# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module uses the Shodan library to interact with shodan.io to lookup and search for hostnames
and IP addresses.

import click
import shodan
import requests

from . import helpers

class ShodanTools(object):
    """Class with various tools for interacting with Shodan to search for IP addresses and domains."""
    # Set the timeout, in seconds, for the web requests
    requests_timeout = 10
    # The Shodan API endpoint for DNS resolution
    shodan_dns_resolve_uri = "https://api.shodan.io/dns/resolve?hostnames={}&key={}"

    def __init__(self):
        """Everything that should be initiated with a new object goes here."""
            self.shodan_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("Shodan")["api_key"]
            self.shodan_api = shodan.Shodan(self.shodan_api_key)
        except Exception:
            self.shodan_api = None
            click.secho("[!] Did not find a Shodan API key.",fg="yellow")

    def run_shodan_search(self,target):
        """Collect information Shodan has for target domain name. This uses the Shodan search
        instead of host lookup and returns the target results dictionary from Shodan.

        A Shodan API key is required.

        target      The domain to search for on Shodan
        if self.shodan_api is None:
                target_results = self.shodan_api.search(target)
                return target_results
            except shodan.APIError as error:

    def run_shodan_resolver(self,target):
        """Resolve a hosname to an IP address using the Shodan API's DNS endpoint.
        A Shodan API key is required.

        target      The hostname to resolve to an IP address using Shodan
        if not helpers.is_ip(target):
                resolved = requests.get(self.shodan_dns_resolve_uri.format(target,self.shodan_api_key),timeout=self.requests_timeout)
                target_ip = resolved.json()[target]
                return target_ip
            except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
                click.secho("\n[!] The connection to Shodan timed out!",fg="red")
            except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
                click.secho("\n[!] The connection to Shodan encountered too many redirects!",fg="red")
            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error:
                click.secho("\n[!] The connection to Shodan encountered an error!",fg="red")
                click.secho("L.. Details: {}".format(error),fg="red")
            return None
            click.secho("[!] Only a hostname can be resolved to an IP address.",fg="red")

    def run_shodan_lookup(self,target):
        """Collect information Shodan has for target IP address. This uses the Shodan host lookup
        instead of search and returns the target results dictionary from Shodan.

        A Shodan API key is required.

        target      The IP address to use for the Shodan query
        if self.shodan_api is None:
                target_results = self.shodan_api.host(target)
                return target_results
            except shodan.APIError as error:
                if error == "Invalid IP":
                    click.secho("[*] A domain resolved to {}, which Shodan has flagged as an invalid \
IP address. Review it and check the hostname in the final results. If it is a valid address, the \
domain may resolve to an internal asset or have a CNAME for an internal asset.",fg="yellow")