from collections import OrderedDict

def escape_assertion(s):
    """escapes the dots in the assertion, because the expression evaluation doesn't support such variable names."""

    s = s.replace("r.", "r_")
    s = s.replace("p.", "p_")

    return s

def remove_comments(s):
    """removes the comments starting with # in the text."""

    pos = s.find("#")
    if pos == -1:
        return s

    return s[0:pos].strip()

def array_remove_duplicates(s):
    """removes any duplicated elements in a string array."""
    return list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(s))

def array_to_string(s):
    """gets a printable string for a string array."""

    return ", ".join(s)

def params_to_string(*s):
    """gets a printable string for variable number of parameters."""

    return ", ".join(s)

def join_slice(a, *b):
    ''' joins a string and a slice into a new slice.'''
    res = [a]


    return res

def set_subtract(a, b):
    ''' returns the elements in `a` that aren't in `b`. '''
    mb = dict()

    for x in b:
        mb[x] = True

    diff = list()
    for x in a:
        if x not in mb:

    return diff