import traceback

import click
from docutils import nodes, statemachine
from docutils.parsers import rst
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
from sphinx.util import logging

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CLICK_VERSION = tuple(int(x) for x in click.__version__.split('.')[0:2])

def _indent(text, level=1):
    prefix = ' ' * (4 * level)

    def prefixed_lines():
        for line in text.splitlines(True):
            yield (prefix + line if line.strip() else line)

    return ''.join(prefixed_lines())

def _get_usage(ctx):
    """Alternative, non-prefixed version of 'get_usage'."""
    formatter = ctx.make_formatter()
    pieces = ctx.command.collect_usage_pieces(ctx)
    formatter.write_usage(ctx.command_path, ' '.join(pieces), prefix='')
    return formatter.getvalue().rstrip('\n')

def _get_help_record(opt):
    """Re-implementation of click.Opt.get_help_record.

    The variant of 'get_help_record' found in Click makes uses of slashes to
    separate multiple opts, and formats option arguments using upper case. This
    is not compatible with Sphinx's 'option' directive, which expects
    comma-separated opts and option arguments surrounded by angle brackets [1].

    def _write_opts(opts):
        rv, _ = click.formatting.join_options(opts)
        if not opt.is_flag and not opt.count:
            rv += ' <{}>'.format(
        return rv

    rv = [_write_opts(opt.opts)]
    if opt.secondary_opts:

    help = or ''
    extra = []
    if opt.default is not None and opt.show_default:
        if isinstance(opt.show_default, str):
            # Starting from Click 7.0 this can be a string as well. This is
            # mostly useful when the default is not a constant and
            # documentation thus needs a manually written string.
            extra.append('default: %s' % opt.show_default)
            extra.append('default: %s' %
                         (', '.join('%s' % d for d in opt.default) if isinstance(
                         opt.default, (list, tuple)) else opt.default, ))
    if opt.required:
    if extra:
        help = '%s[%s]' % (help and help + '  ' or '', '; '.join(extra))
    if isinstance(opt.type, click.Choice):
        help = "%s\n\n:options: %s" % (
            help and help + "  " or "",

    return ', '.join(rv), help

def _format_description(ctx):
    """Format the description for a given `click.Command`.

    We parse this as reStructuredText, allowing users to embed rich
    information in their help messages if they so choose.
    help_string = or ctx.command.short_help
    if not help_string:

    bar_enabled = False
    for line in statemachine.string2lines(help_string,
        if line == '\b':
            bar_enabled = True
        if line == '':
            bar_enabled = False
        line = '| ' + line if bar_enabled else line
        yield line
    yield ''

def _format_usage(ctx):
    """Format the usage for a `click.Command`."""
    yield '.. code-block:: shell'
    yield ''
    for line in _get_usage(ctx).splitlines():
        yield _indent(line)
    yield ''

def _format_option(opt):
    """Format the output for a `click.Option`."""
    opt = _get_help_record(opt)

    yield '.. option:: {}'.format(opt[0])
    if opt[1]:
        yield ''
        for line in statemachine.string2lines(opt[1],
            yield _indent(line)

def _format_options(ctx):
    """Format all `click.Option` for a `click.Command`."""
    # the hidden attribute is part of click 7.x only hence use of getattr
    params = [
        x for x in ctx.command.params
        if isinstance(x, click.Option) and not getattr(x, 'hidden', False)

    for param in params:
        for line in _format_option(param):
            yield line
        yield ''

def _format_argument(arg):
    """Format the output of a `click.Argument`."""
    yield '.. option:: {}'.format(arg.human_readable_name)
    yield ''
    yield _indent('{} argument{}'.format(
        'Required' if arg.required else 'Optional',
        '(s)' if arg.nargs != 1 else ''))

def _format_arguments(ctx):
    """Format all `click.Argument` for a `click.Command`."""
    params = [x for x in ctx.command.params if isinstance(x, click.Argument)]

    for param in params:
        for line in _format_argument(param):
            yield line
        yield ''

def _format_envvar(param):
    """Format the envvars of a `click.Option` or `click.Argument`."""
    yield '.. envvar:: {}'.format(param.envvar)
    yield '   :noindex:'
    yield ''
    if isinstance(param, click.Argument):
        param_ref = param.human_readable_name
        # if a user has defined an opt with multiple "aliases", always use the
        # first. For example, if '--foo' or '-f' are possible, use '--foo'.
        param_ref = param.opts[0]

    yield _indent('Provide a default for :option:`{}`'.format(param_ref))

def _format_envvars(ctx):
    """Format all envvars for a `click.Command`."""
    params = [x for x in ctx.command.params if getattr(x, 'envvar')]

    for param in params:
        yield '.. _{command_name}-{param_name}-{envvar}:'.format(
            command_name=ctx.command_path.replace(' ', '-'),
        yield ''
        for line in _format_envvar(param):
            yield line
        yield ''

def _format_subcommand(command):
    """Format a sub-command of a `click.Command` or `click.Group`."""
    yield '.. object:: {}'.format(

    # click 7.0 stopped setting short_help by default
    if CLICK_VERSION < (7, 0):
        short_help = command.short_help
        short_help = command.get_short_help_str()

    if short_help:
        yield ''
        for line in statemachine.string2lines(short_help,
            yield _indent(line)

def _get_lazyload_commands(multicommand):
    commands = {}
    for command in multicommand.list_commands(multicommand):
        commands[command] = multicommand.get_command(multicommand, command)

    return commands

def _filter_commands(ctx, commands=None):
    """Return list of used commands."""
    lookup = getattr(ctx.command, 'commands', {})
    if not lookup and isinstance(ctx.command, click.MultiCommand):
        lookup = _get_lazyload_commands(ctx.command)

    if commands is None:
        return sorted(lookup.values(), key=lambda item:

    names = [name.strip() for name in commands.split(',')]
    return [lookup[name] for name in names if name in lookup]

def _format_command(ctx, show_nested, commands=None):
    """Format the output of `click.Command`."""
    if CLICK_VERSION >= (7, 0) and ctx.command.hidden:

    # description

    for line in _format_description(ctx):
        yield line

    yield '.. program:: {}'.format(ctx.command_path)

    # usage

    for line in _format_usage(ctx):
        yield line

    # options

    lines = list(_format_options(ctx))
    if lines:
        # we use rubric to provide some separation without exploding the table
        # of contents
        yield '.. rubric:: Options'
        yield ''

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # arguments

    lines = list(_format_arguments(ctx))
    if lines:
        yield '.. rubric:: Arguments'
        yield ''

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # environment variables

    lines = list(_format_envvars(ctx))
    if lines:
        yield '.. rubric:: Environment variables'
        yield ''

    for line in lines:
        yield line

    # if we're nesting commands, we need to do this slightly differently
    if show_nested:

    commands = _filter_commands(ctx, commands)

    if commands:
        yield '.. rubric:: Commands'
        yield ''

    for command in commands:
        # Don't show hidden subcommands
        if CLICK_VERSION >= (7, 0) and command.hidden:

        for line in _format_subcommand(command):
            yield line
        yield ''

class ClickDirective(rst.Directive):

    has_content = False
    required_arguments = 1
    option_spec = {
        'prog': directives.unchanged_required,
        'show-nested': directives.flag,
        'commands': directives.unchanged,

    def _load_module(self, module_path):
        """Load the module."""
        # __import__ will fail on unicode,
        # so we ensure module path is a string here.
        module_path = str(module_path)

            module_name, attr_name = module_path.split(':', 1)
        except ValueError:  # noqa
            raise self.error(
                '"{}" is not of format "module:parser"'.format(module_path))

            mod = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [attr_name])
        except (Exception, SystemExit) as exc:  # noqa
            err_msg = 'Failed to import "{}" from "{}". '.format(
                attr_name, module_name)
            if isinstance(exc, SystemExit):
                err_msg += 'The module appeared to call sys.exit()'
                err_msg += 'The following exception was raised:\n{}'.format(

            raise self.error(err_msg)

        if not hasattr(mod, attr_name):
            raise self.error('Module "{}" has no attribute "{}"'.format(
                module_name, attr_name))

        parser = getattr(mod, attr_name)

        if not isinstance(parser, click.BaseCommand):
            raise self.error('"{}" of type "{}" is not derived from '
                                 type(parser), module_path))
        return parser

    def _generate_nodes(self,
        """Generate the relevant Sphinx nodes.

        Format a `click.Group` or `click.Command`.

        :param name: Name of command, as used on the command line
        :param command: Instance of `click.Group` or `click.Command`
        :param parent: Instance of `click.Context`, or None
        :param show_nested: Whether subcommands should be included in output
        :param commands: Display only listed commands or skip the section if
        :returns: A list of nested docutil nodes
        ctx = click.Context(command, info_name=name, parent=parent)

        if CLICK_VERSION >= (7, 0) and command.hidden:
            return []

        # Title

        section = nodes.section(

        # Summary

        source_name = ctx.command_path
        result = statemachine.ViewList()

        lines = _format_command(ctx, show_nested, commands)
        for line in lines:
            result.append(line, source_name)

        self.state.nested_parse(result, 0, section)

        # Subcommands

        if show_nested:
            commands = _filter_commands(ctx, commands)
            for command in commands:
                    self._generate_nodes(, command, ctx,

        return [section]

    def run(self):
        self.env = self.state.document.settings.env

        command = self._load_module(self.arguments[0])

        if 'prog' not in self.options:
            raise self.error(':prog: must be specified')

        prog_name = self.options.get('prog')
        show_nested = 'show-nested' in self.options
        commands = self.options.get('commands')

        return self._generate_nodes(prog_name, command, None, show_nested,

def setup(app):
    app.add_directive('click', ClickDirective)