import Tkinter as tk
import AppKit
import tkFileDialog
import ttk
import time

class App(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
        self.master.title("File Upload Assistant")
        self.master.resizable(False, False)

        self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.click_cancel)
        self.master.bind('<Escape>', self.click_cancel)

        self.grid(row=0, column=0)

        x = (self.master.winfo_screenwidth() - self.master.winfo_reqwidth()) / 2
        y = (self.master.winfo_screenheight() - self.master.winfo_reqheight()) / 3
        self.master.geometry("+{}+{}".format(x, y))


        self.selected_files = tuple()
        self.file_count = tk.StringVar(value='')

        file_frame = tk.Frame(self)
        file_frame.pack(padx=15, pady=(15, 0), anchor='w')

        self.file_button = tk.Button(file_frame, text='Select file(s)...', command=self.file_picker, anchor='w')

        self.file_label = tk.Label(file_frame, textvariable=self.file_count, anchor='e')

        tk.Label(self, text="Add a comment:").pack(padx=15, pady=(15, 0), anchor='w')

        text_frame = tk.Frame(self, borderwidth=1, relief='sunken')
        text_frame.pack(padx=15, pady=15)

        self.text = tk.Text(text_frame, width=30, height=4, highlightbackground='#ffffff', highlightcolor="#7baedc",
                            bg='#ffffff', wrap=tk.WORD, font=("System", 14))

        button_frame = tk.Frame(self)
        button_frame.pack(padx=15, pady=(0, 15), anchor='e')

        self.submit_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text='Submit', default='active', command=self.click_submit)

        self.cancel_button = tk.Button(button_frame, text='Cancel', command=self.click_cancel)

    def file_picker(self):
        self.selected_files = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames(parent=self)
        self.file_count.set('{} file(s)'.format(len(self.selected_files)))

    def click_submit(self, event=None):
        print("The user clicked 'OK'")
        comment = self.text.get('1.0', 'end')

        if comment.rstrip():
            print('The user entered a comment:')

        if self.selected_files:
            loading = LoadingFrame(self.master, len(self.selected_files))
            print('The user has selected files:')
            for path in self.selected_files:
                loading.progress['value'] += 1
                print 'File {}/{}'.format(loading.progress['value'], loading.progress['maximum'])
                with open(path) as f:
                    print('Opened file: {}: {}'.format(path, f))

            print('Loading screen finished')

    def click_cancel(self, event=None):
        print("The user clicked 'Cancel'")

    def _toggle_state(self, state):
        state = state if state in ('normal', 'disabled') else 'normal'
        widgets = (self.file_button, self.file_label, self.text, self.submit_button, self.cancel_button)
        for widget in widgets:

class LoadingFrame(tk.Frame):
    def __init__(self, master, count):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, borderwidth=5, relief='groove')
        self.grid(row=0, column=0)

        tk.Label(self, text="Your files are being uploaded").pack(padx=15, pady=10)

        self.progress = ttk.Progressbar(self, orient='horizontal', length=250, mode='determinate')
        self.progress.pack(padx=15, pady=10)
        self.progress['value'] = 0
        self.progress['maximum'] = count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    info = AppKit.NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary()
    info['LSUIElement'] = True

    root = tk.Tk()
    app = App(root)

The Tkinter framework comes with a number of standard dialogs that can be used on their own or with a Tkinter window.

Passing the main window as the 'parent' to the tkFileDialog causes it to render as a sheet on OS X. All of the dialogs
available as a part of tkFileDialog, tkColorChooser or tkMessageBox support this.

Widgets can be dynamically enabled and disabled to prevent a user from interacting with them while an action is being
processed. In this example when the LoadingFrame() is drawn on the screen the _toggle_state() function is disabling all
of the interactive widgets.

The progress bar in this example moves for each file that is being uploaded (an artificial 2 second delay is introduced
to simulate the wait during an upload). The frame is then destroyed after the last file progresses and the background
frame is restored for use again.