This module scans all ``*.rst`` files below ``docs/`` for example code.
Example code is discoved by checking for lines containing the ``..
literalinclude:: `` directives.

An example consists of two consecutive literalinclude directives. The
first must include a ``*.py`` file and the second a ``*.out`` file. The
``*.py`` file consists of the example code which is executed in
a separate process. The output of this process is compared to the
contents of the ``*.out`` file.

import subprocess
import sys

from _pytest.assertion.util import _diff_text
from py._code.code import TerminalRepr
import pytest

def pytest_collect_file(path, parent):
    """Checks if the file is a rst file and creates an
    :class:`ExampleFile` instance."""
    if path.ext == '.py' and path.dirname.endswith('code'):
        return ExampleFile(path, parent)

class ExampleFile(pytest.File):
    """Represents an example ``.py`` and its output ``.out``."""

    def collect(self):
        pyfile = self.fspath

        # Python 2's random number generator produces different numbers
        # than Python 3's. Use a separate out-file for examples using
        # random numbers.
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3 and pyfile.new(ext='.out2').check():
            outfile = pyfile.new(ext='.out2')
            outfile = pyfile.new(ext='.out')

        if outfile.check():
            yield ExampleItem(pyfile, outfile, self)

class ExampleItem(pytest.Item):
    """Executes an example found in a rst-file."""

    def __init__(self, pyfile, outfile, parent):
        pytest.Item.__init__(self, str(pyfile), parent)
        self.pyfile = pyfile
        self.outfile = outfile

    def runtest(self):
        # Read expected output.
        with self.outfile.open() as f:
            expected = f.read()

        output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, str(self.pyfile)],

        if output != expected:
            # Hijack the ValueError exception to identify mismatching output.
            raise ValueError(expected, output)

    def repr_failure(self, exc_info):
        if exc_info.errisinstance(ValueError):
            # Output is mismatching. Create a nice diff as failure description.
            expected, output = exc_info.value.args
            message = _diff_text(output, expected)
            return ReprFailExample(self.pyfile, self.outfile, message)

        elif exc_info.errisinstance(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
            # Something wrent wrong while executing the example.
            return ReprErrorExample(self.pyfile, exc_info)

            # Something went terribly wrong :(
            return pytest.Item.repr_failure(self, exc_info)

    def reportinfo(self):
        return self.fspath, None, '%s example' % self.pyfile.purebasename

class ReprFailExample(TerminalRepr):
    """Reports output mismatches in a nice and informative representation."""
    Markup = {
            '+': dict(green=True),
            '-': dict(red=True),
            '?': dict(bold=True),
    """Colorization codes for the diff markup."""

    def __init__(self, pyfile, outfile, message):
        self.pyfile = pyfile
        self.outfile = outfile
        self.message = message

    def toterminal(self, tw):
        for line in self.message:
            markup = ReprFailExample.Markup.get(line[0], {})
            tw.line(line, **markup)
        tw.line('%s: Unexpected output' % (self.pyfile))

class ReprErrorExample(TerminalRepr):
    """Reports failures in the execution of an example."""
    def __init__(self, pyfile, exc_info):
        self.pyfile = pyfile
        self.exc_info = exc_info

    def toterminal(self, tw):
        tw.line('Execution of %s failed. Captured output:' %
                self.pyfile.basename, red=True, bold=True)
        tw.line('%s: Example failed (exitcode=%d)' %
                (self.pyfile, self.exc_info.value.returncode))