from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from pprint import pformat
from textwrap import wrap
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.units import UnitConversionError, Quantity, Unit

class FieldValidationError(ValueError):

class Field:
    Class for storing data in `Containers`.

        default value of the item (this will be set when the `Container`
        is constructed, as well as when  `Container.reset()` is called
    description: str
        Help text associated with the item
    unit: str or astropy.units.core.UnitBase
        unit to convert to when writing output, or None for no conversion
    ucd: str
        universal content descriptor (see Virtual Observatory standards)
    dtype: str or np.dtype
        expected data type of the value, None to ignore in validation.
    ndim: int or None
        expected dimensionality of the data, for arrays, None to ignore
        if the value of None is given to this Field, skip validation

    def __init__(

        self.default = default
        self.description = description
        self.unit = Unit(unit) if unit is not None else None
        self.ucd = ucd
        self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if dtype is not None else None
        self.ndim = ndim
        self.allow_none = allow_none

    def __repr__(self):
        desc = f"{self.description}"
        if self.unit is not None:
            desc += f" [{self.unit}]"
        if self.ndim is not None:
            desc += f" as a {self.ndim}-D array"
        if self.dtype is not None:
            desc += f" with type {self.dtype}"

        return desc

    def validate(self, value):
        check that a given value is appropriate for this Field

        value: Any
           the value to test

            if the value is not valid

        if self.allow_none and value is None:

        errorstr = f"the value '{value}' ({type(value)}) is invalid: "

        if self.unit is not None:
            if not isinstance(value, Quantity):
                raise FieldValidationError(
                    f"{errorstr} Should have units of {self.unit}"
                ) from None
            except UnitConversionError as err:
                raise FieldValidationError(f"{errorstr}: {err}")

            # strip off the units now, so we can test the rest without units
            value = value.value

        if self.ndim is not None:
            # should be a numpy array
            if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
                raise FieldValidationError(f"{errorstr} Should be an ndarray")
            if value.ndim != self.ndim:
                raise FieldValidationError(
                    f"{errorstr} Should have dimensionality {self.ndim}"
            if value.dtype != self.dtype:
                raise FieldValidationError(
                    f"{errorstr} Has dtype "
                    f"{value.dtype}, should have dtype"
                    f" {self.dtype}"
            # not a numpy array
            if self.dtype is not None:
                if not isinstance(value, self.dtype.type):
                    raise FieldValidationError(
                        f"{errorstr} Should have numpy dtype {self.dtype}"

class DeprecatedField(Field):
    """ used to mark which fields may be removed in next version """

    def __init__(self, default, description="", unit=None, ucd=None, reason=""):
        super().__init__(default=default, description=description, unit=unit, ucd=ucd)
        warnings.warn(f"Field {self} is deprecated. {reason}", DeprecationWarning)
        self.reason = reason

class ContainerMeta(type):
    The MetaClass for the Containers

    It reserves __slots__ for every class variable,
    that is of instance `Field` and sets all other class variables
    as read-only for the instances.

    This makes sure, that the metadata is immutable,
    and no new fields can be added to a container by accident.

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        field_names = [k for k, v in dct.items() if isinstance(v, Field)]
        dct["__slots__"] = tuple(field_names + ["meta", "prefix"])
        dct["fields"] = {}

        # inherit fields from baseclasses
        for b in bases:
            if issubclass(b, Container):
                for k, v in b.fields.items():
                    dct["fields"][k] = v

        for k in field_names:
            dct["fields"][k] = dct.pop(k)

        new_cls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)

        # if prefix was not set as a class variable, build a default one
        if "container_prefix" not in dct:
            new_cls.container_prefix = name.lower().replace("container", "")

        return new_cls

class Container(metaclass=ContainerMeta):
    """Generic class that can hold and accumulate data to be passed
    between Components.

    The purpose of this class is to provide a flexible data structure
    that works a bit like a dict or blank Python class, but prevents
    the user from accessing members that have not been defined a
    priori (more like a C struct), and also keeps metadata information
    such as a description, defaults, and units for each item in the

    Containers can transform the data into a `dict` using the `
    Container.as_dict()` method.  This allows them to be written to an
    output table for example, where each Field defines a column. The
    `dict` conversion can be made recursively and even flattened so
    that a nested set of `Containers` can be translated into a set of
    columns in a flat table without naming conflicts (the name of the
    parent Field is pre-pended).

    Only members of instance `Field` will be used as output.
    For hierarchical data structures, Field can use `Container`
    subclasses or a `Map` as the default value.

    >>>    class MyContainer(Container):
    >>>        x = Field(100,"The X value")
    >>>        energy = Field(-1, "Energy measurement", unit=u.TeV)
    >>>    cont = MyContainer()
    >>>    print(cont.x)
    >>>    # metadata will become header keywords in an output file:
    >>>    cont.meta['KEY'] = value

    `Field`s inside `Containers` can contain instances of other
    `Containers`, to allow for a hierarchy of containers, and can also
    contain a `Map` for the case where one wants e.g. a set of
    sub-classes indexed by a value like the `telescope_id`. Examples
    of this can be found in `ctapipe.containers`

    `Containers` work by shadowing all class variables (which must be
    instances of `Field`) with instance variables of the same name the
    hold the value expected. If `Container.reset()` is called, all
    instance variables are reset to their default values as defined in
    the class.

    Finally, `Containers` can have associated metadata via their
    `meta` attribute, which is a `dict` of keywords to values.


    def __init__(self, **fields):
        self.meta = {}
        # __slots__ cannot be provided with defaults
        # via class variables, so we use a `container_prefix` class variable
        # and an instance variable `prefix` in `__slots__`
        self.prefix = self.container_prefix

        for k in set(self.fields).difference(fields):
            setattr(self, k, deepcopy(self.fields[k].default))

        for k, v in fields.items():
            setattr(self, k, v)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return getattr(self, key)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        return setattr(self, key, value)

    def items(self, add_prefix=False):
        """Generator over (key, value) pairs for the items"""
        if not add_prefix or self.prefix == "":
            return ((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.fields.keys())

        return ((self.prefix + "_" + k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.fields.keys())

    def keys(self):
        """Get the keys of the container"""
        return self.fields.keys()

    def values(self):
        """Get the keys of the container"""
        return (getattr(self, k) for k in self.fields.keys())

    def as_dict(self, recursive=False, flatten=False, add_prefix=False):
        convert the `Container` into a dictionary

        recursive: bool
            sub-Containers should also be converted to dicts
        flatten: type
            return a flat dictionary, with any sub-field keys generated
            by appending the sub-Container name.
        add_prefix: bool
            include the container's prefix in the name of each item
        if not recursive:
            return dict(self.items(add_prefix=add_prefix))
            d = dict()
            for key, val in self.items(add_prefix=add_prefix):
                if isinstance(val, Container) or isinstance(val, Map):
                    if flatten:
                                f"{key}_{k}": v
                                for k, v in val.as_dict(
                                    recursive, add_prefix=add_prefix
                        d[key] = val.as_dict(
                            recursive=recursive, flatten=flatten, add_prefix=add_prefix
                    d[key] = val
            return d

    def reset(self, recursive=True):
        """ set all values back to their default values"""
        for name, value in self.fields.items():
            if isinstance(value, Container):
                if recursive:
                    getattr(self, name).reset()
                setattr(self, name, deepcopy(self.fields[name].default))

    def update(self, **values):
        update more than one parameter at once (e.g. `update(x=3,y=4)`
        or `update(**dict_of_values)`)
        for key in values:
            self[key] = values[key]

    def __str__(self):
        return pformat(self.as_dict(recursive=True))

    def __repr__(self):
        text = ["{}.{}:".format(type(self).__module__, type(self).__name__)]
        for name, item in self.fields.items():
            extra = ""
            if isinstance(getattr(self, name), Container):
                extra = ".*"
            if isinstance(getattr(self, name), Map):
                extra = "[*]"
            desc = "{:>30s}: {}".format(name + extra, repr(item))
            lines = wrap(desc, 80, subsequent_indent=" " * 32)
        return "\n".join(text)

    def validate(self):
        Check that all fields in the Container have the expected characterisics (as
        defined by the Field metadata).  This is not intended to be run every time a
        Container is filled, since it is slow, only for testing a first event.

            if the Container's values are not valid
        for name, field in self.fields.items():
            except FieldValidationError as err:
                raise FieldValidationError(
                    f"{self.__class__.__name__} Field '{name}': {err}"

class Map(defaultdict):
    """A dictionary of sub-containers that can be added to a Container. This
    may be used e.g. to store a set of identical sub-Containers (e.g. indexed
    by `tel_id` or algorithm name).

    def as_dict(self, recursive=False, flatten=False, add_prefix=False):
        if not recursive:
            return dict(self.items())
            d = dict()
            for key, val in self.items():
                if isinstance(val, Container) or isinstance(val, Map):
                    if flatten:
                                f"{key}_{k}": v
                                for k, v in val.as_dict(
                                    recursive, add_prefix=add_prefix
                        d[key] = val.as_dict(
                            recursive=recursive, flatten=flatten, add_prefix=add_prefix
                d[key] = val
            return d

    def reset(self, recursive=True):
        for val in self.values():
            if isinstance(val, Container):