#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 Calico LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =========================================================================
from __future__ import print_function

from optparse import OptionParser
import json
import pickle
import os
from queue import Queue
import sys
from threading import Thread
import time

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pysam
import tensorflow as tf
if tf.__version__[0] == '1':

from basenji import seqnn
from basenji import stream
from basenji import vcf as bvcf


Compute SNP Activity Difference (SAD) scores for SNPs in a VCF file.

# main
def main():
  usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <params_file> <model_file> <vcf_file>'
  parser = OptionParser(usage)
  parser.add_option('--cpu', dest='cpu',
      default=False, action='store_true',
      help='Run without a GPU [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('-f', dest='genome_fasta',
      default='%s/data/hg19.fa' % os.environ['BASENJIDIR'],
      help='Genome FASTA for sequences [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('--local', dest='local',
      default=1024, type='int',
      help='Local SAD score [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('-n', dest='norm_file',
      help='Normalize SAD scores')
      help='Output directory for tables and plots [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('-p', dest='processes',
      default=None, type='int',
      help='Number of processes, passed by multi script')
  parser.add_option('--pseudo', dest='log_pseudo',
      default=1, type='float',
      help='Log2 pseudocount [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('--rc', dest='rc',
      default=False, action='store_true',
      help='Average forward and reverse complement predictions [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('--shifts', dest='shifts',
      default='0', type='str',
      help='Ensemble prediction shifts [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('--stats', dest='sad_stats',
      help='Comma-separated list of stats to save. [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('-t', dest='targets_file',
      default=None, type='str',
      help='File specifying target indexes and labels in table format')
  parser.add_option('--ti', dest='track_indexes',
      default=None, type='str',
      help='Comma-separated list of target indexes to output BigWig tracks')
  parser.add_option('--threads', dest='threads',
      default=False, action='store_true',
      help='Run CPU math and output in a separate thread [Default: %default]')
  parser.add_option('-u', dest='penultimate',
      default=False, action='store_true',
      help='Compute SED in the penultimate layer [Default: %default]')
  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

  if len(args) == 3:
    # single worker
    params_file = args[0]
    model_file = args[1]
    vcf_file = args[2]

  elif len(args) == 4:
    # multi separate
    options_pkl_file = args[0]
    params_file = args[1]
    model_file = args[2]
    vcf_file = args[3]

    # save out dir
    out_dir = options.out_dir

    # load options
    options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb')
    options = pickle.load(options_pkl)

    # update output directory
    options.out_dir = out_dir

  elif len(args) == 5:
    # multi worker
    options_pkl_file = args[0]
    params_file = args[1]
    model_file = args[2]
    vcf_file = args[3]
    worker_index = int(args[4])

    # load options
    options_pkl = open(options_pkl_file, 'rb')
    options = pickle.load(options_pkl)

    # update output directory
    options.out_dir = '%s/job%d' % (options.out_dir, worker_index)

    parser.error('Must provide parameters and model files and QTL VCF file')

  if not os.path.isdir(options.out_dir):

  if options.track_indexes is None:
    options.track_indexes = []
    options.track_indexes = [int(ti) for ti in options.track_indexes.split(',')]
    if not os.path.isdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir):
      os.mkdir('%s/tracks' % options.out_dir)

  options.shifts = [int(shift) for shift in options.shifts.split(',')]
  options.sad_stats = options.sad_stats.split(',')

  # read parameters and targets

  # read model parameters
  with open(params_file) as params_open:
    params = json.load(params_open)
  params_model = params['model']
  params_train = params['train']

  if options.targets_file is None:
    target_slice = None
    targets_df = pd.read_csv(options.targets_file, sep='\t', index_col=0)
    target_ids = targets_df.identifier
    target_labels = targets_df.description
    target_slice = targets_df.index

  if options.penultimate:
    parser.error('Not implemented for TF2')

  # setup model

  seqnn_model = seqnn.SeqNN(params_model)
  seqnn_model.build_ensemble(options.rc, options.shifts)

  num_targets = seqnn_model.num_targets()
  if options.targets_file is None:
    target_ids = ['t%d' % ti for ti in range(num_targets)]
    target_labels = ['']*len(target_ids)

  # load SNPs

  # filter for worker SNPs
  if options.processes is not None:
    # determine boundaries
    num_snps = bvcf.vcf_count(vcf_file)
    worker_bounds = np.linspace(0, num_snps, options.processes+1, dtype='int')

    # read SNPs form VCF
    snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file, start_i=worker_bounds[worker_index], end_i=worker_bounds[worker_index+1])

    # read SNPs form VCF
    snps = bvcf.vcf_snps(vcf_file)

  num_snps = len(snps)

  # open genome FASTA
  genome_open = pysam.Fastafile(options.genome_fasta)

  def snp_gen():
    for snp in snps:
      # get SNP sequences
      snp_1hot_list = bvcf.snp_seq1(snp, params_model['seq_length'], genome_open)
      for snp_1hot in snp_1hot_list:
        yield snp_1hot

  # setup output

  sad_out = initialize_output_h5(options.out_dir, options.sad_stats,
                                 snps, target_ids, target_labels)

  if options.threads:
    snp_threads = []
    snp_queue = Queue()
    for i in range(1):
      sw = SNPWorker(snp_queue, sad_out, options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo)

  # predict SNP scores, write output

  # initialize predictions stream
  preds_stream = stream.PredStreamGen(seqnn_model, snp_gen(), params['train']['batch_size'])

  # predictions index
  pi = 0

  for si in range(num_snps):
    # get predictions
    ref_preds = preds_stream[pi]
    pi += 1
    alt_preds = preds_stream[pi]
    pi += 1

    if options.threads:
      # queue SNP
      snp_queue.put((ref_preds, alt_preds, si))
      # process SNP
      write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, sad_out, si,
                options.sad_stats, options.log_pseudo)

  if options.threads:
    # finish queue
    print('Waiting for threads to finish.', flush=True)

  # close genome

  # compute SAD distributions across variants

  write_pct(sad_out, options.sad_stats)

def initialize_output_h5(out_dir, sad_stats, snps, target_ids, target_labels):
  """Initialize an output HDF5 file for SAD stats."""

  num_targets = len(target_ids)
  num_snps = len(snps)

  sad_out = h5py.File('%s/sad.h5' % out_dir, 'w')

  # write SNPs
  snp_ids = np.array([snp.rsid for snp in snps], 'S')
  sad_out.create_dataset('snp', data=snp_ids)

  # write SNP chr
  snp_chr = np.array([snp.chr for snp in snps], 'S')
  sad_out.create_dataset('chr', data=snp_chr)

  # write SNP pos
  snp_pos = np.array([snp.pos for snp in snps], dtype='uint32')
  sad_out.create_dataset('pos', data=snp_pos)

  # check flips
  snp_flips = [snp.flipped for snp in snps]

  # write SNP reference allele
  snp_refs = []
  snp_alts = []
  for snp in snps:
    if snp.flipped:
  snp_refs = np.array(snp_refs, 'S')
  snp_alts = np.array(snp_alts, 'S')
  sad_out.create_dataset('ref', data=snp_refs)
  sad_out.create_dataset('alt', data=snp_alts)

  # write targets
  sad_out.create_dataset('target_ids', data=np.array(target_ids, 'S'))
  sad_out.create_dataset('target_labels', data=np.array(target_labels, 'S'))

  # initialize SAD stats
  for sad_stat in sad_stats:
        shape=(num_snps, num_targets),

  return sad_out

def write_pct(sad_out, sad_stats):
  """Compute percentile values for each target and write to HDF5."""

  # define percentiles
  d_fine = 0.001
  d_coarse = 0.01
  percentiles_neg = np.arange(d_fine, 0.1, d_fine)
  percentiles_base = np.arange(0.1, 0.9, d_coarse)
  percentiles_pos = np.arange(0.9, 1, d_fine)

  percentiles = np.concatenate([percentiles_neg, percentiles_base, percentiles_pos])
  sad_out.create_dataset('percentiles', data=percentiles)
  pct_len = len(percentiles)

  for sad_stat in sad_stats:
    sad_stat_pct = '%s_pct' % sad_stat

    # compute
    sad_pct = np.percentile(sad_out[sad_stat], 100*percentiles, axis=0).T
    sad_pct = sad_pct.astype('float16')

    # save
    sad_out.create_dataset(sad_stat_pct, data=sad_pct, dtype='float16')

def write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, sad_out, si, sad_stats, log_pseudo):
  """Write SNP predictions to HDF."""

  # sum across length
  ref_preds_sum = ref_preds.sum(axis=0, dtype='float64')
  alt_preds_sum = alt_preds.sum(axis=0, dtype='float64')

  # compare reference to alternative via mean subtraction
  if 'SAD' in sad_stats:
    sad = alt_preds_sum - ref_preds_sum
    sad_out['SAD'][si,:] = sad.astype('float16')

  # compare reference to alternative via mean log division
  if 'SAR' in sad_stats:
    sar = np.log2(alt_preds_sum + log_pseudo) \
                   - np.log2(ref_preds_sum + log_pseudo)
    sad_out['SAR'][szi,:] = sar.astype('float16')

  # compare geometric means
  if 'geoSAD' in sad_stats:
    sar_vec = np.log2(alt_preds.astype('float64') + log_pseudo) \
                - np.log2(ref_preds.astype('float64') + log_pseudo)
    geo_sad = sar_vec.sum(axis=0)
    sad_out['geoSAD'][szi,:] = geo_sad.astype('float16')

class SNPWorker(Thread):
  """Compute summary statistics and write to HDF."""
  def __init__(self, snp_queue, sad_out, stats, log_pseudo=1):
    self.queue = snp_queue
    self.daemon = True
    self.sad_out = sad_out
    self.stats = stats
    self.log_pseudo = log_pseudo

  def run(self):
    while True:
      # unload predictions
      ref_preds, alt_preds, szi = self.queue.get()

      # write SNP
      write_snp(ref_preds, alt_preds, self.sad_out, szi, self.stats, self.log_pseudo)

      if szi % 32 == 0:

      # communicate finished task

# __main__
if __name__ == '__main__':