from collections import UserList
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Optional
import copy
from astropy.time import Time
import pathlib
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import os

from traitlets import (
from traitlets.config import boolean_flag as flag

from .component import non_abstract_children

__all__ = [

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AstroTime(TraitType):
    """ A trait representing a point in Time, as understood by `astropy.time`"""

    def validate(self, obj, value):
        """ try to parse and return an ISO time string """
            the_time = Time(value)
            the_time.format = "iso"
            return the_time
        except ValueError:
            return self.error(obj, value)

    def info(self):
        info = "an ISO8601 datestring or Time instance"
        if self.allow_none:
            info += "or None"
        return info

class Path(TraitType):
    A path Trait for input/output files.

    exists: boolean or None
        If True, path must exist, if False path must not exist

    directory_ok: boolean
        If False, path must not be a directory
    file_ok: boolean
        If False, path must not be a file

    def __init__(self, *args, exists=None, directory_ok=True, file_ok=True, **kwargs):
        default_value = kwargs.pop("default_value", None)

        super().__init__(*args, default_value=default_value, allow_none=True, **kwargs)
        self.exists = exists
        self.directory_ok = directory_ok
        self.file_ok = file_ok

    def info(self):
        info = "a pathlib.Path or non-empty str for "
        if self.exists is True:
            info += "an existing"
        elif self.exists is False:
            info += "a not existing"
            info += "a"

        if self.directory_ok and self.file_ok:
            info += " directory or file"
            if self.file_ok:
                info += " file"
            if self.directory_ok:
                info += "directory"
        if self.allow_none:
            info += " or None"

        return info

    def validate(self, obj, value):
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            value = os.fsdecode(value)

        if not isinstance(value, (str, pathlib.Path)):
            return self.error(obj, value)

        if isinstance(value, str):
            if value == "":
                return self.error(obj, value)

                url = urlparse(value)
            except ValueError:
                return self.error(obj, value)

            if url.scheme not in ("", "file"):
                return self.error(obj, value)

            value = pathlib.Path(url.netloc, url.path)

        value = value.absolute()
        exists = value.exists()
        if self.exists is not None:
            if exists != self.exists:
                raise TraitError(
                    'Path "{}" {} exist'.format(
                        value, "does not" if self.exists else "must not"
        if exists:
            if not self.directory_ok and value.is_dir():
                raise TraitError(f'Path "{value}" must not be a directory')
            if not self.file_ok and value.is_file():
                raise TraitError(f'Path "{value}" must not be a file')

        return value

def create_class_enum_trait(base_class, default_value, help=None):
    """create a configurable CaselessStrEnum traitlet from baseclass

    the enumeration should contain all names of non_abstract_children()
    of said baseclass and the default choice should be given by
    `base_class._default` name.

    default must be specified and must be the name of one child-class
    if help is None:
        help = "{} to use.".format(base_class.__name__)

    choices = [cls.__name__ for cls in non_abstract_children(base_class)]

    if default_value not in choices:
        raise ValueError(f"{default_value} is not in choices: {choices}")

    return CaselessStrEnum(
        choices, default_value=default_value, allow_none=False, help=help,

def classes_with_traits(base_class):
    """ Returns a list of the base class plus its non-abstract children
    if they have traits """
    all_classes = [base_class] + non_abstract_children(base_class)
    return [cls for cls in all_classes if has_traits(cls)]

def has_traits(cls, ignore=("config", "parent")):
    """True if cls has any traits apart from the usual ones

    all our components have at least 'config' and 'parent' as traitlets
    this is inherited from `traitlets.config.Configurable` so we ignore them
    return bool(set(cls.class_trait_names()) - set(ignore))

class TelescopePatternList(UserList):
    Representation for a list of telescope pattern tuples. This is a helper class
    used  by the Trait TelescopeParameter as its value type

    def __init__(self, *args):
        self._lookup = None
        self._subarray = None

    def tel(self):
        """ access the value per telescope_id, e.g. `[2]`"""
        if self._lookup:
            return self._lookup
            raise RuntimeError(
                "No TelescopeParameterLookup was registered. You must "
                "call attach_subarray() first"

    def attach_subarray(self, subarray: "ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription"):
        Register a SubarrayDescription so that the user-specified values can be
        looked up by tel_id. This must be done before using the `.tel[x]` property
        self._subarray = subarray

class TelescopeParameterLookup:
    def __init__(self, telescope_parameter_list):
        Handles the lookup of corresponding configuration value from a list of
        tuples for a telid.

        telescope_parameter_list : list
            List of tuples in the form `[(command, argument, value), ...]`
        # self._telescope_parameter_list = copy.deepcopy(telescope_parameter_list)
        self._telescope_parameter_list = copy.deepcopy(telescope_parameter_list)
        self._value_for_tel_id = None
        self._subarray = None
        self._subarray_global_value = None
        for param in telescope_parameter_list:
            if param[1] == "*":
                self._subarray_global_value = param[2]

    def attach_subarray(self, subarray):
        Prepare the TelescopeParameter by informing it of the
        subarray description

        subarray: ctapipe.instrument.SubarrayDescription
            Description of the subarray
            (includes mapping of tel_id to tel_type)
        self._subarray = subarray
        self._value_for_tel_id = {}
        for command, arg, value in self._telescope_parameter_list:
            if command == "type":
                matched_tel_types = [
                    str(t) for t in subarray.telescope_types if fnmatch(str(t), arg)
                logger.debug(f"argument '{arg}' matched: {matched_tel_types}")
                if len(matched_tel_types) == 0:
                        "TelescopeParameter type argument '%s' did not match "
                        "any known telescope types",
                for tel_type in matched_tel_types:
                    for tel_id in subarray.get_tel_ids_for_type(tel_type):
                        self._value_for_tel_id[tel_id] = value
            elif command == "id":
                self._value_for_tel_id[int(arg)] = value
                raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized command: {command}")

    def __getitem__(self, tel_id: Optional[int]):
        Returns the resolved parameter for the given telescope id
        if tel_id is None:
            if self._subarray_global_value is not None:
                return self._subarray_global_value
                raise KeyError("No subarray global value set for TelescopeParameter")
        if self._value_for_tel_id is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "TelescopeParameterLookup: No subarray attached, call "
                "`attach_subarray` first before trying to access a value by tel_id"
            return self._value_for_tel_id[tel_id]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(
                f"TelescopeParameterLookup: no "
                f"parameter value was set for telescope with tel_id="
                f"{tel_id}. Please set it explicitly, "
                f"or by telescope type or '*'."

class TelescopeParameter(List):
    Allow a parameter value to be specified as a simple value (of type *dtype*),
    or as a list of patterns that match different telescopes.
    The patterns are given as a list of 3-tuples in in the
    form: `[(command, argument, value), ...]`.

    Command can be one of:
    - 'type': argument is then a telescope type  string (e.g.
       `('type', 'SST_ASTRI_CHEC', 4.0)` to apply to all telescopes of that type,
       or use a wildcard like "LST*", or "*" to set a pure default value for all
    - 'id':  argument is a specific telescope ID `['id', 89, 5.0]`)

    These are evaluated in-order, so you can first set a default value, and then set
    values for specific telescopes or types to override them.


    .. code-block: python
    tel_param = [
        ('type', '*', 5.0),                       # default for all
        ('type', 'LST_*', 5.2),
        ('type', 'MST_MST_NectarCam', 4.0),
        ('type', 'MST_MST_FlashCam', 4.5),
        ('id', 34, 4.0),                   # override telescope 34 specifically

    .. code-block: python
    tel_param = 4.0  # sets this value for all telescopes


    klass = TelescopePatternList

    def __init__(self, dtype=float, default_value=None, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(dtype, type):
            raise ValueError("dtype should be a type")
        if isinstance(default_value, dtype):
            default_value = [("type", "*", default_value)]
        super().__init__(default_value=default_value, **kwargs)
        self._dtype = dtype

    def validate(self, obj, value):
        # Support a single value for all (convert into a default value)
        if isinstance(value, self._dtype):
            value = [("type", "*", value)]

        # Check each value of list
        normalized_value = TelescopePatternList(None)
        if isinstance(value, self._dtype):
            value = [("type", "*", value)]
        if isinstance(value, (UserList, list)):
            for pattern in value:
                # now check for the standard 3-tuple of (command, argument, value)
                if len(pattern) != 3:
                    raise TraitError(
                        "pattern should be a tuple of (command, argument, value)"
                command, arg, val = pattern
                if not isinstance(val, self._dtype):
                    raise TraitError(f"Value should be a {self._dtype}")
                if not isinstance(command, str):
                    raise TraitError("command must be a string")
                if command not in ["type", "id"]:
                    raise TraitError("command must be one of: '*', 'type', 'id'")
                if command == "type":
                    if not isinstance(arg, str):
                        raise TraitError("'type' argument should be a string")
                if command == "id":
                        arg = int(arg)
                    except ValueError:
                        raise TraitError(
                            f"Argument of 'id' should be an int (got '{arg}')"

                val = self._dtype(val)
                normalized_value.append((command, arg, val))
                normalized_value._lookup = TelescopeParameterLookup(normalized_value)

                if (
                    isinstance(value, TelescopePatternList)
                    and value._subarray is not None

            raise TraitError(f"Value should be a {self._dtype}")

        return normalized_value

    def set(self, obj, value):
        # Retain existing subarray description
        # when setting new value for TelescopeParameter
            old_value = obj._trait_values[]
        except KeyError:
            old_value = self.default_value
        super().set(obj, value)
        if getattr(old_value, "_subarray", None) is not None:

class FloatTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter):
    """ a `TelescopeParameter` with float type (see docs for `TelescopeParameter`)"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(dtype=float, **kwargs)

class IntTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter):
    """ a `TelescopeParameter` with int type (see docs for `TelescopeParameter`)"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(dtype=int, **kwargs)

class BoolTelescopeParameter(TelescopeParameter):
    """ a `TelescopeParameter` with int type (see docs for `TelescopeParameter`)"""

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(dtype=bool, **kwargs)