from autoprotocol.container import Well, WellGroup, Container
from autoprotocol.container_type import ContainerType
from autoprotocol.unit import Unit
import numpy as np
import random, string

# Define simple solutions
# Solutions are the fundamental liquids that have concentrations (and concentration uncertainties) for a single species.
# In future, we will associate densities, allow mixing of solutions, propagate uncertainty.
# Solutions have unknown *true* concentrations, except for buffer solutions which have exactly zero concentration.

class Buffer(object):
    def __init__(self, shortname, description):
        shortname : str
            A short name for the solution. (e.g. 'buffer')
            A descriptive name for the solution (e.g. '20 mM Tris 50 mM NaCl')
        self.shortname = shortname
        self.description = description
        self.species = None
        self.concentration = Unit(0.0, 'moles/liter')
        self.uncertainty = Unit(0.0, 'moles/liter')

DMSO = Buffer('DMSO', 'DMSO')

class Solution(object):
    """A solution of a single component with a defined concentration and uncertainty.
    def __init__(self, shortname, description, species, buffer, concentration, uncertainty):
        shortname : str
            A short name for the solution. (e.g. 'bosutinib-stock')
            A descriptive name for the solution (e.g. '10 mM bosutinib in DMSO')
        species : str
            The name of the species dissolved in buffer (e.g. 'bosutinib')
        buffer : Buffer
            The buffer the solution is prepared in.
        concentration : Unit
            The concentration of the species in the solution.
        uncertainty : Unit
            The concentration uncertainty of the species in the solution.
        self.shortname = shortname
        self.species = species
        self.buffer = buffer
        self.concentration = concentration
        self.uncertainty = uncertainty

class ProteinSolution(Solution):
    """A protein solution in buffer prepared spectrophotometrically.
    def __init__(self, shortname, description, species, buffer, absorbance, extinction_coefficient, molecular_weight, protein_stock_volume, buffer_volume, spectrophotometer_CV=0.10):
        shortname : str
            A short name for the solution (e.g. 'protein')
            A descriptive name for the solution (e.g. '1 uM Abl')
        species : str
            The protein name
        buffer : BufferSolution
            The corresponding buffer solution.
        absorbance : float
            Absorbance for 1 cm equivalent path length
        extinction_coefficient : Unit
            Extinction coefficient (1/M/cm)
        molecular_weight : Unit
            Molecular weight (g/mol or Daltons)
        protein_stock_volume : Unit
            Volume of protein stock added to make solution
        buffer_volume : Unit
            Volume of buffer added to make solution
        spectrophotometer_CV : float, optional, default=0.10
            CV for spectrophotometer readings

        self.shortname = shortname
        self.description = description
        self.species = species
        self.buffer = buffer
        path_length = Unit(1.0, 'centimeter')
        self.concentration = (absorbance / (extinction_coefficient * path_length)) * (protein_stock_volume / buffer_volume) # M
        self.uncertainty = spectrophotometer_CV * self.concentration

class DMSOStockSolution(Solution):
    """A stock solution representing a compound dissolved in DMSO.
    def __init__(self, dmso_stock):
        dmso_stock : dict
            The dictionary containing 'id', 'compound_name', 'compound mass (mg)', 'molecular weight', 'purity', 'solvent_mass'
        self.shortname = dmso_stock['id']
        self.species = dmso_stock['compound name']
        self.description = '10 mM ' + dmso_stock['compound name'] + ' DMSO stock'
        dmso_density = Unit(1.1004, 'grams/milliliter')
        mass_uncertainty = 0.01 # TODO: Calculate from balance precision
        concentration = Unit(dmso_stock['compound mass (mg)'], 'milligrams') * dmso_stock['purity'] / Unit(dmso_stock['molecular weight'], 'grams/mole') / (Unit(dmso_stock['solvent mass (g)'], 'grams') / dmso_density) # mol/liter
        self.concentration ='moles/liter')
        self.uncertainty = mass_uncertainty * self.concentration
        self.buffer = DMSO

def DMSOStockSolutions(dmso_stocks_csv_filename):
    Create DMSO stock solutions.

    # Load information about DMSO stocks
    # In future, this might come from a database query that returns JSON.

    import csv
    dmso_stocks = dict()
    with open(dmso_stocks_csv_filename, 'r') as csvfile:
         csvreader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
         for row in csvreader:
             if row['id'] != '':
                for key in ['compound mass (mg)', 'purity', 'solvent mass (g)', 'molecular weight']:
                    row[key] = float(row[key])
                dmso_stocks[row['id']] = row

    solutions = dict()
    solutions['DMSO'] = DMSO # Add DMSO
    for id in dmso_stocks:
        solutions[id] = DMSOStockSolution(dmso_stocks[id])

    return solutions

# Define container types

def define_container_types():
    # Define assay plate container

    container_types = dict()

    # Define the container type for 4titude 4ti-0223.
    # info:
    # drawing:
    # All arguments to ContainerType are required!
    capabilities = ['pipette', 'spin', 'absorbance', 'fluorescence', 'luminescence', 'incubate', 'gel_separate', 'cover', 'seal', 'stamp', 'dispense']
    container_type = ContainerType(
        name='4titude 4ti-0223',
        well_depth_mm=Unit(11.15, 'millimeter'),
        well_volume_ul=Unit(300, 'microliter'),
        safe_min_volume_ul=Unit(50, 'microliter')
    # Attach well area.
    well_diameter = Unit(6.30, "millimeters")
    well_area = np.pi * (well_diameter/2)**2
    setattr(container_type, 'well_area', well_area)

    container_types[] = container_type

    return container_types

container_types = define_container_types()

# Helper functions for our common assays

def generate_uuid(size=6, chars=(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)):
    Generate convenient universally unique id (UUID)

    size : int, optional, default=6
       Number of alphanumeric characters to generate.
    chars : list of chars, optional, default is all uppercase characters and digits
       Characters to use for generating UUIDs

    This is not really universally unique, but it is convenient.

    return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

def provision_assay_plate(name, plate_type='4titude 4ti-0223', id=None):
    Provision a new assay plate.

    name : str
       The name of the container
    plate_type : str, optional, default='4titude 4ti-0223'
       The name of the plate type used to retrieve the `container_type` from library
    id : str, optional, default=None
       Unless `id` is specified, a unique container ID will be autogenerated.
    if id == None:
        id = generate_uuid

    # Define the container
    container_type = container_types[plate_type]
    container = Container(name="assay-plate", id=id, container_type=container_type)

    # Initialize well properties for this container
    for well in container.all_wells():
        well.set_volume(Unit(0.0, 'microliters')) # well starts empty

    return container

def dispense_evo(container, solution, volume, rows):
    Dispense a given volume into the specified rows with a Tecan EVO pipetting robot.

    container : autoprotocol.containers.Container
       The container to dispense the specified solution into
    solution : Solution
       The solution to dispense
    volume : Unit compatible with 'microliters'
       The volume to dispense
    rows : list of char
       The rows to disepnse into (e.g. ['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'])

    * Are `contents` stored by solution name?
    * Generalize beyond only specifying 'rows'
    * Handle case where the same solution is dispensed multiple times.
    CV = 0.004 # for 100 uL volume; TODO: compute this automatically based on dispense volume
    for well in container.all_wells():
        if 'contents' not in
  ['contents'] = dict()
        contents =['contents']

        well_name = well.humanize()
        if well_name[0] in rows:
            contents[solution.shortname] = (volume, CV * volume) # volume, error
            well.set_volume(well.volume + volume)

def dispense_hpd300(container, solutions, xml_filename, plate_index=0):
    Dispense one or more solutions into a container using an HP D300.

    container :

    solutions : list of Solutions
       List of solutils corresponding to the <Fluids/> block in the HP D300 XML filename
    xml_filename : str
       HP D300 simulation DATA XML filename
    plate_index : int, optional, default=0
       If the XML file contains multiple <Plate> tags, use the specified index.
    CV = 0.08 # CV for HP D300

    # Read HP D300 XML file
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse(xml_filename)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # Read fluids
    fluids = root.findall('./Fluids/Fluid')

    # Rewrite fluid names to match stock names.
    for (index, solution) in enumerate(solutions):
        fluids[index].attrib['Name'] = solution.shortname

    def humanize_d300_well(row, column):
        Return the humanized version of a D300 well index.
        return chr(row + 97) + str(column+1)

    # Read dispensed volumes from the specified Plate entry
    dispensed = root.findall('./Dispensed')[0]
    volume_unit = dispensed.attrib['VolumeUnit'] # dispensed volume unit
    hpd300_wells = dispensed.findall("Plate[@Index='%d']/Well" % plate_index)
    for hpd300_well in hpd300_wells:
        # Get corresponding container well.
        row_index = int(hpd300_well.attrib['R'])
        column_index = int(hpd300_well.attrib['C'])
        well_name = humanize_d300_well(row_index, column_index)

        # Retrieve well from container.
        well = container.well(well_name)
        if 'contents' not in
  ['contents'] = dict()
        contents =['contents']

        # Handle dispensed fluids.
        # TODO: Deal with case where we might dispense the same fluid twice.
        dispensed_fluids = hpd300_well.findall('Fluid')
        for dispensed_fluid in dispensed_fluids:
            dispensed_fluid_index = int(dispensed_fluid.attrib['Index'])
            fluid_name = fluids[dispensed_fluid_index].attrib['Name']
            total_volume = Unit(float(dispensed_fluid.attrib['TotalVolume']), volume_unit)
            detail = dispensed_fluid.findall('Detail')

            # Gather details
            time = detail[0].attrib['Time']
            cassette = int(detail[0].attrib['Cassette'])
            head = int(detail[0].attrib['Head'])
            dispensed_volume = Unit(float(detail[0].attrib['Volume']), volume_unit)

            # Fill well
            contents[fluid_name] = (dispensed_volume, CV * dispensed_volume) # (volume, error)
            well.set_volume(well.volume + dispensed_volume)

def read_infinite(container, xml_filename, wavelengths_to_analyze=None, measurements_to_analyze=None):
    Read measurements from a Tecan Infinite reader XML file.

    wavelengths_to_analyze : list, optional, default=None
        If not None, only read measurements involving these wavelengths
    measurements_to_analyze : list, optional, default=None
        If not None, only read these kinds of measurements (e.g. 'absorbance', 'fluorescence bottom', 'fluorescence top')

    Measurements are stored in `['measurements']` under
    * `absorbance` : e.g. { '280:nanometers' : 0.425 }
    * `fluorescence` : e.g. { ('280:nanometers', '350:nanometers', 'top') : 15363 }

    * Eventually, we can read all components of the Infinite file directly here.
    # TODO: Replace read_icontrol_xml with direct processing of XML file
    from assaytools import platereader
    data = platereader.read_icontrol_xml(xml_filename)

    for well in container.all_wells():
        well_name = well.humanize()

        # Attach plate reader data
        # TODO: Only process wells for which measurements are available
        if 'measurements' not in
  ['measurements'] = dict()
        measurements =['measurements']

        for key in data:
            if key.startswith('Abs_'):
                # absorbance
                [prefix, wavelength] = key.split('_')
                wavelength = wavelength + ':nanometers'
                # Skip if requested
                if wavelengths_to_analyze and not (wavelength in wavelengths_to_analyze):
                if measurements_to_analyze and not ('absorbance' in measurements_to_analyze):
                # Store
                if 'absorbance' not in measurements:
                    measurements['absorbance'] = dict()
                measurements['absorbance'][wavelength] = float(data[key][well_name])
            elif (key.endswith('_TopRead') or key.endswith('_BottomRead')):
                # top fluorescence read
                [wavelength, suffix] = key.split('_')
                excitation_wavelength = wavelength + ':nanometers'
                emission_wavelength = '480:nanometers' # This is hard-coded in for now because this information is not available in the platereader.read_icontrol_xml results
                if key.endswith('_TopRead'):
                    geometry = 'top'
                    geometry = 'bottom'
                # Skip if requested
                if wavelengths_to_analyze and not ((excitation_wavelength in wavelengths_to_analyze) and (emission_wavelength in wavelengths_to_analyze)):
                if measurements_to_analyze and not (('fluorescence %s' % geometry) in measurements_to_analyze):
                # Store
                if 'fluorescence' not in measurements:
                    measurements['fluorescence'] = dict()
                measurements['fluorescence'][(excitation_wavelength, emission_wavelength, geometry)] = float(data[key] [well_name])

class Assay(object):
    Assay base class

class SingleWavelengthAssay(Assay):
    def __init__(self,
        Set up a single-point assay.

        d300_xml_filename : str
            HP D300 dispense simulated DATA file
        infinite_xml_filename : str
            Tecan Infinite plate reader output data, e.g. 'Abl Gef gain 120 bw1020 2016-01-19 15-59-53_plate_1.xml'
        dmso_stocks_csv_filename : str
            CSV file of DMSO stock inventory, e.g. 'dmso'stocks-Sheet1.csv'
        hpd300_fluids : list of str
            uuids of DMSO stocks from dmso_stocks_csv_filename (or 'DMSO' for pure DMSO) used to define HP D300 XML <Fluids> block, e.g. ['GEF001', 'IMA001', 'DMSO']
        hpd300_plate_index : int
            Plate index for HP D300 dispense
            Name of receptor species, e.g. 'Abl(D382N)'
            Absorbance reading of concentrated protein stock before dilution
        protein_extinction_coefficient : Unit compatible with 1/(moles/liter)/centimeters
            Extinction coefficient for protein, e.g. Unit(49850, '1/(moles/liter)/centimeter')
        protein_molecular_weight : Unit compatible with daltons
            Protein molecular weight
        protein_stock_volume : Unit compatible with microliters
            Volume of high-concentration protein stock solution used to make 1 uM protein stock
        buffer_volume : Unit compatible with milliliters
            Volume of buffer used to make ~1 uM protein stock used to fill wells
        rows_to_analyze : list
            Rows to analyze, e.g. ['A', 'B']
        assay_volume : Unit compatible with microliters
            Quantity of protein or buffer dispensed into plate
        wavelengths_to_analyze : list, optional, default=None
            If not None, only these wavelengths will be analyzed. e.g. ['280:nanometers', '480:nanometers']
        measurements_to_analyze : list, optional, default=None
            if not None, only these measurements will be analyzed. e.g. ['fluorescence top', 'absorbance'] or ['fluorescence bottom']

        # Read DMSO stock solutions from inventory CSV file
        from assaytools.experiments import DMSOStockSolutions, DMSO, Buffer, ProteinSolution
        solutions = DMSOStockSolutions(dmso_stocks_csv_filename) # all solutions from DMSO stocks inventory

        # Enumerate all ligand species from DMSO stocks.
        ligand_species = set( [ solution.species for solution in solutions.values() if (solution.species != None)] )

        # Add buffer and protein stock solutions
        solutions['buffer'] = Buffer(shortname='buffer', description='20 mM Tris buffer')
        solutions['protein'] = ProteinSolution(shortname='protein', description='1 uM %s' % receptor_species, species=receptor_species, buffer=solutions['buffer'],
        absorbance=protein_absorbance, extinction_coefficient=protein_extinction_coefficient, molecular_weight=protein_molecular_weight, protein_stock_volume=protein_stock_volume, buffer_volume=buffer_volume)

        # Populate the Container data structure with well contents and measurements
        from assaytools.experiments import provision_assay_plate, dispense_evo, dispense_hpd300, read_infinite
        plate = provision_assay_plate(name='assay-plate', plate_type='4titude 4ti-0223')
        dispense_evo(plate, solution=solutions['protein'], volume=assay_volume, rows=['A', 'C', 'E', 'G'])
        dispense_evo(plate, solution=solutions['buffer'], volume=assay_volume, rows=['B', 'D', 'F', 'H'])
        dispense_hpd300(plate, solutions=[solutions[id] for id in hpd300_fluids], xml_filename=d300_xml_filename, plate_index=hpd300_plate_index)
        read_infinite(plate, xml_filename=infinite_xml_filename, wavelengths_to_analyze=wavelengths_to_analyze, measurements_to_analyze=measurements_to_analyze)
        self.plate = plate

        # Select specified rows for analysis.
        from autoprotocol import WellGroup
        well_group = WellGroup([well for well in plate.all_wells() if (well.humanize()[0] in rows_to_analyze)])

        # Create a model
        from assaytools.analysis import CompetitiveBindingAnalysis
        #from assaytools.analysis3 import CompetitiveBindingAnalysis
        self.experiment = CompetitiveBindingAnalysis(solutions=solutions, wells=well_group, receptor_name=receptor_species, DeltaG_prior='chembl')