from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import operator
import os
import time

from scheduler.exceptions import KubeException, KubeHTTPException
from scheduler.resources import Resource
from scheduler.states import PodState

class Pod(Resource):
    short_name = 'po'

    def get(self, namespace, name=None, **kwargs):
        Fetch a single Pod or a list
        url = '/namespaces/{}/pods'
        args = [namespace]
        if name is not None:
            url += '/{}'
            message = 'get Pod "{}" in Namespace "{}"'
            message = 'get Pods in Namespace "{}"'

        url = self.api(url, *args)
        response = self.http_get(url, params=self.query_params(**kwargs))
        if self.unhealthy(response.status_code):
            args.reverse()  # error msg is in reverse order
            raise KubeHTTPException(response, message, *args)

        return response

    def create(self, namespace, name, image, **kwargs):
        manifest = self.manifest(namespace, name, image, **kwargs)

        url = self.api('/namespaces/{}/pods', namespace)
        response = self.http_post(url, json=manifest)
        if self.unhealthy(response.status_code):
            raise KubeHTTPException(response, 'create Pod in Namespace "{}"', namespace)

        # wait for all pods to start - use the same function as scale
        labels = manifest['metadata']['labels']
        containers = manifest['spec']['containers']

        return response

    def state(self, pod):
        Resolve Pod state to an internally understandable format and returns a
        PodState object that can be used for comparison or name can get gotten
        via .name

        However if no match is found then a text representation is returned
        # See "Pod Phase" at
        if pod is None:
            return PodState.destroyed

        states = {
            'Pending': PodState.initializing,
            'ContainerCreating': PodState.creating,
            'Starting': PodState.starting,
            'Running': PodState.up,
            'Terminating': PodState.terminating,
            'Succeeded': PodState.down,
            'Failed': PodState.crashed,
            'Unknown': PodState.error,

        # being in a Pending/ContainerCreating state can mean different things
        # introspecting app container first
        if pod['status']['phase'] in ['Pending', 'ContainerCreating']:
            pod_state, _ = self.pod.pending_status(pod)
        # being in a running state can mean a pod is starting, actually running or terminating
        elif pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running':
            # is the readiness probe passing?
            pod_state = self.readiness_status(pod)
            if pod_state in ['Starting', 'Terminating']:
                return states[pod_state]
            elif pod_state == 'Running' and self.liveness_status(pod):
                # is the pod ready to serve requests?
                return states[pod_state]
            # if no match was found for deis mapping then passthrough the real state
            pod_state = pod['status']['phase']

        return states.get(pod_state, pod_state)

    def manifest(self, namespace, name, image, **kwargs):
        app_type = kwargs.get('app_type')
        build_type = kwargs.get('build_type')

        # labels that represent the pod(s)
        labels = {
            'app': namespace,
            'version': kwargs.get('version'),
            'type': app_type,
            'heritage': 'deis',

        # create base pod structure
        manifest = {
            'kind': 'Pod',
            'apiVersion': 'v1',
            'metadata': {
              'name': name,
              'namespace': namespace,
              'labels': labels
            'spec': {}

        # pod manifest spec
        spec = manifest['spec']

        # what should the pod do if it exits
        spec['restartPolicy'] = kwargs.get('restartPolicy', 'Always')

        # apply tags as needed to restrict pod to particular node(s)
        spec['nodeSelector'] = kwargs.get('tags', {})

        # How long until a pod is forcefully terminated. 30 is kubernetes default
        spec['terminationGracePeriodSeconds'] = kwargs.get('pod_termination_grace_period_seconds', 30)  # noqa

        # Check if it is a slug builder image.
        if build_type == "buildpack":
            # add the required volume to the top level pod spec
            spec['volumes'] = [{
                'name': 'objectstorage-keyfile',
                'secret': {
                    'secretName': 'objectstorage-keyfile'

            # added to kwargs to send to the container function
            kwargs['volumeMounts'] = [{
                'name': 'objectstorage-keyfile',
                'mountPath': '/var/run/secrets/deis/objectstore/creds',
                'readOnly': True

        # create the base container
        container = {}

        # process to call
        if kwargs.get('command', []):
            container['command'] = kwargs.get('command')
        if kwargs.get('args', []):
            container['args'] = kwargs.get('args')

        # set information to the application container
        kwargs['image'] = image
        container_name = namespace + '-' + app_type
        self._set_container(namespace, container_name, container, **kwargs)
        # add image to the mix
        if kwargs.get('image_pull_secret_name', None) is not None:
            # apply image pull secret to a Pod spec
            spec['imagePullSecrets'] = [{'name': kwargs.get('image_pull_secret_name')}]

        spec['containers'] = [container]

        return manifest

    def _set_container(self, namespace, container_name, data, **kwargs):
        """Set app container information (env, healthcheck, etc) on a Pod"""
        env = kwargs.get('envs', {})

        # container name
        data['name'] = container_name
        # set the image to use
        data['image'] = kwargs.get('image')
        # set the image pull policy for the above image
        data['imagePullPolicy'] = kwargs.get('image_pull_policy')
        # add in any volumes that need to be mounted into the container
        data['volumeMounts'] = kwargs.get('volumeMounts', [])

        # create env list if missing
        if 'env' not in data:
            data['env'] = []

        if env:
            # map application configuration (env secret) to env vars
            secret_name = "{}-{}-env".format(namespace, kwargs.get('version'))
            for key in env.keys():
                item = {
                    "name": key,
                    "valueFrom": {
                        "secretKeyRef": {
                            "name": secret_name,
                            # k8s doesn't allow _ so translate to -, see above
                            "key": key.lower().replace('_', '-')

                # add value to env hash. Overwrite hardcoded values if need be
                match = next((k for k, e in enumerate(data["env"]) if e['name'] == key), None)
                if match is not None:
                    data["env"][match] = item

        # Inject debugging if workflow is in debug mode
        if os.environ.get("DEIS_DEBUG", False):
                "name": "DEIS_DEBUG",
                "value": "1"

        # list sorted by dict key name

        self._set_resources(data, kwargs)

        self._set_health_checks(data, env, **kwargs)

    def _set_resources(self, container, kwargs):
        """ Set CPU/memory resource management manifest """
        app_type = kwargs.get("app_type")
        mem = kwargs.get("memory", {}).get(app_type)
        cpu = kwargs.get("cpu", {}).get(app_type)

        if mem or cpu:
            resources = defaultdict(dict)

            if mem:
                if "/" in mem:
                    parts = mem.split("/")
                    resources["requests"]["memory"] = self._format_memory(parts[0])
                    resources["limits"]["memory"] = self._format_memory(parts[1])
                    resources["limits"]["memory"] = self._format_memory(mem)

            if cpu:
                # CPU needs to be defined as lower case
                if "/" in cpu:
                    parts = cpu.split("/")
                    resources["requests"]["cpu"] = parts[0].lower()
                    resources["limits"]["cpu"] = parts[1].lower()
                    resources["limits"]["cpu"] = cpu.lower()

            if resources:
                container["resources"] = dict(resources)

    def _format_memory(self, mem):
        """ Format memory limit value """
        if mem[-2:-1].isalpha() and mem[-1].isalpha():
            mem = mem[:-1]

        if mem[-1].isalpha():
            # memory needs to be upper cased (only first char)
            mem = mem.upper() + "i"
        return mem

    def _set_health_checks(self, container, env, **kwargs):
        healthchecks = kwargs.get('healthcheck', None)
        if healthchecks:
            # check if a port is present. if not, auto-populate it
            # TODO: rip this out when we stop supporting deis config:set HEALTHCHECK_URL
            if (
                healthchecks.get('livenessProbe') is not None and
                healthchecks['livenessProbe'].get('httpGet') is not None and
                healthchecks['livenessProbe']['httpGet'].get('port') is None
                healthchecks['livenessProbe']['httpGet']['port'] = env['PORT']
        elif kwargs.get('routable', False):
            self._default_readiness_probe(container, kwargs.get('build_type'), env.get('PORT', None))  # noqa

    def _default_readiness_probe(self, container, build_type, port=None):
        # Update only the application container with the health check
        if build_type == "buildpack":
        elif port:

    Applies exec readiness probe to the slugrunner container.

    /runner/init is the entry point of the slugrunner.
    Once it downloads the slug it starts running using `exec` which means the pid 1
    will point to the slug/application command instead of entry point once the application has

    This should be added only for the build pack apps when a custom liveness probe is not set to
    make sure that the pod is ready only when the slug is downloaded and started running.
    def _default_buildpack_readiness_probe(self, delay=30, timeout=5, period_seconds=5,
                                           success_threshold=1, failure_threshold=1):
        readinessprobe = {
            'readinessProbe': {
                # an exec probe
                'exec': {
                    "command": [
                        "[[ '$(ps -p 1 -o args)' != *'bash /runner/init'* ]]"
                # length of time to wait for a pod to initialize
                # after pod startup, before applying health checking
                'initialDelaySeconds': delay,
                'timeoutSeconds': timeout,
                'periodSeconds': period_seconds,
                'successThreshold': success_threshold,
                'failureThreshold': failure_threshold,
        return readinessprobe

    def _default_dockerapp_readiness_probe(self, port, delay=5, timeout=5, period_seconds=5,
                                           success_threshold=1, failure_threshold=1):
        Applies tcp socket readiness probe to the docker app container only if some port is exposed
        by the docker image.
        readinessprobe = {
            'readinessProbe': {
                # an exec probe
                'tcpSocket': {
                    "port": int(port)
                # length of time to wait for a pod to initialize
                # after pod startup, before applying health checking
                'initialDelaySeconds': delay,
                'timeoutSeconds': timeout,
                'periodSeconds': period_seconds,
                'successThreshold': success_threshold,
                'failureThreshold': failure_threshold,
        return readinessprobe

    def delete(self, namespace, name):
        # get timeout info from pod
        pod = self.pod.get(namespace, name).json()
        # 30 seconds is the kubernetes default
        timeout = pod['spec'].get('terminationGracePeriodSeconds', 30)

        # delete pod
        url = self.api("/namespaces/{}/pods/{}", namespace, name)
        response = self.http_delete(url)
        if self.unhealthy(response.status_code):
            raise KubeHTTPException(response, 'delete Pod "{}" in Namespace "{}"', name, namespace)

        # Verify the pod has been deleted
        # Only wait as long as the grace period is - k8s will eventually GC
        for _ in range(timeout):
                pod = self.pod.get(namespace, name).json()
                # hide pod if it is passed the graceful termination period
                if self.deleted(pod):
            except KubeHTTPException as e:
                if e.response.status_code == 404:


        return response

    def logs(self, namespace, name):
        url = self.api("/namespaces/{}/pods/{}/log", namespace, name)
        response = self.http_get(url)
        if self.unhealthy(response.status_code):
            raise KubeHTTPException(
                'get logs for Pod "{}" in Namespace "{}"', name, namespace

        return response

    def ready(self, pod):
        """Combines various checks to see if the pod is considered up or not by checking probes"""
        return (
            pod['status']['phase'] == 'Running' and
            # is the readiness probe passing?
            self.readiness_status(pod) == 'Running' and
            # is the pod ready to serve requests?

    def readiness_status(self, pod):
        """Check if the pod container have passed the readiness probes"""
        name = '{}-{}'.format(pod['metadata']['labels']['app'], pod['metadata']['labels']['type'])
        # find the right container in case there are many on the pod
        container = self.find_container(name, pod['status']['containerStatuses'])
        if container is None:
            # Seems like the most sensible default
            return 'Unknown'

        if not container['ready']:
            if 'running' in container['state'].keys():
                return 'Starting'

            if (
                'terminated' in container['state'].keys() or
                'deletionTimestamp' in pod['metadata']
                return 'Terminating'
            # See if k8s is in Terminating state
            if 'deletionTimestamp' in pod['metadata']:
                return 'Terminating'

            return 'Running'

        # Seems like the most sensible default
        return 'Unknown'

    def liveness_status(self, pod):
        """Check if the pods liveness probe status has passed all checks"""
        for condition in pod['status']['conditions']:
            # type = Ready is the only binary type right now
            if condition['type'] == 'Ready' and condition['status'] != 'True':
                return False

        return True

    def deleted(self, pod):
        """Checks if a pod is deleted and past its graceful termination period"""
        if 'deletionTimestamp' in pod['metadata']:
            # past the graceful deletion period
            deletion = self.parse_date(pod['metadata']['deletionTimestamp'])
            if deletion < datetime.utcnow():
                return True

        return False

    def pending_status(self, pod):
        """Introspect the pod containers when pod is in Pending state"""
        if 'containerStatuses' not in pod['status']:
            return 'Pending', ''

        name = '{}-{}'.format(pod['metadata']['labels']['app'], pod['metadata']['labels']['type'])
        # find the right container in case there are many on the pod
        container = self.pod.find_container(name, pod['status']['containerStatuses'])
        if container is None:
            # Return Pending if nothing else can be found
            return 'Pending', ''

        if 'waiting' in container['state']:
            reason = container['state']['waiting']['reason']
            message = ''
            # message is not always available
            if 'message' in container['state']['waiting']:
                message = container['state']['waiting']['message']

            if reason == 'ContainerCreating':
                # get the last event
                events =
                if not events:
                    # could not find any events
                    return reason, message

                event = events.pop()
                return event['reason'], event['message']

            return reason, message

        # Return Pending if nothing else can be found
        return 'Pending', ''

    def events(self, pod):
        """Process events for a given Pod to find if Pulling is happening, among other events"""
        # fetch all events for this pod
        fields = {
            '': pod['metadata']['name'],
            'involvedObject.namespace': pod['metadata']['namespace'],
            'involvedObject.uid': pod['metadata']['uid']
        events =['metadata']['namespace'], fields=fields).json()['items']
        if not events:
            events = []
        # make sure that events are sorted
        events.sort(key=lambda x: x['lastTimestamp'])
        return events

    def _handle_pod_errors(self, pod, reason, message):
        Handle potential pod errors based on the Pending
        reason passed into the function

        Images, FailedScheduling and others are needed
        # image error reported on the container level
        container_errors = [
            'Pending',  # often an indication of deeper inspection is needed
        # Image event reason mapping
        event_errors = {
            "Failed": "FailedToPullImage",
            "InspectFailed": "FailedToInspectImage",
            "ErrImageNeverPull": "ErrImageNeverPullPolicy",
            # Not including this one for now as the message is not useful
            # "BackOff": "BackOffPullImage",
            # FailedScheduling relates limits
            "FailedScheduling": "FailedScheduling",

        # Nicer error than from the event
        # Often this gets to ImageBullBackOff before we can introspect tho
        if reason == 'ErrImagePull':
            raise KubeException(message)

        # collect all error messages of worth
        messages = []
        if reason in container_errors:
            for event in
                if event['reason'] in event_errors.keys():
                    # only show a given error once
                    # strip out whitespaces on either side
                    message = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in event['message'].split("\n")])

        if messages:
            raise KubeException("\n".join(messages))

    def _handle_long_image_pulling(self, reason, pod):
        If pulling an image is taking long (1 minute) then return how many seconds
        the pod ready state timeout should be extended by

        Return value is an int that represents seconds
        # only apply once
        if getattr(self, '_handle_long_image_pulling_applied', False):
            return 0

        if reason is not 'Pulling':
            return 0

        # last event should be Pulling in this case
        event =
        # see if pull operation has been happening for over 1 minute
        seconds = 60  # time threshold before padding timeout
        start = self.parse_date(event['firstTimestamp'])
        if (start + timedelta(seconds=seconds)) < datetime.utcnow():
            # make it so function doesn't do processing again
            setattr(self, '_handle_long_image_pulling_applied', True)
            return 600

        return 0

    def _handle_pending_pods(self, namespace, labels):
        Detects if any pod is in the starting phases and handles
        any potential issues around that, and increases timeouts
        or throws errors as needed
        timeout = 0
        pods = self.get(namespace, labels=labels).json()['items']
        if not pods:
            pods = []
        for pod in pods:
            # only care about pods that are not starting or in the starting phases
            if pod['status']['phase'] not in ['Pending', 'ContainerCreating']:

            # Get more information on why a pod is pending
            reason, message = self.pending_status(pod)
            # If pulling an image is taking long then increase the timeout
            timeout += self._handle_long_image_pulling(pod, reason)

            # handle errors and bubble up if need be
            self._handle_pod_errors(pod, reason, message)

        return timeout

    def find_container(self, container_name, containers):
        Locate a container by name in a list of containers
        for container in containers:
            if container['name'] == container_name:
                return container

        return None

    def wait_until_terminated(self, namespace, labels, current, desired):
        """Wait until all the desired pods are terminated"""

        # fetch timeout from the first pod
        pods = self.get(namespace, labels=labels).json()
        if not pods['items']:

        spec = pods['items'][0]['spec']
        # default to 30 since that's kubernetes default
        timeout = spec.get('terminationGracePeriodSeconds', 30)

        delta = current - desired
        self.log(namespace, "waiting for {} pods to be terminated ({}s timeout)".format(delta, timeout))  # noqa
        for waited in range(timeout):
            pods = self.get(namespace, labels=labels).json()['items']
            if not pods:
                pods = []
            count = len(pods)

            # see if any pods are past their terminationGracePeriodsSeconds (as in stuck)
            # seems to be a problem in k8s around that:
            # these will be eventually GC'ed by k8s, ignoring them for now
            for pod in pods:
                # remove pod if it is passed the graceful termination period
                if self.deleted(pod):
                    count -= 1

            # stop when all pods are terminated as expected
            if count == desired:

            if waited > 0 and (waited % 10) == 0:
                self.log(namespace, "waited {}s and {} pods out of {} are fully terminated".format(waited, (delta - count), delta))  # noqa


        self.log(namespace, "{} pods are terminated".format(delta))

    def wait_until_ready(self, namespace, containers, labels, desired, timeout):  # noqa
        # If desired is 0 then there is no ready state to check on
        if desired == 0:

        timeout = self.deploy_probe_timeout(timeout, namespace, labels, containers)
        self.log(namespace, "waiting for {} pods in {} namespace to be in services ({}s timeout)".format(desired, namespace, timeout))  # noqa

        # Ensure the minimum desired number of pods are available
        waited = 0
        while waited < timeout:
            # figure out if there are any pending pod issues
            additional_timeout = self._handle_pending_pods(namespace, labels)
            if additional_timeout:
                timeout += additional_timeout
                # add 10 minutes to timeout to allow a pull image operation to finish
                self.log(namespace, 'Kubernetes has been pulling the image for {}s'.format(waited))  # noqa
                self.log(namespace, 'Increasing timeout by {}s to allow a pull image operation to finish for pods'.format(additional_timeout))  # noqa

            count = 0  # ready pods
            pods = self.get(namespace, labels=labels).json()['items']
            if not pods:
                pods = []
            for pod in pods:
                # now that state is running time to see if probes are passing
                if self.ready(pod):
                    count += 1

                # Find out if any pod goes beyond the Running (up) state
                # Allow that to happen to account for very fast `deis run` as
                # an example. Code using this function will account for it
                state = self.state(pod)
                if isinstance(state, PodState) and state > PodState.up:
                    count += 1

            if count == desired:

            if waited > 0 and (waited % 10) == 0:
                self.log(namespace, "waited {}s and {} pods are in service".format(waited, count))

            # increase wait time without dealing with jitters from above code
            waited += 1

        # timed out
        if waited > timeout:
            self.log(namespace, 'timed out ({}s) waiting for pods to come up in namespace {}'.format(timeout, namespace))  # noqa

        self.log(namespace, "{} out of {} pods are in service".format(count, desired))  # noqa

    def _handle_not_ready_pods(self, namespace, labels):
        Detects if any pod is in the Running phase but not Ready and handles
        any potential issues around that mainly failed healthcheks
        pods = self.get(namespace, labels=labels).json()['items']
        if not pods:
            pods = []
        for pod in pods:
            # only care about pods that are in running phase
            if pod['status']['phase'] != 'Running':

            name = '{}-{}'.format(pod['metadata']['labels']['app'], pod['metadata']['labels']['type'])  # noqa
            # find the right container in case there are many on the pod
            container = self.find_container(name, pod['status']['containerStatuses'])
            if container is None or container['ready'] == 'true':

            for event in
                if event['reason'] == 'Unhealthy':
                    # strip out whitespaces on either side
                    message = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in event['message'].split("\n")])
                    raise KubeException(message)

    def deploy_probe_timeout(self, timeout, namespace, labels, containers):
        Added in additional timeouts based on readiness and liveness probe

        Uses the max of the two instead of combining them as the checks are stacked.

        container_name = '{}-{}'.format(labels['app'], labels['type'])
        container = self.pod.find_container(container_name, containers)

        # get health info from container
        added_timeout = []
        if 'readinessProbe' in container:
            # If there is initial delay on the readiness check then timeout needs to be higher
            # this is to account for kubernetes having readiness check report as failure until
            # the initial delay period is up
            added_timeout.append(int(container['readinessProbe'].get('initialDelaySeconds', 50)))

        if 'livenessProbe' in container:
            # If there is initial delay on the readiness check then timeout needs to be higher
            # this is to account for kubernetes having liveness check report as failure until
            # the initial delay period is up
            added_timeout.append(int(container['livenessProbe'].get('initialDelaySeconds', 50)))

        if added_timeout:
            delay = max(added_timeout)
            self.log(namespace, "adding {}s on to the original {}s timeout to account for the initial delay specified in the liveness / readiness probe".format(delay, timeout))  # noqa
            timeout += delay

        return timeout