# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pandasqt.compat import Qt, QtCore, QtGui

import parser
import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class DataSearch(object):
    """object which provides parsing functionality for a DataFrame.

    A `DataSearch` can apply custom filters defined as python expressions
    to a `pandas.DataFrame` object. The dataframe will evaluate the expressions
    and return a list with index which either match or fail the expression.

        name (str): Each `DataSearch` object should have a name. The name could
            be used to store different `DataSearch` objects as predefined filters.


    def __init__(self, name, filterString='', dataFrame=pd.DataFrame()):
        """Constructs a `DataSearch` object from the given attributes.

            name (str): The name of the filter.
            filterString (str, optional): A python expression as string.
                Defaults to an empty string.
            dataFrame (pandas.DataFrame, optional): The object to filter.
                Defaults to an empty `DataFrame`.

        self._filterString = filterString
        self._dataFrame = dataFrame
        self.name = name

    def __repr__(self):
        string = u"DataSearch({}): {} ({})".format(hex(id(self)), self.name, self._filterString)
        string = string.encode("utf-8")
        return string

    def dataFrame(self):
        """Getter method for the `dataFrame` attribute.

            It's not implemented with python properties to keep Qt conventions.

            pandas.DataFrame: A `DataFrame` object.

        return self._dataFrame

    def setDataFrame(self, dataFrame):
        """Updates/sets the dataFrame attribute of this class.

            dataFrame (pandas.DataFrame): The new `dataFrame` object.

        self._dataFrame = dataFrame

    def filterString(self):
        """Getter method for the `filterString` attribute.

            It's not implemented with python properties to keep Qt conventions.

            str: the filter/python expression as string.

        return self._filterString

    def setFilterString(self, filterString):
        """Updates/sets the filterString attribute of this class.

            filterString (str): A python expression as string. All leading and
                trailing spaces will be removed.

        ## remove leading whitespaces, they will raise an identation error
        filterString = filterString.strip()
        self._filterString = filterString

    def search(self):
        """Applies the filter to the stored dataframe.

        A safe environment dictionary will be created, which stores all allowed
        functions and attributes, which may be used for the filter.
        If any object in the given `filterString` could not be found in the
        dictionary, the filter does not apply and returns `False`.

            tuple: A (indexes, success)-tuple, which indicates identified objects
                by applying the filter and if the operation was successful in

        # there should be a grammar defined and some lexer/parser.
        # instead of this quick-and-dirty implementation.

        safeEnvDict = {
            'freeSearch': self.freeSearch,
            'extentSearch': self.extentSearch,
            'indexSearch': self.indexSearch

        for col in self._dataFrame.columns:
            safeEnvDict[col] = self._dataFrame[col]

            searchIndex = eval(self._filterString, {'__builtins__': None}, safeEnvDict)
        except NameError as err:
            return [], False
        except SyntaxError as err:
            return [], False
        except ValueError as err:
            # the use of 'and'/'or' is not valid, need to use binary operators.
            return [], False
        except TypeError as err:
            # argument must be string or compiled pattern
            return [], False
        return searchIndex, True

    def freeSearch(self, searchString):
        """Execute a free text search for all columns in the dataframe.

            searchString (str): Any string which may be contained in any column.

            list: A list containing all indexes with filtered data. Matches will
                be `True`, the remaining items will be `False`. If the dataFrame
                is empty, an empty list will be returned.


        if not self._dataFrame.empty:
            # set question to the indexes of data and set everything to false.
            question = self._dataFrame.index == -9999
            for column in self._dataFrame.columns:
                dfColumn = self._dataFrame[column]
                dfColumn = dfColumn.apply(unicode)

                question2 = dfColumn.str.contains(searchString, flags=re.IGNORECASE, regex=True, na=False)
                question = np.logical_or(question, question2)

            return question
            return []

    def extentSearch(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax):
        """Filters the data by a geographical bounding box.

        The bounding box is given as lower left point coordinates and upper
        right point coordinates.

            It's necessary that the dataframe has a `lat` and `lng` column
            in order to apply the filter.

            Check if the method could be removed in the future. (could be done
            via freeSearch)

            list: A list containing all indexes with filtered data. Matches will
                be `True`, the remaining items will be `False`. If the dataFrame
                is empty, an empty list will be returned.

        if not self._dataFrame.empty:
                questionMin = (self._dataFrame.lat >= xmin) & (self._dataFrame.lng >= ymin)
                questionMax = (self._dataFrame.lat <= xmax) & (self._dataFrame.lng <= ymax)
                return np.logical_and(questionMin, questionMax)
            except AttributeError:
                return []
            return []

    def indexSearch(self, indexes):
        """Filters the data by a list of indexes.
            indexes (list of int): List of index numbers to return.

            list: A list containing all indexes with filtered data. Matches will
                be `True`, the remaining items will be `False`. If the dataFrame
                is empty, an empty list will be returned.

        if not self._dataFrame.empty:
            filter0 = self._dataFrame.index == -9999
            for index in indexes:
                filter1 = self._dataFrame.index == index
                filter0 = np.logical_or(filter0, filter1)

            return filter0
            return []