# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Bitergia
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Authors:
#     Luis Cañas-Díaz <lcanas@bitergia.com>
#     Miguel Ángel Fernández Sánchez <mafesan@bitergia.com>
#     Santiago Dueñas <sduenas@bitergia.com>
#     Quan Zhou <quan@bitergia.com>

import datetime
import itertools
import logging
import re
import yaml

from ..db.model import MIN_PERIOD_DATE, MAX_PERIOD_DATE, \
    UniqueIdentity, Identity, Enrollment, Organization, Domain, Profile, \
from ..exceptions import InvalidFormatError

PERCEVAL_BACKENDS = ['askbot', 'bugzilla', 'bugzillarest', 'confluence', 'discourse',
                     'dockerhub', 'gerrit', 'git', 'github', 'gmane', 'hyperkitty', 'jenkins',
                     'jira', 'mbox', 'mediawiki', 'meetup', 'nntp', 'phabricator', 'pipermail',
                     'redmine', 'rss', 'slack', 'stackexchange', 'supybot', 'telegram']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class GrimoireLabParser(object):
    """Parse identities and organizations using GrimoireLab format.

    The GrimoireLab data format is a YAML stream that contains information
    about unique identities and organizations.

    The unique identities are stored in an object named 'uidentities'.
    The keys of this object are the UUID of the unique identities.
    Each unique identity object stores a list of identities and
    enrollments. Email addresses will not be validated when `email_validation`
    is set to `False`. Enrollment periods will not be validated when
    `enrollment_periods_validation` is set to `False`

    Those entries that will be considered blacklisted will be stored
    in `blacklist` object. This object consists on a list of entries.
    Blacklisted entries will be parsed from the identities stream.

    Organizations are stored in 'organizations' object. Its keys
    are the name of the organizations and each organization object is
    related to a list of domains.

    :param identities: stream of identities to parse
    :param organizations: stream of organizations to parse
    :param source: source of the data
    :param email_validation: validate email addresses; set to True by default
    :param enrollment_validation: validate enrollment periods; set to True by default

    :raises InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the stream is
        not valid.
    EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX = r"^(?P<email>[^\s@]+@[^\s@.]+\.[^\s@]+)$"
    GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT = "invalid GrimoireLab yaml format. %(error)s"

    def __init__(self, identities=None, organizations=None,
                 source='grimoirelab', email_validation=True,
        self._blacklist = set()
        self._identities = {}
        self._organizations = {}
        self.source = source
        self.email_validation = email_validation
        self.enrollment_periods_validation = enrollment_periods_validation

        if not (identities or organizations):
            raise ValueError('Null identities and organization streams')

        self.__parse(identities, organizations)

    def blacklist(self):
        bl = list(self._blacklist)
        bl.sort(key=lambda b: b.excluded)
        return bl

    def identities(self):
        uids = [u for u in self._identities.values()]
        uids.sort(key=lambda u: u.uuid)
        return uids

    def organizations(self):
        orgs = [o for o in self._organizations.values()]
        orgs.sort(key=lambda o: o.name)
        return orgs

    def __parse(self, identities_stream, organizations_stream):
        """Parse GrimoireLab stream"""

        if organizations_stream:

        if identities_stream:

    def __parse_blacklist(self, stream):
        """Parse blacklist entries using GrimoireLab format.

        The GrimoireLab blacklist format is part of a YAML document
        which follows the next schema:

        - blacklist:
          - no-reply@example.com
          - root

        :param stream: stream to parse

        :raises InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the stream is
            not valid.
        yaml_file = self.__load_yml(stream)

        for element in yaml_file:
            if 'blacklist' not in element:

            if not isinstance(element['blacklist'], list):
                error = "List of elements expected for blacklist"
                msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

            for excluded in element['blacklist']:
                if not excluded:
                    error = "Blacklist entries cannot be null or empty"
                    msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                    raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

                bl = MatchingBlacklist(excluded=excluded)

    def __parse_identities(self, stream):
        """Parse identities using GrimoireLab format.

        The GrimoireLab identities format is a YAML document following a
        schema similar to the example below. More information available
        at https://github.com/bitergia/identities

        - profile:
            name: Vivek K.
            is_bot: false
            - vsekhark
            - vivek@****.com
            - organization: Community
              start: 1900-01-01
              end: 2100-01-01

        :parse json: YAML object to parse

        :raise InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the YAML is
            not valid.
        def __create_sh_identities(name, emails, yaml_entry):
            """Create SH identities based on name, emails and backens data in yaml_entry"""

            ids = []
            ids.append(Identity(name=name, source=self.source))

            # FIXME we should encourage our users to add email or usernames
            # and if not returning at least a WARNING
            if emails:
                for m in emails:
                    ids.append(Identity(email=m, source=self.source))

            for pb in PERCEVAL_BACKENDS:
                if pb not in yaml_entry:

                for username in yaml_entry[pb]:
                    identity = Identity(username=username, source=pb)

            return ids

        yaml_file = self.__load_yml(stream)
        yid_counter = 0

            for yid in yaml_file:
                if 'blacklist' in yid:

                profile = yid['profile']
                if profile is None:
                    raise AttributeError('profile')

                # we want the KeyError if name is missing
                name = yid['profile']['name']
                is_bot = profile.get('is_bot', False)

                emails = yid.get('email', None)

                if emails and self.email_validation:

                enrollments = yid.get('enrollments', None)

                uuid = str(yid_counter)
                yid_counter += 1

                uid = UniqueIdentity(uuid=uuid)

                prf = Profile(name=name, is_bot=is_bot)
                uid.profile = prf

                # now it is time to add the identities for name, emails and backends
                sh_identities = __create_sh_identities(name, emails, yid)
                uid.identities += sh_identities

                if enrollments:
                    affiliations = self.__parse_affiliations_yml(enrollments)
                    uid.enrollments += affiliations

                self._identities[uuid] = uid
        except KeyError as e:
            error = "Attribute %s not found" % e.args
            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

    def __parse_organizations(self, stream):
        """Parse GrimoireLab organizations.

        The GrimoireLab organizations format is a YAML element stored
        under the "organizations" key. The next example shows the
        structure of the document:

        - organizations:
                - bitergia.com
                - support.bitergia.com
                - biterg.io
                - libresoft.es

        :param json: YAML object to parse

        :raises InvalidFormatError: raised when the format of the YAML is
            not valid.
        if not stream:

        yaml_file = self.__load_yml(stream)

            for element in yaml_file:
                name = self.__encode(element['organization'])

                if not name:
                    error = "Empty organization name"
                    msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                    raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

                o = Organization(name=name)

                if 'domains' in element:
                    if not isinstance(element['domains'], list):
                        error = "List of elements expected for organization %s" % name
                        msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                        raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)
                    for dom in element['domains']:
                        if dom:
                            d = Domain(domain=dom, is_top_domain=False)
                            error = "Empty domain name for organization %s" % name
                            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

                self._organizations[name] = o
        except KeyError as e:
            error = "Attribute %s not found" % e.args
            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)
        except TypeError as e:
            error = "%s" % e.args
            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

    def __parse_affiliations_yml(self, affiliations):
        """Parse identity's affiliations from a yaml dict."""

        enrollments = []

        for aff in affiliations:
            name = self.__encode(aff['organization'])
            if not name:
                error = "Empty organization name"
                msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
                raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)
            elif name.lower() == 'unknown':

            # we trust the Organization name included in the identities file
            org = Organization(name=name)

            if org is None:

            if 'start' in aff:
                start_date = self.__force_datetime(aff['start'])
                start_date = MIN_PERIOD_DATE

            if 'end' in aff:
                end_date = self.__force_datetime(aff['end'])
                end_date = MAX_PERIOD_DATE

            enrollment = Enrollment(start=start_date, end=end_date,

        if self.enrollment_periods_validation:

        return enrollments

    def __force_datetime(self, obj):
        """Converts ojb to time.datetime.datetime

        YAML parsing returns either date or datetime object depending
        on how the date is written. YYYY-MM-DD will return a date and
        YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss will return a datetime

        :param obj: date or datetime object
        if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
            return obj

        t = datetime.time(0, 0)
        return datetime.datetime.combine(obj, t)

    def __load_yml(self, stream):
        """Load yml stream into a dict object """

            return yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
        except ValueError as e:
            cause = "invalid yml format. %s" % str(e)
            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=cause)

    def __encode(self, s):
        return s if s else None

    def __validate_email(self, email):
        """Checks if a string looks like an email address"""

        e = re.match(self.EMAIL_ADDRESS_REGEX, email, re.UNICODE)
        if e:
            return email
            error = "Invalid email address: " + str(email)
            msg = self.GRIMOIRELAB_INVALID_FORMAT % {'error': error}
            raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

    def __validate_enrollment_periods(self, enrollments):
        """Check for overlapped periods in the enrollments"""

        for a, b in itertools.combinations(enrollments, 2):

            max_start = max(a.start, b.start)
            min_end = min(a.end, b.end)

            if max_start < min_end:
                msg = "invalid GrimoireLab enrollment dates. " \
                      "Organization dates overlap."
                raise InvalidFormatError(cause=msg)

        return enrollments