import pytest

from pyungo.core import Graph, PyungoError
from import Input, Output

def test_simple():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    @graph.register(inputs=["d", "a"], outputs=["e"])
    def f_my_function3(d, a):
        return d - a

    @graph.register(inputs=["c"], outputs=["d"])
    def f_my_function2(c):
        return c / 10.0

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == -1.5
    assert["e"] == -1.5

    # make sure it is indepodent
    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == -1.5
    assert["e"] == -1.5

def test_simple_without_decorator():
    graph = Graph()

    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    def f_my_function3(d, a):
        return d - a

    def f_my_function2(c):
        return c / 10.0

    graph.add_node(f_my_function, inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function3, inputs=["d", "a"], outputs=["e"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function2, inputs=["c"], outputs=["d"])

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert res == -1.5
    assert["e"] == -1.5

def test_simple_parallel():
    """ TODO: We could mock and make sure things are called correctly """

    graph = Graph(parallel=True)

    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    def f_my_function3(d, a):
        return d - a

    def f_my_function2(c):
        return c / 10.0

    graph.add_node(f_my_function, inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function3, inputs=["d", "a"], outputs=["e"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function2, inputs=["c"], outputs=["d"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function2, inputs=["c"], outputs=["f"])
    graph.add_node(f_my_function2, inputs=["c"], outputs=["g"])

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert res == -1.5

def test_multiple_outputs():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c", "d"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b, 2 * b

    @graph.register(inputs=["c", "d"], outputs=["e"])
    def f_my_function2(c, d):
        return c + d

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert res == 11
    assert["e"] == 11

def test_same_output_names():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:

        @graph.register(inputs=["c"], outputs=["c"])
        def f_my_function2(c):
            return c / 10

    assert "c output already exist" in str(err.value)

def test_missing_input():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:
        graph.calculate(data={"a": 6})

    assert "The following inputs are needed: ['b']" in str(err.value)

def test_inputs_not_used():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:
        graph.calculate(data={"a": 6, "b": 4, "e": 7})

    assert "The following inputs are not used by the model: ['e']" in str(err.value)

def test_inputs_collision():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:
        graph.calculate(data={"a": 6, "b": 4, "c": 7})

    assert "The following inputs are already used in the model: ['c']" in str(err.value)

def test_circular_dependency():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b", "d"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    @graph.register(inputs=["c"], outputs=["d"])
    def f_my_function2(c):
        return c / 2.0

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:
        graph.calculate(data={"a": 6, "b": 4})

    assert "A cyclic dependency exists amongst" in str(err.value)

def test_iterable_on_single_output():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return list(range(a)) + [b]

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert res == [0, 1, 3]
    assert["c"] == [0, 1, 3]

def test_multiple_outputs_with_iterable():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c", "d"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return list(range(a)) + [b], b * 10

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert isinstance(res, tuple) is True
    assert["c"] == [0, 1, 3]
    assert["d"] == 30
    assert res[0] == [0, 1, 3]
    assert res[1] == 30

def test_args_kwargs():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], args=["c"], kwargs=["d"], outputs=["e"])
    def f_my_function(a, b, *args, **kwargs):
        return a + b + args[0] + kwargs["d"]

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3, "c": 4, "d": 5})

    assert res == 14
    assert["e"] == 14

def test_dag_pretty_print():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    @graph.register(inputs=["d", "a"], outputs=["e"])
    def f_my_function3(d, a):
        return d - a

    @graph.register(inputs=["c"], outputs=["d"])
    def f_my_function2(c):
        return c / 10.0

    expected = ["f_my_function", "f_my_function2", "f_my_function3"]
    dag = graph.dag
    for i, fct_name in enumerate(expected):
        assert dag[i][0].fct_name == fct_name

def test_passing_data_to_node_definition():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", {"b": 2}], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 5})
    assert res == 7

def test_wrong_input_type():
    graph = Graph()

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:

        @graph.register(inputs=["a", {"b"}], outputs=["c"])
        def f_my_function(a, b):
            return a + b

    assert "inputs need to be of type Input, str or dict" in str(err.value)

def test_empty_input_dict():
    graph = Graph()

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:

        @graph.register(inputs=["a", {}], outputs=["c"])
        def f_my_function(a, b):
            return a + b

    assert "dict inputs should have only one key and cannot be empty" in str(err.value)

def test_multiple_keys_input_dict():
    graph = Graph()

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:

        @graph.register(inputs=["a", {"b": 1, "c": 2}], outputs=["c"])
        def f_my_function(a, b):
            return a + b

    assert "dict inputs should have only one key and cannot be empty" in str(err.value)

def test_Input_type_input():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=[Input(name="a"), "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})

    assert res == 5

def test_contract_inputs():
    from contracts import ContractNotRespected

    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=[Input(name="a", contract="int,>0"), "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == 5
    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == 5

    with pytest.raises(ContractNotRespected) as err:
        res = graph.calculate(data={"a": -2, "b": 3})

    assert "Condition -2 > 0 not respected" in str(err.value)

def test_contract_outputs():
    from contracts import ContractNotRespected

    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=[Output("c", contract="int,>0")])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == 5

    with pytest.raises(ContractNotRespected) as err:
        res = graph.calculate(data={"a": -4, "b": 3})

    assert "Condition -1 > 0 not respected" in str(err.value)

def test_provide_inputs_outputs():
    inputs = [Input("a"), Input("b")]
    outputs = [Output("c")]

    graph = Graph(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 2, "b": 3})
    assert res == 5

def test_provide_inputs_outputs_already_defined():
    inputs = [Input("a"), Input("b")]
    outputs = [Output("c")]

    graph = Graph(inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:

        @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=[Output("c")])
        def f_my_function(a, b):
            return a + b

    msg = "You cannot use Input / Output in a Node if already defined"
    assert msg in str(err.value)

def test_map():
    graph = Graph()

        inputs=[Input("a", map="q"), Input("b", map="w")],
        outputs=[Output("c", map="e")],
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"q": 2, "w": 3})
    assert res == 5
    assert["e"] == 5

def test_schema():
    from jsonschema import ValidationError

    schema = {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {"a": {"type": "number"}, "b": {"type": "number"}},

    graph = Graph(schema=schema)

    @graph.register(inputs=["a", "b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f_my_function(a, b):
        return a + b

    with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as err:
        graph.calculate(data={"a": 1, "b": "2"})

    msg = "'2' is not of type 'number'"
    assert msg in str(err.value)

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 1, "b": 2})
    assert res == 3

def test_optional_kwargs():
    graph = Graph()

    @graph.register(inputs=["a"], kwargs=["b"], outputs=["c"])
    def f(a, b=2):
        return a + b

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 1})

    assert res == 3
    assert["c"] == 3

def test_no_explicit_inputs_outputs_simple():
    graph = Graph()

    def f(a, b):
        c = a + b
        return c

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 1, "b": 2})

    assert res == 3
    assert["c"] == 3

def test_no_explicit_inputs_outputs_tuple():
    graph = Graph()

    def f(a, b, c, d):
        e = a + b
        f = c - d
        return e, f

    res = graph.calculate(data={"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4})

    assert res == (3, -1)
    assert["e"] == 3
    assert["f"] == -1

def test_no_explicit_inputs_outputs_bad_return():
    graph = Graph()

    with pytest.raises(PyungoError) as err:

        def f(a, b):
            return a + b

    expected = "Variable name or Tuple of variable " "names are expected, got BinOp"
    assert str(err.value) == expected

def test_no_deepcopy_doesnt_copy():
    graph = Graph(do_deepcopy=False)

    def f(c, e):
        c["a"] += 1
        f = c["a"] + e
        return f

    d = {"a": 1}
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 4
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 5

def test_no_side_effects_if_deepcopy_enabled():
    graph = Graph(do_deepcopy=True)

    def f(c, e):
        c["a"] += 1
        f = c["a"] + e
        return f

    d = {"a": 1}
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 4
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 4

def test_no_side_effects_if_deepcopy_is_left_at_default():
    graph = Graph()

    def f(c, e):
        c["a"] += 1
        f = c["a"] + e
        return f

    d = {"a": 1}
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 4
    res = graph.calculate(data={"c": d, "e": 2})
    assert res == 4