ctypesgen.parser.ctypesparser contains a class, CtypesParser, which is a
subclass of ctypesgen.parser.cparser.CParser. CtypesParser overrides the
handle_declaration() method of CParser. It turns the low-level type declarations
produced by CParser into CtypesType instances and breaks the parser's general
declarations into function, variable, typedef, constant, and type descriptions.

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext"

__all__ = ["CtypesParser"]

from ..ctypedescs import *
from ..expressions import *

from .cparser import *
from .cdeclarations import *

def make_enum_from_specifier(specifier):
    tag = specifier.tag

    enumerators = []
    last_name = None
    for e in specifier.enumerators:
        if e.expression:
            value = e.expression
            if last_name:
                value = BinaryExpressionNode(
                    (lambda x, y: x + y),
                    "(%s + %s)",
                    (False, False),
                value = ConstantExpressionNode(0)

        enumerators.append((e.name, value))
        last_name = e.name

    return CtypesEnum(tag, enumerators, src=(specifier.filename, specifier.lineno))

def get_decl_id(decl):
    """Return the identifier of a given declarator"""
    while isinstance(decl, Pointer):
        decl = decl.pointer
    p_name = ""
    if decl is not None and decl.identifier is not None:
        p_name = decl.identifier
    return p_name

class CtypesParser(CParser):
    """Parse a C file for declarations that can be used by ctypes.

    Subclass and override the handle_ctypes_* methods.

    def __init__(self, options):
        super(CtypesParser, self).__init__(options)
        self.type_map = ctypes_type_map
        if not options.no_python_types:

    def make_struct_from_specifier(self, specifier):
        variety = {True: "union", False: "struct"}[specifier.is_union]
        tag = specifier.tag

        if specifier.declarations:
            members = []
            for declaration in specifier.declarations:
                t = self.get_ctypes_type(
                    declaration.type, declaration.declarator, check_qualifiers=True
                declarator = declaration.declarator
                if declarator is None:
                    # Anonymous field in nested union/struct (C11/GCC).
                    name = None
                    while declarator.pointer:
                        declarator = declarator.pointer
                    name = declarator.identifier
                members.append((name, remove_function_pointer(t)))
            members = None

        return CtypesStruct(
            tag, specifier.attrib, variety, members, src=(specifier.filename, specifier.lineno)

    def get_ctypes_type(self, typ, declarator, check_qualifiers=False):
        signed = True
        typename = "int"
        longs = 0
        t = None

        for specifier in typ.specifiers:
            if isinstance(specifier, StructTypeSpecifier):
                t = self.make_struct_from_specifier(specifier)
            elif isinstance(specifier, EnumSpecifier):
                t = make_enum_from_specifier(specifier)
            elif specifier == "signed":
                signed = True
            elif specifier == "unsigned":
                signed = False
            elif specifier == "long":
                longs += 1
                typename = str(specifier)

        if not t:
            # It is a numeric type of some sort
            if (typename, signed, longs) in self.type_map:
                t = CtypesSimple(typename, signed, longs)

            elif signed and not longs:
                t = CtypesTypedef(typename)

                name = " ".join(typ.specifiers)
                if typename in [x[0] for x in self.type_map.keys()]:
                    # It's an unsupported variant of a builtin type
                    error = 'Ctypes does not support the type "%s".' % name
                    error = (
                        "Ctypes does not support adding additional "
                        'specifiers to typedefs, such as "%s"' % name
                t = CtypesTypedef(name)
                t.error(error, cls="unsupported-type")

            if declarator and declarator.bitfield:
                t = CtypesBitfield(t, declarator.bitfield)

        qualifiers = []
        while declarator and declarator.pointer:
            if declarator.parameters is not None:
                variadic = "..." in declarator.parameters

                params = []
                for param in declarator.parameters:
                    if param == "...":
                    param_name = get_decl_id(param.declarator)
                    ct = self.get_ctypes_type(param.type, param.declarator)
                    ct.identifier = param_name
                t = CtypesFunction(t, params, variadic)

            a = declarator.array
            while a:
                t = CtypesArray(t, a.size)
                a = a.array


            t = CtypesPointer(t, tuple(typ.qualifiers) + tuple(declarator.qualifiers))

            declarator = declarator.pointer

        if declarator and declarator.parameters is not None:
            variadic = "..." in declarator.parameters

            params = []
            for param in declarator.parameters:
                if param == "...":
                param_name = get_decl_id(param.declarator)
                ct = self.get_ctypes_type(param.type, param.declarator)
                ct.identifier = param_name
            t = CtypesFunction(t, params, variadic, declarator.attrib)

        if declarator:
            a = declarator.array
            while a:
                t = CtypesArray(t, a.size)
                a = a.array

        if (
            isinstance(t, CtypesPointer)
            and isinstance(t.destination, CtypesSimple)
            and t.destination.name == "char"
            and t.destination.signed
            t = CtypesSpecial("String")

        return t

    def handle_declaration(self, declaration, filename, lineno):
        t = self.get_ctypes_type(declaration.type, declaration.declarator)

        if type(t) in (CtypesStruct, CtypesEnum):
            self.handle_ctypes_new_type(remove_function_pointer(t), filename, lineno)

        declarator = declaration.declarator
        if declarator is None:
            # XXX TEMPORARY while struct with no typedef not filled in
        while declarator.pointer:
            declarator = declarator.pointer
        name = declarator.identifier
        if declaration.storage == "typedef":
            self.handle_ctypes_typedef(name, remove_function_pointer(t), filename, lineno)
        elif type(t) == CtypesFunction:
            attrib = Attrib(t.attrib)
                name, t.restype, t.argtypes, t.errcheck, t.variadic, attrib, filename, lineno
        elif declaration.storage != "static":
            self.handle_ctypes_variable(name, t, filename, lineno)

    # ctypes parser interface.  Override these methods in your subclass.

    def handle_ctypes_new_type(self, ctype, filename, lineno):

    def handle_ctypes_typedef(self, name, ctype, filename, lineno):

    def handle_ctypes_function(
        self, name, restype, argtypes, errcheck, variadic, attrib, filename, lineno

    def handle_ctypes_variable(self, name, ctype, filename, lineno):