"""A set of wrappers usefull for tacotron 2 architecture
All notations and variable names were used in concordance with originial tensorflow implementation
import collections

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tacotron.models.attention import _compute_attention
from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import RNNCell
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops, tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops, check_ops, rnn_cell_impl, tensor_array_ops
from tensorflow.python.util import nest

_zero_state_tensors = rnn_cell_impl._zero_state_tensors

class TacotronEncoderCell(RNNCell):
    """Tacotron 2 Encoder Cell
    Passes inputs through a stack of convolutional layers then through a bidirectional LSTM
    layer to predict the hidden representation vector (or memory)

    def __init__(self, convolutional_layers, lstm_layer):
        """Initialize encoder parameters

            convolutional_layers: Encoder convolutional block class
            lstm_layer: encoder bidirectional lstm layer class
        super(TacotronEncoderCell, self).__init__()
        # Initialize encoder layers
        self._convolutions = convolutional_layers
        self._cell = lstm_layer

    def __call__(self, inputs, input_lengths=None):
        # Pass input sequence through a stack of convolutional layers
        conv_output = self._convolutions(inputs)

        # Extract hidden representation from encoder lstm cells
        hidden_representation = self._cell(conv_output, input_lengths)

        # For shape visualization
        self.conv_output_shape = conv_output.shape
        return hidden_representation

class TacotronReferenceEncoderCell:
    def __init__(self, convolutional_layers, lstm_layer, style_token_layer, hparams):
        self._convolutions = convolutional_layers
        self._cell = lstm_layer
        self._style_token_layer = style_token_layer
        self._hparams = hparams

    def __call__(self, inputs, input_lengths=None, style_token_embedding=None):
        batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0]
        # conv_output: [batch_size,n_frames,2,128]
        conv_output = self._convolutions(inputs)
        # # conv_output_reshaped: [batch_size,n_frames,2*128]
        # conv_output_reshaped = tf.reshape(conv_output, shape=(
        #     batch_size, -1,
        #     2 * self._hparams.tacotron_reference_layer_size[-1]))  # conv2d, same, (?,?,2,128(layer_size[-1]))

        conv_output_reshaped = conv_output  # reshape in self._convolutions
        # output: [batch_size,seq_len,hidden_size], hidden_state for every time step
        # state: [2,batch_size, output_size](c,h)
        output, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(self._cell, conv_output_reshaped, sequence_length=input_lengths,
        # state[0], c: [batch_size,1,tacotron_reference_gru_hidden_size], query
        # state = tf.expand_dims(state, axis=1)
        state_ = tf.expand_dims(output[:, -1, :], axis=1)
        # print('state_: {}'.format(state_))
        # style_token_embedding: [batch_size,tacotron_n_style_token,style_embedding_size]
        style_token_embedding = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(style_token_embedding, axis=0),
                                        multiples=[batch_size, 1, 1])
        # state: [batch_size,1,hp.encoder_lstm_units * 2]
        state = self._style_token_layer(state_, style_token_embedding)
        return state

class TacotronDecoderCellState(
                           ("cell_state", "attention", "time", "alignments",
    """`namedtuple` storing the state of a `TacotronDecoderCell`.
      - `cell_state`: The state of the wrapped `RNNCell` at the previous time
      - `attention`: The attention emitted at the previous time step.
      - `time`: int32 scalar containing the current time step.
      - `alignments`: A single or tuple of `Tensor`(s) containing the alignments
         emitted at the previous time step for each attention mechanism.
      - `alignment_history`: a single or tuple of `TensorArray`(s)
         containing alignment matrices from all time steps for each attention
         mechanism. Call `stack()` on each to convert to a `Tensor`.

    def replace(self, **kwargs):
        """Clones the current state while overwriting components provided by kwargs.
        return super(TacotronDecoderCellState, self)._replace(**kwargs)

class TacotronDecoderCell(RNNCell):
    """Tactron 2 Decoder Cell
    Decodes encoder output and previous mel frames into next r frames

    Decoder Step i:
        1) Prenet to compress last output information
        2) Concat compressed inputs with previous context vector (input feeding) *
        3) Decoder RNN (actual decoding) to predict current state s_{i} *
        4) Compute new context vector c_{i} based on s_{i} and a cumulative sum of previous alignments *
        5) Predict new output y_{i} using s_{i} and c_{i} (concatenated)
        6) Predict <stop_token> output ys_{i} using s_{i} and c_{i} (concatenated)

    * : This is typically taking a vanilla LSTM, wrapping it using tensorflow's attention wrapper,
    and wrap that with the prenet before doing an input feeding, and with the prediction layer
    that uses RNN states to project on output space. Actions marked with (*) can be replaced with
    tensorflow's attention wrapper call if it was using cumulative alignments instead of previous alignments only.

    def __init__(self, prenet, attention_mechanism, rnn_cell, frame_projection, stop_projection):
        """Initialize decoder parameters

            prenet: A tensorflow fully connected layer acting as the decoder pre-net
            attention_mechanism: A _BaseAttentionMechanism instance, usefull to
                learn encoder-decoder alignments
            rnn_cell: Instance of RNNCell, main body of the decoder
            frame_projection: tensorflow fully connected layer with r * num_mels output units
            stop_projection: tensorflow fully connected layer, expected to project to a scalar
                and through a sigmoid activation
            mask_finished: Boolean, Whether to mask decoder frames after the <stop_token>
        super(TacotronDecoderCell, self).__init__()
        # Initialize decoder layers
        self._prenet = prenet
        self._attention_mechanism = attention_mechanism
        self._cell = rnn_cell
        self._frame_projection = frame_projection
        self._stop_projection = stop_projection

        self._attention_layer_size = self._attention_mechanism.values.get_shape()[-1].value

    def _batch_size_checks(self, batch_size, error_message):
        return [check_ops.assert_equal(batch_size,

    def output_size(self):
        return self._frame_projection.shape

    def state_size(self):
        """The `state_size` property of `TacotronDecoderCell`.

          An `TacotronDecoderCell` tuple containing shapes used by this object.
        return TacotronDecoderCellState(

    def zero_state(self, batch_size, dtype):
        """Return an initial (zero) state tuple for this `AttentionWrapper`.

          batch_size: `0D` integer tensor: the batch size.
          dtype: The internal state data type.
          An `TacotronDecoderCellState` tuple containing zeroed out tensors and,
          possibly, empty `TensorArray` objects.
          ValueError: (or, possibly at runtime, InvalidArgument), if
            `batch_size` does not match the output size of the encoder passed
            to the wrapper object at initialization time.
        with ops.name_scope(type(self).__name__ + "ZeroState", values=[batch_size]):
            cell_state = self._cell._cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype)
            error_message = (
                    "When calling zero_state of TacotronDecoderCell %s: " % self._base_name +
                    "Non-matching batch sizes between the memory "
                    "(encoder output) and the requested batch size.")
            with ops.control_dependencies(
                    self._batch_size_checks(batch_size, error_message)):
                cell_state = nest.map_structure(
                    lambda s: array_ops.identity(s, name="checked_cell_state"),
            return TacotronDecoderCellState(
                time=array_ops.zeros([], dtype=tf.int32),
                attention=_zero_state_tensors(self._attention_layer_size, batch_size,
                alignments=self._attention_mechanism.initial_alignments(batch_size, dtype),
                alignment_history=tensor_array_ops.TensorArray(dtype=dtype, size=0,

    def __call__(self, inputs, state):
        # Information bottleneck (essential for learning attention)
        prenet_output = self._prenet(inputs)

        # Concat context vector and prenet output to form LSTM cells input (input feeding)
        LSTM_input = tf.concat([prenet_output, state.attention], axis=-1)

        # Unidirectional LSTM layers
        LSTM_output, next_cell_state = self._cell(LSTM_input, state.cell_state)

        # Compute the attention (context) vector and alignments using
        # the new decoder cell hidden state as query vector
        # and cumulative alignments to extract location features
        # The choice of the new cell hidden state (s_{i}) of the last
        # decoder RNN Cell is based on Luong et Al. (2015):
        # https://arxiv.org/pdf/1508.04025.pdf
        previous_alignments = state.alignments
        previous_alignment_history = state.alignment_history
        context_vector, alignments, cumulated_alignments = _compute_attention(self._attention_mechanism,

        # Concat LSTM outputs and context vector to form projections inputs
        projections_input = tf.concat([LSTM_output, context_vector], axis=-1)

        # Compute predicted frames and predicted <stop_token>
        cell_outputs = self._frame_projection(projections_input)
        stop_tokens = self._stop_projection(projections_input)

        # Save alignment history
        alignment_history = previous_alignment_history.write(state.time, alignments)

        # Prepare next decoder state
        next_state = TacotronDecoderCellState(
            time=state.time + 1,

        return (cell_outputs, stop_tokens), next_state