# Copyright 2018 DeepMind Technologies Limited.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Number-related questions, e.g., "write seventy-two as a number"."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import functools
import math
import random

# Dependency imports
from mathematics_dataset import example
from mathematics_dataset.sample import number
from mathematics_dataset.util import composition
from mathematics_dataset.util import display
import numpy as np
import six
from six.moves import range
import sympy

_ENTROPY_TRAIN = (3, 10)

# Number of module compositions appearing in train/test, and extrapolation data.

def _make_modules(entropy, num_modules_composed):
  """Returns modules given "difficulty" parameters."""
  fns = {
      'gcd': gcd,
      'lcm': lcm,
      'div_remainder': div_remainder,
      'is_prime': is_prime,
      'is_factor': is_factor,
      'round_number': round_number,
      'place_value': place_value,
      'list_prime_factors': list_prime_factors,

  # These modules don't have both pure and composed.
  modules = {
      'base_conversion': functools.partial(base_conversion, *entropy),

  sample_args_pure = composition.PreSampleArgs(1, 1, *entropy)
  sample_args_composed = composition.PreSampleArgs(
      num_modules_composed[0], num_modules_composed[1], *entropy)

  for name, module in six.iteritems(fns):
    modules[name] = functools.partial(module, None, sample_args_pure)
    modules[name + '_composed'] = functools.partial(
        module, None, sample_args_composed)

  return modules

def train(entropy_fn):
  """Returns dict of training modules."""
  return _make_modules(

def test():
  """Returns dict of testing modules."""
  return _make_modules(

def test_extra():
  """Returns dict of extrapolation testing modules."""
  sample_args_pure = composition.PreSampleArgs(1, 1, *_ENTROPY_EXTRAPOLATE)
  return {
      'round_number_big': functools.partial(
          round_number, None, sample_args_pure),
      'place_value_big': functools.partial(place_value, None, sample_args_pure),

def place_value(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """E.g., "Q: What is the tens digit of 31859? A: 5."""
  del value  # unused for now
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()
  integer = number.integer(entropy, signed=False, min_abs=1)
  (entity,) = context.sample(sample_args, [integer])

  integer_as_string = str(integer)
  num_digits = len(integer_as_string)

  firsts = ['', 'ten ', 'hundred ']
  seconds = [
      'thousands', 'millions', 'billions', 'trillions', 'quadrillions',
      'quintillions', 'sextillions', 'septillions', 'octillions', 'nonillions',
  place_names = ['units', 'tens', 'hundreds']
  for second in seconds:
    for first in firsts:
      place_names.append(first + second)

  place = random.randint(1, num_digits)  # 1 = units, 2 = tens, etc.
  place_name = place_names[place - 1]
  answer = sympy.Integer(integer_as_string[num_digits - place])

  return example.Problem(
          'What is the {place_name} digit of {integer}?',
          place_name=place_name, integer=entity.expression_else_handle),

# TODO(b/124040078): add to composition system?
def round_number(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """Question for rounding integers and decimals."""
  del value  # unused for now
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

  # This is the power of 10 to round to. E.g., power == 0 corresponds to
  # rounding to the nearest integer; power == -2 corresponds to rounding to two
  # decimal places, and power == 3 corresponds to rounding to the nearest 1000.
  power = random.randint(-7, 6)

  answer_entropy = 1 + random.uniform(0, entropy / 2)
  entropy = max(1, entropy - answer_entropy)
  value_integer = number.integer(answer_entropy, signed=True)

  remainder_divisor = 10 ** int(math.ceil(entropy))
  remainder_range_lower = -remainder_divisor / 2
  remainder_range_upper = remainder_divisor / 2

  if value_integer <= 0:
    remainder_range_lower += 1
  if value_integer >= 0:
    remainder_range_upper -= 1

  remainder = random.randint(remainder_range_lower, remainder_range_upper)
  input_ = value_integer + sympy.Rational(remainder, remainder_divisor)
  scale = 10**power if power >= 0 else sympy.Rational(1, 10**(-power))
  input_ = input_ * scale
  value = value_integer * scale
  if not number.is_integer(input_):
    input_ = display.Decimal(input_)
  if not number.is_integer(value):
    value = display.Decimal(value)

  (input_,) = context.sample(sample_args, [input_])

  if power > 0:
    # Rounding to a power of ten.
    round_to = 10**power
    if random.choice([False, True]):
      # Write the rounding value as a word instead.
      round_to = display.StringNumber(round_to,
    description = 'the nearest {round_to}'.format(round_to=round_to)
  elif power == 0 and random.choice([False, True]):
    # Round to nearest integer.
    description = 'the nearest integer'
    # Round to decimal places.
    description = random.choice(['{dps} decimal place', '{dps} dp'])
    if power != -1:
      # Plural
      description += 's'
    dps = -power
    if random.choice([False, True]):
      dps = display.StringNumber(dps)
    description = description.format(dps=dps)

  template = random.choice([
      'Round {input} to {description}.',
      'What is {input} rounded to {description}?',

  return example.Problem(
          context, template, input=input_, description=description),

def _semi_prime(entropy):
  """Generates a semi-prime with the given entropy."""
  # Add on extra entropy to account for the sparsity of the primes; we don't
  # actually use the integers sampled, but rather a random prime close to them;
  # thus some entropy is lost, which we must account for
  entropy += math.log10(max(1, entropy * math.log(10)))

  # We intentionally uniformy sample the "entropy" (i.e., approx number digits)
  # of the two factors.
  entropy_1, entropy_2 = entropy * np.random.dirichlet([1, 1])

  # Need >= 2 for randprime to always work (Betrand's postulate).
  approx_1 = number.integer(entropy_1, signed=False, min_abs=2)
  approx_2 = number.integer(entropy_2, signed=False, min_abs=2)

  factor_1 = sympy.ntheory.generate.randprime(approx_1 / 2, approx_1 * 2)
  factor_2 = sympy.ntheory.generate.randprime(approx_2 / 2, approx_2 * 2)

  return factor_1 * factor_2

def is_prime(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """Questions asking about primality."""
  del value  # unused for now
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()
  composite = _semi_prime(entropy)

  if random.choice([False, True]):
    # Use the composite
    integer = composite
    is_prime_ = False
    # Take the next prime after the composite, to ensure the same distribution
    # as composites. Do "composite - 4" so we occasionally see "2" as a prime.
    integer = sympy.ntheory.generate.nextprime(composite - 4)
    is_prime_ = True

  (integer_entity,) = context.sample(sample_args, [integer])

  if random.choice([False, True]) and integer != 1:
    answer = not is_prime_
    attribute_name = random.choice(['composite', 'a composite number'])
    answer = is_prime_
    attribute_name = random.choice(['prime', 'a prime number'])

  return example.Problem(
          context, 'Is {integer} {attribute}?',

def is_factor(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """E.g., "Is 5 a factor of 48?"."""
  del value  # unused
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

  entropy_factor = 1 + random.uniform(0, entropy/3)
  entropy = max(0, entropy - entropy_factor)
  maybe_factor = number.integer(entropy_factor, False, min_abs=2)

  integer = maybe_factor * number.integer(entropy, False, min_abs=1)
  # Produce balanced classes.
  if random.choice([False, True]):
    # The following makes it not a factor.
    integer += random.randint(1, maybe_factor - 1)

  (entity,) = context.sample(sample_args, [integer])

  templates = [
      'Is {maybe_factor} a factor of {value}?',
      'Is {value} a multiple of {maybe_factor}?',
      'Does {maybe_factor} divide {value}?',
  if maybe_factor == 2:
    templates += [
        'Is {value} even?',
  template = random.choice(templates)

  answer = integer % maybe_factor == 0
  return example.Problem(
          context, template, maybe_factor=maybe_factor,

def list_prime_factors(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """E.g., "What are the prime factors of 36?"."""
  del value  # unused for now
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()
  entropy = max(1, entropy)

  integer = number.integer(entropy, signed=False, min_abs=2)

  (entity,) = context.sample(sample_args, [integer])
  prime_factors = sorted(sympy.factorint(integer).keys())
  template = random.choice([
      'What are the prime factors of {integer}?',
      'List the prime factors of {integer}.',
  return example.Problem(
          context, template, integer=entity.expression_else_handle),

def _pair_with_large_hidden_factor(entropy):
  """Returns pair of numbers with possibly large common factor hidden."""
  entropy_p, entropy_q, _ = entropy * np.random.dirichlet([1, 1, 1])
  # Min entropy on p and q to minimize trivial solutions.
  entropy_p = max(1, entropy_p)
  entropy_q = max(1, entropy_q)
  entropy_mult = max(0, entropy - entropy_p - entropy_q)

  p = number.integer(entropy_p, False, min_abs=1)
  q = number.integer(entropy_q, False, min_abs=1)
  mult = number.integer(entropy_mult, False, min_abs=1)
  p *= mult
  q *= mult
  return p, q

def lcm(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """Question for least common multiple of p and q."""
  del value  # unused
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

  p, q = _pair_with_large_hidden_factor(entropy)
  answer = sympy.lcm(p, q)

  if random.choice([False, True]):
    p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])
    # Ask the question directly.
    adjective = random.choice(['least', 'lowest', 'smallest'])
    template = random.choice([
        'Calculate the {adjective} common multiple of {p} and {q}.',
        'What is the {adjective} common multiple of {p} and {q}?',
    return example.Problem(
            context, template, adjective=adjective, p=p.expression_else_handle,
    # Phrase the question as finding the common denominator of two fractions.
    p = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=p) / p
    q = number.integer(2, signed=True, coprime_to=q) / q
    p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])

    template = random.choice([
        'What is the common denominator of {p} and {q}?',
        'Find the common denominator of {p} and {q}.',
        'Calculate the common denominator of {p} and {q}.',
    return example.Problem(
            context, template, p=p.expression_else_handle,

def _random_coprime_pair(entropy):
  """Returns a pair of random coprime integers."""
  coprime_product = number.integer(entropy, False, min_abs=1)
  factors = sympy.factorint(coprime_product)
  def take():
    prime = random.choice(list(factors.keys()))
    power = factors[prime]
    del factors[prime]
    return prime ** power

  if random.random() < 0.8 and len(factors) >= 2:
    # Disallow trivial factoring where possible.
    count_left = random.randint(1, len(factors) - 1)
    count_right = len(factors) - count_left
    count_left = random.randint(0, len(factors))
    count_right = len(factors) - count_left

  left = sympy.prod([take() for _ in range(count_left)])
  right = sympy.prod([take() for _ in range(count_right)])
  assert left * right == coprime_product
  return left, right

# @composition.module(number.is_positive_integer)
def gcd(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """Question for greatest common divisor of p and q."""
  is_question = context is None
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()
  if value is None:
    value_entropy = 1 + random.uniform(0, entropy/3)
    entropy = max(1, entropy - value_entropy)
    value = number.integer(value_entropy, False, min_abs=1)

  p_mult, q_mult = _random_coprime_pair(entropy)

  p = value * p_mult
  q = value * q_mult
  assert sympy.gcd(p, q) == value

  p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])

  adjective = (random.choice(['greatest', 'highest']) + ' common '
               + random.choice(['divisor', 'factor']))

  if is_question:
    template = random.choice([
        'Calculate the {adjective} of {p} and {q}.',
        'What is the {adjective} of {p} and {q}?',
    return example.Problem(
            context, template, adjective=adjective, p=p, q=q),
    return composition.Entity(
        description='Let {self} be the {adjective} of {p} and {q}.',
        adjective=adjective, p=p, q=q)

# @composition.module(number.is_positive_integer)
def div_remainder(value, sample_args, context=None):
  """E.g., "What is the remainder when 27 is divided by 5?"."""
  is_question = context is None
  if context is None:
    context = composition.Context()

  entropy, sample_args = sample_args.peel()

  if value is None:
    entropy_value = 1 + random.uniform(0, entropy/3)
    entropy = max(0, entropy - entropy_value)
    value = number.integer(entropy_value, signed=False)

  entropy_a, entropy_q = entropy * np.random.dirichlet([1, 1])
  a = number.integer(entropy_a, signed=False, min_abs=1)
  q = value + number.integer(entropy_q, signed=False, min_abs=1)

  p = a * q + value
  assert p % q == value
  p, q = context.sample(sample_args, [p, q])

  if is_question:
    template = random.choice([
        'Calculate the remainder when {p} is divided by {q}.',
        'What is the remainder when {p} is divided by {q}?',
    return example.Problem(
            context, template, p=p.expression_else_handle,
    return composition.Entity(
        description='Let {self} be the remainder when {p} is divided by {q}.',
        p=p, q=q)

def base_conversion(min_entropy, max_entropy):
  """E.g., "What is 17 base 8 in base 10?"."""
  context = composition.Context()

  from_base = random.randint(2, 16)
  while True:
    to_base = random.randint(2, 16)
    if to_base != from_base:

  # Entropy used up in selecting bases.
  entropy_used = math.log10(16 * 15)
  entropy = random.uniform(
      min_entropy - entropy_used, max_entropy - entropy_used)

  value = number.integer(entropy, signed=True)
  template = random.choice([
      '{from_str} (base {from_base}) to base {to_base}',
      'Convert {from_str} (base {from_base}) to base {to_base}.',
      'What is {from_str} (base {from_base}) in base {to_base}?',
  return example.Problem(
          context, template,
          from_str=display.NumberInBase(value, from_base),
      answer=display.NumberInBase(value, to_base))