
Poisson matrix factorization with Batch inference and Stochastic inference

CREATED: 2014-03-25 02:06:52 by Dawen Liang <dliang@ee.columbia.edu>


import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy import special

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

class PoissonMF(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin):
    ''' Poisson matrix factorization with batch inference '''
    def __init__(self, n_components=100, max_iter=100, tol=0.0005,
                 smoothness=100, random_state=None, verbose=False,
        ''' Poisson matrix factorization

        n_components : int
            Number of latent components

        max_iter : int
            Maximal number of iterations to perform

        tol : float
            The threshold on the increase of the objective to stop the

        smoothness : int
            Smoothness on the initialization variational parameters

        random_state : int or RandomState
            Pseudo random number generator used for sampling

        verbose : bool
            Whether to show progress during model fitting

        **kwargs: dict
            Model hyperparameters

        self.n_components = n_components
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.tol = tol
        self.smoothness = smoothness
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.verbose = verbose

        if type(self.random_state) is int:
        elif self.random_state is not None:


    def _parse_args(self, **kwargs):
        self.a = float(kwargs.get('a', 0.1))
        self.b = float(kwargs.get('b', 0.1))

    def _init_components(self, n_feats):
        # variational parameters for beta
        self.gamma_b = self.smoothness \
            * np.random.gamma(self.smoothness, 1. / self.smoothness,
                              size=(self.n_components, n_feats))
        self.rho_b = self.smoothness \
            * np.random.gamma(self.smoothness, 1. / self.smoothness,
                              size=(self.n_components, n_feats))
        self.Eb, self.Elogb = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_b, self.rho_b)

    def set_components(self, shape, rate):
        '''Set the latent components from variational parameters.

        shape : numpy-array, shape (n_components, n_feats)
            Shape parameters for the variational distribution

        rate : numpy-array, shape (n_components, n_feats)
            Rate parameters for the variational distribution

        self : object
            Return the instance itself.

        self.gamma_b, self.rho_b = shape, rate
        self.Eb, self.Elogb = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_b, self.rho_b)
        return self

    def _init_weights(self, n_samples):
        # variational parameters for theta
        self.gamma_t = self.smoothness \
            * np.random.gamma(self.smoothness, 1. / self.smoothness,
                              size=(n_samples, self.n_components))
        self.rho_t = self.smoothness \
            * np.random.gamma(self.smoothness, 1. / self.smoothness,
                              size=(n_samples, self.n_components))
        self.Et, self.Elogt = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_t, self.rho_t)
        self.c = 1. / np.mean(self.Et)

    def fit(self, X):
        '''Fit the model to the data in X.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_feats)
            Training data.

        self: object
            Returns the instance itself.
        n_samples, n_feats = X.shape
        return self

    def transform(self, X, attr=None):
        '''Encode the data as a linear combination of the latent components.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_feats)

        attr: string
            The name of attribute, default 'Eb'. Can be changed to Elogb to
            obtain E_q[log beta] as transformed data.

        X_new : array-like, shape(n_samples, n_filters)
            Transformed data, as specified by attr.

        if not hasattr(self, 'Eb'):
            raise ValueError('There are no pre-trained components.')
        n_samples, n_feats = X.shape
        if n_feats != self.Eb.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('The dimension of the transformed data '
                             'does not match with the existing components.')
        if attr is None:
            attr = 'Et'
        self._update(X, update_beta=False)
        return getattr(self, attr)

    def _update(self, X, update_beta=True):
        # alternating between update latent components and weights
        old_bd = -np.inf
        for i in xrange(self.max_iter):
            if update_beta:
            bound = self._bound(X)
            improvement = (bound - old_bd) / abs(old_bd)
            if self.verbose:
                sys.stdout.write('\r\tAfter ITERATION: %d\tObjective: %.2f\t'
                                 'Old objective: %.2f\t'
                                 'Improvement: %.5f' % (i, bound, old_bd,
            if improvement < self.tol:
            old_bd = bound
        if self.verbose:

    def _update_theta(self, X):
        ratio = X / self._xexplog()
        self.gamma_t = self.a + np.exp(self.Elogt) * np.dot(
            ratio, np.exp(self.Elogb).T)
        self.rho_t = self.a * self.c + np.sum(self.Eb, axis=1)
        self.Et, self.Elogt = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_t, self.rho_t)
        self.c = 1. / np.mean(self.Et)

    def _update_beta(self, X):
        ratio = X / self._xexplog()
        self.gamma_b = self.b + np.exp(self.Elogb) * np.dot(
            np.exp(self.Elogt).T, ratio)
        self.rho_b = self.b + np.sum(self.Et, axis=0, keepdims=True).T
        self.Eb, self.Elogb = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_b, self.rho_b)

    def _xexplog(self):
        sum_k exp(E[log theta_{ik} * beta_{kd}])
        return np.dot(np.exp(self.Elogt), np.exp(self.Elogb))

    def _bound(self, X):
        bound = np.sum(X * np.log(self._xexplog()) - self.Et.dot(self.Eb))
        bound += _gamma_term(self.a, self.a * self.c,
                             self.gamma_t, self.rho_t,
                             self.Et, self.Elogt)
        bound += self.n_components * X.shape[0] * self.a * np.log(self.c)
        bound += _gamma_term(self.b, self.b, self.gamma_b, self.rho_b,
                             self.Eb, self.Elogb)
        return bound

class OnlinePoissonMF(PoissonMF):
    ''' Poisson matrix factorization with stochastic inference '''
    def __init__(self, n_components=100, batch_size=10, n_pass=10,
                 max_iter=100, tol=0.0005, shuffle=True, smoothness=100,
                 random_state=None, verbose=False,
        ''' Poisson matrix factorization

        n_components : int
            Number of latent components

        batch_size : int
            The size of mini-batch

        n_pass : int
            The number of passes through the entire data

        max_iter : int
            Maximal number of iterations to perform for a single mini-batch

        tol : float
            The threshold on the increase of the objective to stop the

        shuffle : bool
            Whether to shuffle the data or not

        smoothness : int
            Smoothness on the initialization variational parameters

        random_state : int or RandomState
            Pseudo random number generator used for sampling

        verbose : bool
            Whether to show progress during model fitting

        **kwargs: dict
            Model hyperparameters and learning rate

        self.n_components = n_components
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.n_pass = n_pass
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.tol = tol
        self.shuffle = shuffle
        self.smoothness = smoothness
        self.random_state = random_state
        self.verbose = verbose

        if type(self.random_state) is int:
        elif self.random_state is not None:


    def _parse_args(self, **kwargs):
        self.a = float(kwargs.get('a', 0.1))
        self.b = float(kwargs.get('b', 0.1))
        self.t0 = float(kwargs.get('t0', 1.))
        self.kappa = float(kwargs.get('kappa', 0.6))

    def fit(self, X, est_total=None):
        '''Fit the model to the data in X. X has to be loaded into memory.

        X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_feats)
            Training data.

        est_total : int
            The estimated size of the entire data. Could be larger than the
            actual size.

        self: object
            Returns the instance itself.
        n_samples, n_feats = X.shape
        if est_total is None:
            self._scale = float(n_samples) / self.batch_size
            self._scale = float(est_total) / self.batch_size
        self.bound = list()
        for count in xrange(self.n_pass):
            if self.verbose:
                print 'Iteration %d: passing through the data...' % count
            indices = np.arange(n_samples)
            if self.shuffle:
            X_shuffled = X[indices]
            for (i, istart) in enumerate(xrange(0, n_samples,
                                                self.batch_size), 1):
                print '\tMinibatch %d:' % i
                iend = min(istart + self.batch_size, n_samples)
                mini_batch = X_shuffled[istart: iend]
        return self

    def partial_fit(self, X):
        '''Fit the data in X as a mini-batch and update the parameter by taking
        a natural gradient step. Could be invoked from a high-level out-of-core

        X : array-like, shape (batch_size, n_feats)
            Mini-batch data.

        self: object
            Returns the instance itself.
        # take a (natural) gradient step
        ratio = X / self._xexplog()
        self.gamma_b = (1 - self.rho) * self.gamma_b + self.rho * \
            (self.b + self._scale * np.exp(self.Elogb) *
             np.dot(np.exp(self.Elogt).T, ratio))
        self.rho_b = (1 - self.rho) * self.rho_b + self.rho * \
            (self.b + self._scale * np.sum(self.Et, axis=0, keepdims=True).T)
        self.Eb, self.Elogb = _compute_expectations(self.gamma_b, self.rho_b)
        return self

    def set_learning_rate(self, iter=None, rho=None):
        '''Set the learning rate for the gradient step

        iter : int
            The current iteration, used to compute a Robbins-Monro type
            learning rate
        rho : float
            Directly specify the learning rate. Will override the one computed
            from the current iteration.

        self: object
            Returns the instance itself.
        if rho is not None:
            self.rho = rho
        elif iter is not None:
            self.rho = (iter + self.t0)**(-self.kappa)
            raise ValueError('invalid learning rate.')
        return self

    def _stoch_bound(self, X):
        bound = np.sum(X * np.log(self._xexplog()) - self.Et.dot(self.Eb))
        bound += _gamma_term(self.a, self.a * self.c, self.gamma_t, self.rho_t,
                             self.Et, self.Elogt)
        bound += self.n_components * X.shape[0] * self.a * np.log(self.c)
        bound *= self._scale
        bound += _gamma_term(self.b, self.b, self.gamma_b, self.rho_b,
                             self.Eb, self.Elogb)
        return bound

def _compute_expectations(alpha, beta):
    Given x ~ Gam(alpha, beta), compute E[x] and E[log x]
    return (alpha / beta, special.psi(alpha) - np.log(beta))

def _gamma_term(a, b, shape, rate, Ex, Elogx):
    return np.sum((a - shape) * Elogx - (b - rate) * Ex +
                  (special.gammaln(shape) - shape * np.log(rate)))