# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The calmjs runtime collection

from __future__ import absolute_import

import warnings
import logging
import re
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
from argparse import Action
from argparse import SUPPRESS
from inspect import currentframe
from os.path import exists

from pkg_resources import working_set as default_working_set

from calmjs.argparse import ArgumentParser
from calmjs.argparse import StoreRequirementList
from calmjs.argparse import StoreDelimitedList
from calmjs.argparse import Version
from calmjs.argparse import ATTR_INFO
from calmjs.argparse import ATTR_ROOT_PKG
from calmjs.argparse import metavar
from calmjs.artifact import ArtifactBuilder
from calmjs.artifact import ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME
from calmjs.exc import RuntimeAbort
from calmjs.toolchain import Spec
from calmjs.toolchain import ToolchainCancel
from calmjs.toolchain import ADVICE_PACKAGES
from calmjs.toolchain import AFTER_PREPARE
from calmjs.toolchain import BUILD_DIR
from calmjs.toolchain import CALMJS_MODULE_REGISTRY_NAMES
from calmjs.toolchain import CALMJS_LOADERPLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME
from calmjs.toolchain import DEBUG
from calmjs.toolchain import EXPORT_TARGET
from calmjs.toolchain import EXPORT_TARGET_OVERWRITE
from calmjs.toolchain import SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAMES
from calmjs.toolchain import WORKING_DIR
from calmjs.ui import prompt_overwrite_json
from calmjs.ui import prompt
from calmjs.utils import pretty_logging
from calmjs.utils import pdb_post_mortem

CALMJS = 'calmjs'
CALMJS_RUNTIME = 'calmjs.runtime'
CALMJS_RUNTIME_ARTIFACT = 'calmjs.runtime.artifact'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEST_ACTION = 'action'
DEST_RUNTIME = 'runtime'

levels = {
    -2: logging.CRITICAL,
    -1: logging.ERROR,
    0: logging.WARNING,
    1: logging.INFO,
    2: logging.DEBUG,

valid_command_name = re.compile('^[0-9a-zA-Z]*$')
_global_runtime_attrs = {}

ArgumentParserDetails = namedtuple('ArgumentParserDetails', [
    'subparsers', 'runtimes', 'entry_points'])

def _global_runtime_attrs_get(key):
    result = _global_runtime_attrs.get(key)
    if isinstance(result, int):
        return result
    # should probably log this, however due to certain checking in place
    # this message may end up being swallowed.
    return 0

def _reset_global_runtime_attrs():
        'debug': 0,
        'log_level': 0,
        'bootstrap_log_level': -1,
        'verbosity': 0,


def _initialize_global_runtime_attrs(**kwargs):
    debug = kwargs.pop('debug')
    verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose')
    quiet = kwargs.pop('quiet')
    verbosity = min(max(verbose - quiet, -2), 2)
    log_level = levels.get(verbosity)
    bootstrap_log_level = levels.get(min(max(verbose - quiet - 1, -2), 2))
        'debug': debug,
        'log_level': log_level,
        'bootstrap_log_level': bootstrap_log_level,
        'verbosity': verbosity,

def norm_args(args):
    return sys.argv[1:] if args is None else (args or [])

def disable_post_mortem(*a, **kw):
    if a and isinstance(a[0], BootstrapRuntime):
            "instances of '%s.%s' has disabled post_mortem debugger",
            a[0].__class__.__module__, a[0].__class__.__name__,

enable_post_mortem = staticmethod(pdb_post_mortem)

class BootstrapRuntime(object):
    calmjs bootstrap runtime.

    def __init__(self, prog=None):
        self.prog = prog
        self.__argparser = None

    def argparser(self):
        For setting up the argparser for this instance.

        if self.__argparser is None:
            self.__argparser = self.argparser_factory()
        return self.__argparser

    def argparser_factory(self):
        Produces argparser for this type of Runtime.

        return ArgumentParser(
            prog=self.prog, description=self.__doc__, add_help=False,

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        self.global_opts = argparser.add_argument_group('global options')
            '-d', '--debug', action='count', default=0,
            help="show traceback on error; twice for post_mortem '--debugger' "
                 "when execution cannot continue")
            '--debugger', action='store_const', const=2, dest='debug',
            '-q', '--quiet', action='count', default=0,
            help="be more quiet")
            '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
            help="be more verbose")

    def prepare_keywords(self, kwargs):

    # should be able to not duplicate all these property definitions
    def debug(self):
        return _global_runtime_attrs_get('debug')

    def log_level(self):
        return _global_runtime_attrs_get('log_level')

    def bootstrap_log_level(self):
        return _global_runtime_attrs_get('bootstrap_log_level')

    def verbosity(self):
        return _global_runtime_attrs_get('verbosity')

    def run(self, argparser=None, **kwargs):

    def __call__(self, args):
        parsed, extras = self.argparser.parse_known_args(args)
        kwargs = vars(parsed)
        self.run(argparser=self.argparser, **kwargs)
        return extras

class BaseRuntime(BootstrapRuntime):
    calmjs runtime collection

    post_mortem = disable_post_mortem

    def __init__(
            self, logger='calmjs', action_key=DEST_RUNTIME,
            working_set=default_working_set, package_name=None,
            description=None, *a, **kw):
        Keyword Arguments:

            The logger to enable for pretty logging.

            Default: the calmjs root logger

            The destination key where the command will be stored.  Under
            this key the target driver runtime will be stored, and it
            will be popped off first before passing rest of kwargs to

            The working_set to use for this instance.

            Default: pkg_resources.working_set

            The package name that this instance of runtime is for.  Used
            for the version flag.

            The description for this runtime.

        self.logger = logger
        self.action_key = action_key
        self.working_set = working_set
        self.description = description or self.__doc__
        self.package_name = package_name
        super(BaseRuntime, self).__init__(*a, **kw)

    def argparser_factory(self):
        argparser = ArgumentParser(
            prog=self.prog, description=self.description,
        setattr(argparser, ATTR_ROOT_PKG, self.package_name)
        return argparser

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        super(BaseRuntime, self).init_argparser(argparser)
            '-V', '--version', action=Version, default=0,
            help="print version information")

    def run(self, argparser=None, **kwargs):
        Subclasses should have their own running method.

    def error(self, argparser, target, message):
        This is needed due to how the argparser may fail at deriving the
        correct subcommand to include.  Although this BaseRuntime does
        not implement this functionality, this method is reserved for
        subclasses to handle that.


    def unrecognized_arguments_error(self, args, parsed, extras):
        This exists because argparser is dumb and naive and doesn't
        fail unrecognized arguments early.

        # loop variants
        kwargs = vars(parsed)
        failed = list(extras)
        # initial values
        runtime, subparser, idx = (self, self.argparser, 0)
        # recursion not actually needed when it can be flattened.
        while isinstance(runtime, Runtime):
            cmd = kwargs.pop(runtime.action_key)
            # can happen if it wasn't set, or is set but from a default
            # value (thus not provided by args)
            action_idx = None if cmd not in args else args.index(cmd)
            if cmd not in args and cmd is not None:
                # this normally shouldn't happen, and the test case
                # showed that the parsing will not flip down to the
                # forced default subparser - this can remain a debug
                # message until otherwise.
                    "command for prog=%r is set to %r without being specified "
                    "as part of the input arguments - the following error "
                    "message may contain misleading references",
                    subparser.prog, cmd
            subargs = args[idx:action_idx]
            subparsed, subextras = subparser.parse_known_args(subargs)
            if subextras:
                # since the failed arguments are in order
                failed = failed[len(subextras):]
                if not failed:
                    # have taken everything, quit now.
                    # also note that if cmd was really None it would
                    # cause KeyError below, but fortunately it also
                    # forced action_idx to be None which took all
                    # remaining tokens from failed, so definitely get
                    # out of here.

            # advance the values
            # note that any internal consistency will almost certainly
            # result in KeyError being raised.
            details = runtime.get_argparser_details(subparser)
            runtime = details.runtimes[cmd]
            subparser = details.subparsers[cmd]
            idx = action_idx + 1

        if failed:

    def __call__(self, args=None):
        args = norm_args(args)
        # MUST use the bootstrap runtime class to process all the common
        # flags as inconsistent handling of these between different
        # versions of Python make this extremely annoying.
        # For a simple minimum demonstration, see:
        # https://gist.github.com/metatoaster/16bb6046d6363682b4c4497518436fc5

        # While we would love to do this:
        # args = BootstrapRuntime.__call__(self, args)
        # It doesn't work, because we will NOT be using the argparser
        # definition created by BootstrapRuntime... so we need to do it
        # the long way.
        bootstrap = BootstrapRuntime()
        # Also, remember that we need to strip off all the args that
        # the bootstrap knows, only process any leftovers.
        args = bootstrap(args)

        # NOT using parse_args directly because argparser is dumb when
        # it comes to bad keywords in a subparser - it doesn't invoke
        # its help text.  Nor does it keep track of what or where the
        # extra arguments actually came from.  So we are going to do
        # this manually so the users don't get confused.
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as records:
            # Technically, catch_warnings should have set up the
            # internals correctly to not generate stderr entries and log
            # everything, but for Python 2.7/<3.3 it doesn't quite work
            # that way, and also this may cause issues with some
            # versions of pypy... nothing can be done about that, except
            # keep this workaround simplefilter here to ensure it stays
            # working for most verions of Python.  Also note that this
            # same issue applies for the main function.
            parsed, extras = self.argparser.parse_known_args(args)

        with pretty_logging(
                logger=self.logger, level=self.log_level, stream=sys.stderr):
            # now that we have a logging scope, generate the logs.
            for record in records:

                if extras:
                    self.unrecognized_arguments_error(args, parsed, extras)
                kwargs = vars(parsed)
                return self.run(argparser=self.argparser, **kwargs)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                logger.critical('termination requested; aborted.')
            except Exception as e:
                if isinstance(e, RuntimeAbort):
                    reason = 'expected unrecoverable condition'
                    reason = 'unexpected error'

                if self.debug:
                    # ensure debug is handled completely
                        'terminating due to %s', reason, exc_info=1)
                    if self.debug > 1:
                elif isinstance(e, RuntimeAbort):
                    logger.critical('terminating due to %s', reason)
                elif not self.debug:
                        '%s: %s', type(e).__name__, e)
                        'terminating due to %s; for '
                        'details please refer to previous log entries, or by '
                        'retrying with more verbosity (-v) and/or enable '
                        'debug/traceback output (-d)', reason
            return False

class Runtime(BaseRuntime):
    The main root runtime class.

    def __init__(self, entry_point_group=CALMJS_RUNTIME, *a, **kw):
        The init method takes an additional argument.

            The group of entry points that should be checked.
            default: calmjs.runtime

        self.entry_point_group = entry_point_group
        self.argparser_details = {}
        # BBB compatibility
        self.ArgumentParserDetails = ArgumentParserDetails
        super(Runtime, self).__init__(*a, **kw)

    def log_debug_error(self, *a, **kw):
        f = logger.exception if self.debug else logger.error
        f(*a, **kw)

    def entry_point_load_validated(self, entry_point):
            # load the runtime instance
            inst = entry_point.load()
        except Exception as e:
                "bad '%s' entry point '%s' from '%s': %s: %s",
                self.entry_point_group, entry_point, entry_point.dist,
                e.__class__.__name__, e,
            return None

        if not valid_command_name.match(entry_point.name):
                "bad '%s' entry point '%s' from '%s': "
                "entry point name must be a latin alphanumeric string; "
                "not registering bad entry point",
                self.entry_point_group, entry_point, entry_point.dist,
            return None

        basecls = BaseRuntime
        if not isinstance(inst, basecls):
                "'%s' entry point '%s' from '%s' invalid for instance of "
                "'%s.%s': target not an instance of '%s.%s' or its subclass; "
                "not registering invalid entry point",
                self.entry_point_group, entry_point, entry_point.dist,
                self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__,
                basecls.__module__, basecls.__name__,
            return None

        if isinstance(self, type(inst)):
            # this avoids later recursion
                'invalidating entry_point %s from Runtime %r, as the instance '
                'made available at the entry_point must not be a sibling or '
                'lower.', entry_point, self,
            return None

        return inst

    def iter_entry_points(self):
        for entry_point in sorted(self.working_set.iter_entry_points(
                self.entry_point_group), key=lambda e: e.name):
            yield entry_point

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        This should not be called with an external argparser as it will
        corrupt tracking data if forced.

        def prepare_argparser():
            if argparser in self.argparser_details:
                return False
            result = self.argparser_details[argparser] = ArgumentParserDetails(
                {}, {}, {})
            return result

        def to_module_attr(ep):
            return '%s:%s' % (ep.module_name, '.'.join(ep.attrs))

        def register(name, runtime, entry_point):
            subparser = commands.add_parser(
                name, help=inst.description,
            # Have to specify this separately because otherwise the
            # subparser will not have a proper description when it is
            # invoked as the root.
            subparser.description = inst.description

            # Assign values for version reporting system
            setattr(subparser, ATTR_ROOT_PKG, getattr(
                argparser, ATTR_ROOT_PKG, self.package_name))
            subp_info = []
            subp_info.extend(getattr(argparser, ATTR_INFO, []))
            subp_info.append((subparser.prog, entry_point.dist))
            setattr(subparser, ATTR_INFO, subp_info)

                except RuntimeError as e:
                    # first attempt to filter out recursion errors; also if
                    # the stack frame isn't available the complaint about
                    # bad validation doesn't apply anyway.
                    frame = currentframe()
                    if (not frame or 'maximum recursion depth' not in str(

                    if (not isinstance(runtime, Runtime) or (type(
                            runtime).entry_point_load_validated.__code__ is
                        # welp, guess some other thing blew up then, or
                        # that the problem is definitely not caused by
                        # this runtime implementation.
                        # TODO figure out how to log this nicer via the
                        # self.log_debug_error without exploding the
                        # console like Megumin would have done.

                    # assume the overridden method didn't do everything
                    # correctly then; would be great if there is a way
                    # to ensure that our thing would have been called.
                    cls = type(runtime)
                        "Runtime subclass at entry_point '%s' has override "
                        "'entry_point_load_validated' without filtering out "
                        "its parent classes; this can be addressed by calling "
                        "super(%s.%s, self).entry_point_load_validated("
                        "entry_point) in its implementation, or simply don't "
                        "override that method to avoid infinite recursion.",
                        entry_point, cls.__module__, cls.__name__,
                    exc = RuntimeError(
                        "%r has an invalid 'entry_point_load_validated' "
                        "implementation: insufficient protection against "
                        "infinite recursion into self not provided" % runtime
                    # for Python 3 to not blow it up.
                    exc.__suppress_context__ = True
                    raise exc
            except Exception as e:
                    "cannot register entry_point '%s' from '%s' as a "
                    "subcommand to '%s': %s: %s",
                    entry_point, entry_point.dist, argparser.prog,
                    e.__class__.__name__, e
                # this is where naughty things happen: will be poking at
                # the parser internals to undo the damage that was done
                # first, pop the choices_actions as a help was provided
                # then pop the name that was mapped.
                # finally record the completely initialized subparser
                # into the structure here if successful.
                subparsers[name] = subparser
                runtimes[name] = runtime
                entry_points[name] = entry_point

        details = prepare_argparser()
        if not details:
                'argparser %r has already been initialized against runner %r',
                argparser, self,
        subparsers, runtimes, entry_points = details

        super(Runtime, self).init_argparser(argparser)

        commands = argparser.add_subparsers(
            dest=self.action_key, metavar='<command>')
        # Python 3.7 has required set to True, which is correct in most
        # cases but this disables the manual handling for cases where a
        # command was not provided; also this generates a useless error
        # message that simply states "<command> is required" and forces
        # the program to exit.  As the goal of this suite of classes is
        # to act as a helpful CLI front end, force required to be False
        # to keep our manual handling and management of subcommands.
        # Setting this as a property for compatibility with Python<3.7,
        # as only in Python>=3.7 the add_subparsers can accept required
        # as an argument.
        commands.required = False

        for entry_point in self.iter_entry_points():
            inst = self.entry_point_load_validated(entry_point)
            if not inst:

            if entry_point.name in runtimes:
                reg_ep = entry_points[entry_point.name]
                reg_rt = runtimes[entry_point.name]

                if reg_rt is inst:
                    # this is fine, multiple packages declared the same
                    # thing with the same name.
                        "duplicated registration of command '%s' via entry "
                        "point '%s' ignored; registered '%s', confict '%s'",
                        entry_point.name, entry_point, reg_ep.dist,

                    "a calmjs runtime command named '%s' already registered.",
                logger.info("conflicting entry points are:")
                    "'%s' from '%s' (registered)", reg_ep, reg_ep.dist)
                    "'%s' from '%s' (conflict)", entry_point, entry_point.dist)
                # Fall back name should work if the class/instances are
                # stable.
                name = to_module_attr(entry_point)

                if name in runtimes:
                    # Maybe this is the third time this module is
                    # registered.  Test for its identity.
                    if runtimes[name] is not inst:
                        # Okay someone is having a fun time here mucking
                        # with data structures internal to here, likely
                        # (read hopefully) due to testing or random
                        # monkey patching (or module level reload).
                            "'%s' is already registered but points to a "
                            "completely different instance; please try again "
                            "with verbose logging and note which packages are "
                            "reported as conflicted; alternatively this is a "
                            "forced situation where this Runtime instance has "
                            "been used or initialized improperly.",
                            "fallback command '%s' is already registered.",

                    "falling back to using full instance path '%s' as command "
                    "name, also registering alias for registered command", name
                register(to_module_attr(reg_ep), reg_rt, reg_ep)
                name = entry_point.name

            register(name, inst, entry_point)

    def get_argparser_details(self, argparser):
        details = self.argparser_details.get(argparser)
        if details:
            return details
            'provided argparser (prog=%r) not associated with this '
            'runtime (%r)', argparser.prog, self

    def error(self, argparser, target, message):
        This was used as part of the original non-recursive lookup for
        the target parser.

            'Runtime.error is deprecated and will be removed by calmjs-4.0.0',
        details = self.get_argparser_details(argparser)
        argparser = details.subparsers[target] if details else self.argparser

    def run(self, argparser=None, **kwargs):
        details = self.get_argparser_details(argparser)
        if not details:
                'runtime cannot continue due to missing argparser details')
        action_key = kwargs.pop(self.action_key)
        runtime = details.runtimes.get(action_key)
        subparser = details.subparsers.get(action_key)
        if runtime:
            return runtime.run(argparser=subparser, **kwargs)
        return NotImplemented

class RequiredCommandRuntime(Runtime):
    Identical to the Runtime, except for the case when a missing command
    is encountered, the result is defined to be False.

    def run(self, argparser=None, **kwargs):
        result = super(RequiredCommandRuntime, self).run(argparser, **kwargs)
        if result is NotImplemented:
            return False
        return result

class CalmJSRuntime(RequiredCommandRuntime):

    post_mortem = enable_post_mortem

    def __init__(self, package_name=CALMJS, *a, **kw):
        The main CalmJS runtime

        package_name is provided a default of 'calmjs'.

        super(CalmJSRuntime, self).__init__(
            package_name=package_name, *a, **kw)

class DriverRuntime(BaseRuntime):
    runtime for driver

    def __init__(self, cli_driver, action_key=DEST_ACTION, *a, **kw):
        self.cli_driver = cli_driver
        super(DriverRuntime, self).__init__(action_key=action_key, *a, **kw)

class ToolchainRuntime(DriverRuntime):
    Specialized runtime for toolchain.

    def toolchain(self):
        # mostly serving as an alias
        return self.cli_driver

    def init_argparser_export_target(
            self, argparser,
            help='the export target',
        Subclass could override this by providing alternative keyword
        arguments and call this as its super.  It should not reimplement
        this completely.  Example:

        def init_argparser_export_target(self, argparser):
            super(MyToolchainRuntime, self).init_argparser_export_target(
                argparser, default='my_default.js',
                help="the export target, default is 'my_default.js'",

        Note that the above example will prevent its subclasses from
        directly using the definition of that class, but they _can_
        simply call the exact same super, or invoke ToolchainRuntime's
        init_argparser_* method directly.


            The default export target.
            The help text.

            '-w', '--overwrite', dest=EXPORT_TARGET_OVERWRITE,
            help='overwrite the export target without any confirmation',

            '--export-target', dest=EXPORT_TARGET,

    def init_argparser_working_dir(
            self, argparser,
                'the working directory; %(explanation)s'
                'default is current working directory (%(cwd)s)'),
        Subclass could an extra expanation on how this is used.


            Explanation text for the default help template
            A standard help message for this option.

        cwd = self.toolchain.join_cwd()
            '--working-dir', dest=WORKING_DIR,
            help=help_template % {'explanation': explanation, 'cwd': cwd},

    def init_argparser_build_dir(
            self, argparser, help=(
                'the build directory, where all sources will be copied to '
                'as part of the build process; if left unspecified, the '
                'default behavior is to create a new temporary directory '
                'that will be removed upon conclusion of the build; if '
                'specified, it must be an existing directory and all files '
                'for the build will be copied there instead, overwriting any '
                'existing file, with no cleanup done after.'
        For setting up build directory

            '--build-dir', default=None, dest=BUILD_DIR,
            metavar=metavar(BUILD_DIR), help=help,

    def init_argparser_optional_advice(
            self, argparser, default=[], help=(
                'a comma separated list of packages to retrieve optional '
                'advice from; the provided packages should have registered '
                'the appropriate entry points for setting up the advices for '
                'the toolchain; refer to documentation for the specified '
                'packages for details'
        For setting up optional advice.

            '--optional-advice', default=default, required=False,
            dest=ADVICE_PACKAGES, action=StoreRequirementList,

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        Other runtimes (or users of ArgumentParser) can pass their
        subparser into here to collect the arguments here for a

        super(ToolchainRuntime, self).init_argparser(argparser)

        # it is possible for subclasses to fully override this, but if
        # they are using this as the runtime to drive the toolchain they
        # should be prepared to follow the layout, but if they omit them
        # it should only result in the spec omitting these arguments.

    def check_export_target_exists(self, spec):
        # to ensure the key is really available.
        export_target = spec.get(EXPORT_TARGET)

        if not export_target:
                "spec missing key 'export_target'; no destination check will "
                "be done"
        if not exists(export_target):

        if spec.get(EXPORT_TARGET_OVERWRITE):
                "export target location '%(export_target)s' already exists; "
                "it may be overwritten as the overwrite flag is specified.",
                {'export_target': export_target},

        overwrite = prompt(
            u"export target '%(export_target)s' already exists, overwrite?" %
            {'export_target': export_target},
                (u'Yes', True),
                (u'No', False),
        if not overwrite:
            raise ToolchainCancel('cancellation initiated by user')

    def prepare_spec_debug_flag(self, spec, **kwargs):
        spec[DEBUG] = self.debug

    def prepare_spec_export_target_checks(self, spec, **kwargs):
        spec.advise(AFTER_PREPARE, self.check_export_target_exists, spec)

    def prepare_spec_advice_packages(self, spec, **kwargs):
        spec[ADVICE_PACKAGES] = kwargs.get(ADVICE_PACKAGES, [])
        if spec[ADVICE_PACKAGES]:
                'sourcing optional advices from packages %r as specified',

    def prepare_spec(self, spec, **kwargs):
        Prepare a spec for usage with the generic ToolchainRuntime.

        Subclasses should avoid overriding this; override create_spec

        self.prepare_spec_debug_flag(spec, **kwargs)
        self.prepare_spec_export_target_checks(spec, **kwargs)
        self.prepare_spec_advice_packages(spec, **kwargs)

    def create_spec(self, **kwargs):
        Subclasses should override this if they take actual parameters.
        It must produce a ``Spec`` from the given keyword arguments.

        return Spec(**kwargs)

    def kwargs_to_spec(self, **kwargs):
        Turn the provided kwargs into arguments ready for toolchain.

        spec = self.create_spec(**kwargs)
        self.prepare_spec(spec, **kwargs)
        return spec

    def run(self, argparser=None, **kwargs):
        spec = self.kwargs_to_spec(**kwargs)
        return spec

class ArtifactRuntime(RequiredCommandRuntime):
    helpers for the management of artifacts

    # This groups all the main artifact helpers together.

    def __init__(
            self, entry_point_group=CALMJS_RUNTIME_ARTIFACT,
            action_key='artifact_runtime', *a, **kw):
        super(ArtifactRuntime, self).__init__(
            *a, **kw

class BaseArtifactRegistryRuntime(BaseRuntime):
    The base artifact registry runtime.

    # TODO rename this to the BaseArtifactBuilderRuntime

    def __init__(self, registry_name=ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_NAME, *a, **kw):
        self.registry_name = registry_name
        self.builder = ArtifactBuilder(registry_name=registry_name)
        super(BaseArtifactRegistryRuntime, self).__init__(*a, **kw)

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        super(BaseArtifactRegistryRuntime, self).init_argparser(argparser)

    def init_argparser_package_names(self, argparser, help=(
                'names of the python package to generate artifacts for; '
                'note that the metadata directory for the specified '
                'packages must be writable')):
        Default helper for setting up the package_names option.

        This is separate so that subclasses are not assumed for the
        purposes of artifact creation; they should consider modifying
        the default help message to reflect the fact.

            'package_names', metavar=metavar('package'), nargs='+', help=help)

    def run(self, argparser=None, package_names=[], *a, **kwargs):
        return self.builder(package_names)

class ArtifactBuildRuntime(BaseArtifactRegistryRuntime):
    build artifacts declared by package

class SourcePackageToolchainRuntime(ToolchainRuntime):
    Include the argument parser setup using the standardized keywords
    and flag names for specifying the source registry and package names
    via the command line.

    def init_argparser_source_registry(
            self, argparser, default=None, help=(
                'comma separated list of registries to use for gathering '
                'JavaScript sources from the given Python packages'
        For setting up the source registry flag.

            '--source-registry', default=default,
            dest=CALMJS_MODULE_REGISTRY_NAMES, action=StoreDelimitedList,

            '--source-registries', default=default,
            dest=CALMJS_MODULE_REGISTRY_NAMES, action=StoreDelimitedList,

    def init_argparser_loaderplugin_registry(
            self, argparser, default=None, help=(
                'the name of the registry to use for the handling of loader '
                'plugins that may be loaded from the given Python packages'
        Default helper for setting up the loaderplugin registries flags.

        Note that this is NOT part of the init_argparser due to
        implementation specific requirements.  Subclasses should
        consider modifying the default value help message to cater to the
        toolchain it encapsulates.

            '--loaderplugin-registry', default=default,
            dest=CALMJS_LOADERPLUGIN_REGISTRY_NAME, action='store',

    def init_argparser_package_names(
            self, argparser, help='names of the python packages to use'):
        Set up option for package names

            SOURCE_PACKAGE_NAMES, help=help,
            metavar=metavar('package'), nargs='+',

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        Other runtimes (or users of ArgumentParser) can pass their
        subparser into here to collect the arguments here for a

        super(SourcePackageToolchainRuntime, self).init_argparser(argparser)


class PackageManagerAction(Action):
    Package manager specific action

    def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, *a, **kw):
        super(PackageManagerAction, self).__init__(
            option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, nargs=0, *a, **kw)

    def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
        priority, f = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or (0, None)
        new_priority, f = self.const
        if new_priority > priority:
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.const)
        if new_priority == 1:
            # Yes this is _really_ magical, however this is the way to
            # set attributes the cli later needs through the argparser.
            setattr(namespace, 'stream', sys.stdout)

class PackageManagerRuntime(DriverRuntime):
    A calmjs package manager runtime

    _pkg_manager_options = (
        ('view', None,
         "generate '%(pkgdef_filename)s' for the specified Python package "
         "and write to stdout for viewing [default]"),
        ('init', None,
         "generate and write '%(pkgdef_filename)s' to the "
         "current directory for the specified Python package"),
        # This required implicit step is done, otherwise there are no
        # difference to running ``npm init`` directly from the shell.
        ('install', None,
         "run '%(pkg_manager_bin)s %(install_cmd)s' with generated "
         "'%(pkgdef_filename)s'; implies init; will abort if init fails "
         "to write the generated file"),
        # As far as I know typically setuptools setup.py are not
        # interactive, so we keep it that way unless user explicitly
        # want this.  Consequence is that the generic tool will do the
        # same.
        ('interactive', 'i',
         "enable interactive prompt; if an action requires an explicit "
         "response but none were specified through flags "
         "(i.e. overwrite), prompt for response; disabled by default"),
        ('merge', 'm',
         "merge generated '%(pkgdef_filename)s' with the one in current "
         "directory; if interactive mode is not enabled, implies "
         "overwrite, else the difference will be displayed"),
        ('overwrite', 'w',
         "automatically overwrite any file changes to current directory "
         "without prompting"),
        ('explicit', 'E',
         "explicit mode disables resolution for dependencies; only the "
         "specified Python package will be used."),
        ('production', 'P',
         "explicitly specify production mode for "
         "%(pkg_manager_bin)s %(install_cmd)s"),
        ('development', 'D',
         "explicitly specify development mode for "
         "%(pkg_manager_bin)s %(install_cmd)s"),

    def make_cli_options(self):
        return [
            (full, s, desc % {
                'install_cmd': self.cli_driver.install_cmd,
                'pkgdef_filename': self.cli_driver.pkgdef_filename,
                'pkg_manager_bin': self.cli_driver.pkg_manager_bin,
            }) for full, s, desc in self._pkg_manager_options

    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
        super(PackageManagerRuntime, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
        self.default_action = None
        self.pkg_manager_options = self.make_cli_options()

    def init_argparser(self, argparser):
        Other runtimes (or users of ArgumentParser) can pass their
        subparser into here to collect the arguments here for a

        super(PackageManagerRuntime, self).init_argparser(argparser)

        # Ideally, we could use more subparsers for each action (i.e.
        # init and install).  However, this is complicated by the fact
        # that setuptools has its own calling conventions through the
        # setup.py file, and to present a consistent cli to end-users
        # from both calmjs entry point and setuptools using effectively
        # the same codebase will require a bit of creative handling.

        # provide this for the setuptools command class.
        actions = argparser.add_argument_group('action arguments')
        count = 0

        for full, short, desc in self.pkg_manager_options:
            args = [
                dash + key
                for dash, key in zip(('-', '--'), (short, full))
                if key
            # default is singular, but for the argparsed version in our
            # runtime permits multiple packages.
            desc = desc.replace('Python package', 'Python package(s)')
            if not short:
                f = getattr(self.cli_driver, '%s_%s' % (
                    self.cli_driver.binary, full), None)
                if callable(f):
                    count += 1
                        *args, help=desc, action=PackageManagerAction,
                        dest=self.action_key, const=(count, f)
                    if self.default_action is None:
                        self.default_action = f
                    continue  # pragma: no cover
            argparser.add_argument(*args, help=desc, action='store_true')

            'package_names', metavar=metavar('package'), nargs='+',
            help="python packages to be used for the generation of '%s'" % (

    def run(self, argpaser=None, interactive=False, **kwargs):
        # Run the underlying package manager.  As the arguments in this
        # subparser is constructed in a way that maps directly with the
        # underlying actions, it can be invoked directly.
        raw = kwargs.pop(self.action_key)
        if raw:
            count, action = raw
            action = self.default_action
            kwargs['stream'] = sys.stdout
        if interactive:
            kwargs['callback'] = partial(
                prompt_overwrite_json, dumps=self.cli_driver.dumps)

        kwargs['production'] = True if kwargs.get('production') else None
        kwargs['development'] = True if kwargs.get('development') else None
        return action(**kwargs)

artifact = ArtifactRuntime()
artifact_build = ArtifactBuildRuntime()

def main(args=None, runtime_cls=CalmJSRuntime):
    bootstrap = BootstrapRuntime()
    # None to distinguish args from unspecified or specified as [], but
    # ultimately the value must be a list.
    args = norm_args(args)
    # Use the bootstrap runtime to set the global runtime attributes
    # (i.e. for logging and such).

    # all the minimum arguments acquired, bootstrap the execution.
    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as records:
        # Note that this is a workaround for some versions of Python.
        # The full details as to why is documented in the
        # BaseRuntime.__call__ implementation.
        # log down the construction of the bootstrap class.
        with pretty_logging(
                logger='', level=bootstrap.bootstrap_log_level,
            runtime = runtime_cls()
            # access the argparser property to trigger its construction
            # inside this logger context, so that any messages passed to
            # the logger will be correctly handled.

            # finally, ensure all captured records (thus far) are logged
            for record in records:
                    '%s triggered at %s:%s', record.category.__name__,
                    record.filename, record.lineno,

        # Running this outside of the logger, as the BaseRuntime will do
        # its logging.
        if runtime(args):