A small set of functions for producing validation points from maps

import numpy as np
import gdal
import random
import ogr, osr

import pyeo.coordinate_manipulation
import pyeo.exceptions
import pyeo.filesystem_utilities
import logging
import datetime
import json
import csv
import itertools


import pyeo.windows_compatability

def create_validation_scenario(in_map_path, out_shapefile_path, target_standard_error, user_accuracies,
                               no_data_class=None, pinned_samples=None, produce_csv=False):
    log = pyeo.filesystem_utilities.init_log("validation_log.log")
    for map_class in user_accuracies:
        if map_class not in pinned_samples:
            pinned_samples.update({map_class: None})
    class_counts = count_pixel_classes(in_map_path, no_data_class)
    log.info("Class counts: {}".format(class_counts))
    sample_size = cal_total_sample_size(target_standard_error, user_accuracies, class_counts)
    log.info("Sample sizes: {}".format(sample_size))
    class_sample_counts = part_fixed_value_sampling(pinned_samples, class_counts, sample_size)
    log.info("Sample counts per class: {}".format(class_sample_counts))

    sample_weights = cal_w_all(class_counts)
    overall_accuracy = cal_sd_for_overall_accuracy(
    for map_class, accuracy in user_accuracies.items():
        ua = cal_sd_for_user_accuracy(accuracy, class_sample_counts[map_class])
        log.info("Accuracy for class {}: {}".format(map_class, ua))
    log.info("Overall accuracy: {}".format(overall_accuracy))
    produce_stratified_validation_points(in_map_path, out_shapefile_path, class_sample_counts, no_data_class,

    log.info("Validation points at out: {}".format(out_shapefile_path))
    # manifest_path = out_shapefile_path.rsplit(".")[0] + "_manifest.json"
    # save_validation_maifest(manifest_path, class_counts, sample_size, class_sample_counts, target_standard_error,
    #                        user_accuracies)

def count_pixel_classes(map_path, no_data=None):
    Counts pixels in a map. Returns a dictionary of pixels.
    map_path: Path to the map to count
    no_data: A value to ignore

    A dictionary of class:count
    map = gdal.Open(map_path)
    map_array = map.GetVirtualMemArray().squeeze()
    unique, counts = np.unique(map_array, return_counts=True)
    out = dict(zip([str(val) for val in unique], counts))
    out.pop(no_data, "_")   # pop the no data value, but don't worry if there's nothing there.
    return out

def produce_stratified_validation_points(map_path, out_path, class_sample_counts,
                                         no_data=None, seed=None, produce_csv=False):
    """Produces a set of stratified validation points from map_path"""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    log.info("Producing random sampling of {}.".format(map_path))
    log.info("Class sample count: {}".format(class_sample_counts))
    map = gdal.Open(map_path)
    gt = map.GetGeoTransform()
    proj = map.GetProjection()
    map = None
    point_dict = stratified_random_sample(map_path, class_sample_counts, int(no_data), seed)
    save_point_list_to_shapefile(point_dict, out_path, gt, proj, produce_csv)
    log.info("Complete. Output saved at {}.".format(out_path))

def save_point_list_to_shapefile(class_sample_point_dict, out_path, geotransform, projection_wkt, produce_csv=False):
    """Saves a list of points to a shapefile at out_path. Need the gt and projection of the raster.
    GT is needed to move each point to the centre of the pixel. Can also produce a .csv file for CoolEarth"""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    log.info("Saving point list to shapefile")
    log.debug("GT: {}\nProjection: {}".format(geotransform, projection_wkt))
    driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile")
    data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(out_path)
    srs = osr.SpatialReference()
    layer = data_source.CreateLayer("validation_points", srs, ogr.wkbPoint)
    class_field = ogr.FieldDefn("class", ogr.OFTString)

    for map_class, point_list in class_sample_point_dict.items():
        for point in point_list:
            feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn())
            coord = pyeo.coordinate_manipulation.pixel_to_point_coordinates(point, geotransform)
            offset = geotransform[1]/2   # Adds half a pixel offset so points end up in the center of pixels
            wkt = "POINT({} {})".format(coord[0]+offset, coord[1]-offset) # Never forget about negative y values in gts.
            new_point = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(wkt)
            feature.SetField("class", map_class)
            feature = None

    layer = None
    data_source = None

    if produce_csv:
        csv_out_path = out_path.rsplit('.')[0] + ".csv"
        with open(csv_out_path, "w") as csv_file:
            writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
            writer.writerow(["id", "yCoordinate", "xCoordinate"])

            # Join all points create single dimesional list of points (and revise the '*' operator)
            for id,  point in enumerate(itertools.chain(*class_sample_point_dict.values())):
                coord = pyeo.coordinate_manipulation.pixel_to_point_coordinates(point, geotransform)
                offset = geotransform[1] / 2  # Adds half a pixel offset so points end up in the center of pixels
                lat = coord[0] + offset
                lon = coord[1] - offset
                writer.writerow([id, lon, lat])
        log.info("CSV out at: {}".format(csv_out_path))

def stratified_random_sample(map_path, class_sample_count, no_data=None, seed = None):
    """Produces a stratified list of pixel coordinates. WARNING: high mem!"""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    if not seed:
        seed = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp()
    map = gdal.Open(map_path)
    map_array = map.GetVirtualMemArray().squeeze()
    class_dict = build_class_dict(map_array, no_data)
    map_array = None
    out_coord_dict = {}
    for map_class, sample_count in class_sample_count.items():
        map_class_samples = random.sample(class_dict[int(map_class)], class_sample_count[map_class])
        out_coord_dict.update({map_class: map_class_samples})
    return out_coord_dict

def build_class_dict(class_array, no_data=None):
    """Returns a dict of coordinates of the following shape:
    [class, coord].
    WARNING: This will take up a LOT of memory!"""
    out_dict = {}
    it = np.nditer(class_array, flags=['multi_index'])
    while not it.finished:
        this_class = int(it.value)
        if this_class == no_data:
        if this_class in out_dict.keys():
            out_dict.update({this_class: [it.multi_index]})
    return out_dict

def cal_si(ui):
    si = np.sqrt(ui * (1 - ui))
    return si

def cal_wi(n,total_n):
    wi = float(n/total_n)
    return wi

def cal_w_all(dict_pixel_numbers):
    w_dict = {}
    total_pixel = (sum(dict_pixel_numbers.values()))
    for key in dict_pixel_numbers:
        w_dict[key] = cal_wi(n=dict_pixel_numbers[key], total_n= total_pixel)
    return w_dict

def cal_n_by_prop(weight, sample_size):
    n = round(weight * sample_size)
    return n

def val_to_sd(val):
    sd = val**0.5
    return sd

def cal_val_for_overall_accruacy(weight_dict,u_dict,sample_size_dict):
    sum_val = 0
    for key in u_dict:
        val_i = (weight_dict[key] **2) * u_dict[key] * (1-u_dict[key])/(sample_size_dict[key]-1)
        sum_val += val_i
    return sum_val

def cal_val_for_user_accuracy(u_i,sample_size_i):
    val_user = (u_i*(1-u_i))/(sample_size_i-1)
    return val_user

def cal_sd_for_overall_accuracy(weight_dict, u_dict, sample_size_dict):
    val_overall = cal_val_for_overall_accruacy(weight_dict=weight_dict,u_dict=u_dict,sample_size_dict=sample_size_dict)
    sd_overall = val_to_sd(val_overall)
    return sd_overall

def cal_sd_for_user_accuracy(u_i,sample_size_i):
    val_user = cal_val_for_user_accuracy(u_i=u_i,sample_size_i=sample_size_i)
    sd_user = val_to_sd(val_user)
    return sd_user

def cal_total_sample_size(desired_standard_error, user_accuracy, total_class_sizes, type ='simple'):
    Calculates the number of sample points for a map to get a specified standard error.
    desired_standard_error: The desired standard error (between 0 and 1)
    user_accuracy: A dictionary of user accuracies from apriori knowledge
    total_class_sizes: The total number of pixels for each class
    type: whether to use the simple approximation or the full expession from Olofsson eq 13

    The total number of sample points to achieve the specified error
    total_pixel = (sum(total_class_sizes.values()))
    if type == 'simple':
        weighted_U_sum = 0
        # weight are equal between different classes
        for key in user_accuracy:
            S_i = cal_si(user_accuracy[key])
            Wi = cal_wi(n= total_class_sizes[key], total_n=total_pixel)  # proportion of each class
            weighted_U_sum += S_i*Wi
        n = (weighted_U_sum / desired_standard_error) ** 2
    elif type == 'full':
        weighted_U_sum2 = 0
        weighted_U_sum = 0
        # weight are equal between different classes
        for key in user_accuracy:
            S_i = cal_si(user_accuracy[key])
            Wi = cal_wi(n= total_class_sizes[key], total_n=total_pixel)  # proportion of each class
            weighted_U_sum2 += S_i * Wi
            weighted_U_sum += (S_i ** 2) * Wi
        up = (weighted_U_sum2) ** 2
        bottom_right = (1 / total_pixel) * weighted_U_sum

        n = (up / (desired_standard_error ** 2 + bottom_right))
    print('suggested total sample size are:' + str(n))
    return int(np.round(n))

def calc_minimum_n(expected_accuracy, variance_tolerance):
    Calculates the rminimum number of points required to achieve the specified accuracy
    expected_accuracy: Between 0 and 1


    n = expected_accuracy * (1-expected_accuracy) / variance_tolerance
    return n

def allocate_category_sample_sizes(total_sample_size, user_accuracy, class_total_sizes, variance_tolerance,
    Allocates a number of pixels to sample per class that will fulfil the parameters given

    total_sample_size: The total number of validation points requested (from cal_total_sample_size)
    user_accuracy: Dictionary of estimated user accuracies for classes in map (between 0 and 1)
    class_total_sizes: Dictionary of total pixels for each class in user_accuracy
    variance_tolerance: Acceptable vairance between the sample accuary and the data accuracy with a certain sample size
    allocate_type: The allocation strategy to be used. Can be 'equal', 'prop' or 'olofsson'.

    A dictionary of classes and no. pixels per class.

    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    minimum_n = {}
    allocated_n = {}
    weight = cal_w_all(class_total_sizes)
    log.info('the weight for each class is: ')
    log.info('the minimum sampling number for : ')
    for key in user_accuracy:
        minimum_n_i = calc_minimum_n(expected_accuracy=user_accuracy[key], variance_tolerance=variance_tolerance)
        log.info('      ' + key + ' is: ' + str(round(minimum_n_i)))
        minimum_n[key] = minimum_n_i

    if allocate_type == 'equal' or allocate_type == 'prop':
        for key in user_accuracy:
            if allocate_type == 'equal':
                n = total_sample_size/float(len(user_accuracy.keys()))
            elif allocate_type == 'prop':
                n = cal_n_by_prop(weight=weight[key], sample_size=total_sample_size)
            allocated_n[key] = n
            log.info('allocated sampling number for ' + key + ' is: ' + str(allocated_n[key]))

    elif allocate_type == 'olofsson':
        allocated_n = part_fixed_value_sampling(allocated_n,  total_sample_size, weight)
        log.info('allocated sample number under different scenario is: ')
        raise pyeo.exceptions.PyeoException("Invalid allocation type: valid values are 'equal', 'prop' or 'olofsson")
    return allocated_n

def part_fixed_value_sampling(pinned_sample_numbers, class_total_sizes, total_sample_size):
    Calculates the


    pinned_sample_total = sum(sample_size for sample_size in pinned_sample_numbers.values() if sample_size is not None)
    pinned_map_total = sum(map_sample_size for map_class, map_sample_size
                           in class_total_sizes.items() if pinned_sample_numbers[map_class] is not None)
    total_map_size = sum(class_total_sizes.values())
    remaining_map_size = total_map_size - pinned_map_total
    remaining_samples = total_sample_size - pinned_sample_total
    out_values = {}
    weights = {}
    for map_class, sample_points in pinned_sample_numbers.items():
        if sample_points is not None:
            out_values.update({map_class: sample_points})
            class_proportion = class_total_sizes[map_class]/remaining_map_size
            sample_points = int(np.round(class_proportion*remaining_samples))
            out_values.update({map_class: sample_points})

    return out_values

def save_validation_maifest(out_path, class_counts, sample_size, class_sample_counts, target_standard_error,
    """Creates a json file containing the parameters used to produce this validation set"""
    out_dict = {
        "class_counts": class_counts,
        "sample_size": sample_size,
        "samples_per_class": class_sample_counts,
        "target_error": target_standard_error,
        "user_accuracies": user_accuracies
    with open(out_path, "w") as fp:
        json.dump(out_dict, fp)