# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
from numpy import arccos, average, cos, pi, sign, sin, sqrt
from random import randint, shuffle, uniform


__all__ = [

def draw_wsn(motes=None, algo='quadrants', **kwargs):
    This function allows to draw the list of motes generated with one of the WSN generation functions hereafter.

    :param motes: a list of motes as output by one of the WSN generation functions hereafter
    assert algo in __all__
    import networkx as nx
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    motes = motes or eval(algo)(**kwargs)
    wsn = nx.Graph()
    for mote in motes:
    pos = {m['id']: (m['x'], m['y']) for m in motes}
    col = ['green'] + (len(motes) - 2) * ['blue'] + ['red']
    nx.draw(wsn, pos, node_color=col)

def _malicious():
    This function places the malicious mote in the middle of the network, not too close by the root.
    global min_range, motes
    # add the malicious mote in the middle of the network
    # get the average of the squared x and y deltas
    avg_x = average([sign(m['x']) * m['x'] ** 2 for m in motes])
    x = sign(avg_x) * sqrt(abs(avg_x))
    avg_y = average([sign(m['y']) * m['y'] ** 2 for m in motes])
    y = sign(avg_y) * sqrt(abs(avg_y))
    # if malicious mote is too close by the root, just push it away
    radius = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
    if radius < min_range:
        angle = arccos(x / radius)
        x, y = min_range * cos(angle), min_range * sin(angle)
    return {'id': len(motes), 'type': 'malicious', 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': 0}

# ************************************** NETWORK GENERATION FUNCTIONS ****************************************
Each generation function generates a WSN with:
- 1 root (with ID 0)
- n legitimate motes
- 1 malicious mote (with ID n+1)

Given the following constraints:
- there should not by any isolated mote
- all motes must fit in to the squared area

def quadrants(**kwargs):
    This function generates positions according to quadrants in a range defined according to the aforementioned constraints.

    :return: the list of motes (formatted as dictionaries like hereafter)
    global min_range, motes
    defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults')
    motes = [{'id': 0, 'type': "root", 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}]
    n = kwargs.pop('n', defaults["number-motes"])
    min_range = kwargs.pop('min_range', defaults["minimum-distance-from-root"])
    max_range = kwargs.pop('max_range', defaults["area-square-side"] // 2)
    tx_range = kwargs.pop('tx_range', defaults["transmission-range"])
    # determine 'i', the number of steps for the algorithm
    # at step i, the newtork must be filled with at most sum(f * 2 ** i)
    #   e.g. if f = 3, with 10 motes, root's proximity will hold 6 motes then the 4 ones remaining in the next ring
    i, s, ni = 1, 0, 0
    node_ids = list(range(1, n + 1))
    while s <= n:
        s += WSN_DENSITY_FACTOR * 2 ** i
        i += 1
    # now, generate the motes
    # first, the range increment is defined ; it will provide the interval of ranges for the quadrants
    range_inc = min(tx_range, max_range / (i - 1))
    for ns in range(1, i):
        # determine the number of motes to be generated inside the current ring
        n_step = min(WSN_DENSITY_FACTOR * 2 ** ns, n - ni)
        # determine the angle increment for the quadrants
        angle_inc = 360 // n_step
        # then, divide the ring in quadrants and generate 1 node per quadrant with a 10% margin either
        #  for the angle or for the range
        range_min, range_max = int((ns - 0.7) * range_inc), int((ns - 0.1) * range_inc)
        for j in range(0, n_step):
            ni += 1
            angle_min, angle_max = int((j + 0.25) * angle_inc), int((j + 0.75) * angle_inc)
            d, k, x, y = 0, 0, 0, 0
            while not min_range < d < tx_range * 0.9 and k < 1000:
                node_angle = randint(angle_min, angle_max) * pi / 180
                node_range = randint(max(range_min, min_range), min(range_max, max_range))
                # compute the coordinates and append the new node to the list
                x, y = node_range * cos(node_angle), node_range * sin(node_angle)
                for node in motes:
                    d = min(d, sqrt((x - node['x'])**2 + (y - node['y'])**2))
                k += 1
            motes.append({'id': node_ids[ni-1], 'type': 'sensor', 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': 0})
        if ni == n:
        range_inc *= 0.75
    # finally, add the malicious mote in the middle of the network
    return sorted(motes, key=lambda o: o['id'])

def grid(**kwargs):
    This function generates positions according to a grid, defining square "layers" around the root mote.

    :return: the list of motes (formatted as dictionaries like hereafter)
    global min_range, motes
    defaults = kwargs.pop('defaults')
    motes = [{'id': 0, 'type': "root", 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}]
    n = kwargs.pop('n', defaults["number-motes"])
    side = defaults["area-square-side"]
    min_range = kwargs.pop('min_range', defaults["minimum-distance-from-root"])
    max_range = kwargs.pop('max_range', side // 2)
    tx_range = kwargs.pop('tx_range', defaults["transmission-range"])
    # determine 'l', the number of layers for the algorithm
    l, s = 1, 0
    while s < n:
        s += 8 * l
        l += 1
    # now get the distance increment
    inc = side / (2 * l)
    # then generate the positions
    node_id = 1
    for i in range(l):
        if node_id > n:
        for j_x in [0, 1, -1]:
            if node_id > n:
            for j_y in [0, 1, -1]:
                if node_id > n:
                x, y = i * inc * j_x, i * inc * j_y
                if x == y == 0:
                x += uniform(-1, 1) * inc * .1
                y += uniform(-1, 1) * inc * .1
                motes.append({'id': node_id, 'type': "sensor", 'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': 0})
                node_id += 1
    # finally, add the malicious mote in the middle of the network
    return sorted(motes, key=lambda o: o['id'])