# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from textwrap import dedent
from io import StringIO
import unittest
import doctest
from os.path import dirname
from pkg_resources import get_distribution

examples = {
    '/tmp/html4.js': dedent("""
    var bold = function(s) {
        return '<b>' + s + '</b>';

    var italics = function(s) {
        return '<i>' + s + '</i>';
    '/tmp/legacy.js': dedent("""
    var marquee = function(s) {
        return '<marquee>' + s + '</marquee>';

    var blink = function(s) {
        return '<blink>' + s + '</blink>';

def make_suite():  # pragma: no cover
    from calmjs.parse.lexers import es5 as es5lexer
    from calmjs.parse import walkers
    from calmjs.parse import sourcemap

    def open(p, flag='r'):
        result = StringIO(examples[p] if flag == 'r' else '')
        result.name = p
        return result

    parser = doctest.DocTestParser()
    optflags = doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.ELLIPSIS

    dist = get_distribution('calmjs.parse')
    if dist:
        if dist.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'):
            pkgdesc = dist.get_metadata('PKG-INFO').replace('\r', '')
        elif dist.has_metadata('METADATA'):
            pkgdesc = dist.get_metadata('METADATA').replace('\r', '')
            pkgdesc = ''
    pkgdesc_tests = [
        t for t in parser.parse(pkgdesc) if isinstance(t, doctest.Example)]

    test_loader = unittest.TestLoader()
    test_suite = test_loader.discover(
        'calmjs.parse.tests', pattern='test_*.py',
    test_suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(es5lexer, optionflags=optflags))
    test_suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(walkers, optionflags=optflags))
    test_suite.addTest(doctest.DocTestSuite(sourcemap, optionflags=optflags))
        # skipping all the error case tests which should all be in the
        # troubleshooting section at the end; bump the index whenever
        # more failure examples are added.
        # also note that line number is unknown, as PKG_INFO has headers
        # and also the counter is somehow inaccurate in this case.
        doctest.DocTest(pkgdesc_tests[:-1], {
            'open': open}, 'PKG_INFO', 'README.rst', None, pkgdesc),

    return test_suite