import contextlib
import functools
import operator
import sys
import threading

import numpy
import six

import chainer
from chainer.backends import cuda

_thread_local = threading.local()

def get_function_check_context(f):
        default = _thread_local.current_function
    except AttributeError:
        default = None
    _thread_local.current_function = f
        _thread_local.current_function = default

class TypeInfo(object):

    """Type information of an input/gradient array.

    It contains type information of an array, such as the shape of array and
    the number of dimensions.
    This information is independent of CPU or GPU array.

    def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
        self.shape = shape
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.ndim = len(shape)

    def size(self):
        return functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.shape, 1)

class TypeInfoTuple(tuple):

    """Type information of input/gradient tuples.

    It is a sub-class of tuple containing :class:`TypeInfo`. The i-th element
    of this object contains type information of the i-th input/gradient data.
    As each element is :class:`Expr`, you can easily check its validity.

    def size(self):
        """Returns an expression representing its length.

            Expr: An expression object representing length of the tuple.
        return Variable(len(self), '{0}.size'.format(

class LightTypeInfoTuple(tuple):

    """Type information of input/gradient tuples for light-weight check.

    It is a sub-class of tuple containing :class:`TypeInfo`. The i-th element
    of this object contains type information of the i-th input/gradient data.

    def size(self):
        """Returns its length.

            int: Length of the tuple.
        return len(self)

def get_types(data, name, accept_none, *, shapes=None):
    assert isinstance(data, tuple)

    if shapes is None:
        shapes = tuple([x.shape for x in data])

    info = TypeInfoTuple(
        _get_type(name, i, x, accept_none, shape)
        for i, (x, shape) in enumerate(zip(data, shapes)))
    # I don't know a method to set an attribute in an initializer of tuple. = name
    return info

def get_light_types(data, *, shapes=None):
    assert(isinstance(data, tuple))
    if shapes is None:
        data_ = data
        # For non-default memory format (e.g. NHWC), shapes of data are
        # different from the semantic shapes (e.g. NCHW). In such cases
        # semantic shapes are explicitly given as `shapes` argument.
        # If it is given, TypeInfos with modified shapes are wrapped.
        data_ = tuple([
            TypeInfo(shape, x.dtype) for x, shape in zip(data, shapes)])

    return LightTypeInfoTuple(data_)

def _get_type(name, index, array, accept_none, shape):
    var = '{0}[{1}]'.format(name, index)

    if accept_none and array is None:
        # case that gradient is not given
        return Variable(TypeInfo((), None), var)

    assert isinstance(array, chainer.get_array_types())
    return Variable(TypeInfo(shape, array.dtype), var)

def _make_un_operator(exp, priority, func):
    def f(x):
        return UnaryOperator(priority, x, exp, func)
    return f

def _make_bin_operator(exp, priority, func, right_associative=False):
    def f(x, y):
        return BinaryOperator(priority, x, y, exp, func, right_associative)
    return f

def _make_bool_operator(exp, inv, func):
    def f(x, y):
        return BoolBinaryOperator(x, y, exp, inv, func)
    return f

def _flip(f):
    return lambda x, y: f(y, x)

class Expr(object):

    """Abstract syntax tree of an expression.

    It represents an abstract syntax tree, and isn't a value. You can get its
    actual value with :meth:`eval` function, and get syntax representation with
    the :meth:`__str__` method.
    Each comparison operator (e.g. ``==``) generates a new :class:`Expr` object
    which represents the result of comparison between two expressions.

    .. admonition:: Example

       Let ``x`` and ``y`` be instances of :class:`Expr`, then ::

          >>> x = Variable(1, 'x')
          >>> y = Variable(1, 'y')
          >>> c = (x == y)

       is also an instance of :class:`Expr`. To evaluate and get its value,
       call :meth:`eval` method::

          >>> c.eval()

       Call ``str`` function to get a representation of the original

          >>> str(c)
          'x == y'

       You can actually compare an expression with a value::

          >>> (x == 1).eval()

       Note that you can't use boolean operators such as ``and``, as they try
       to cast expressions to boolean values::

          >>> z = Variable(1, 'z')
          >>> x == y and y == z  # raises an error
          Traceback (most recent call last):
          RuntimeError: Don't convert Expr to bool. Please call Expr.eval \
method to evaluate expression.


    def __init__(self, priority):
        self.priority = priority

    def eval(self):
        """Evaluates the tree to get actual value.

        Behavior of this function depends on an implementation class.
        For example, a binary operator ``+`` calls the ``__add__`` function
        with the two results of :meth:`eval` function.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return GetAttr(self, name)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return GetItem(self, key)

    def __call__(self, *args):
        return Call(self, args)

    def __nonzero__(self):
        # When a user calls a boolean operator like `(x == y and z == w)`,
        # `and` operator evaluate the first expression.
        # If it returns `True` (and it's default behavior), the `and` operator
        # returns *the second expression*, not a boolean value.
        # So, `(x == y and z == w)` returns the result of `z == w`, and
        # `(x == y and z == w).expect()` raise no errors but only checks
        # `z == w`. It is confusing.
        # See also:
        msg = ('An Expr instance cannot be evaluated as bool. '
               'Please use chainer.utils.type_check.eval() to evaluate an '
        raise RuntimeError(msg)

    def __bool__(self):

    __eq__ = _make_bool_operator('==', '!=', operator.__eq__)
    __ne__ = _make_bool_operator('!=', '==', operator.__ne__)
    __lt__ = _make_bool_operator('<', '>=', operator.__lt__)
    __le__ = _make_bool_operator('<=', '>', operator.__le__)
    __gt__ = _make_bool_operator('>', '<=', operator.__gt__)
    __ge__ = _make_bool_operator('>=', '<', operator.__ge__)

    # Please refer the Python documentation to know priority of operators.

    __add__ = _make_bin_operator('+', 4, operator.__add__)
    __radd__ = _flip(__add__)
    __sub__ = _make_bin_operator('-', 4, operator.__sub__)
    __rsub__ = _flip(__sub__)
    __mul__ = _make_bin_operator('*', 5, operator.__mul__)
    __rmul__ = _flip(__mul__)

    if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0):
        __div__ = _make_bin_operator('/', 5, operator.__div__)  # type: ignore # NOQA
        __rdiv__ = _flip(__div__)
        __truediv__ = _make_bin_operator('/', 5, operator.__truediv__)
        __rtruediv__ = _flip(__truediv__)

    __floordiv__ = _make_bin_operator('//', 5, operator.__floordiv__)
    __rfloordiv__ = _flip(__floordiv__)
    __mod__ = _make_bin_operator('%', 5, operator.__mod__)
    __rmod__ = _flip(__mod__)
    # Only '**' operator is right-associative
    __pow__ = _make_bin_operator('**', 7, operator.__mod__,

    __lshift__ = _make_bin_operator('<<', 3, operator.__lshift__)
    __rlshift__ = _flip(__lshift__)
    __rshift__ = _make_bin_operator('>>', 3, operator.__rshift__)
    __rrshift__ = _flip(__rshift__)

    __and__ = _make_bin_operator('&', 2, operator.__and__)
    __rand__ = _flip(__and__)
    __xor__ = _make_bin_operator('^', 1, operator.__xor__)
    __rxor__ = _flip(__xor__)
    __or__ = _make_bin_operator('|', 0, operator.__or__)
    __ror__ = _flip(__or__)

    __neg__ = _make_un_operator('-', 6, operator.__neg__)
    __pos__ = _make_un_operator('+', 6, operator.__pos__)
    __invert__ = _make_un_operator('~', 6, operator.__invert__)

def _eval_expr(v):
    if isinstance(v, Expr):
        return v.eval()
    elif isinstance(v, list):
        return list(map(_eval_expr, v))
    elif isinstance(v, tuple):
        return tuple(map(_eval_expr, v))
        return v

def _repr(v):
    if isinstance(v, Expr):
        return str(v)
    elif isinstance(v, list):
        return '[{0}]'.format(', '.join(map(_repr, v)))
    elif isinstance(v, tuple):
        if len(v) == 0:
            return '()'
        elif len(v) == 1:
            return '({0},)'.format(_repr(v[0]))
            return '({0})'.format(', '.join(map(_repr, v)))
        return repr(v)

class Atom(Expr):

    def __init__(self):
        super(Atom, self).__init__(8)

class Constant(Atom):

    def __init__(self, value):
        super(Constant, self).__init__()
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return _repr(self.value)

    def eval(self):
        return self.value

class Variable(Atom):

    def __init__(self, value, name):
        super(Variable, self).__init__()
        self.value = value = name

    def __str__(self):

    def eval(self):
        return self.value

class GetAttr(Atom):

    def __init__(self, obj, name):
        super(GetAttr, self).__init__()
        self.obj = obj = name

    def __str__(self):
        if isinstance(, str):
            return '{0}.{1}'.format(_repr(self.obj),
        elif (isinstance(, Constant) and
              isinstance(, str)):
            return '{0}.{1}'.format(_repr(self.obj),
            return 'getattr({0}, {1})'.format(_repr(self.obj),

    def eval(self):
        return getattr(_eval_expr(self.obj), _eval_expr(

def _str_subscript(exp):
    if exp is Ellipsis:
        return '...'
    elif isinstance(exp, slice):
        def key_str(v):
            return '' if v is None else _repr(v)

        if exp.step is None:
            return '{0}:{1}'.format(key_str(exp.start),
            return '{0}:{1}:{2}'.format(key_str(exp.start),
    elif isinstance(exp, tuple):
        return ', '.join(map(_str_subscript, exp))

        return _repr(exp)

class GetItem(Atom):

    def __init__(self, obj, key):
        super(GetItem, self).__init__()
        self.obj = obj
        self.key = key

    def __str__(self):
        key = _str_subscript(self.key)
        return '{0}[{1}]'.format(_repr(self.obj), key)

    def eval(self):
        return _eval_expr(self.obj)[_eval_expr(self.key)]

class Call(Atom):

    def __init__(self, obj, args):
        assert isinstance(args, tuple)
        super(Call, self).__init__()
        self.obj = obj
        self.args = args

    def __str__(self):
        return '{0}({1})'.format(_repr(self.obj),
                                 ', '.join(map(_repr, self.args)))

    def eval(self):
        args = map(_eval_expr, self.args)
        func = _eval_expr(self.obj)
        return func(*args)

class UnaryOperator(Expr):

    def __init__(self, priority, term, exp, func):
        super(UnaryOperator, self).__init__(priority)
        self.term = term
        self.exp = exp
        self.func = func

    def eval(self):
        return self.func(_eval_expr(self.term))

    def __str__(self):
        exp = _repr(self.term)
        if isinstance(self.term, Expr) and self.term.priority < self.priority:
            exp = '(' + exp + ')'

        return self.exp + exp

class BinaryOperator(Expr):

    def __init__(self, priority, lhs, rhs, exp, func, right_associative=False):
        super(BinaryOperator, self).__init__(priority)
        self.lhs = lhs
        self.rhs = rhs
        self.exp = exp
        self.func = func
        self.right_associative = right_associative

    def eval(self):
        left = self._eval_left()
        right = self._eval_right()
        return self.func(left, right)

    def _eval_left(self):
        return _eval_expr(self.lhs)

    def _eval_right(self):
        return _eval_expr(self.rhs)

    def __str__(self):
        # When an infix operator is left-associative, we need to append parens
        # when rhs has the same priority
        #  e.g. x << (y << z) != x << y << z

        left = _repr(self.lhs)
        if isinstance(self.lhs, Expr) and (
                self.priority > self.lhs.priority or
                (self.right_associative and
                 self.priority == self.lhs.priority)):
            left = '(' + left + ')'

        right = _repr(self.rhs)
        if isinstance(self.rhs, Expr) and (
                self.priority > self.rhs.priority or
                (not self.right_associative and
                 self.priority == self.rhs.priority)):
            right = '(' + right + ')'

        return '{0} {2} {1}'.format(left, right, self.exp)

class Testable(object):

    def expect(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

class BoolBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator, Testable):

    def __init__(self, lhs, rhs, exp, inv, func):
        BinaryOperator.__init__(self, -1, lhs, rhs, exp, func)
        self.inv = inv

    def expect(self):
        left = self._eval_left()
        right = self._eval_right()

        if not self.func(left, right):
            raise InvalidType(
                '{0} {1} {2}'.format(self.lhs, self.exp, self.rhs),
                '{0} {1} {2}'.format(left, self.inv, right))

class InvalidType(Exception):
    """Raised when types of data for forward/backward are invalid.


    def __init__(self, expect, actual, msg=None):
        if msg is None:
            msg = 'Expect: {0}\nActual: {1}'.format(expect, actual)
            if (hasattr(_thread_local, 'current_function')
                    and _thread_local.current_function is not None):
                msg = '''
Invalid operation is performed in: {0} (Forward)

{1}'''.format(_thread_local.current_function.label, msg)

        super(InvalidType, self).__init__(msg)

        self.expect = expect
        self.actual = actual

    def __reduce__(self):
        msg, = self.args
        return (InvalidType, (self.expect, self.actual, msg))

def _argname(in_types, names):
    """Assigns user friendly names for the input types.

    This function also asserts that lengths of in_types and names are the

        in_types (tuple of TypeInfoTuple): Tuple of type information to assign
            name to.
        names (tuple of str): Human-readable names of ``in_types``.
    if len(in_types) != len(names):
        raise InvalidType(
            '{} argument(s)'.format(str(len(names))),
            '{} argument(s)'.format(str(len(in_types))),
            'Invalid number of arguments')
    for in_type, name in zip(in_types, names):
        if isinstance(in_type, Variable):
   = name

def expect(*bool_exprs):
    """Evaluates and tests all given expressions.

    This function evaluates given boolean expressions in order. When at least
    one expression is evaluated as ``False``, that means the given condition is
    not satisfied.
    You can check conditions with this function.

        bool_exprs (tuple of Bool expressions): Bool expressions you want to
    if in_light_mode():
        if not all(bool_exprs):
            raise InvalidType('', '')
        for expr in bool_exprs:
            assert isinstance(expr, Testable)

def same_types(*arrays):
    for x in arrays:
        if not isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray):
        return True
    for x in arrays:
        if not isinstance(x, cuda.ndarray):
            return False
    return True

def eval(exp):
    if in_light_mode():
        return exp
        return exp.eval()

def make_variable(value, name):
    if in_light_mode():
        return value
        return Variable(value, name)

def _make_variable_from_array(array, name):
    if not isinstance(array, chainer.get_array_types()):
        raise InvalidType(
            'isinstance({}, ndarray)'.format(name),
            'type({}) == {}'.format(name, type(array)),
    if in_light_mode():
        return array
        return Variable(TypeInfo(array.shape, array.dtype), name)

class LightMode(object):

    def __enter__(self):
        _thread_local.light_mode = True

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        _thread_local.light_mode = False

def _prod_impl(xs):
    result = 1
    for x in xs:
        result *= x
    return result

_prod = Variable(_prod_impl, 'prod')
light_mode = LightMode()

def in_light_mode():
        return _thread_local.light_mode
    except AttributeError:
        _thread_local.light_mode = False
    return False

def prod(xs):
    if in_light_mode():
        return _prod_impl(xs)
        return _prod(xs)

def expect_broadcast_shapes(*shape_types):
    """Checks if shapes can be broadcasted together.

        shapes_types: Type-checked shapes of the arrays to broadcast.

    shapes = [eval(s) for s in shape_types]
    error = None
        # simulate the shape calculation using zero-sized arrays
        numpy.broadcast(*[numpy.empty(s + (0,)) for s in shapes])
    except ValueError:
        msgs = ['cannot broadcast inputs of the following shapes:']
        for shape_type, shape in, shapes):
            msgs.append('{} = {}'.format(shape_type, shape))
        error = InvalidType('', '', msg='\n'.join(msgs))
    if error is not None:
        raise error