# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#                                                                        #
#  Eddy: a graphical editor for the specification of Graphol ontologies  #
#  Copyright (C) 2015 Daniele Pantaleone <danielepantaleone@me.com>      #
#                                                                        #
#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  #
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  #
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     #
#  (at your option) any later version.                                   #
#                                                                        #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       #
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        #
#  GNU General Public License for more details.                          #
#                                                                        #
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     #
#  along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  #
#                                                                        #
#  #####################                          #####################  #
#                                                                        #
#  Graphol is developed by members of the DASI-lab group of the          #
#  Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale       #
#  A.Ruberti at Sapienza University of Rome: http://www.dis.uniroma1.it  #
#                                                                        #
#     - Domenico Lembo <lembo@dis.uniroma1.it>                           #
#     - Valerio Santarelli <santarelli@dis.uniroma1.it>                  #
#     - Domenico Fabio Savo <savo@dis.uniroma1.it>                       #
#     - Daniele Pantaleone <pantaleone@dis.uniroma1.it>                  #
#     - Marco Console <console@dis.uniroma1.it>                          #
#                                                                        #

import math

from PyQt5 import QtCore
from PyQt5 import QtGui

from eddy.core.datatypes.graphol import Identity, Item
from eddy.core.datatypes.owl import Datatype
from eddy.core.functions.misc import snapF
from eddy.core.items.common import Polygon
from eddy.core.items.nodes.common.base import AbstractResizableNode
from eddy.core.items.nodes.common.label import NodeLabel
from eddy.core.regex import RE_VALUE

class IndividualNode(AbstractResizableNode):
    This class implements the 'Individual' node.
    IndexLT = 0
    IndexLB = 1
    IndexBL = 2
    IndexBR = 3
    IndexRB = 4
    IndexRT = 5
    IndexTR = 6
    IndexTL = 7
    IndexEE = 8

    DefaultBrush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(252, 252, 252, 255))
    DefaultPen = QtGui.QPen(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 255)), 1.0, QtCore.Qt.SolidLine, QtCore.Qt.RoundCap, QtCore.Qt.RoundJoin)
    Identities = {Identity.Individual, Identity.Value}
    Type = Item.IndividualNode

    def __init__(self, width=60, height=60, brush=None, **kwargs):
        Initialize the node.
        :type width: int
        :type height: int
        :type brush: QBrush

        w = max(width, 60)
        h = max(height, 60)
        brush = brush or IndividualNode.DefaultBrush
        pen = IndividualNode.DefaultPen

        createPolygon = lambda x, y: QtGui.QPolygonF([
            QtCore.QPointF(-(x / 2), -((y / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(-(x / 2), +((y / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(-((x / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2), +(y / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(+((x / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2), +(y / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(+(x / 2), +((y / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(+(x / 2), -((y / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(+((x / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2), -(y / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(-((x / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2), -(y / 2)),
            QtCore.QPointF(-(x / 2), -((y / (1 + math.sqrt(2))) / 2)),

        self.background = Polygon(createPolygon(w + 8, h + 8))
        self.selection = Polygon(createPolygon(w + 8, h + 8))
        self.polygon = Polygon(createPolygon(w, h), brush, pen)
        self.label = NodeLabel(template='individual', pos=self.center, parent=self)


    def datatype(self):
        Returns the datatype associated with this node.
        :rtype: Datatype
        match = RE_VALUE.match(self.text())
        if match:
            return Datatype.valueOf(match.group('datatype'))
        return None

    def value(self):
        Returns the value value associated with this node.
        :rtype: str
        match = RE_VALUE.match(self.text())
        if match:
            return match.group('value')
        return None


    def boundingRect(self):
        Returns the shape bounding rectangle.
        :rtype: QtCore.QRectF
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        return path.boundingRect()

    def compose(value, datatype):
        Compose the value string.
        :type value: str
        :type datatype: Datatype
        :return: str
        return '"{0}"^^{1}'.format(value.strip('"'), datatype.value)

    def copy(self, diagram):
        Create a copy of the current item.
        :type diagram: Diagram
        node = diagram.factory.create(self.type(), **{
            'id': self.id,
            'brush': self.brush(),
            'height': self.height(),
            'width': self.width()
        return node

    def height(self):
        Returns the height of the shape.
        :rtype: int
        polygon = self.polygon.geometry()
        return polygon[self.IndexTR].y() - polygon[self.IndexBR].y()

    def identity(self):
        Returns the identity of the current node.
        :rtype: Identity
        match = RE_VALUE.match(self.text())
        if match:
            return Identity.Value
        return Identity.Individual

    def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
        Paint the node in the diagram.
        :type painter: QPainter
        :type option: QStyleOptionGraphicsItem
        :type widget: QWidget
        # ITEM SHAPE
        for polygon in self.handles:

    def painterPath(self):
        Returns the current shape as QtGui.QPainterPath (used for collision detection).
        :rtype: QPainterPath
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        return path

    def resize(self, mousePos):
        Handle the interactive resize of the shape.
        :type mousePos: QtCore.QPointF
        snap = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
        size = self.diagram.GridSize
        moved = self.label.isMoved()

        background = self.background.geometry()
        selection = self.selection.geometry()
        polygon = self.polygon.geometry()
        R = QtCore.QRectF(self.boundingRect())
        D = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)

        mbrh = 68
        mbrw = 68


        if self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTL:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.left()
            fromY = self.mp_Bound.top()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap)
            toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width())
                R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width())
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height())
                R.setTop(R.top() - mbrh + R.height())

            newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2

            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)

            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTM:

            fromY = self.mp_Bound.top()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height())
                R.setTop(R.top() - mbrh + R.height())

            newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTL].x(), R.top())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTR].x(), R.top())
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTL].x(), R.top())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTR].x(), R.top())
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTL].x(), R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTR].x(), R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTR:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.right()
            fromY = self.mp_Bound.top()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap)
            toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width())
                R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width())
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height())
                R.setTop(R.top() - mbrh + R.height())

            newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2
            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleML:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.left()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width())
                R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width())

            newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2

            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexLT].y())
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexLB].y())
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexEE].y())
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y())
            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexLT].y())
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexLB].y())
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexEE].y())
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y())
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLT].y())
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLB].y())
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexEE].y())
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y())
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y())
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y())
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y())

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleMR:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.right()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width())
                R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width())

            newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2

            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), selection[self.IndexRT].y())
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), selection[self.IndexRB].y())
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y())
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), background[self.IndexRT].y())
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), background[self.IndexRB].y())
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y())
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRT].y())
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRB].y())
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y())
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y())
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y())
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y())

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBL:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.left()
            fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap)
            toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width())
                R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width())
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height())
                R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height())

            newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2

            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)

            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBM:

            fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height())
                R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height())

            newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2

            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY)

        elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBR:

            fromX = self.mp_Bound.right()
            fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom()
            toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x()
            toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y()
            toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap)
            toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap)
            D.setX(toX - fromX)
            D.setY(toY - fromY)

            ## CLAMP SIZE
            if R.width() < mbrw:
                D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width())
                R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width())
            if R.height() < mbrh:
                D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height())
                R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height())

            newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2))
            newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2
            newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2
            newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2
            newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2

            selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)

            background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY)
            background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY)
            background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top())
            background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom())
            background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY)
            polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY)
            polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.top() + 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4)
            polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY)


        self.updateNode(selected=True, handle=self.mp_Handle, anchors=(self.mp_Data, D))

    def setIdentity(self, identity):
        Set the identity of the current node.
        :type identity: Identity

    def setText(self, text):
        Set the label text: will additionally block label editing if a literal is being.
        :type text: str
        self.label.setEditable(RE_VALUE.match(text) is None)

    def setTextPos(self, pos):
        Set the label position.
        :type pos: QPointF

    def shape(self):
        Returns the shape of this item as a QPainterPath in local coordinates.
        :rtype: QPainterPath
        path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
        for polygon in self.handles:
        return path

    def text(self):
        Returns the label text.
        :rtype: str
        return self.label.text()

    def textPos(self):
        Returns the current label position in item coordinates.
        :rtype: QPointF
        return self.label.pos()

    def updateTextPos(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Update the label position.
        self.label.updatePos(*args, **kwargs)

    def width(self):
        Returns the width of the shape.
        :rtype: int
        polygon = self.polygon.geometry()
        return polygon[self.IndexRT].x() - polygon[self.IndexLT].x()

    def __repr__(self):
        Returns repr(self).
        return '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.text(), self.id)