# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import Counter
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import boto3
from logzero import logger

from chaosaws import aws_client
from chaosaws.types import AWSResponse
from chaoslib.exceptions import FailedActivity
from chaoslib.types import Configuration, Secrets

__all__ = ["targets_health_count", "all_targets_healthy"]

def targets_health_count(tg_names: List[str],
                         configuration: Configuration = None,
                         secrets: Secrets = None) -> AWSResponse:
    Count of healthy/unhealthy targets per targetgroup

    if not tg_names:
        raise FailedActivity(
            "Non-empty list of target groups is required")

    client = aws_client('elbv2', configuration, secrets)

    return get_targets_health_count(tg_names=tg_names,

def all_targets_healthy(tg_names: List[str],
                        configuration: Configuration = None,
                        secrets: Secrets = None) -> AWSResponse:
    Return true/false based on if all targets for listed
    target groups are healthy

    if not tg_names:
        raise FailedActivity(
            "Non-empty list of target groups is required")

    client = aws_client('elbv2', configuration, secrets)
    logger.debug("Checking if all targets are healthy for targets: {}"
    tg_arns = get_target_group_arns(tg_names=tg_names, client=client)
    tg_health = get_targets_health_description(tg_arns=tg_arns, client=client)
    result = True

    for tg in tg_health:
        time_to_break = False

        for health_descr in tg_health[tg]['TargetHealthDescriptions']:
            if health_descr['TargetHealth']['State'] != 'healthy':
                result = False
                time_to_break = True


        if time_to_break:

    return result

# Private functions
def get_target_group_arns(tg_names: List[str],
                          client: boto3.client) -> Dict:
    Return list of target group ARNs based on list of target group names

    return structure:
        "TargetGroupName": "TargetGroupArn",
    logger.debug("Target group name(s): {} Looking for ARN"
    res = client.describe_target_groups(Names=tg_names)
    tg_arns = {}

    for tg in res['TargetGroups']:
        tg_arns[tg['TargetGroupName']] = tg['TargetGroupArn']
    logger.debug("Target groups ARNs: {}".format(str(tg_arns)))

    return tg_arns

def get_targets_health_description(tg_arns: Dict,
                                   client: boto3.client) -> Dict:
    Return TargetHealthDescriptions by targetgroups
        "TargetGroupName": {
            "TargetGroupArn": value,
            "TargetHealthDescriptions": TargetHealthDescriptions[]
    logger.debug("Target group ARN: {} Getting health descriptions"
    tg_health_descr = {}

    for tg in tg_arns:
        tg_health_descr[tg] = {}
        tg_health_descr[tg]['TargetGroupArn'] = tg_arns[tg]
        tg_health_descr[tg]['TargetHealthDescriptions'] = \
    logger.debug("Health descriptions for target group(s) are: {}"

    return tg_health_descr

def get_targets_health_count(tg_names: List[str],
                             client: boto3.client) -> Dict:
    Return number of healthy/unhealthy targets per target group
        "TargetGroupName": {
            "healthy": 3,
            "unhealthy": 1
    logger.debug("Looking for number of health targets for targetgroups: {}"
    tg_arns = get_target_group_arns(tg_names=tg_names, client=client)
    tg_health = get_targets_health_description(tg_arns=tg_arns, client=client)
    tg_targets_health_count = {}

    for tg in tg_health:
        cnt = Counter()

        for health_descr in tg_health[tg]['TargetHealthDescriptions']:
            cnt[health_descr['TargetHealth']['State']] += 1
        tg_targets_health_count[tg] = dict(cnt)
    logger.debug("Healthy targets by targetgroup: {}"

    return tg_targets_health_count