Implimentation of Density-Based Clustering Validation "DBCV"

Moulavi, Davoud, et al. "Density-based clustering validation."
Proceedings of the 2014 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean, cdist
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree
from scipy.sparse import csgraph

def DBCV(X, labels, dist_function=euclidean):
    Density Based clustering validation

        X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
            data to check validity of clustering
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
            func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point

    Returns: cluster_validity (float)
        score in range[-1, 1] indicating validity of clustering assignments
    graph = _mutual_reach_dist_graph(X, labels, dist_function)
    mst = _mutual_reach_dist_MST(graph)
    cluster_validity = _clustering_validity_index(mst, labels)
    return cluster_validity

def _core_dist(point, neighbors, dist_function):
    Computes the core distance of a point.
    Core distance is the inverse density of an object.

        point (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
            point to compute core distance of
        neighbors (np.ndarray): array of dimensions (n_neighbors, n_features):
            array of all other points in object class
        dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
            func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point

    Returns: core_dist (float)
        inverse density of point
    n_features = np.shape(point)[0]
    n_neighbors = np.shape(neighbors)[0]

    distance_vector = cdist(point.reshape(1, -1), neighbors)
    distance_vector = distance_vector[distance_vector != 0]
    numerator = ((1/distance_vector)**n_features).sum()
    core_dist = (numerator / (n_neighbors - 1)) ** (-1/n_features)
    return core_dist

def _mutual_reachability_dist(point_i, point_j, neighbors_i,
                              neighbors_j, dist_function):
    Computes the mutual reachability distance between points

        point_i (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
            point i to compare to point j
        point_j (np.array): array of dimensions (n_features,)
            point i to compare to point i
        neighbors_i (np.ndarray): array of dims (n_neighbors, n_features):
            array of all other points in object class of point i
        neighbors_j (np.ndarray): array of dims (n_neighbors, n_features):
            array of all other points in object class of point j
        dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
            func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point

    Returns: mutual_reachability (float)
        mutual reachability between points i and j

    core_dist_i = _core_dist(point_i, neighbors_i, dist_function)
    core_dist_j = _core_dist(point_j, neighbors_j, dist_function)
    dist = dist_function(point_i, point_j)
    mutual_reachability = np.max([core_dist_i, core_dist_j, dist])
    return mutual_reachability

def _mutual_reach_dist_graph(X, labels, dist_function):
    Computes the mutual reach distance complete graph.
    Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances between points

        X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
            data to check validity of clustering
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        dist_dunction (func): function to determine distance between objects
            func args must be [np.array, np.array] where each array is a point

    Returns: graph (np.ndarray)
        array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
        Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances between points.

    n_samples = np.shape(X)[0]
    graph = []
    counter = 0
    for row in range(n_samples):
        graph_row = []
        for col in range(n_samples):
            point_i = X[row]
            point_j = X[col]
            class_i = labels[row]
            class_j = labels[col]
            members_i = _get_label_members(X, labels, class_i)
            members_j = _get_label_members(X, labels, class_j)
            dist = _mutual_reachability_dist(point_i, point_j,
                                             members_i, members_j,
        counter += 1
    graph = np.array(graph)
    return graph

def _mutual_reach_dist_MST(dist_tree):
    Computes minimum spanning tree of the mutual reach distance complete graph

        dist_tree (np.ndarray): array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
            Graph of all pair-wise mutual reachability distances
            between points.

    Returns: minimum_spanning_tree (np.ndarray)
        array of dimensions (n_samples, n_samples)
        minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise mutual reachability
            distances between points.
    mst = minimum_spanning_tree(dist_tree).toarray()
    return mst + np.transpose(mst)

def _cluster_density_sparseness(MST, labels, cluster):
    Computes the cluster density sparseness, the minimum density
        within a cluster

        MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
            mutual reachability distances between points.
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        cluster (int): cluster of interest

    Returns: cluster_density_sparseness (float)
        value corresponding to the minimum density within a cluster
    indices = np.where(labels == cluster)[0]
    cluster_MST = MST[indices][:, indices]
    cluster_density_sparseness = np.max(cluster_MST)
    return cluster_density_sparseness

def _cluster_density_separation(MST, labels, cluster_i, cluster_j):
    Computes the density separation between two clusters, the maximum
        density between clusters.

        MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
            mutual reachability distances between points.
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        cluster_i (int): cluster i of interest
        cluster_j (int): cluster j of interest

    Returns: density_separation (float):
        value corresponding to the maximum density between clusters
    indices_i = np.where(labels == cluster_i)[0]
    indices_j = np.where(labels == cluster_j)[0]
    shortest_paths = csgraph.dijkstra(MST, indices=indices_i)
    relevant_paths = shortest_paths[:, indices_j]
    density_separation = np.min(relevant_paths)
    return density_separation

def _cluster_validity_index(MST, labels, cluster):
    Computes the validity of a cluster (validity of assignmnets)

        MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
            mutual reachability distances between points.
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        cluster (int): cluster of interest

    Returns: cluster_validity (float)
        value corresponding to the validity of cluster assignments
    min_density_separation = np.inf
    for cluster_j in np.unique(labels):
        if cluster_j != cluster:
            cluster_density_separation = _cluster_density_separation(MST,
            if cluster_density_separation < min_density_separation:
                min_density_separation = cluster_density_separation
    cluster_density_sparseness = _cluster_density_sparseness(MST,
    numerator = min_density_separation - cluster_density_sparseness
    denominator = np.max([min_density_separation, cluster_density_sparseness])
    cluster_validity = numerator / denominator
    return cluster_validity

def _clustering_validity_index(MST, labels):
    Computes the validity of all clustering assignments for a
    clustering algorithm

        MST (np.ndarray): minimum spanning tree of all pair-wise
            mutual reachability distances between points.
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X

    Returns: validity_index (float):
        score in range[-1, 1] indicating validity of clustering assignments
    n_samples = len(labels)
    validity_index = 0
    for label in np.unique(labels):
        fraction = np.sum(labels == label) / float(n_samples)
        cluster_validity = _cluster_validity_index(MST, labels, label)
        validity_index += fraction * cluster_validity
    return validity_index

def _get_label_members(X, labels, cluster):
    Helper function to get samples of a specified cluster.

        X (np.ndarray): ndarray with dimensions [n_samples, n_features]
            data to check validity of clustering
        labels (np.array): clustering assignments for data X
        cluster (int): cluster of interest

    Returns: members (np.ndarray)
        array of dimensions (n_samples, n_features) of samples of the
        specified cluster.
    indices = np.where(labels == cluster)[0]
    members = X[indices]
    return members