"""pagan webserver"""
from bottle import debug
from bottle import error
from bottle import post
from bottle import request
from bottle import response
from bottle import route
from bottle import run
from bottle import static_file
from bottle import template
import hashlib
import logging
import pagan
import tempfile

early work in progress, try at your own risk\n\
this will pollute your temp dir!\n\
%s" % ("= "*32, "= "*32))

TEMPLATEINDEX = """<html><head>    <style type="text/css">
            div {
                            position: absolute;
                            height: 80%;
                            width: 80%;
                            top: 10%;
                            left: 10%;
Welcome to the python avatar generator for absolute nerds.
<p> Generate your own Avatar.
<form method=post><input type="search" name="slogan" value="{{slogan}}">
<input type=submit></form>
<table width=100%><tr><th>Current Search<th><th>Previous Search</tr><tr><td>
<p><img src="/himage/{{sloganHash}}">
<td width=10%>
<p><img src="/himage/{{hist1Hash}}">
<p><img src="/himage/{{hist2Hash}}">
<p><img src="/himage/{{hist3Hash}}">

def error404(code):
    """handle error 404 """
    return template('{{code}} Avatar not found. You may use this:',

def index():
    """main functionality of webserver"""
    default = ["pagan", "python", "avatar", "github"]
    slogan = request.forms.get("slogan")

    if not slogan:
        if request.get_cookie("hist1"):
            slogan = request.get_cookie("hist1")
            slogan = "pagan"

    if not request.get_cookie("hist1"):
        hist1, hist2, hist3, hist4 = default[:]
        hist1 = request.get_cookie("hist1")
        hist2 = request.get_cookie("hist2")
        hist3 = request.get_cookie("hist3")
        hist4 = request.get_cookie("hist4")

    if slogan in (hist1, hist2, hist3, hist4):
        history = [hist1, hist2, hist3, hist4]
        hist1, hist2, hist3 = history[0], history[1], history[2]

    response.set_cookie("hist1", slogan, max_age=60*60*24*30, httponly=True)
    response.set_cookie("hist2", hist1, max_age=60*60*24*30, httponly=True)
    response.set_cookie("hist3", hist2, max_age=60*60*24*30, httponly=True)
    response.set_cookie("hist4", hist3, max_age=60*60*24*30, httponly=True)
    # slogan, hist1, hist2, hist3 = escape(slogan), escape(hist1),\
    #     escape(hist2), escape(hist3)
    md5 = hashlib.md5()
    slogan_hash = md5.hexdigest()
    hist1_hash = md5.hexdigest()
    hist2_hash = md5.hexdigest()
    hist3_hash = md5.hexdigest()
    return template(TEMPLATEINDEX, slogan=slogan,
                    hist1=hist1, hist2=hist2, hist3=hist3,
                    sloganHash=slogan_hash, hist1Hash=hist1_hash,
                    hist2Hash=hist2_hash, hist3Hash=hist3_hash)

def hashimage(hashvalue):
    """generate image by hash, usese tempfile :-/"""
    tmpf = tempfile.mkstemp(".png")[1]
    image = pagan.Avatar("")
    image.img = pagan.generator.generate_by_hash(hashvalue)
    image.save("/", tmpf)
    return static_file(tmpf, root="/")

run(host='', port=8080)