    train_dataset = train_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    valid_dataset =, lengths_key))
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.batch(batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
    valid_dataset = valid_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)

    best_metric = 0
    if do_early_stopping:
        early_stopping_metric = kwargs.get('early_stopping_metric', 'acc')
        early_stopping_cmp, best_metric = get_metric_cmp(early_stopping_metric, kwargs.get('early_stopping_cmp'))
        patience = kwargs.get('patience', epochs)
        print('Doing early stopping on [%s] with patience [%d]' % (early_stopping_metric, patience))

    reporting_fns = listify(kwargs.get('reporting', []))
    print('reporting', reporting_fns)
    trainer = ClassifyTrainerEagerTf(model_params, **kwargs)
    last_improved = 0

    for epoch in range(epochs):

        trainer.train(train_dataset, reporting_fns, steps=len(ts))
        test_metrics = trainer.test(valid_dataset, reporting_fns, phase='Valid', steps=len(vs))

        if do_early_stopping is False:

        elif early_stopping_cmp(test_metrics[early_stopping_metric], best_metric):
            last_improved = epoch
            best_metric = test_metrics[early_stopping_metric]
            print('New best %.3f' % best_metric)

        elif (epoch - last_improved) > patience:
            print('Stopping due to persistent failures to improve')

    if do_early_stopping is True:
        print('Best performance on %s: %.3f at epoch %d' % (early_stopping_metric, best_metric, last_improved))

    if es is not None:
        print('Reloading best checkpoint')
        test_dataset =, lengths_key))
        test_dataset = test_dataset.batch(test_batchsz, drop_remainder=False)
        test_dataset = test_dataset.prefetch(NUM_PREFETCH)
        trainer.test(test_dataset, reporting_fns, phase='Test', verbose=verbose, steps=len(es))