# Utilities for neural fingerprints

import numpy as np
import keras.backend as K
import rdkit.Chem.AllChem as AllChem
import rdkit.Chem.Descriptors as Descriptors
import rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors as rdMolDescriptors
import rdkit.Chem.EState as EState
import rdkit.Chem.rdPartialCharges as rdPartialCharges
import rdkit.Chem.rdChemReactions as rdRxns
import copy
from theano.gof.type import Generic
att_dtype = np.float32

class Graph():
	'''Describes an undirected graph class'''
	def __init__(self):
		self.nodes = []
		self.num_nodes = 0
		self.edges = []
		self.num_edges = 0
		self.N_features = 0

	def nodeAttributes(self):
		'''Returns 2D array where (#, :) contains attributes of node #'''
		return K.variable(np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.nodes]))
	def edgeAttributes(self):
		'''Returns 2D array where (#, :) contains attributes of edge #'''
		return K.variable(np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.edges]))

	def nodeNeighbors(self):
		return [x.neighbors for x in self.nodes]

	def clone(self):
		'''clone() method to trick Theano'''
		return copy.deepcopy(self) 

	def dump_as_tensor(self):
		'''Method to represent attributed graph as a giant tensor

		The tensor is N_node x N_node x N_attributes.

		For a given node, A_i,i,: is a vector of that node's features, followed
		  by zeros where edge attributes would be.
		For a pair of nodes i and j, A_i,j,: is a vector of node j's features, 
		  followed by the edge attributes connecting the two nodes.

		This representation is not as efficient as it could be, but we need to
		  pack the whole graph information into a single tensor in order to use
		  Keras/Theano easily'''

		# Bad input handling
		if not self.nodes:
			raise(ValueError, 'Error generating tensor for graph with no nodes')
		if not self.edges:
			raise(ValueError, 'Need at least one bond!')

		N_nodes = len(self.nodes)
		N_features = sizeAttributeVector(molecular_attributes = self.molecular_attributes)
		tensor = np.zeros((N_nodes, N_nodes, N_features))

		# Special case of no bonds (e.g., methane)
		if not self.edges:
			nodeAttributes = np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.nodes])
			for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
				tensor[i, i, 0:len(nodeAttributes[i])] = nodeAttributes[i]
			return tensor

		edgeAttributes = np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.edges])
		nodeAttributes = np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.nodes])
		nodeNeighbors = self.nodeNeighbors()
		# Assign diagonal entries
		for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
			tensor[i, i, :] = np.concatenate((nodeAttributes[i], np.zeros_like(edgeAttributes[0])))
		# Assign bonds now
		for e, edge in enumerate(self.edges):
			(i, j) = edge.connects
			tensor[i, j, :] = np.concatenate((nodeAttributes[j], edgeAttributes[e]))
			tensor[j, i, :] = np.concatenate((nodeAttributes[i], edgeAttributes[e]))

		return tensor

	def dump_as_matrices(self):
		# Bad input handling
		if not self.nodes:
			raise(ValueError, 'Error generating tensor for graph with no nodes')
		if not self.edges:
			raise(ValueError, 'Need at least one bond!')

		N_nodes = len(self.nodes)
		F_a, F_b = sizeAttributeVectors(molecular_attributes = self.molecular_attributes)

		mat_features = np.zeros((N_nodes, F_a), dtype = np.float32)
		mat_adjacency = np.zeros((N_nodes, N_nodes), dtype = np.float32)
		mat_specialbondtypes = np.zeros((N_nodes, F_b), dtype = np.float32)

		edgeAttributes = np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.edges])
		nodeAttributes = np.vstack([x.attributes for x in self.nodes])

		for i, node in enumerate(self.nodes):
			mat_features[i, :] = nodeAttributes[i]
			mat_adjacency[i, i] = 1.0 # include self terms

		for e, edge in enumerate(self.edges):
			(i, j) = edge.connects
			mat_adjacency[i, j] = 1.0
			mat_adjacency[j, i] = 1.0

			# Keep track of extra special bond types - which are nothing more than
			# bias terms specific to the bond type because they are all one-hot encoded
			mat_specialbondtypes[i, :] += edgeAttributes[e]
			mat_specialbondtypes[j, :] += edgeAttributes[e]

		return (mat_features, mat_adjacency, mat_specialbondtypes)

class Node():
	'''Describes an attributed node in an undirected graph'''
	def __init__(self, i = None, attributes = np.array([], dtype = att_dtype)):
		self.i = i
		self.attributes = attributes # 1D array
		self.neighbors = [] # (atom index, bond index)

class Edge():
	'''Describes an attributed edge in an undirected graph'''
	def __init__(self, connects = (), i = None, attributes = np.array([], dtype = att_dtype)):
		self.i = i
		self.attributes = attributes # 1D array
		self.connects = connects # (atom index, atom index)

def molToGraph(rdmol, molecular_attributes = False):
	'''Converts an RDKit molecule to an attributed undirected graph'''
	# Initialize
	graph = Graph()
	graph.molecular_attributes = molecular_attributes

	# Calculate atom-level molecule descriptors
	attributes = [[] for i in rdmol.GetAtoms()]
	if molecular_attributes:
		labels = []
		[attributes[i].append(x[0]) \
			for (i, x) in enumerate(rdMolDescriptors._CalcCrippenContribs(rdmol))]
		labels.append('Crippen contribution to logp')

		[attributes[i].append(x[1]) \
			for (i, x) in enumerate(rdMolDescriptors._CalcCrippenContribs(rdmol))]
		labels.append('Crippen contribution to mr')

		[attributes[i].append(x) \
			for (i, x) in enumerate(rdMolDescriptors._CalcTPSAContribs(rdmol))]
		labels.append('TPSA contribution')

		[attributes[i].append(x) \
			for (i, x) in enumerate(rdMolDescriptors._CalcLabuteASAContribs(rdmol)[0])]
		labels.append('Labute ASA contribution')

		[attributes[i].append(x) \
			for (i, x) in enumerate(EState.EStateIndices(rdmol))]
		labels.append('EState Index')

		[attributes[i].append(float(a.GetProp('_GasteigerCharge'))) \
			for (i, a) in enumerate(rdmol.GetAtoms())]
		labels.append('Gasteiger partial charge')

		# Gasteiger partial charges sometimes gives NaN
		for i in range(len(attributes)):
			if np.isnan(attributes[i][-1]) or np.isinf(attributes[i][-1]):
				attributes[i][-1] = 0.0

		[attributes[i].append(float(a.GetProp('_GasteigerHCharge'))) \
			for (i, a) in enumerate(rdmol.GetAtoms())]
		labels.append('Gasteiger hydrogen partial charge')

		# Gasteiger partial charges sometimes gives NaN
		for i in range(len(attributes)):
			if np.isnan(attributes[i][-1]) or np.isinf(attributes[i][-1]):
				attributes[i][-1] = 0.0

	# Add bonds
	for bond in rdmol.GetBonds():
		edge = Edge()
		edge.i = bond.GetIdx()
		edge.attributes = bondAttributes(bond)
		edge.connects = (bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx())
	# Add atoms
	for k, atom in enumerate(rdmol.GetAtoms()):
		node = Node()
		node.i = atom.GetIdx()
		node.attributes = atomAttributes(atom, extra_attributes = attributes[k])
		for neighbor in atom.GetNeighbors():
	# Add counts, for convenience
	graph.num_edges = len(graph.edges)
	graph.num_nodes = len(graph.nodes)
	return graph 

def padGraphTensor(old_tensor, new_dsize):
	'''This function takes an input tensor of dsize x dsize x Nfeatures and pads 
	up the first two dimensions to new_dsize with zeros as needed'''
	old_shape = old_tensor.shape
	new_tensor = np.zeros((new_dsize, new_dsize, old_shape[2]))
	for i in range(old_shape[0]):
		for j in range(old_shape[1]):
			for k in range(old_shape[2]):
				new_tensor[i, j, k] = old_tensor[i, j, k]

	return new_tensor

def bondAttributes(bond):
	'''Returns a numpy array of attributes for an RDKit bond

	From Neural FP defaults:
	The bond features were a concatenation of whether the bond type was single, double, triple,
	or aromatic, whether the bond was conjugated, and whether the bond was part of a ring.
	# Initialize
	attributes = []
	# Add bond type
	attributes += oneHotVector(
		[1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
	# Add if is aromatic
	# Add if bond is conjugated
	# Add if bond is part of ring


	return np.array(attributes, dtype = att_dtype)

def atomAttributes(atom, extra_attributes = []):
	'''Returns a numpy array of attributes for an RDKit atom

	From ECFP defaults:
        <Property Name="AtomicNumber" Value="1"/>
        <Property Name="HeavyNeighborCount" Value="1"/>
        <Property Name="HCount" Value="1"/>
        <Property Name="FormalCharge" Value="1"/>
        <Property Name="IsRingAtom" Value="1"/>
	# Initialize
	attributes = []
	# Add atomic number (todo: finish)
	attributes += oneHotVector(
		[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 35, 53, 999]
	# Add heavy neighbor count
	attributes += oneHotVector(
		[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
	# Add hydrogen count
	attributes += oneHotVector(
		[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
	# Add formal charge
	# Add boolean if in ring
	# Add boolean if aromatic atom

	attributes += extra_attributes

	return np.array(attributes, dtype = att_dtype)

def oneHotVector(val, lst):
	'''Converts a value to a one-hot vector based on options in lst'''
	if val not in lst:
		val = lst[-1]
	return map(lambda x: x == val, lst)

def sizeAttributeVector(molecular_attributes = False):
	m = AllChem.MolFromSmiles('CC')
	g = molToGraph(m, molecular_attributes = molecular_attributes)
	a = g.nodes[0]
	b = g.edges[0]
	return len(a.attributes) + len(b.attributes)

def sizeAttributeVectors(molecular_attributes = False):
	m = AllChem.MolFromSmiles('CC')
	g = molToGraph(m, molecular_attributes = molecular_attributes)
	a = g.nodes[0]
	b = g.edges[0]
	return len(a.attributes), len(b.attributes)