# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Bitergia
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Authors:
#     Santiago DueƱas <sduenas@bitergia.com>

import email.utils
import logging
import re

from ..db.model import MIN_PERIOD_DATE, MAX_PERIOD_DATE, \
    UniqueIdentity, Identity, Profile, Enrollment, Organization
from ..exceptions import InvalidFormatError

# List of names not considered as organizations
MAILMAP_NO_ORGS = ['Unaffiliated']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MailmapParser(object):
    """Parse identities and organizations using mailmap format.

    Mailmap format is a plain stream that contains information
    about identities and their alias. It can also be used to match
    organizations and identities.

    Parsed unique identities will be stored in an object named
    'uidentities'. The keys of this object are the UUID of the unique
    identities. Each unique identity object stores a list of identities
    and enrollments.

    Parsed organizations will be stored in 'organizations' object. Its
    keys are the name of the organizations and each organization object
    is related to a list of domains.

    :param stream: stream to parse
    :param has_orgs: set if the stream maps data about organizations
    :param source: source of the identities

    :raises InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the stream is
        not valid.
    LINES_TO_IGNORE_REGEX = r"^\s*(?:#.*)?\s*$"

    def __init__(self, stream, has_orgs=False, source='mailmap'):
        self._identities = {}
        self._organizations = {}
        self.source = source

        self.__parse(stream, has_orgs)

    def identities(self):
        uids = [u for u in self._identities.values()]
        uids.sort(key=lambda u: u.uuid)
        return uids

    def organizations(self):
        orgs = [o for o in self._organizations.values()]
        orgs.sort(key=lambda o: o.name)
        return orgs

    def __parse(self, stream, has_orgs):
        """Parse identities and organizations using mailmap format.

        Mailmap format is a text plain document that stores on each
        line a map between an email address and its aliases. Each
        line follows any of the next formats:

            Proper Name <commit@email.xx>
            <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
            Proper Name <proper@email.xx> <commit@email.xx>
            Proper Name <proper@email.xx> Commit Name <commit@email.xx>

        When the flag `has_orgs` is set, the stream maps organizations
        an identities, following the next format:

            Organization Name <org@email.xx> Proper Name <proper@email.xx>

        :parse data: mailmap stream to parse

        :raise InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the stream is
            not valid.
        if has_orgs:

    def __parse_organizations(self, stream):
        """Parse organizations stream"""

        for aliases in self.__parse_stream(stream):
            # Parse identity
            identity = self.__parse_alias(aliases[1])
            uuid = identity.email

            uid = self._identities.get(uuid, None)

            if not uid:
                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)
                identity.uuid = uuid
                self._identities[uuid] = uid

            # Parse organization
            mailmap_id = aliases[0]
            name = self.__encode(mailmap_id[0])

            if name in MAILMAP_NO_ORGS:

            org = Organization(name=name)
            self._organizations[name] = org

            enrollment = Enrollment(start=MIN_PERIOD_DATE, end=MAX_PERIOD_DATE,

    def __parse_identities(self, stream):
        """Parse identities stream"""

        for aliases in self.__parse_stream(stream):
            identity = self.__parse_alias(aliases[0])
            uuid = identity.email

            uid = self._identities.get(uuid, None)

            if not uid:
                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)
                identity.uuid = uuid
                self._identities[uuid] = uid

                profile = Profile(uuid=uuid, name=identity.name, email=identity.email,
                uid.profile = profile

            # Aliases
            for alias in aliases[1:]:
                identity = self.__parse_alias(alias, uuid)

            self._identities[uuid] = uid

    def __parse_alias(self, alias, uuid=None):
        name = self.__encode(alias[0])
        email_addr = self.__encode(alias[1])
        identity = Identity(name=name, email=email_addr, username=None,
                            source=self.source, uuid=uuid)
        return identity

    def __parse_stream(self, stream):
        """Generic method to parse mailmap streams"""

        nline = 0
        lines = stream.split('\n')

        for line in lines:
            nline += 1

            # Ignore blank lines and comments
            m = re.match(self.LINES_TO_IGNORE_REGEX, line, re.UNICODE)
            if m:

            line = line.strip('\n').strip(' ')
            parts = line.split('>')

            if len(parts) == 0:
                cause = "line %s: invalid format" % str(nline)
                raise InvalidFormatError(cause=cause)

            aliases = []

            for part in parts:
                part = part.replace(',', ' ')
                part = part.strip('\n').strip(' ')

                if len(part) == 0:

                if part.find('<') < 0:
                    cause = "line %s: invalid format" % str(nline)
                    raise InvalidFormatError(cause=cause)

                alias = email.utils.parseaddr(part + '>')

            yield aliases

    def __encode(self, s):
        return s if s else None