# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from chaosaws import aws_client
from chaosaws.types import AWSResponse
from chaoslib.exceptions import FailedActivity, ActivityFailed
from chaoslib.types import Configuration, Secrets
from logzero import logger

__all__ = ["stop_instance", "stop_instances", "terminate_instances",
           "terminate_instance", "start_instances", "restart_instances",
           "detach_random_volume", "attach_volume"]

def stop_instance(instance_id: str = None, az: str = None, force: bool = False,
                  filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                  configuration: Configuration = None,
                  secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Stop a single EC2 instance.

    You may provide an instance id explicitly or, if you only specify the AZ,
    a random instance will be selected. If you need more control, you can
    also provide a list of filters following the documentation

    if not az and not instance_id and not filters:
        raise FailedActivity(
            "To stop an EC2 instance, you must specify either the instance id,"
            " an AZ to pick a random instance from, or a set of filters.")

    if az and not instance_id and not filters:
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'stop a random instance in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_id:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) if filters else []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
        instance_types = pick_random_instance(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                "No instances in availability zone: {}".format(az))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id([instance_id], client)

        "Picked EC2 instance '{}' from AZ '{}' to be stopped".format(
            instance_types, az))

    return stop_instances_any_type(instance_types=instance_types,
                                   force=force, client=client)

def stop_instances(instance_ids: List[str] = None, az: str = None,
                   filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                   force: bool = False, configuration: Configuration = None,
                   secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Stop the given EC2 instances or, if none is provided, all instances
    of the given availability zone. If you need more control, you can
    also provide a list of filters following the documentation

    if not az and not instance_ids and not filters:
        raise FailedActivity(
            "To stop EC2 instances, you must specify either the instance ids,"
            " an AZ to pick random instances from, or a set of filters.")

    if az and not instance_ids and not filters:
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'stop all instances in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_ids:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) if filters else []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
        instance_types = list_instances_by_type(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                "No instances in availability zone: {}".format(az))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id(instance_ids, client)

        "Picked EC2 instances '{}' from AZ '{}' to be stopped".format(
            str(instance_types), az))

    return stop_instances_any_type(instance_types=instance_types,
                                   force=force, client=client)

def terminate_instance(instance_id: str = None, az: str = None,
                       filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                       configuration: Configuration = None,
                       secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Terminates a single EC2 instance.

    An instance may be targeted by specifying it by instance-id. If only the
    availability-zone is provided, a random instances in that AZ will be
    selected and terminated. For more control, please reference the available
    filters found:

    if not any([instance_id, az, filters]):
        raise FailedActivity('To terminate an EC2, you must specify the '
                             'instance-id, an Availability Zone, or provide a '
                             'set of filters')

    if az and not any([instance_id, filters]):
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'terminate a random instance in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)
    if not instance_id:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
            logger.debug('Looking for instances in AZ: %s' % az)

        # Randomly select an instance
        instance_types = pick_random_instance(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                'No instances found matching filters: %s' % str(filters))

        logger.debug('Instance selected: %s' % str(instance_types))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id([instance_id], client)

    return terminate_instances_any_type(instance_types, client)

def terminate_instances(instance_ids: List[str] = None, az: str = None,
                        filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                        configuration: Configuration = None,
                        secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Terminates multiple EC2 instances

    A set of instances may be targeted by providing them as the instance-ids.

    WARNING: If  only an Availability Zone is specified, all instances in
    that AZ will be terminated.

    Additional filters may be used to narrow the scope:
    if not any([instance_ids, az, filters]):
        raise FailedActivity('To terminate instances, you must specify the '
                             'instance-id, an Availability Zone, or provide a '
                             'set of filters')

    if az and not any([instance_ids, filters]):
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'terminate all instances in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)
    if not instance_ids:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
            logger.debug('Looking for instances in AZ: %s' % az)

        # Select instances based on filters
        instance_types = list_instances_by_type(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                'No instances found matching filters: %s' % str(filters))

        logger.debug('Instances in AZ %s selected: %s}.' % (
            az, str(instance_types)))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id(instance_ids, client)

    return terminate_instances_any_type(instance_types, client)

def start_instances(instance_ids: List[str] = None, az: str = None,
                    filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                    configuration: Configuration = None,
                    secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Starts one or more EC2 instances.

    WARNING: If only an Availability Zone is provided, all instances in the
    provided AZ will be started.

    Additional filters may be used to narrow the scope:
    if not any([instance_ids, az, filters]):
        raise FailedActivity('To start instances, you must specify the '
                             'instance-id, an Availability Zone, or provide a '
                             'set of filters')

    if az and not any([instance_ids, filters]):
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'start all instances in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_ids:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
            logger.debug('Looking for instances in AZ: %s' % az)

        # Select instances based on filters
        instance_types = list_instances_by_type(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                'No instances found matching filters: %s' % str(filters))

        logger.debug('Instances in AZ %s selected: %s}.' % (
            az, str(instance_types)))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id(instance_ids, client)
    return start_instances_any_type(instance_types, client)

def restart_instances(instance_ids: List[str] = None, az: str = None,
                      filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                      configuration: Configuration = None,
                      secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Restarts one or more EC2 instances.

    WARNING: If only an Availability Zone is provided, all instances in the
    provided AZ will be restarted.

    Additional filters may be used to narrow the scope:
    if not any([instance_ids, az, filters]):
        raise FailedActivity('To restart instances, you must specify the '
                             'instance-id, an Availability Zone, or provide a '
                             'set of filters')

    if az and not any([instance_ids, filters]):
        logger.warning('Based on configuration provided I am going to '
                       'restart all instances in AZ %s!' % az)

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_ids:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []

        if az:
            filters.append({'Name': 'availability-zone', 'Values': [az]})
            logger.debug('Looking for instances in AZ: %s' % az)

        # Select instances based on filters
        instance_types = list_instances_by_type(filters, client)

        if not instance_types:
            raise FailedActivity(
                'No instances found matching filters: %s' % str(filters))

        logger.debug('Instances in AZ %s selected: %s}.' % (
            az, str(instance_types)))
        instance_types = get_instance_type_by_id(instance_ids, client)
    return restart_instances_any_type(instance_types, client)

def detach_random_volume(instance_ids: List[str] = None,
                         filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                         force: bool = True,
                         configuration: Configuration = None,
                         secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
        Detaches a random ebs volume (non root) from one or more EC2 instances

            One of:
                instance_ids: a list of one or more ec2 instance ids
                filters: a list of key/value pairs to pull ec2 instances

            force: force detach volume (default: true)

        Additional filters may be used to narrow the scope:
    if not any([instance_ids, filters]):
        raise FailedActivity('To detach volumes, you must specify the '
                             'instance_id or provide a set of filters')

    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_ids:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []
        instances = list_instance_volumes(client, filters=filters)
        instances = list_instance_volumes(client, instance_ids=instance_ids)

    results = []
    for e in instances:
        results.append(detach_instance_volume(client, force, e))
    return results

def attach_volume(instance_ids: List[str] = None,
                  filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                  configuration: Configuration = None,
                  secrets: Secrets = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Attaches a previously detached EBS volume to its associated EC2 instance.

    If neither 'instance_ids' or 'filters' are provided, all detached volumes
    will be reattached to their respective instances

        One of:
            instance_ids: list: instance ids
            filters: list: key/value pairs to pull ec2 instances
    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)

    if not instance_ids and not filters:
        instances = []
    elif not instance_ids and filters:
        filters = deepcopy(filters) or []
        instances = list_instances(client, filters=filters)
        instances = list_instances(client, instance_ids=instance_ids)

    volumes = get_detached_volumes(client)
    results = []
    for volume in volumes:
        for t in volume['Tags']:
            if t['Key'] != 'ChaosToolkitDetached':
            attach_data = t['Value'].split(';')
            device_name = attach_data[0].split('=')[-1]
            instance_id = attach_data[1].split('=')[-1]

            if not instances or instance_id in [
                    e['InstanceId'] for e in instances]:
                    client, instance_id, volume['VolumeId'], device_name))
    return results

# Private functions
def list_instances_by_type(filters: List[Dict[str, Any]],
                           client: boto3.client) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    Return all instance ids matching the given filters by type
    (InstanceLifecycle) ie spot, on demand, etc.
    logger.debug("EC2 instances query: {}".format(str(filters)))
    res = client.describe_instances(Filters=filters)
    logger.debug("Instances matching the filter query: {}".format(str(res)))

    return get_instance_type_from_response(res)

def list_instances(client: boto3.client,
                   filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
                   instance_ids: List[str] = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Return all instance ids matching either the filters or provided list of ids

    Does not group instances by type
    if filters:
        params = dict(Filters=filters)
        params = dict(InstanceIds=instance_ids)

    results = []
    response = client.describe_instances(**params)['Reservations']
    for r in response:
        for e in r['Instances']:
    return results

def list_instance_volumes(
        client: boto3.client,
        instance_ids: List[str] = None,
        filters: List[Dict[str, Any]] = None) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Return all (non root) instance volumes for instances matching either
    the provided filters or instance ids (do not group by type)
    if filters:
        params = dict(Filters=filters)
        params = dict(InstanceIds=instance_ids)

    response = client.describe_instances(**params)['Reservations']

    if not response:
        raise FailedActivity('no instances found matching: %s' % str(params))

    results = {}
    for r in response:
        for e in r['Instances']:
            instance_id = e['InstanceId']
            bdm = e.get('BlockDeviceMappings', [])
            for b in bdm:
                if b['DeviceName'] in ('/dev/sda1', '/dev/xvda'):
                results.setdefault(instance_id, []).append(
                    {b['DeviceName']: b['Ebs']['VolumeId']})

    volumes = []
    for r in results:
        # select 1 volume at random
        volume = random.sample(results[r], 1)[0]
        for k, v in volume.items():
                {'InstanceId': r, 'DeviceName': k, 'VolumeId': v})
    return volumes

def pick_random_instance(filters: List[Dict[str, Any]],
                         client: boto3.client) -> Union[str, dict, None]:
    Select an instance at random based on the returned list of instances
    matching the given filter.
    instances_type = list_instances_by_type(filters, client)
    if not instances_type:

    random_id = random.choice([item for sublist in instances_type.values()
                               for item in sublist])

    for k, v in instances_type.items():
        if random_id in v:
            return {k: [random_id]}

def get_instance_type_from_response(response: Dict) -> Dict:
    Transform list of instance IDs to a dict with IDs by instance type
    instances_type = defaultdict(List)
    # reservations are instances that were started together

    for reservation in response['Reservations']:
        for inst in reservation['Instances']:
            # when this field is missing, we assume "normal"
            # which means On-Demand or Reserved
            # this seems what the last line of the docs imply at
            # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-purchasing-options.html
            lifecycle = inst.get('InstanceLifecycle', 'normal')

            if lifecycle not in instances_type.keys():
                # adding empty list (value) for new instance type (key)
                instances_type[lifecycle] = []


    return instances_type

def get_spot_request_ids_from_response(response: Dict) -> List[str]:
    Return list of all spot request ids from AWS response object
    spot_request_ids = []

    for reservation in response['Reservations']:
        for inst in reservation['Instances']:
            # when this field is missing, we assume "normal"
            # which means On-Demand or Reserved
            lifecycle = inst.get('InstanceLifecycle', 'normal')

            if lifecycle == 'spot':

    return spot_request_ids

def get_instance_type_by_id(instance_ids: List[str],
                            client: boto3.client) -> Dict:
    Return dict object with instance ids grouped by instance types
    instances_type = defaultdict(List)
    res = client.describe_instances(InstanceIds=instance_ids)

    return get_instance_type_from_response(res)

def stop_instances_any_type(instance_types: dict = None,
                            force: bool = False,
                            client: boto3.client = None
                            ) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Stop instances regardless of the instance type (on demand, spot)

    response = []
    if 'normal' in instance_types:
        logger.debug("Stopping instances: {}".format(instance_types['normal']))


    if 'spot' in instance_types:
        # TODO: proper support for spot fleets
        # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/spot-fleet.html

        # To properly stop spot instances have to cancel spot requests first
        spot_request_ids = get_spot_request_ids_from_response(

        logger.debug("Canceling spot requests: {}".format(spot_request_ids))
        logger.debug("Terminating spot instances: {}".format(


    if 'scheduled' in instance_types:
        # TODO: add support for scheduled instances
        # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-scheduled-instances.html
        raise FailedActivity("Scheduled instances support is not implemented")
    return response

def terminate_instances_any_type(instance_types: dict = None,
                                 client: boto3.client = None
                                 ) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Terminates instance(s) regardless of type
    response = []

    for k, v in instance_types.items():
        logger.debug('Terminating %s instance(s): %s' % (k, instance_types[k]))
        if k == 'spot':
            instances = get_spot_request_ids_from_response(
            # Cancel spot request prior to termination
    return response

def start_instances_any_type(instance_types: dict,
                             client: boto3.client) -> List[AWSResponse]:
    Starts one or more instances regardless of type
    results = []
    for k, v in instance_types.items():
        logger.debug('Starting %s instance(s): %s' % (k, v))
        response = client.start_instances(InstanceIds=v)
        results.extend(response.get('StartingInstances', []))
    return results

def restart_instances_any_type(instance_types: dict,
                               client: boto3.client):
    Restarts one or more instances regardless of type
    results = []
    for k, v in instance_types.items():
        logger.debug('Restarting %s instance(s): %s' % (k, v))
    return results

def detach_instance_volume(client: boto3.client,
                           force: bool,
                           volume: Dict[str, str]) -> AWSResponse:
    Detach volume from an instance
        response = client.detach_volume(

        # tag volume with instance information (to reattach on rollback)
                    'Key': 'ChaosToolkitDetached',
                    'Value': 'DeviceName=%s;InstanceId=%s' % (
                        volume['DeviceName'], volume['InstanceId'])
        return response
    except ClientError as e:
        raise FailedActivity('unable to detach volume %s from %s: %s' % (
            volume['VolumeId'], volume['InstanceId'],

def get_detached_volumes(client: boto3.client):
    results = []
    paginator = client.get_paginator('describe_volumes')
    for p in paginator.paginate(
            Filters=[{'Name': 'tag-key', 'Values': ['ChaosToolkitDetached']}]):
        for v in p['Volumes']:
    return results

def attach_instance_volume(client: boto3.client,
                           instance_id: str,
                           volume_id: str,
                           mount_point: str) -> AWSResponse:
        response = client.attach_volume(
        logger.debug('Attached volume %s to instance %s' % (
            volume_id, instance_id))
    except ClientError as e:
        raise FailedActivity(
            'Unable to attach volume %s to instance %s: %s' % (
                volume_id, instance_id, e.response['Error']['Message']))
    return response

def authorize_security_group_ingress(requested_security_group_id: str,
                                     ip_protocol: str,
                                     from_port: int,
                                     to_port: int,
                                     ingress_security_group_id: str = None,
                                     cidr_ip: str = None,
                                     configuration: Configuration = None,
                                     secrets: Secrets = None) -> AWSResponse:
    Add one ingress rule to a security group

    - requested_security_group_id: the id for the security group to update
    - ip_protocol: ip protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, icmpv6) or -1 to specify all
    - from_port: start of port range
    - to_port: end of port range
    - ingress_security_group_id: id of the securiy group to allow access to. You can either specify this or cidr_ip.
    - cidr_ip: the IPv6 CIDR range.
    You can either specify this or ingress_security_group_id
    """  # noqa: E501
    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)
    request_kwargs = create_ingress_kwargs(
        response = client.authorize_security_group_ingress(**request_kwargs)
        return response
    except ClientError as e:
        raise ActivityFailed(
            'Failed to add ingress rule: {}'.format(

def revoke_security_group_ingress(requested_security_group_id: str,
                                  ip_protocol: str,
                                  from_port: int,
                                  to_port: int,
                                  ingress_security_group_id: str = None,
                                  cidr_ip: str = None,
                                  configuration: Configuration = None,
                                  secrets: Secrets = None) -> AWSResponse:
    Remove one ingress rule from a security group

    - requested_security_group_id: the id for the security group to update
    - ip_protocol: ip protocol name (tcp, udp, icmp, icmpv6) or -1 to specify all
    - from_port: start of port range
    - to_port: end of port range
    - ingress_security_group_id: id of the securiy group to allow access to. You can either specify this or cidr_ip.
    - cidr_ip: the IPv6 CIDR range. You can either specify this or ingress_security_group_id
    """  # noqa: E501
    client = aws_client('ec2', configuration, secrets)
    request_kwargs = create_ingress_kwargs(
        response = client.revoke_security_group_ingress(**request_kwargs)
        return response
    except ClientError as e:
        raise ActivityFailed(
            'Failed to remove ingress rule: {}'.format(

def create_ingress_kwargs(requested_security_group_id: str,
                          ip_protocol: str,
                          from_port: int,
                          to_port: int,
                          ingress_security_group_id: str = None,
                          cidr_ip: str = None,) -> Dict[str, any]:
    request_kwargs = {
        'GroupId': requested_security_group_id,
        'IpPermissions': [
                'IpProtocol': ip_protocol,
                'IpRanges': [{
                    # conditionally assign the following
                    # 'CidrIp': cidr_ip
                'FromPort': from_port,
                'ToPort': to_port,
                'UserIdGroupPairs': [{
                    # conditionally assign the following
                    # 'GroupId': ingress_security_group_id
    req = request_kwargs['IpPermissions'][0]
    if cidr_ip is not None:
        req['IpRanges'][0]['CidrIp'] = cidr_ip
    if ingress_security_group_id is not None:
        req['UserIdGroupPairs'][0]['GroupId'] = ingress_security_group_id
    return request_kwargs