import pickle

import nltk

class Trainer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.uni_dist = nltk.FreqDist()
        self.backward_bi_dist = nltk.FreqDist()
        self.forward_bi_dist = nltk.FreqDist()
        self.trigram_dist = nltk.FreqDist()
        self.word_casing_lookup = {}

    def __function_one(self, sentence, word, word_idx, word_lower):
            if (word_lower in self.word_casing_lookup
                    and len(self.word_casing_lookup[word_lower]) >= 2):
                # Only if there are multiple options
                prev_word = sentence[word_idx - 1]

                self.backward_bi_dist[prev_word + "_" + word] += 1

                next_word = sentence[word_idx + 1].lower()
                self.forward_bi_dist[word + "_" + next_word] += 1
        except IndexError:

    def __function_two(self, sentence, word, word_idx):
            if word_idx - 1 < 0:

            prev_word = sentence[word_idx - 1]
            cur_word = sentence[word_idx]
            cur_word_lower = word.lower()
            next_word_lower = sentence[word_idx + 1].lower()

            if (cur_word_lower in self.word_casing_lookup
                    and len(self.word_casing_lookup[cur_word_lower]) >= 2):
                # Only if there are multiple options
                self.trigram_dist[prev_word + "_" + cur_word + "_" +
                                  next_word_lower] += 1
        except IndexError:

    def train(self, corpus):
        for sentence in corpus:
            if not self.check_sentence_sanity(sentence):

            for word_idx, word in enumerate(sentence):
                self.uni_dist[word] += 1
                word_lower = word.lower()
                if word_lower not in self.word_casing_lookup:
                    self.word_casing_lookup[word_lower] = set()


                self.__function_one(sentence, word, word_idx, word_lower)
                self.__function_two(sentence, word, word_idx)

    def save_to_file(self, file_path):
        pickle_dict = {
            "uni_dist": self.uni_dist,
            "backward_bi_dist": self.backward_bi_dist,
            "forward_bi_dist": self.forward_bi_dist,
            "trigram_dist": self.trigram_dist,
            "word_casing_lookup": self.word_casing_lookup,

        with open(file_path, "wb") as fp:
            pickle.dump(pickle_dict, fp)

        print("Model saved to " + file_path)

    def get_casing(word):
        """ Returns the casing of a word """
        if len(word) == 0:
            return "other"
        elif word.isdigit():  # Is a digit
            return "numeric"
        elif word.islower():  # All lower case
            return "allLower"
        elif word.isupper():  # All upper case
            return "allUpper"
        # is a title, initial char upper, then all lower
        elif word[0].isupper():
            return "initialUpper"

        return "other"

    def check_sentence_sanity(self, sentence):
        """ Checks the sanity of the sentence.
        If the sentence is for example all uppercase, it is rejected """
        case_dist = nltk.FreqDist()

        for token in sentence:
            case_dist[self.get_casing(token)] += 1

        if case_dist.most_common(1)[0][0] != "allLower":
            return False

        return True

if __name__ == "__main__":
    corpus = (nltk.corpus.brown.sents() + nltk.corpus.reuters.sents() +
              nltk.corpus.semcor.sents() + nltk.corpus.conll2000.sents() +

    trainer = Trainer()
