import inspect
import pickle
import re
import sqlite3 as sqlite
import threading
from import MutableMapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import wraps

def typecasted(func):
    """Decorator that converts arguments via annotations."""
    signature = inspect.signature(func).parameters.items()

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        args = list(args)
        new_args = []
        new_kwargs = {}
        for _, param in signature:
            converter = param.annotation
            if converter is inspect._empty:
                converter = lambda a: a  # do nothing
            if param.kind is param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:
                if args:
                    to_conv = args.pop(0)
            elif param.kind is param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                for a in args:
                for k, v in kwargs.items():
                    nk, nv = converter(k, v)
                    new_kwargs[nk] = nv
        return func(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
    return wrapper

BASE = (
    'keys', 'exclude', 'max',
    'timeout', 'page', 'type'

def clansearch(k, v):
    valid = (
        'name', 'score',
        'minMembers', 'maxMembers'
    valid += BASE
    k = _to_camel_case(k)
    if k not in valid:
        raise ValueError('Invalid search parameter passed: {}'.format(k))
    return k, v

def keys(k, v):
    k = _to_camel_case(k)
    if k not in BASE:
        raise ValueError('Invalid url parameter passed: {}'.format(k))
    return k, ','.join(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else v

def tournamentfilter(k, v):
    valid = (
        '1k', 'open', 'full', 'inprep', 'joinable'
    valid += BASE
    k = _to_camel_case(k)
    if k not in valid:
        raise ValueError('Invalid url parameter passed: {}'.format(k))
    return k, ','.join(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else v

def crtag(tag):
    tag = tag.strip('#').upper().replace('O', '0')
    allowed = '0289PYLQGRJCUV'
    bad = []
    for c in tag:
        if c not in allowed:
    if bad:
        raise ValueError('Invalid tag characters passed: {}'.format(', '.join(bad)))
    if len(tag[3:]) < 3:
        raise ValueError('Tag ({}) too short, length {}, expected 3'.format(tag[3:], len(tag[3:])))
    return tag

first_cap_re = re.compile('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)')
all_cap_re = re.compile('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])')

def _to_snake_case(name):
    s1 = first_cap_re.sub(r'\1_\2', name)
    return all_cap_re.sub(r'\1_\2', s1).lower()

def _to_camel_case(snake):
    parts = snake.split('_')
    return parts[0] + "".join(x.title() for x in parts[1:])

class API:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.BASE = url
        self.PLAYER = self.BASE + '/player'
        self.CLAN = self.BASE + '/clan'
        self.TOURNAMENT = self.BASE + '/tournaments'
        self.TOP = self.BASE + '/top'
        self.POPULAR = self.BASE + '/popular'
        self.CONSTANTS = self.BASE + '/constants'
        self.ENDPOINTS = self.BASE + '/endpoints'
        self.VERSION = self.BASE + '/version'

class SqliteDict(MutableMapping):
    def __init__(self, filename, table_name='data', fast_save=False, **options):
        self.filename = filename
        self.table_name = table_name
        self.fast_save = fast_save
        self.can_commit = True
        self._bulk_commit = False
        self._pending_connection = None
        self._lock = threading.RLock()
        with self.connection() as con:
            con.execute("create table if not exists `%s` (key PRIMARY KEY, value)" % self.table_name)

    def connection(self, commit_on_success=False):
        with self._lock:
            if self._bulk_commit:
                if self._pending_connection is None:
                    self._pending_connection = sqlite.connect(self.filename)
                con = self._pending_connection
                con = sqlite.connect(self.filename)
                if self.fast_save:
                    con.execute("PRAGMA synchronous = 0;")
                yield con
                if commit_on_success and self.can_commit:
                if not self._bulk_commit:

    def commit(self, force=False):
        if force or self.can_commit:
            if self._pending_connection is not None:

    def bulk_commit(self):
        self._bulk_commit = True
        self.can_commit = False
            self._bulk_commit = False
            self.can_commit = True
            if self._pending_connection is not None:
                self._pending_connection = None

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        with self.connection() as con:
            row = con.execute("select value from `%s` where key=?" %
                              self.table_name, (key,)).fetchone()
            if not row:
                raise KeyError
            return pickle.loads(row[0])

    def __setitem__(self, key, item):
        with self.connection(True) as con:
            con.execute("insert or replace into `%s` (key,value) values (?,?)" %
                        self.table_name, (key, pickle.dumps(item)))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        with self.connection(True) as con:
            cur = con.execute("delete from `%s` where key=?" %
                              self.table_name, (key,))
            if not cur.rowcount:
                raise KeyError

    def __iter__(self):
        with self.connection() as con:
            for row in con.execute("select key from `%s`" % self.table_name):
                yield row[0]

    def __len__(self):
        with self.connection() as con:
            return con.execute("select count(key) from `%s`" %

    def clear(self):
        with self.connection(True) as con:
            con.execute("drop table `%s`" % self.table_name)
            con.execute("create table `%s` (key PRIMARY KEY, value)" %

    def __str__(self):
        return str(dict(self.items()))