import doctest
import inspect
import io
import itertools
import json
import glob
import os
import random
import string
from contextlib import redirect_stderr, redirect_stdout
from jinja2 import Template
from textwrap import dedent

from .notebook import execute_notebook, _global_anywhere
from .utils import hide_outputs
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import PythonConsoleLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter

def run_doctest(name, doctest_string, global_environment):
    Run a single test with given global_environment.

    Returns (True, '') if the doctest passes.
    Returns (False, failure_message) if the doctest fails.
    examples = doctest.DocTestParser().parse(
    test = doctest.DocTest(
        [e for e in examples if isinstance(e, doctest.Example)],

    doctestrunner = doctest.DocTestRunner(verbose=True)

    runresults = io.StringIO()
    with redirect_stdout(runresults), redirect_stderr(runresults), hide_outputs():, clear_globs=False)
    with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f, redirect_stderr(f), redirect_stdout(f):
        result = doctestrunner.summarize(verbose=True)
    # An individual test can only pass or fail
    if result.failed == 0:
        return (True, '')
        return False, runresults.getvalue()

class OKTest:
    A single DocTest defined by OKPy.

    Instances of this class are callable. When called, it takes
    a global_environment dict, and returns a TestResult object.

    We only take a global_environment, *not* a local_environment.
    This makes tests not useful inside functions, methods or
    other scopes with local variables. This is a limitation of
    doctest, so we roll with it.
    result_pass_template = Template("""
    <p><strong>{{ name }}</strong> passed!</p>

    result_fail_template = Template("""
    <p><strong style='color: red;'>{{ name }}</strong></p>

    <p><strong>Test code:</strong><pre>{{test_code}}</pre></p>

    <p><strong>Test result:</strong><pre>{{test_result}}</pre></p>

    def __init__(self, name, tests, value=1):
        tests is list of doctests that should be run.
        """ = name
        self.tests = tests
        self.value = value

    def run(self, global_environment):
        for i, t in enumerate(self.tests):
            passed, result = run_doctest( + ' ' + str(i), t, global_environment)
            if not passed:
                return False, OKTest.result_fail_template.render(
                    test_code=highlight(t, PythonConsoleLexer(), HtmlFormatter(noclasses=True)),
        return True, OKTest.result_pass_template.render(

    def from_file(cls, path):
            Parse a ok test file & return an OKTest
        # ok test files are python files, with a global 'test' defined
        test_globals = {}
        with open(path) as f:
            exec(, test_globals)

        test_spec = test_globals['test']

        # We only support a subset of these tests, so let's validate!

        # Make sure there is a name
        assert 'name' in test_spec

        # Do not support multiple suites in the same file
        assert len(test_spec['suites']) == 1

        test_suite = test_spec['suites'][0]

        # Only support doctest. I am unsure if other tests are implemented
        assert test_suite.get('type', 'doctest') == 'doctest'

        # Not setup and teardown supported
        assert not bool(test_suite.get('setup'))
        assert not bool(test_suite.get('teardown'))

        tests = []

        for i, test_case in enumerate(test_spec['suites'][0]['cases']):

        return cls(path, tests, test_spec.get('points', 1))

class OKTests:
    def __init__(self, test_paths):
        self.paths = test_paths
        self.tests = [OKTest.from_file(path) for path in self.paths]

    def run(self, global_environment, include_grade=True):
        passed_tests = []
        failed_tests = []
        grade = 0
        total = 0
        for t in self.tests:
            total += t.value
            passed, hint =
            if passed:
                grade += t.value
                failed_tests.append((t, hint))

        grade /= total

        return OKTestsResult(grade, self.paths, self.tests, passed_tests,
                             failed_tests, include_grade)

class OKTestsResult:
    Displayable result from running OKTests
    result_template = Template("""
    {% if include_grade %}
    <strong>Grade: {{ grade }}</strong>
    {% endif %}
    {% if grade == 1.0 %}
        <p>All tests passed!</p>
    {% else %}
        <p>{{ passed_tests|length }} of {{ tests|length }} tests passed</p>
        {% if passed_tests %}
        <p> <strong>Tests passed:</strong>
            {% for passed_test in passed_tests %} {{ }} {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if failed_tests %}
        <p> <strong>Tests failed: </strong>
            {% for failed_test, failed_test_hint in failed_tests %}
                <li> {{ failed_test_hint }} </li>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    def __init__(self, grade, paths, tests, passed_tests, failed_tests, include_grade=True):
        self.grade = grade
        self.paths = paths
        self.tests = tests
        self.passed_tests = passed_tests
        self.failed_tests = failed_tests
        self.include_grade = include_grade

    def _repr_html_(self):
        return OKTestsResult.result_template.render(

def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
    """Used to generate a dynamic variable name for grading functions"""
    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

def grade_notebook(notebook_path, tests_glob=None):
    Grade a notebook file & return grade
        # Lots of notebooks call grade_notebook in them. These notebooks are then
        # executed by gofer - which will in-turn execute grade_notebook again!
        # This puts us in an infinite loop.
        # We use this sentinel to detect and break out of that loop.
        # FIXME: Do something else here?
        return None
    except NameError:

    with open(notebook_path) as f:
        nb = json.load(f)

    secret = id_generator()
    results_array = "check_results_{}".format(secret)
    initial_env = {
        # Set this to prevent recursive executions!
        '__GOFER_GRADER__': True,
        results_array: []

    global_env = execute_notebook(nb, secret, initial_env, ignore_errors=True)

    test_results = global_env[results_array]

    # Check for tests which were not included in the notebook and specified by tests_globs
    # Allows instructors to run notebooks with additional tests not accessible to user
    if tests_glob:
        # unpack list of paths into a single list
        tested_set = list(itertools.chain(*[r.paths for r in test_results]))
        extra_tests = []
        for t in sorted(tests_glob):
            include = True
            for tested in tested_set:
                if tested in t:     # e.g. if 'tests/' is in /srv/repo/lab01/tests/'
                    include = False
            if include:
        extra_results = [, include_grade=False) for t in extra_tests]
        test_results += extra_results

    # avoid divide by zero error if there are no tests
    score = sum([r.grade for r in test_results])/max(len(test_results), 1)

    # If within an IPython or Jupyter environment, display hints
    display_defined = False
        display_defined = True
    except NameError:
    for i, result in enumerate(test_results):
        print("Question {}:".format(i+1),)
        if display_defined:
    return score

def check(test_file_path, global_env=None):
    check global_env against given test_file in oktest format

    If global_env is none, the global environment of the calling
    function is used. The following two calls are equivalent:


    check('tests/', globals())

    Returns a TestResult object.
    tests = OKTests([test_file_path])

    if global_env is None:
        # Get the global env of our callers - one level below us in the stack
        # The grade method should only be called directly from user / notebook
        # code. If some other method is calling it, it should also use the
        # inspect trick to pass in its parents' global env.
        global_env = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals
    return, include_grade=False)