Methods for calculating Mutual Information in an embarrassingly parallel way.

Author: Daniel Homola <dani.homola@gmail.com>
License: BSD 3 clause

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma, psi
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed

def get_mi_vector(MI_FS, F, s):
    Calculates the Mututal Information between each feature in F and s.

    This function is for when |S| > 1. s is the previously selected feature.
    We exploite the fact that this step is embarrassingly parallel.

    MIs = Parallel(n_jobs=MI_FS.n_jobs)(delayed(_get_mi)(f, s, MI_FS)
                                        for f in F)
    return MIs

def _get_mi(f, s, MI_FS):
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    if MI_FS.method in ['JMI', 'JMIM']:
        # JMI & JMIM
        joint = MI_FS.X[:, (s, f)]
        if MI_FS.categorical:
            MI = _mi_dc(joint, MI_FS.y, MI_FS.k)
            vars = (joint, MI_FS.y)
            MI = _mi_cc(vars, MI_FS.k)
        # MRMR
        vars = (MI_FS.X[:, s].reshape(n, 1), MI_FS.X[:, f].reshape(n, 1))
        MI = _mi_cc(vars, MI_FS.k)

    # MI must be non-negative
    if MI > 0:
        return MI
        return np.nan

def get_first_mi_vector(MI_FS, k):
    Calculates the Mututal Information between each feature in X and y.

    This function is for when |S| = 0. We select the first feautre in S.
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    MIs = Parallel(n_jobs=MI_FS.n_jobs)(delayed(_get_first_mi)(i, k, MI_FS)
                                        for i in range(p))
    return MIs

def _get_first_mi(i, k, MI_FS):
    n, p = MI_FS.X.shape
    if MI_FS.categorical:
        x = MI_FS.X[:, i].reshape((n, 1))
        MI = _mi_dc(x, MI_FS.y, k)
        vars = (MI_FS.X[:, i].reshape((n, 1)), MI_FS.y)
        MI = _mi_cc(vars, k)

    # MI must be non-negative
    if MI > 0:
        return MI
        return np.nan

def _mi_dc(x, y, k):
    Calculates the mututal information between a continuous vector x and a
    disrete class vector y.

    This implementation can calculate the MI between the joint distribution of
    one or more continuous variables (X[:, 1:3]) with a discrete variable (y).

    Thanks to Adam Pocock, the author of the FEAST package for the idea.

    Brian C. Ross, 2014, PLOS ONE
    Mutual Information between Discrete and Continuous Data Sets

    y = y.flatten()
    n = x.shape[0]
    classes = np.unique(y)
    knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k)
    # distance to kth in-class neighbour
    d2k = np.empty(n)
    # number of points within each point's class
    Nx = []
    for yi in y:
        Nx.append(np.sum(y == yi))

    # find the distance of the kth in-class point
    for c in classes:
        mask = np.where(y == c)[0]
        knn.fit(x[mask, :])
        d2k[mask] = knn.kneighbors()[0][:, -1]

    # find the number of points within the distance of the kth in-class point
    m = knn.radius_neighbors(radius=d2k, return_distance=False)
    m = [i.shape[0] for i in m]

    # calculate MI based on Equation 2 in Ross 2014
    MI = psi(n) - np.mean(psi(Nx)) + psi(k) - np.mean(psi(m))
    return MI

def _mi_cc(variables, k=1):
    Returns the mutual information between any number of variables.

    Here it is used to estimate MI between continuous X(s) and y.
    Written by Gael Varoquaux:

    all_vars = np.hstack(variables)
    return (sum([_entropy(X, k=k) for X in variables]) -
            _entropy(all_vars, k=k))

def _nearest_distances(X, k=1):
    Returns the distance to the kth nearest neighbor for every point in X

    knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, metric='chebyshev')
    # the first nearest neighbor is itself
    d, _ = knn.kneighbors(X)
    # returns the distance to the kth nearest neighbor
    return d[:, -1]

def _entropy(X, k=1):
    Returns the entropy of the X.

    Written by Gael Varoquaux:

    X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The data the entropy of which is computed
    k : int, optional
        number of nearest neighbors for density estimation

    Kozachenko, L. F. & Leonenko, N. N. 1987 Sample estimate of entropy
    of a random vector. Probl. Inf. Transm. 23, 95-101.
    See also: Evans, D. 2008 A computationally efficient estimator for
    mutual information, Proc. R. Soc. A 464 (2093), 1203-1215.

    Kraskov A, Stogbauer H, Grassberger P. (2004). Estimating mutual
    information. Phys Rev E 69(6 Pt 2):066138.

    F. Perez-Cruz, (2008). Estimation of Information Theoretic Measures
    for Continuous Random Variables. Advances in Neural Information
    Processing Systems 21 (NIPS). Vancouver (Canada), December.
    return d*mean(log(r))+log(volume_unit_ball)+log(n-1)-log(k)


    # Distance to kth nearest neighbor
    r = _nearest_distances(X, k)
    n, d = X.shape
    volume_unit_ball = (np.pi ** (.5 * d)) / gamma(.5 * d + 1)
    return (d * np.mean(np.log(r + np.finfo(X.dtype).eps)) +
            np.log(volume_unit_ball) + psi(n) - psi(k))