import numpy as np
from skimage.measure import compare_ssim
import matlab_wrapper
import os
import cv2 as cv
from PIL import Image

def FSIM(matlab, gt_img, test_img):
    """Calculate FSIM score.
    Use matlab wrapper to calculate fsim score.
    Codes come from: 
    test_img = np.array(test_img)
    gt_img = np.array(gt_img)
    matlab.put('imageRef', gt_img)
    matlab.put('imageDis', test_img)
    matlab.eval('[score, fsimc] = FeatureSIM(imageRef, imageDis)')
    tmp_score = matlab.get('score')
    return tmp_score

def SSIM(gt_img, test_img):
    """Calculate ssim score using skimage toolkit.
    test_img = np.array(test_img).astype(np.uint8)
    gt_img = np.array(gt_img).astype(np.uint8)
    tmp_score = compare_ssim(gt_img, test_img, gaussian_weights=True, sigma=1.5, use_sample_covariance=False)
    return tmp_score

def avg_score(test_dir, gt_dir, metric_name='ssim', smooth=False, sigma=75, verbose=False):
    Read images from two folders and calculate the average score.
    metric_name = metric_name.lower()
    all_score = []
    if metric_name == 'fsim':
        matlab = matlab_wrapper.MatlabSession()
    for name in sorted(sorted(os.listdir(gt_dir))):
        test_img =, name)).convert('L')
        gt_img =, name)).convert('L')
        if smooth:
            test_img = cv.bilateralFilter(np.array(test_img),7,sigma,sigma)

        if metric_name == 'ssim':
            tmp_score = SSIM(gt_img, test_img)
        elif metric_name == 'fsim':
            tmp_score = FSIM(matlab, gt_img, test_img)
        if verbose:
            print('Image: {}, Metric: {}, Smooth: {}, Score: {}'.format(name, metric_name, smooth, tmp_score))
    return np.mean(np.array(all_score))