import json
import random
import re
import time
import zlib
from enum import unique, Enum
from typing import Optional, List

import numpy as np
from spacy.tokens import Doc, Span, Token

from import one_hot, temp
from common.nlp import Pos, CapitalizationMode

class WordKey(object):
    TEXT = '_T'
    POS = '_P'
    COMPOUND = '_C'

class NeighborIdx(Enum):
    TEXT = 0
    POS = 1
    COMPOUND = 2

class NeighborValueIdx(Enum):
    COUNT = 0
    RATING = 1

class MarkovNeighbor(object):
    def __init__(self, key: str, text: str, pos: Pos, compound: bool, values: list, dist: list):
        self.key = key
        self.text = text
        self.pos = pos
        self.compound = compound
        self.values = values
        self.dist = dist

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.text

    def from_token(token: Token) -> 'MarkovNeighbor':
        key = token.text.lower()
        text = token.text
        if CapitalizationMode.from_token(token, CAPITALIZATION_COMPOUND_RULES) == CapitalizationMode.COMPOUND:
            compound = True
            compound = False
        pos = Pos.from_token(token)
        values = [0, 0]
        dist = [0] * (MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE * 2 + 1)
        return MarkovNeighbor(key, text, pos, compound, values, dist)

    def from_db_format(key: str, val: list) -> 'MarkovNeighbor':
        key = key
        text = val[NeighborIdx.TEXT.value]
        pos = Pos(val[NeighborIdx.POS.value])
        compound = val[NeighborIdx.COMPOUND.value]
        values = val[NeighborIdx.VALUE_MATRIX.value]
        dist = val[NeighborIdx.DISTANCE_MATRIX.value]
        return MarkovNeighbor(key, text, pos, compound, values, dist)

    def to_db_format(self) -> tuple:
        return self.key, [self.text, self.pos.value, self.compound, self.values, self.dist]

    def distance_one_hot(dist):
        return one_hot(dist + MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE, MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE * 2 + 1)

class MarkovNeighbors(object):
    def __init__(self, neighbors: List[MarkovNeighbor]):
        self.neighbors = neighbors

    def __iter__(self) -> MarkovNeighbor:
        for neighbor in self.neighbors:
            yield neighbor

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.neighbors)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.neighbors[item]

class ProjectionDirection(Enum):
    LEFT = 1
    RIGHT = 2

class MarkovWordProjection(object):
    def __init__(self, magnitudes: np.ndarray, distances: np.ndarray, keys: List[str], pos: List[Pos]):
        self.magnitudes = magnitudes
        self.distances = distances
        self.keys = keys
        self.pos = pos

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)

class MarkovWordProjectionCollection(object):
    def __init__(self, projections: List[MarkovWordProjection]):
        self.magnitudes = None
        self.distances = None
        self.keys = []
        self.pos = []


    def _concat_collection(self, projections: List[MarkovWordProjection]):
        for projection_idx, projection in enumerate(projections):

            self.keys += projection.keys
            self.pos += projection.pos

            if projection_idx == 0:
                self.magnitudes = projection.magnitudes
                self.distances = projection.distances
                self.magnitudes = np.concatenate((self.magnitudes, projection.magnitudes))
                self.distances = np.concatenate((self.distances, projection.distances))

    def probability_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:

        distance_magnitudes = self.distances * self.magnitudes
        sums = np.sum(distance_magnitudes, axis=0)
        p_values = distance_magnitudes / sums

        return p_values

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.keys)

class MarkovWord(object):
    def __init__(self, text: str, pos: Pos, compound: bool, neighbors: dict):
        self.text = text
        self.pos = pos
        self.compound = compound
        self.neighbors = neighbors

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.text

    def to_db_format(self) -> tuple:
        return {WordKey.TEXT: self.text, WordKey.POS: self.pos.value, WordKey.COMPOUND: self.compound}, {
            MarkovTrieDb.NEIGHBORS_KEY: self.neighbors}

    def from_db_format(row: dict) -> 'MarkovWord':
        word = MarkovWord(row[MarkovTrieDb.WORD_KEY][WordKey.TEXT],
        return word

    def from_token(token: Token) -> 'MarkovWord':
        if CapitalizationMode.from_token(token, CAPITALIZATION_COMPOUND_RULES) == CapitalizationMode.COMPOUND:
            compound = True
            compound = False
        return MarkovWord(token.text, Pos.from_token(token), compound=compound, neighbors={})

    def get_neighbor(self, key: str) -> Optional[MarkovNeighbor]:
        if key in self.neighbors:
            n_row = self.neighbors[key]
            return MarkovNeighbor.from_db_format(key, n_row)
        return None

    def set_neighbor(self, neighbor: MarkovNeighbor):
        key, row = neighbor.to_db_format()
        self.neighbors[key] = row

    def select_neighbors(self, pos: Optional[Pos], exclude_key: Optional[str] = None) -> MarkovNeighbors:
        results = []
        for key in self.neighbors:
            neighbor = self.get_neighbor(key)
            if exclude_key is not None and exclude_key == neighbor.key:
            elif pos == neighbor.pos or pos is None:

        return MarkovNeighbors(results)

    def project(self, idx_in_sentence: int, sentence_length: int, pos: Pos,
                exclude_key: Optional[str] = None) -> MarkovWordProjection:

        # Get all neighbors
        neighbors = self.select_neighbors(pos, exclude_key=exclude_key)

        neighbor_keys = []
        neighbor_pos = []

        # Setup matrices
        distance_distributions = np.zeros((len(neighbors), sentence_length))
        neighbor_magnitudes = np.zeros((len(neighbors), 1))

        for neighbor_idx, neighbor in enumerate(neighbors):

            # Save Key

            # Project dist values onto matrix space
            for dist_idx, dist_value in enumerate(neighbor.dist):

                # The actual index of this dist value within our matrix space
                dist_space_index = (dist_idx - MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE) + idx_in_sentence

                # Bounds check
                if not (dist_space_index >= 0 and dist_space_index < sentence_length):

                distance_distributions[neighbor_idx][dist_space_index] = dist_value

            # Calculate strength
            neighbor_magnitudes[neighbor_idx] = neighbor.values[
                                                    NeighborValueIdx.COUNT.value] * MARKOV_GENERATION_WEIGHT_COUNT \
                                                + \
                                                    NeighborValueIdx.RATING.value] * MARKOV_GENERATION_WEIGHT_RATING

        return MarkovWordProjection(neighbor_magnitudes, distance_distributions, neighbor_keys, neighbor_pos)

class GeneratedWord(MarkovWord):
    def __init__(self, text: str, pos: Pos, compound: bool, neighbors: dict, mode: CapitalizationMode):
        MarkovWord.__init__(self, text, pos, compound, neighbors)
        self.mode = mode

    def from_markov_word(word: MarkovWord, mode: CapitalizationMode):
        return GeneratedWord(word.text, word.pos, word.compound, word.neighbors, mode=mode)

class MarkovTrieDb(object):
    WORD_KEY = '_W'

    def __init__(self, path: str = None):
        self._trie = {}
        if path is not None:

    def load(self, path: str):
        data = zlib.decompress(open(path, 'rb').read()).decode()
        self._trie = json.loads(data)

    def save(self, path: str):
        data = zlib.compress(json.dumps(self._trie, separators=(',', ':')).encode())
        open(path, 'wb').write(data)

    def _getnode(self, word: str) -> Optional[dict]:
        if len(word) == 0:
            return None

        node = self._trie
        for c in word:
                node = node[c.lower()]
            except KeyError:
                return None

        return node

    def _select(self, word: str) -> Optional[dict]:
        node = self._getnode(word)
        if node is None:
            return None

        if MarkovTrieDb.WORD_KEY in node:
            return node
            return None

    def select(self, word: str) -> MarkovWord:
        row = self._select(word)
        return MarkovWord.from_db_format(row) if row is not None else None

    def _insert(self, word: str, pos: int, compound: bool, neighbors: dict) -> Optional[dict]:

        node = self._trie
        for c in word:
            if c.lower() in node:
                node = node[c.lower()]
                node[c.lower()] = {}
                node = node[c.lower()]

        node[MarkovTrieDb.WORD_KEY] = {WordKey.TEXT: word, WordKey.POS: pos, WordKey.COMPOUND: compound}
        node[MarkovTrieDb.NEIGHBORS_KEY] = neighbors
        return node

    def insert(self, word: MarkovWord) -> MarkovWord:
        row = self._insert(word.text, word.pos.value, word.compound, word.neighbors)
        return MarkovWord.from_db_format(row) if row is not None else None

    def _update(self, word: str, pos: int, compound: bool, neighbors: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
        node = self._select(word)
        if node is None:
            return None

        node[MarkovTrieDb.WORD_KEY] = {WordKey.TEXT: word, WordKey.POS: pos, WordKey.COMPOUND: compound}
        node[MarkovTrieDb.NEIGHBORS_KEY] = neighbors
        return node

    def update(self, word: MarkovWord) -> Optional[MarkovWord]:
        node = self._update(word.text, word.pos.value, word.compound, word.neighbors)
        return MarkovWord.from_db_format(node) if node is not None else None

class MarkovGenerator(object):
    def __init__(self, structure_generator, subjects: List[MarkovWord]):
        self.structure_generator = structure_generator
        self.subjects = subjects

        self.sentence_generations = []
        self.sentence_structures = []

    def _reset_data(self):
        self.sentence_generations = []
        self.sentence_structures = []

    def _sort_subjects(self):

        sorted_subjects = []
        for subject_priority in MARKOV_GENERATE_SUBJECT_POS_PRIORITY:
            for subject in self.subjects:
                if subject.pos == subject_priority:
        self.subjects = sorted_subjects

    def generate(self, db: MarkovTrieDb) -> Optional[List[List[GeneratedWord]]]:

        # Try to much subject to a variety of sentence structures
        subjects_assigned = False
        for i in range(0, 10):
            if self._assign_subjects():
                subjects_assigned = True

        if not subjects_assigned:
            return None

        if not self._generate_words(db):
            approximation = []
            for sentence in self.sentence_generations:
                for word in sentence:
                    if word is not None:
            if len(approximation) > 0:
                return [approximation]
                return None

        return self.sentence_generations

    # Split into individual sentences and populate generation arrays
    def _split_sentences(self):

        structure = next(self.structure_generator)

        start_index = 0
        for word_idx, word in enumerate(structure):
            if word.pos == Pos.EOS:
                # Separate structures into sentences
                sentence = structure[start_index:word_idx]

                # Create unfilled arrays for each sentence to populate later
                generates = [None] * len(sentence)

                start_index = word_idx + 1

    # Assign one subject to each sentence with descending priority
    def _assign_subjects(self) -> bool:

        sentences_assigned = [False] * len(self.sentence_structures)

        for sentence_idx, sentence in enumerate(self.sentence_structures):
            subjects_assigned = []
            word_break = False
            for word_idx, word in enumerate(sentence):
                for subject in self.subjects:
                    # Assigned a maximum number of subjects per sentence
                    if len(subjects_assigned) > MARKOV_GENERATE_SUBJECT_MAX:
                        word_break = True

                    # Don't assign sam subject twice pers sentence
                    if subject.text in subjects_assigned:

                    if subject.pos == word.pos:
                        self.sentence_generations[sentence_idx][word_idx] = GeneratedWord.from_markov_word(
                            subject, self.sentence_structures[sentence_idx][word_idx].mode)
                        sentences_assigned[sentence_idx] = True

                if word_break:

        # Each sentence should be assigned one subject to begin with
        for sentence in sentences_assigned:
            if sentence is False:
                return False

        return True

    def _work_remaining(self):
        work_left = 0
        for sentence_idx, sentence in enumerate(self.sentence_generations):
            for word_idx, word in enumerate(sentence):
                if word is None:
                    work_left += 1
        return work_left

    def _generate_words(self, db: MarkovTrieDb):

        old_work_left = self._work_remaining()
        while True:

            for sentence_idx, sentence in enumerate(self.sentence_generations):

                sentence_length = len(sentence)

                def handle_projections(exclude_key: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
                    if blank_idx is None or len(project_idx) == 0:
                        return False

                    projections = []
                    blank_pos = self.sentence_structures[sentence_idx][blank_idx].pos
                    for word_idx in project_idx:
                        projecting_word = self.sentence_generations[sentence_idx][word_idx]
                        projection = projecting_word.project(word_idx, sentence_length, blank_pos,

                    # Concatenate all projections and create p-value matrix
                    projection_collection = MarkovWordProjectionCollection(projections)
                    if len(projection_collection) == 0:
                        return False

                    all_p_values = projection_collection.probability_matrix()

                    # We just want the p-values for the blank word
                    p_values = all_p_values[:, blank_idx]

                    # Choose an index based on the probability
                    choices = np.arange(len(projection_collection))

                    word_choice_idx = temp(p_values, temperature=MARKOV_MODEL_TEMPERATURE)

                    # Select the word from the database and assign it to the blank space
                    select_word = projection_collection.keys[word_choice_idx]
                    word = GeneratedWord.from_markov_word(,
                    self.sentence_generations[sentence_idx][blank_idx] = word

                # Scan left to right
                # Work right to left
                blank_idx = None
                project_idx = []
                for word_idx, word in enumerate(sentence):
                    if word is None:
                        blank_idx = word_idx
                    elif blank_idx is not None and abs(blank_idx - word_idx) <= MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE:

                # Scan right to left
                # Work left to right
                blank_idx = None
                project_idx = []
                for word_idx, word in enumerate(reversed(sentence)):
                    word_idx = (len(sentence) - 1) - word_idx
                    if word is None:
                        blank_idx = word_idx
                    elif blank_idx is not None and abs(blank_idx - word_idx) <= MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE:

            # Check if we accomplished any work
            new_work_left = self._work_remaining()
            if old_work_left == new_work_left:
                return False
            elif new_work_left == 0:
                return True
            old_work_left = new_work_left

class MarkovFilters(object):
    def filter_input(text: str):

        if text is None:
            return None

        filtered = text

        urls = re.findall(r'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*(),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+',

        # Replace all URLS with a unique token
        url_token = 'URL%s' % random.getrandbits(64)
        for url in urls:
            filtered = filtered.replace(url, url_token)

        filtered = re.sub(r'(&amp;)', '', filtered)
        filtered = re.sub(r'[,:;\'`\-_“^"<>(){}/\\*]', '', filtered)

        # Swamp URLs back for token
        for url in urls:
            filtered = filtered.replace(url_token, url)

        return filtered

    def smooth_output(text: str):
        if text is None:
            return None
        smoothed = text
        smoothed = re.sub(r'([$]) ', r'\1', smoothed)
        smoothed = re.sub(r' ([.,?!%])', r'\1', smoothed)
        smoothed = re.sub(r' ([\']) ', r'\1', smoothed)

        return smoothed

class MarkovTrainer(object):
    def __init__(self, engine: MarkovTrieDb):
        self.engine = engine

    def learn(self, doc: Doc):
        bi_grams = []
        for sentence in doc.sents:
            bi_grams += MarkovTrainer.span_to_bigram(sentence)

        row_cache = {}
        for ngram in bi_grams:
            if ngram[0].text in row_cache:
                word = row_cache[ngram[0].text]
                # Attempt to load from DB
                word =[0].text)
                if word is None:
                    # If not already in the DB, create a new word object
                    word = MarkovWord.from_token(ngram[0])

            # Handle neighbor
            neighbor_lookup_key = ngram[1].text.lower()

            neighbor = word.get_neighbor(neighbor_lookup_key)
            if neighbor is None:
                neighbor = MarkovNeighbor.from_token(ngram[1])

            # Increase Count
            neighbor.values[NeighborValueIdx.COUNT.value] += 1

            # Add distance
            dist_one_hot_base = np.array(neighbor.dist)
            dist_one_hot_add = np.array(MarkovNeighbor.distance_one_hot(ngram[2]))

            neighbor.dist = (dist_one_hot_base + dist_one_hot_add).tolist()

            # Convert to db format and store in word
            key, neighbor_db = neighbor.to_db_format()
            word.neighbors[key] = neighbor_db

            # Write word to DB
            if self.engine.update(word) is None:

            # Cache word
            row_cache[ngram[0].text] = word

    def span_to_bigram(span: Span) -> list:

        grams = []

        for a_idx, a in enumerate(span):
            for b_idx, b in enumerate(span):

                dist = b_idx - a_idx
                if dist == 0:

                elif abs(dist) <= MARKOV_WINDOW_SIZE:
                    grams.append([a, b, dist])

        return grams