#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Tools for manipulating the alignments serialized file """

import logging
import os
import pickle
import struct
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from PIL import Image

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from sklearn import decomposition
from tqdm import tqdm

from .annotate import Annotate
from .media import ExtractedFaces, Faces, Frames

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class Check():
    """ Frames and faces checking tasks """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.job = arguments.job
        self.type = None
        self.is_video = False  # Set when getting items
        self.output = arguments.output
        self.source_dir = self.get_source_dir(arguments)
        self.items = self.get_items()

        self.output_message = ""
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def get_source_dir(self, arguments):
        """ Set the correct source folder """
        if (hasattr(arguments, "faces_dir") and arguments.faces_dir and
                hasattr(arguments, "frames_dir") and arguments.frames_dir):
            logger.error("Only select a source frames (-fr) or source faces (-fc) folder")
        elif hasattr(arguments, "faces_dir") and arguments.faces_dir:
            self.type = "faces"
            source_dir = arguments.faces_dir
        elif hasattr(arguments, "frames_dir") and arguments.frames_dir:
            self.type = "frames"
            source_dir = arguments.frames_dir
            logger.error("No source folder (-fr or -fc) was provided")
        logger.debug("type: '%s', source_dir: '%s'", self.type, source_dir)
        return source_dir

    def get_items(self):
        """ Set the correct items to process """
        items = globals()[self.type.title()](self.source_dir)
        self.is_video = items.is_video
        return items.file_list_sorted

    def process(self):
        """ Process the frames check against the alignments file """
        logger.info("[CHECK %s]", self.type.upper())
        items_output = self.compile_output()

    def validate(self):
        """ Check that the selected type is valid for
            selected task and job """
        if self.job == "missing-frames" and self.output == "move":
            logger.warning("Missing_frames was selected with move output, but there will "
                           "be nothing to move. Defaulting to output: console")
            self.output = "console"
        if self.type == "faces" and self.job not in ("multi-faces", "leftover-faces"):
            logger.warning("The selected folder is not valid. Faces folder (-fc) is only "
                           "supported for 'multi-faces' and 'leftover-faces'")

    def compile_output(self):
        """ Compile list of frames that meet criteria """
        action = self.job.replace("-", "_")
        processor = getattr(self, "get_{}".format(action))
        logger.debug("Processor: %s", processor)
        return [item for item in processor()]

    def get_no_faces(self):
        """ yield each frame that has no face match in alignments file """
        self.output_message = "Frames with no faces"
        for frame in tqdm(self.items, desc=self.output_message):
            frame_name = frame["frame_fullname"]
            if not self.alignments.frame_has_faces(frame_name):
                logger.debug("Returning: '%s'", frame_name)
                yield frame_name

    def get_multi_faces(self):
        """ yield each frame or face that has multiple faces
            matched in alignments file """
        process_type = getattr(self, "get_multi_faces_{}".format(self.type))
        for item in process_type():
            yield item

    def get_multi_faces_frames(self):
        """ Return Frames that contain multiple faces """
        self.output_message = "Frames with multiple faces"
        for item in tqdm(self.items, desc=self.output_message):
            filename = item["frame_fullname"]
            if not self.alignments.frame_has_multiple_faces(filename):
            logger.trace("Returning: '%s'", filename)
            yield filename

    def get_multi_faces_faces(self):
        """ Return Faces when there are multiple faces in a frame """
        self.output_message = "Multiple faces in frame"
        seen_hash_dupes = set()
        for item in tqdm(self.items, desc=self.output_message):
            filename = item["face_fullname"]
            f_hash = item["face_hash"]
            frame_idx = [(frame, idx)
                         for frame, idx in self.alignments.hashes_to_frame[f_hash].items()]

            if len(frame_idx) > 1:
                # If the same hash exists in multiple frames, select arbitrary frame
                # and add to seen_hash_dupes so it is not selected again
                logger.trace("Dupe hashes: %s", frame_idx)
                frame_idx = [f_i for f_i in frame_idx if f_i not in seen_hash_dupes][0]
                frame_idx = [frame_idx]

            frame_name, idx = frame_idx[0]
            if not self.alignments.frame_has_multiple_faces(frame_name):
            retval = (filename, idx)
            logger.trace("Returning: '%s'", retval)
            yield retval

    def get_missing_alignments(self):
        """ yield each frame that does not exist in alignments file """
        self.output_message = "Frames missing from alignments file"
        exclude_filetypes = set(["yaml", "yml", "p", "json", "txt"])
        for frame in tqdm(self.items, desc=self.output_message):
            frame_name = frame["frame_fullname"]
            if (frame["frame_extension"] not in exclude_filetypes
                    and not self.alignments.frame_exists(frame_name)):
                logger.debug("Returning: '%s'", frame_name)
                yield frame_name

    def get_missing_frames(self):
        """ yield each frame in alignments that does
            not have a matching file """
        self.output_message = "Missing frames that are in alignments file"
        frames = set(item["frame_fullname"] for item in self.items)
        for frame in tqdm(self.alignments.data.keys(), desc=self.output_message):
            if frame not in frames:
                logger.debug("Returning: '%s'", frame)
                yield frame

    def get_leftover_faces(self):
        """yield each face that isn't in the alignments file."""
        self.output_message = "Faces missing from the alignments file"
        for face in tqdm(self.items, desc=self.output_message):
            f_hash = face["face_hash"]
            if f_hash not in self.alignments.hashes_to_frame:
                logger.debug("Returning: '%s'", face["face_fullname"])
                yield face["face_fullname"], -1

    def output_results(self, items_output):
        """ Output the results in the requested format """
        logger.trace("items_output: %s", items_output)
        if self.output == "move" and self.is_video and self.type == "frames":
            logger.warning("Move was selected with an input video. This is not possible so "
                           "falling back to console output")
            self.output = "console"
        if not items_output:
            logger.info("No %s were found meeting the criteria", self.type)
        if self.output == "move":
        if self.job in ("multi-faces", "leftover-faces") and self.type == "faces":
            # Strip the index for printed/file output
            items_output = [item[0] for item in items_output]
        output_message = "-----------------------------------------------\r\n"
        output_message += " {} ({})\r\n".format(self.output_message,
        output_message += "-----------------------------------------------\r\n"
        output_message += "\r\n".join(items_output)
        if self.output == "console":
            for line in output_message.splitlines():
        if self.output == "file":
            self.output_file(output_message, len(items_output))

    def get_output_folder(self):
        """ Return output folder. Needs to be in the root if input is a
            video and processing frames """
        if self.is_video and self.type == "frames":
            return os.path.dirname(self.source_dir)
        return self.source_dir

    def get_filename_prefix(self):
        """ Video name needs to be prefixed to filename if input is a
            video and processing frames """
        if self.is_video and self.type == "frames":
            return "{}_".format(os.path.basename(self.source_dir))
        return ""

    def output_file(self, output_message, items_discovered):
        """ Save the output to a text file in the frames directory """
        now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        dst_dir = self.get_output_folder()
        filename = "{}{}_{}.txt".format(self.get_filename_prefix(),
                                        self.output_message.replace(" ", "_").lower(),
        output_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, filename)
        logger.info("Saving %s result(s) to '%s'", items_discovered, output_file)
        with open(output_file, "w") as f_output:

    def move_file(self, items_output):
        """ Move the identified frames to a new sub folder """
        now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        folder_name = "{}{}_{}".format(self.get_filename_prefix(),
                                       self.output_message.replace(" ", "_").lower(), now)
        dst_dir = self.get_output_folder()
        output_folder = os.path.join(dst_dir, folder_name)
        logger.debug("Creating folder: '%s'", output_folder)
        move = getattr(self, "move_{}".format(self.type))
        logger.debug("Move function: %s", move)
        move(output_folder, items_output)

    def move_frames(self, output_folder, items_output):
        """ Move frames into single sub folder """
        logger.info("Moving %s frame(s) to '%s'", len(items_output), output_folder)
        for frame in items_output:
            src = os.path.join(self.source_dir, frame)
            dst = os.path.join(output_folder, frame)
            logger.debug("Moving: '%s' to '%s'", src, dst)
            os.rename(src, dst)

    def move_faces(self, output_folder, items_output):
        """ Make additional sub folders for each face that appears
            Enables easier manual sorting """
        logger.info("Moving %s faces(s) to '%s'", len(items_output), output_folder)
        for frame, idx in items_output:
            src = os.path.join(self.source_dir, frame)
            dst_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, str(idx)) if idx != -1 else output_folder
            if not os.path.isdir(dst_folder):
                logger.debug("Creating folder: '%s'", dst_folder)
            dst = os.path.join(dst_folder, frame)
            logger.debug("Moving: '%s' to '%s'", src, dst)
            os.rename(src, dst)

class Dfl():
    """ Reformat Alignment file """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        if self.alignments.file != "dfl.fsa":
            logger.error("Alignments file must be specified as 'dfl' to reformat dfl alignmnets")
        logger.debug("Loading DFL faces")
        self.faces = Faces(arguments.faces_dir)
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Run reformat """
        logger.info("[REFORMAT DFL ALIGNMENTS]")  # Tidy up cli output
        self.alignments.data_from_dfl(self.load_dfl(), self.faces.folder)

    def load_dfl(self):
        """ Load alignments from DeepFaceLab and format for Faceswap """
        alignments = dict()
        for face in tqdm(self.faces.file_list_sorted, desc="Converting DFL Faces"):
            if face["face_extension"] not in (".png", ".jpg"):
                logger.verbose("'%s' is not a png or jpeg. Skipping", face["face_fullname"])
            f_hash = face["face_hash"]
            fullpath = os.path.join(self.faces.folder, face["face_fullname"])
            dfl = self.get_dfl_alignment(fullpath)

            if not dfl:

            self.convert_dfl_alignment(dfl, f_hash, alignments)
        return alignments

    def get_dfl_alignment(filename):
        """ Process the alignment of one face """
        ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

        if ext.lower() in (".jpg", ".jpeg"):
            img = Image.open(filename)
                dfl_alignments = pickle.loads(img.app["APP15"])
                dfl_alignments["source_rect"] = [n.item()  # comes as non-JSONable np.int32
                                                 for n in dfl_alignments["source_rect"]]
                return dfl_alignments
            except pickle.UnpicklingError:
                return None

        with open(filename, "rb") as dfl:
            header = dfl.read(8)
            if header != b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n":
                logger.error("No Valid PNG header: %s", filename)
                return None
            while True:
                chunk_start = dfl.tell()
                chunk_hdr = dfl.read(8)
                if not chunk_hdr:
                chunk_length, chunk_name = struct.unpack("!I4s", chunk_hdr)
                dfl.seek(chunk_start, os.SEEK_SET)
                if chunk_name == b"fcWp":
                    chunk = dfl.read(chunk_length + 12)
                    retval = pickle.loads(chunk[8:-4])
                    logger.trace("Loaded DFL Alignment: (filename: '%s', alignment: %s",
                                 filename, retval)
                    return retval
                dfl.seek(chunk_length+12, os.SEEK_CUR)
            logger.error("Couldn't find DFL alignments: %s", filename)

    def convert_dfl_alignment(dfl_alignments, f_hash, alignments):
        """ Add Deep Face Lab Alignments to alignments in Faceswap format """
        sourcefile = dfl_alignments["source_filename"]
        left, top, right, bottom = dfl_alignments["source_rect"]
        alignment = {"x": left,
                     "w": right - left,
                     "y": top,
                     "h": bottom - top,
                     "hash": f_hash,
                     "landmarks_xy": np.array(dfl_alignments["source_landmarks"], dtype="float32")}
        logger.trace("Adding alignment: (frame: '%s', alignment: %s", sourcefile, alignment)
        alignments.setdefault(sourcefile, dict()).setdefault("faces", []).append(alignment)

class Draw():
    """ Draw Alignments on passed in images """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.frames = Frames(arguments.frames_dir)
        self.output_folder = self.set_output()
        self.extracted_faces = None
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def set_output(self):
        """ Set the output folder path """
        now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        folder_name = "drawn_landmarks_{}".format(now)
        if self.frames.is_video:
            dest_folder = os.path.dirname(self.frames.folder)
            dest_folder = self.frames.folder
        output_folder = os.path.join(dest_folder, folder_name)
        logger.debug("Creating folder: '%s'", output_folder)
        return output_folder

    def process(self):
        """ Run the draw alignments process """
        logger.info("[DRAW LANDMARKS]")  # Tidy up cli output
        self.extracted_faces = ExtractedFaces(self.frames, self.alignments, size=256)
        frames_drawn = 0
        for frame in tqdm(self.frames.file_list_sorted, desc="Drawing landmarks"):
            frame_name = frame["frame_fullname"]

            if not self.alignments.frame_exists(frame_name):
                logger.verbose("Skipping '%s' - Alignments not found", frame_name)

            frames_drawn += 1
        logger.info("%s Frame(s) output", frames_drawn)

    def annotate_image(self, frame):
        """ Draw the alignments """
        logger.trace("Annotating frame: '%s'", frame)
        alignments = self.alignments.get_faces_in_frame(frame)
        image = self.frames.load_image(frame)
        original_roi = [face.original_roi
                        for face in self.extracted_faces.faces]
        annotate = Annotate(image, alignments, original_roi)
        annotate.draw_bounding_box(1, 1)
        annotate.draw_extract_box(2, 1)
        annotate.draw_landmarks(3, 1)
        annotate.draw_landmarks_mesh(4, 1)

        image = annotate.image
        self.frames.save_image(self.output_folder, frame, image)

class Extract():  # pylint:disable=too-few-public-methods
    """ Re-extract faces from source frames based on Alignment data

    alignments: :class:`tools.lib_alignments.media.AlignmentData`
        The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job
    arguments: :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        The :mod:`argparse` arguments as passed in from :mod:`tools.py`
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self._arguments = arguments
        self._alignments = alignments
        self._faces_dir = arguments.faces_dir
        self._frames = Frames(arguments.frames_dir)
        self._extracted_faces = ExtractedFaces(self._frames,
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Run the re-extraction from Alignments file process"""
        logger.info("[EXTRACT FACES]")  # Tidy up cli output

    def _check_folder(self):
        """ Check that the faces folder doesn't pre-exist and create. """
        err = None
        if not self._faces_dir:
            err = "ERROR: Output faces folder not provided."
        elif not os.path.isdir(self._faces_dir):
            logger.debug("Creating folder: '%s'", self._faces_dir)
        elif os.listdir(self._faces_dir):
            err = "ERROR: Output faces folder should be empty: '{}'".format(self._faces_dir)
        if err:
        logger.verbose("Creating output folder at '%s'", self._faces_dir)

    def _export_faces(self):
        """ Export the faces to the output folder and update the alignments file with
        new hashes. """
        extracted_faces = 0
        skip_list = self._set_skip_list()
        count = self._frames.count if skip_list is None else self._frames.count - len(skip_list)
        for filename, image in tqdm(self._frames.stream(skip_list=skip_list),
                                    total=count, desc="Saving extracted faces"):
            frame_name = os.path.basename(filename)
            if not self._alignments.frame_exists(frame_name):
                logger.verbose("Skipping '%s' - Alignments not found", frame_name)
            extracted_faces += self._output_faces(frame_name, image)
        if extracted_faces != 0 and not self._arguments.large:
        logger.info("%s face(s) extracted", extracted_faces)

    def _set_skip_list(self):
        """ Set the indices for frames that should be skipped based on the `extract_every_n`
        command line option.

        list or ``None``
            A list of indices to be skipped if extract_every_n is not `1` otherwise
            returns ``None``
        skip_num = self._arguments.extract_every_n
        if skip_num == 1:
            logger.debug("Not skipping any frames")
            return None
        skip_list = []
        for idx, item in enumerate(self._frames.file_list_sorted):
            if idx % skip_num != 0:
                logger.trace("Adding image '%s' to skip list due to extract_every_n = %s",
                             item["frame_fullname"], skip_num)
        logger.debug("Adding skip list: %s", skip_list)
        return skip_list

    def _output_faces(self, filename, image):
        """ For each frame save out the faces and update the face hash back to alignments

        filename: str
            The filename (without the full path) of the current frame
        image: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            The full frame that faces are to be extracted from

            The total number of faces that have been extracted
        logger.trace("Outputting frame: %s", filename)
        face_count = 0
        frame_name, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
        faces = self._select_valid_faces(filename, image)

        for idx, face in enumerate(faces):
            output = "{}_{}{}".format(frame_name, str(idx), extension)
            if self._arguments.large:
                self._frames.save_image(self._faces_dir, output, face.aligned_face)
                output = os.path.join(self._faces_dir, output)
                f_hash = self._extracted_faces.save_face_with_hash(output,
                self._alignments.data[filename]["faces"][idx]["hash"] = f_hash
            face_count += 1
        return face_count

    def _select_valid_faces(self, frame, image):
        """ Return the aligned faces from a frame that meet the selection criteria,

        frame: str
            The filename (without the full path) of the current frame
        image: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            The full frame that faces are to be extracted from

            List of valid :class:`lib,faces_detect.DetectedFace` objects
        faces = self._extracted_faces.get_faces_in_frame(frame, image=image)
        if not self._arguments.large:
            valid_faces = faces
            sizes = self._extracted_faces.get_roi_size_for_frame(frame)
            valid_faces = [faces[idx] for idx, size in enumerate(sizes)
                           if size >= self._extracted_faces.size]
        logger.trace("frame: '%s', total_faces: %s, valid_faces: %s",
                     frame, len(faces), len(valid_faces))
        return valid_faces

class Fix():
    """ Fix alignments that were impacted by the 'out by one' bug when extracting from video

    TODO This is a temporary job that should be deleted after a period of time.
    Implemented 2019/12/07
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Run the fix process """
        if not self._check_file_needs_fixing():
        logger.info("[FIXING FRAMES]")

    def _check_file_needs_fixing(self):
        """ Check that these alignments are in video format and that the first frame in the "
        "alignments file does not already start with 1 """
        retval = True
        min_frame = min(key for key in self.alignments.data.keys())
        logger.debug("First frame: '%s'", min_frame)
        fname = os.path.splitext(min_frame)[0]
        frame_id = fname.split("_")[-1]
        if ("_") not in fname or not frame_id.isdigit():
            logger.info("Alignments file not generated from a video. Nothing to do.")
            retval = False
        elif int(frame_id) == 1:
            logger.info("Alignments file does not require fixing. First frame: '%s'", fname)
            retval = False
        return retval

    def _fix(self):
        """ Renumber frame names, reducing each one by 1 """
        frame_names = sorted(key for key in self.alignments.data.keys())
        for old_name in tqdm(frame_names, desc="Fixing Alignments file"):
            fname, ext = os.path.splitext(old_name)
            vid_name, new_frame_id = ("_".join(fname.split("_")[:-1]),
                                      int(fname.split("_")[-1]) - 1)
            new_name = "{}_{:06d}{}".format(vid_name, new_frame_id, ext)
            logger.debug("Re-assigning: '%s' > '%s'", old_name, new_name)
            self.alignments.data[new_name] = self.alignments.data[old_name]
            del self.alignments.data[old_name]

class Merge():
    """ Merge two alignments files into one """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.faces = self.get_faces(arguments)
        self.final_alignments = alignments[0]
        self.process_alignments = alignments[1:]
        self._hashes_to_frame = None

    def get_faces(arguments):
        """ If faces argument is specified, load faces_dir
            otherwise return None """
        if not hasattr(arguments, "faces_dir") or not arguments.faces_dir:
            return None
        return Faces(arguments.faces_dir)

    def process(self):
        """Process the alignments file merge """
        logger.info("[MERGE ALIGNMENTS]")  # Tidy up cli output
        if self.faces is not None:
        self._hashes_to_frame = self.final_alignments.hashes_to_frame
        skip_count = 0
        merge_count = 0
        total_count = sum([alignments.frames_count for alignments in self.process_alignments])

        with tqdm(desc="Merging Alignments", total=total_count) as pbar:
            for alignments in self.process_alignments:
                for _, src_alignments, _, frame in alignments.yield_faces():
                    for idx, alignment in enumerate(src_alignments):
                        if not alignment.get("hash", None):
                            logger.warning("Alignment '%s':%s has no Hash! Skipping", frame, idx)
                            skip_count += 1
                        if self.check_exists(frame, alignment, idx):
                            skip_count += 1
                        self.merge_alignment(frame, alignment, idx)
                        merge_count += 1
        logger.info("Alignments Merged: %s", merge_count)
        logger.info("Alignments Skipped: %s", skip_count)
        if merge_count != 0:

    def remove_faces(self):
        """ Process to remove faces from an alignments file """
        face_hashes = list(self.faces.items.keys())
        del_faces_count = 0
        del_frames_count = 0
        if not face_hashes:
            logger.error("No face hashes. This would remove all faces from your alignments file.")
        for alignments in tqdm(self.alignments, desc="Filtering out faces"):
            pre_face_count = alignments.faces_count
            pre_frames_count = alignments.frames_count
            alignments.filter_hashes(face_hashes, filter_out=False)
            # Remove frames with no faces
            frames = list(alignments.data.keys())
            for frame in frames:
                if not alignments.frame_has_faces(frame):
                    del alignments.data[frame]
            post_face_count = alignments.faces_count
            post_frames_count = alignments.frames_count
            removed_faces = pre_face_count - post_face_count
            removed_frames = pre_frames_count - post_frames_count
            del_faces_count += removed_faces
            del_frames_count += removed_frames
            logger.verbose("Removed %s faces and %s frames from %s",
                           removed_faces, removed_frames, os.path.basename(alignments.file))
        logger.info("Total removed - faces: %s, frames: %s", del_faces_count, del_frames_count)

    def check_exists(self, frame, alignment, idx):
        """ Check whether this face already exists """
        existing_frame = self._hashes_to_frame.get(alignment["hash"], None)
        if not existing_frame:
            return False
        if frame in existing_frame.keys():
            logger.verbose("Face '%s': %s already exists in destination at position %s. "
                           "Skipping", frame, idx, existing_frame[frame])
        elif frame not in existing_frame.keys():
            logger.verbose("Face '%s': %s exists in destination as: %s. "
                           "Skipping", frame, idx, existing_frame)
        return True

    def merge_alignment(self, frame, alignment, idx):
        """ Merge the source alignment into the destination """
        logger.debug("Merging alignment: (frame: %s, src_idx: %s, hash: %s)",
                     frame, idx, alignment["hash"])
        self._hashes_to_frame.setdefault(alignment["hash"], dict())[frame] = idx
                                              dict()).setdefault("faces", []).append(alignment)

    def set_destination_filename(self):
        """ Set the destination filename """
        folder = os.path.split(self.final_alignments.file)[0]
        ext = os.path.splitext(self.final_alignments.file)[1]
        now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        filename = os.path.join(folder, "alignments_merged_{}{}".format(now, ext))
        logger.debug("Output set to: '%s'", filename)

class RemoveAlignments():
    """ Remove items from alignments file """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.type = arguments.job.replace("remove-", "")
        self.items = self.get_items(arguments)
        self.removed = set()
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def get_items(self, arguments):
        """ Set the correct items to process """
        retval = None
        if self.type == "frames":
            retval = Frames(arguments.frames_dir).items
        elif self.type == "faces":
            retval = Faces(arguments.faces_dir)
        return retval

    def process(self):
        """ run removal """
        logger.info("[REMOVE ALIGNMENTS DATA]")  # Tidy up cli output
        del_count = 0
        task = getattr(self, "remove_{}".format(self.type))

        if self.type == "frames":
            logger.debug("Removing Frames")
            for frame in tqdm(list(item[3] for item in self.alignments.yield_faces()),
                              desc="Removing Frames",
                del_count += task(frame)
            logger.debug("Removing Faces")
            del_count = task()

        if del_count == 0:
            logger.info("No changes made to alignments file. Exiting")

        logger.info("%s alignment(s) were removed from alignments file", del_count)

        if self.type == "faces":
            rename = Rename(self.alignments, None, self.items)

    def remove_frames(self, frame):
        """ Process to remove frames from an alignments file """
        if frame in self.items:
            logger.trace("Not deleting frame: '%s'", frame)
            return 0
        logger.debug("Deleting frame: '%s'", frame)
        del self.alignments.data[frame]
        return 1

    def remove_faces(self):
        """ Process to remove faces from an alignments file """
        face_hashes = self.items.items
        if not face_hashes:
            logger.error("No face hashes. This would remove all faces from your alignments file.")
            return 0
        pre_face_count = self.alignments.faces_count
        self.alignments.filter_hashes(face_hashes, filter_out=False)
        post_face_count = self.alignments.faces_count
        return pre_face_count - post_face_count

class Rename():
    """ Rename faces in a folder to match their filename as stored in an alignments file.

    alignments: :class:`tools.lib_alignments.media.AlignmentData`
        The alignments data loaded from an alignments file for this rename job
    arguments: :class:`argparse.Namespace`
        The :mod:`argparse` arguments as passed in from :mod:`tools.py`
    faces: :class:`tools.lib_alignments.media.Faces`, Optional
        An optional faces object, if the rename task is being called by another job.
        Default: ``None``
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments, faces=None):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s, faces: %s)",
                     self.__class__.__name__, arguments, faces)
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.faces = faces if faces else Faces(arguments.faces_dir)
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Process the face renaming """
        logger.info("[RENAME FACES]")  # Tidy up cli output
        rename_mappings = self._build_rename_list()
        rename_count = self._rename_faces(rename_mappings)
        logger.info("%s faces renamed", rename_count)

    def _build_rename_list(self):
        """ Build a list of source and destination filenames for renaming.

        Validates that all files in the faces folder have a corresponding match in the alignments
        file. Orders the rename list by destination filename to avoid potential for filename clash.

            List of tuples of (`source filename`, `destination filename`) ordered by destination
        source_filenames = []
        dest_filenames = []
        errors = []
        pbar = tqdm(desc="Building Rename Lists", total=self.faces.count)
        for disk_hash, disk_faces in self.faces.items.items():
            align_faces = self.alignments.hashes_to_frame.get(disk_hash, None)
            face_error = self._validate_hash_match(disk_faces, align_faces)
            if face_error is not None:
            src_faces, dst_faces = self._get_filename_mapping(disk_faces, align_faces)
        if errors:
            logger.error("There are faces in the given folder that do not correspond to entries "
                         "in the alignments file. Please check your data, and if neccesarry run "
                         "the `remove-faces` job. To get a list of faces missing alignments "
                         "entries, run with VERBOSE logging")
            logger.verbose("Files in faces folder not in alignments file: %s", errors)
        return self._sort_mappings(source_filenames, dest_filenames)

    def _validate_hash_match(disk_faces, align_faces):
        """ Validate that the hash has returned corresponding faces from disk and alignments file.

        disk_faces: list
            List of tuples of (`file name`, `file extension`) for all faces that exist for the
            current hash
        align_faces: dict
            `frame filename`: `index` for all faces that exist in the alignments file for the
            current hash

            List of disk_faces that do not correspond to a matching entry in the alignments file.
            Returns `None` if there is a valid match
        if align_faces is None:
            logger.debug("No matching hash found for faces: %s", disk_faces)
            return [face[0] + face[1] for face in disk_faces]
        if len(disk_faces) != len(align_faces):
            logger.debug("Number of faces mismatch for hash: (disk_faces: %s, align_faces: %s)",
                         disk_faces, align_faces)
            return [face[0] + face[1] for face in disk_faces[: len(align_faces)]]
        return None

    def _get_filename_mapping(disk_faces, align_faces):
        """ Map the source filenames for this hash to the destination filenames.

        disk_faces: list
            List of tuples of (`file name`, `file extension`) for all faces that exist for the
            current hash
        align_faces: dict
            `frame filename`: `index` for all faces that exist in the alignments file for the
            current hash

        source_filenames: list
            List of source filenames to be renamed for this hash
        dest_filenames: list
            List of destination filenames that faces for this hash are to be renamed to
            List of disk_faces that do not correspond to a matching entry in the alignments file.
            Returns `None` if there is a valid match
        source_filenames = []
        dest_filenames = []
        # Force deterministic order on alignments dict for multi hash faces
        sorted_aligned = sorted([(frame, idx) for frame, idx in align_faces.items()])
        for disk_face, align_face in zip(disk_faces, sorted_aligned):
            extension = disk_face[1]
            src_fname = disk_face[0] + extension

            dst_frame = os.path.splitext(align_face[0])[0]
            dst_fname = "{}_{}{}".format(dst_frame, align_face[1], extension)
            logger.debug("Mapping rename from '%s' to '%s'", src_fname, dst_fname)
        return source_filenames, dest_filenames

    def _sort_mappings(sources, destinations):
        """ Sort the mapping lists by destinations to avoid filename clash.

        sources: list
            List of source filenames in the same order as :attr:`destinations`
        destinations: dict
            List of destination filenames in the same order as :attr:`sources`

            List of tuples of (`source filename`, `destination filename`) ordered by destination
        sorted_indices = [idx for idx, _ in sorted(enumerate(destinations), key=lambda x: x[1])]
        mappings = [(sources[idx], destinations[idx]) for idx in sorted_indices]
        logger.trace("filename mappings: %s", mappings)
        return mappings

    def _rename_faces(self, filename_mappings):
        """ Rename faces back to their original name as exists in the alignments file.

        If the source and destination filename are the same then skip that file.

        filename_mappings: list
            List of tuples of (`source filename`, `destination filename`) ordered by destination

            The number of faces that have been renamed
        rename_count = 0
        for src, dst in tqdm(filename_mappings, desc="Renaming Faces"):
            if src == dst:
                logger.debug("Skipping rename of '%s' as destination name is same as souce", src)
            old = os.path.join(self.faces.folder, src)
            new = os.path.join(self.faces.folder, dst)
            if os.path.exists(new):
                # This should never happen, but is a safety measure to prevent deletion of faces
                # when multiple files have the same hash.
                logger.debug("Skipping renaming to an existing file: (src: '%s', dst: '%s'",
                             src, dst)
            logger.verbose("Renaming '%s' to '%s'", old, new)
            os.rename(old, new)
            rename_count += 1
        return rename_count

class Sort():
    """ Sort alignments' index by the order they appear in an image """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.faces = self.get_faces(arguments)
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def get_faces(arguments):
        """ If faces argument is specified, load faces_dir otherwise return None """
        if not hasattr(arguments, "faces_dir") or not arguments.faces_dir:
            return None
        faces = Faces(arguments.faces_dir)
        return faces

    def process(self):
        """ Execute the sort process """
        logger.info("[SORT INDEXES]")  # Tidy up cli output
        reindexed = self.reindex_faces()
        if reindexed:
        if self.faces:
            rename = Rename(self.alignments, None, self.faces)

    def reindex_faces(self):
        """ Re-Index the faces """
        reindexed = 0
        for alignment in tqdm(self.alignments.yield_faces(),
                              desc="Sort alignment indexes", total=self.alignments.frames_count):
            frame, alignments, count, key = alignment
            if count <= 1:
                logger.trace("0 or 1 face in frame. Not sorting: '%s'", frame)
            sorted_alignments = sorted([item for item in alignments], key=lambda x: (x["x"]))
            if sorted_alignments == alignments:
                logger.trace("Alignments already in correct order. Not sorting: '%s'", frame)
            logger.trace("Sorting alignments for frame: '%s'", frame)
            self.alignments.data[key]["faces"] = sorted_alignments
            reindexed += 1
        logger.info("%s Frames had their faces reindexed", reindexed)
        return reindexed

class Spatial():
    """ Apply spatial temporal filtering to landmarks
        Adapted from:
        https://www.kaggle.com/selfishgene/animating-and-smoothing-3d-facial-keypoints/notebook """

    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.mappings = dict()
        self.normalized = dict()
        self.shapes_model = None
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Perform spatial filtering """
        logger.info("[SPATIO-TEMPORAL FILTERING]")  # Tidy up cli output
        logger.info("NB: The process only processes the alignments for the first "
                    "face it finds for any given frame. For best results only run this when "
                    "there is only a single face in the alignments file and all false positives "
                    "have been removed")

        landmarks = self.spatially_filter()
        landmarks = self.temporally_smooth(landmarks)

        logger.info("Done! To re-extract faces run: python tools.py "
                    "alignments -j extract -a %s -fr <path_to_frames_dir> -fc "
                    "<output_folder>", self.arguments.alignments_file)

    # Define shape normalization utility functions
    def normalize_shapes(shapes_im_coords):
        """ Normalize a 2D or 3D shape """
        logger.debug("Normalize shapes")
        (num_pts, num_dims, _) = shapes_im_coords.shape

        # Calculate mean coordinates and subtract from shapes
        mean_coords = shapes_im_coords.mean(axis=0)
        shapes_centered = np.zeros(shapes_im_coords.shape)
        shapes_centered = shapes_im_coords - np.tile(mean_coords, [num_pts, 1, 1])

        # Calculate scale factors and divide shapes
        scale_factors = np.sqrt((shapes_centered**2).sum(axis=1)).mean(axis=0)
        shapes_normalized = np.zeros(shapes_centered.shape)
        shapes_normalized = shapes_centered / np.tile(scale_factors, [num_pts, num_dims, 1])

        logger.debug("Normalized shapes: (shapes_normalized: %s, scale_factors: %s, mean_coords: "
                     "%s", shapes_normalized, scale_factors, mean_coords)
        return shapes_normalized, scale_factors, mean_coords

    def normalized_to_original(shapes_normalized, scale_factors, mean_coords):
        """ Transform a normalized shape back to original image coordinates """
        logger.debug("Normalize to original")
        (num_pts, num_dims, _) = shapes_normalized.shape

        # move back to the correct scale
        shapes_centered = shapes_normalized * np.tile(scale_factors, [num_pts, num_dims, 1])
        # move back to the correct location
        shapes_im_coords = shapes_centered + np.tile(mean_coords, [num_pts, 1, 1])

        logger.debug("Normalized to original: %s", shapes_im_coords)
        return shapes_im_coords

    def normalize(self):
        """ Compile all original and normalized alignments """
        count = sum(1 for val in self.alignments.data.values() if val["faces"])
        landmarks_all = np.zeros((68, 2, int(count)))

        end = 0
        for key in tqdm(sorted(self.alignments.data.keys()), desc="Compiling"):
            val = self.alignments.data[key]["faces"]
            if not val:
            # We should only be normalizing a single face, so just take
            # the first landmarks found
            landmarks = np.array(val[0]["landmarks_xy"]).reshape(68, 2, 1)
            start = end
            end = start + landmarks.shape[2]
            # Store in one big array
            landmarks_all[:, :, start:end] = landmarks
            # Make sure we keep track of the mapping to the original frame
            self.mappings[start] = key

        # Normalize shapes
        normalized_shape = self.normalize_shapes(landmarks_all)
        self.normalized["landmarks"] = normalized_shape[0]
        self.normalized["scale_factors"] = normalized_shape[1]
        self.normalized["mean_coords"] = normalized_shape[2]
        logger.debug("Normalized: %s", self.normalized)

    def shape_model(self):
        """ build 2D shape model """
        logger.debug("Shape model")
        landmarks_norm = self.normalized["landmarks"]
        num_components = 20
        normalized_shapes_tbl = np.reshape(landmarks_norm, [68*2, landmarks_norm.shape[2]]).T
        self.shapes_model = decomposition.PCA(n_components=num_components,
        explained = self.shapes_model.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()
        logger.info("Total explained percent by PCA model with %s components is %s%%",
                    num_components, round(100 * explained, 1))
        logger.debug("Shaped model")

    def spatially_filter(self):
        """ interpret the shapes using our shape model
            (project and reconstruct) """
        logger.debug("Spatially Filter")
        landmarks_norm = self.normalized["landmarks"]
        # Convert to matrix form
        landmarks_norm_table = np.reshape(landmarks_norm, [68 * 2, landmarks_norm.shape[2]]).T
        # Project onto shapes model and reconstruct
        landmarks_norm_table_rec = self.shapes_model.inverse_transform(
        # Convert back to shapes (numKeypoint, num_dims, numFrames)
        landmarks_norm_rec = np.reshape(landmarks_norm_table_rec.T,
                                        [68, 2, landmarks_norm.shape[2]])
        # Transform back to image co-ordinates
        retval = self.normalized_to_original(landmarks_norm_rec,

        logger.debug("Spatially Filtered: %s", retval)
        return retval

    def temporally_smooth(landmarks):
        """ apply temporal filtering on the 2D points """
        logger.debug("Temporally Smooth")
        filter_half_length = 2
        temporal_filter = np.ones((1, 1, 2 * filter_half_length + 1))
        temporal_filter = temporal_filter / temporal_filter.sum()

        start_tileblock = np.tile(landmarks[:, :, 0][:, :, np.newaxis], [1, 1, filter_half_length])
        end_tileblock = np.tile(landmarks[:, :, -1][:, :, np.newaxis], [1, 1, filter_half_length])
        landmarks_padded = np.dstack((start_tileblock, landmarks, end_tileblock))

        retval = signal.convolve(landmarks_padded, temporal_filter, mode='valid', method='fft')
        logger.debug("Temporally Smoothed: %s", retval)
        return retval

    def update_alignments(self, landmarks):
        """ Update smoothed landmarks back to alignments """
        logger.debug("Update alignments")
        for idx, frame in tqdm(self.mappings.items(), desc="Updating"):
            logger.trace("Updating: (frame: %s)", frame)
            landmarks_update = landmarks[:, :, idx]
            landmarks_xy = landmarks_update.reshape(68, 2).tolist()
            self.alignments.data[frame]["faces"][0]["landmarks_xy"] = landmarks_xy
            logger.trace("Updated: (frame: '%s', landmarks: %s)", frame, landmarks_xy)
        logger.debug("Updated alignments")

class UpdateHashes():
    """ Update hashes in an alignments file """
    def __init__(self, alignments, arguments):
        logger.debug("Initializing %s: (arguments: %s)", self.__class__.__name__, arguments)
        self.alignments = alignments
        self.faces = Faces(arguments.faces_dir).file_list_sorted
        self.face_hashes = dict()
        logger.debug("Initialized %s", self.__class__.__name__)

    def process(self):
        """ Update Face Hashes to the alignments file """
        logger.info("[UPDATE FACE HASHES]")  # Tidy up cli output
        updated = self.update_hashes()
        if updated == 0:
            logger.info("No hashes were updated. Exiting")
        logger.info("%s frame(s) had their face hashes updated.", updated)

    def get_hashes(self):
        """ Read the face hashes from the faces """
        logger.info("Getting original filenames, indexes and hashes...")
        for face in self.faces:
            filename = face["face_name"]
            extension = face["face_extension"]
            if "_" not in face["face_name"]:
                logger.warning("Unable to determine index of file. Skipping: '%s'", filename)
            index = filename[filename.rfind("_") + 1:]
            if not index.isdigit():
                logger.warning("Unable to determine index of file. Skipping: '%s'", filename)
            orig_frame = filename[:filename.rfind("_")] + extension
            self.face_hashes.setdefault(orig_frame, dict())[int(index)] = face["face_hash"]

    def update_hashes(self):
        """ Update hashes to alignments """
        logger.info("Updating hashes to alignments...")
        updated = 0
        for frame, hashes in self.face_hashes.items():
            if not self.alignments.frame_exists(frame):
                logger.warning("Frame not found in alignments file. Skipping: '%s'", frame)
            if not self.alignments.frame_has_faces(frame):
                logger.warning("Frame does not have faces. Skipping: '%s'", frame)
            existing = [face.get("hash", None)
                        for face in self.alignments.get_faces_in_frame(frame)]
            if any(hsh not in existing for hsh in list(hashes.values())):
                self.alignments.add_face_hashes(frame, hashes)
                updated += 1
        return updated