""" Computes optical flow from two poses and depth images """

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from scipy.linalg import logm

    from quaternion import quaternion
except ImportError:
    class quaternion:
        def __init__(self,w,x,y,z):
            self.w = w
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
        def norm(self):
            return self.w**2 + self.x**2 + self.y**2 + self.z**2
        def inverse(self):
            qnorm = self.norm()
            return quaternion(self.w/qnorm,
        def __mul__(q1, q2):
            r = quaternion(q1.w*q2.w - q1.x*q2.x - q1.y*q2.y - q1.z*q2.z,
                           q1.w*q2.x + q1.x*q2.w + q1.y*q2.z - q1.z*q2.y,
                           q1.w*q2.y - q1.x*q2.z + q1.y*q2.w + q1.z*q2.x,
                           q1.w*q2.z + q1.x*q2.y - q1.y*q2.x + q1.z*q2.w)
            return r
        def __rmul__(q1, s):
            return quaternion(q1.w*s, q1.x*s, q1.y*s, q1.z*s)
        def __sub__(q1, q2):
            r = quaternion(q1.w-q2.w,
            return r
        def __div__(q1, s):
            return quaternion(q1.w/s, q1.x/s, q1.y/s, q1.z/s)

class Flow:
    - parameters
        - calibration :: a Calibration object from calibration.py
    def __init__(self, calibration):

        self.cal = calibration

        self.Pfx = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['projection_matrix'][0][0]
        self.Ppx = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['projection_matrix'][0][2]
        self.Pfy = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['projection_matrix'][1][1]
        self.Ppy = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['projection_matrix'][1][2]

        intrinsics = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['intrinsics']
        self.P = np.array([[self.Pfx, 0., self.Ppx],
                           [0. , self.Pfy, self.Ppy],
                           [0., 0., 1.]])

        self.K = np.array([[intrinsics[0], 0., intrinsics[2]],
                           [0., intrinsics[1], intrinsics[3]],
                           [0., 0., 1.]])

        self.distortion_coeffs = np.array(self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['distortion_coeffs'])
        resolution = self.cal.intrinsic_extrinsic['cam0']['resolution']

        # number of pixels in the camera
        #self.x_map = (self.cal.left_map[:,:,0]-self.Ppx)/self.Pfx
        #self.y_map = (self.cal.left_map[:,:,1]-self.Ppy)/self.Pfy
        #self.flat_x_map = self.x_map.ravel()
        #self.flat_y_map = self.y_map.ravel()

        # left_map takes into account the rectification matrix, which rotates the image.
        # For optical flow in the distorted image, this rotation needs to be removed.
        # In the end it's easier just to recompute the map.

        x_inds, y_inds = np.meshgrid(np.arange(resolution[0]),
        x_inds = x_inds.astype(np.float32)
        y_inds = y_inds.astype(np.float32)

        x_inds -= self.P[0,2]
        x_inds *= (1./self.P[0,0])

        y_inds -= self.P[1,2]
        y_inds *= (1./self.P[1,1])

        self.flat_x_map = x_inds.reshape((-1))
        self.flat_y_map = y_inds.reshape((-1))

        N = self.flat_x_map.shape[0]

        self.omega_mat = np.zeros((N,2,3))

        self.omega_mat[:,0,0] = self.flat_x_map * self.flat_y_map
        self.omega_mat[:,1,0] = 1+ np.square(self.flat_y_map)

        self.omega_mat[:,0,1] = -(1+np.square(self.flat_x_map))
        self.omega_mat[:,1,1] = -(self.flat_x_map*self.flat_y_map)

        self.omega_mat[:,0,2] = self.flat_y_map
        self.omega_mat[:,1,2] = -self.flat_x_map

        self.hsv_buffer = None

    def compute_flow_single_frame(self, V, Omega, depth_image, dt):
            V : [3,1]
            Omega : [3,1]
            depth_image : [m,n]
        flat_depth = depth_image.ravel()
        # flat_depth[np.logical_or(np.isclose(flat_depth,0.0), flat_depth<0.)]
        mask = np.isfinite(flat_depth)

        fdm = 1./flat_depth[mask]
        fxm = self.flat_x_map[mask]
        fym = self.flat_y_map[mask]
        omm = self.omega_mat[mask,:,:]

        x_flow_out = np.zeros((depth_image.shape[0], depth_image.shape[1]))
        flat_x_flow_out = x_flow_out.reshape((-1))
        flat_x_flow_out[mask] = fdm * (fxm*V[2]-V[0])
        flat_x_flow_out[mask] +=  np.squeeze(np.dot(omm[:,0,:], Omega))

        y_flow_out = np.zeros((depth_image.shape[0], depth_image.shape[1]))
        flat_y_flow_out = y_flow_out.reshape((-1))
        flat_y_flow_out[mask] = fdm * (fym*V[2]-V[1])
        flat_y_flow_out[mask] +=  np.squeeze(np.dot(omm[:,1,:], Omega))

        flat_x_flow_out *= dt * self.P[0,0]
        flat_y_flow_out *= dt * self.P[1,1]



        return x_flow_out, y_flow_out
    def rot_mat_from_quaternion(self, q):
        R = np.array([[1-2*q.y**2-2*q.z**2, 2*q.x*q.y+2*q.w*q.z, 2*q.x*q.z-2*q.w*q.y],
                      [2*q.x*q.y-2*q.w*q.z, 1-2*q.x**2-2*q.z**2, 2*q.y*q.z+2*q.w*q.x],
                      [2*q.x*q.z+2*q.w*q.y, 2*q.y*q.z-2*q.w*q.x, 1-2*q.x**2-2*q.y**2]])
        return R

    def p_q_t_from_msg(self, msg):
        p = np.array([msg.pose.position.x,msg.pose.position.y,msg.pose.position.z])
        q = quaternion(msg.pose.orientation.w, msg.pose.orientation.x,
                            msg.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.orientation.z)
        t = msg.header.stamp.to_sec()
        return p, q, t

    def compute_velocity_from_msg(self, P0, P1):
        p0, q0, t0 = self.p_q_t_from_msg(P0)
        p1, q1, t1 = self.p_q_t_from_msg(P1)

        # There's something wrong with the current function to go from quat to matrix.
        # Using the TF version instead.
        q0_ros = [q0.x, q0.y, q0.z, q0.w]
        q1_ros = [q1.x, q1.y, q1.z, q1.w]
        import tf
        H0 = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q0_ros)
        H0[:3, 3] = p0

        H1 = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(q1_ros)
        H1[:3, 3] = p1

        # Let the homogeneous matrix handle the inversion etc. Guaranteed correctness.
        H01 = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(H0), H1)
        dt = t1 - t0

        V = H01[:3, 3] / dt
        w_hat = logm(H01[:3, :3]) / dt
        Omega = np.array([w_hat[2,1], w_hat[0,2], w_hat[1,0]])

        return V, Omega, dt

    def compute_velocity(self, p0, q0, p1, q1, dt):
        V = (p1-p0)/dt

        R_dot = ( self.rot_mat_from_quaternion(q1) - self.rot_mat_from_quaternion(q0) )/dt
        w_hat = np.dot(R_dot, self.rot_mat_from_quaternion(q1).T)

        Omega = np.array([w_hat[2,1], w_hat[0,2], w_hat[1,0]])

        return V, Omega

    def colorize_image(self, flow_x, flow_y):
        if self.hsv_buffer is None:
            self.hsv_buffer = np.empty((flow_x.shape[0], flow_x.shape[1],3))
            self.hsv_buffer[:,:,1] = 1.0
        self.hsv_buffer[:,:,0] = (np.arctan2(flow_y,flow_x)+np.pi)/(2.0*np.pi)

        self.hsv_buffer[:,:,2] = np.linalg.norm( np.stack((flow_x,flow_y), axis=0), axis=0 )

        # self.hsv_buffer[:,:,2] = np.log(1.+self.hsv_buffer[:,:,2]) # hopefully better overall dynamic range in final video

        flat = self.hsv_buffer[:,:,2].reshape((-1))
        m = np.nanmax(flat[np.isfinite(flat)])
        if not np.isclose(m, 0.0):
            self.hsv_buffer[:,:,2] /= m

        return colors.hsv_to_rgb(self.hsv_buffer)

    def visualize_flow(self, flow_x, flow_y, fig):
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
        ax1.imshow( self.colorize_image(flow_x, flow_y) )

def experiment_flow(experiment_name, experiment_num, save_movie=True, save_numpy=True, start_ind=None, stop_ind=None):
    if experiment_name == "motorcycle":
        print "The motorcycle doesn't have lidar and we can't compute flow without it"

    import time
    import calibration
    cal = calibration.Calibration(experiment_name)
    import ground_truth
    gt = ground_truth.GroundTruth(experiment_name, experiment_num)

    flow = Flow(cal)
    P0 = None

    nframes = len(gt.left_cam_readers['/davis/left/depth_image_rect'])
    if stop_ind is not None:
        stop_ind = min(nframes, stop_ind)
        stop_ind = nframes

    if start_ind is not None:
        start_ind = max(0, start_ind)
        start_ind = 0

    nframes = stop_ind - start_ind

    depth_image, _ = gt.left_cam_readers['/davis/left/depth_image_rect'](0)
    flow_shape = (nframes, depth_image.shape[0], depth_image.shape[1])
    x_flow_dist = np.zeros(flow_shape, dtype=np.float)
    y_flow_dist = np.zeros(flow_shape, dtype=np.float)
    timestamps = np.zeros((nframes,), dtype=np.float)
    Vs = np.zeros((nframes,3), dtype=np.float)
    Omegas = np.zeros((nframes,3), dtype=np.float)
    dTs = np.zeros((nframes,), dtype=np.float)

    ps = np.zeros((nframes,3), dtype=np.float)
    qs = np.zeros((nframes,4), dtype=np.float)

    sOmega = np.zeros((3,))
    sV = np.zeros((3,))

    print "Extracting velocity"
    for frame_num in range(nframes):
        P1 = gt.left_cam_readers['/davis/left/odometry'][frame_num+start_ind].message

        if P0 is not None:
            V, Omega, dt = flow.compute_velocity_from_msg(P0, P1)
            Vs[frame_num, :] = V
            Omegas[frame_num, :] = Omega
            dTs[frame_num] = dt

        timestamps[frame_num] = P1.header.stamp.to_sec()

        tmp_p, tmp_q, _ = flow.p_q_t_from_msg(P1)
        ps[frame_num, :] = tmp_p
        qs[frame_num, 0] = tmp_q.w
        qs[frame_num, 0] = tmp_q.x
        qs[frame_num, 0] = tmp_q.y
        qs[frame_num, 0] = tmp_q.z

        P0 = P1

    filter_size = 10

    smoothed_Vs = Vs
    smoothed_Omegas = Omegas

    print "Computing flow"
    for frame_num in range(nframes):
        depth_image = gt.left_cam_readers['/davis/left/depth_image_rect'][frame_num+start_ind]

        if frame_num-filter_size < 0:
            V = np.mean(Vs[0:frame_num+filter_size+1,:],axis=0)
            Omega = np.mean(Omegas[0:frame_num+filter_size+1,:], axis=0)
        elif frame_num+filter_size >= nframes:
            V = np.mean(Vs[frame_num-filter_size:nframes,:],axis=0)
            Omega = np.mean(Omegas[frame_num-filter_size:nframes,:], axis=0)
            V = np.mean(Vs[frame_num-filter_size:frame_num+filter_size+1,:],axis=0)
            Omega = np.mean(Omegas[frame_num-filter_size:frame_num+filter_size+1,:], axis=0)
        dt = dTs[frame_num]

        smoothed_Vs[frame_num, :] = V
        smoothed_Omegas[frame_num, :] = Omega
        flow_x_dist, flow_y_dist = flow.compute_flow_single_frame(V,
        x_flow_dist[frame_num,:,:] = flow_x_dist
        y_flow_dist[frame_num,:,:] = flow_y_dist


    import downloader
    import os
    base_name = os.path.join(downloader.get_tmp(), experiment_name, experiment_name+str(experiment_num))

    if save_numpy:
        print "Saving numpy"
        numpy_name = base_name+"_gt_flow_dist.npz"
                 timestamps=timestamps, x_flow_dist=x_flow_dist, y_flow_dist=y_flow_dist)
        numpy_name = base_name+"_odom.npz"
                 lin_vel=smoothed_Vs, ang_vel=smoothed_Omegas, pos=ps, quat=qs)

    if save_movie:
        print "Saving movie"
        import matplotlib.animation as animation
        fig = plt.figure()
        first_img = flow.colorize_image(x_flow_dist[0], y_flow_dist[0])
        im = plt.imshow(first_img, animated=True)
        def updatefig(frame_num, *args):
            im.set_data(flow.colorize_image(x_flow_dist[frame_num], y_flow_dist[frame_num]))
            return im,

        ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, updatefig, frames=len(x_flow_dist))
        movie_path = base_name+"_gt_flow.mp4"
        ani.save(movie_path, fps=20)

    return x_flow_dist, y_flow_dist, timestamps, Vs, Omegas

def test_gt_flow():
    import calibration


    cal = calibration.Calibration("indoor_flying")
    gtf = Flow(cal)
    p0 = np.array([0.,0.,0.])
    q0 = quaternion(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)

    depth = 10.*np.ones((cal.left_map.shape[0],cal.left_map.shape[1]))

    V, Omega = gtf.compute_velocity(p0,q0,p0,q0,0.1)
    x,y = gtf.compute_flow_single_frame(V, Omega, depth,0.1)

    fig = plt.figure()

    p1 = np.array([0.,0.0,0.5])
    q1 = quaternion(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)

    V, Omega = gtf.compute_velocity(p0,q0,p1,q1,0.1)
    print V, Omega
    x,y = gtf.compute_flow_single_frame(V, Omega, depth,0.1)

    fig = plt.figure()

    p1 = np.array([0.,-0.25,0.5])
    q1 = quaternion(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)

    V, Omega = gtf.compute_velocity(p0,q0,p1,q1,0.1)
    print V, Omega
    x,y = gtf.compute_flow_single_frame(V, Omega, depth,0.1)

    fig = plt.figure()