"""Unit tests for the physics of prysm."""
from itertools import product

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u

import pytest

from prysm.wavelengths import mkwvl
from prysm import Pupil, PSF, MTF, FringeZernike
from prysm.psf import airydisk
from prysm.otf import diffraction_limited_mtf

PRECISION = 1e-3  # ~0.1%

    (10.0, 1.000, 0.5),  # f/10, visible light
    (10.0, 1.000, 1.0),  # f/10, SWIR light
    (3.00, 1.125, 3.0)]  # f/2.66666, MWIR light

@pytest.mark.parametrize('efl, epd, wvl', TEST_PARAMETERS)
def test_diffprop_matches_airydisk(efl, epd, wvl):
    fno = efl / epd

    p = Pupil(dia=epd, xy_unit=u.mm, z_unit=u.nm, wavelength=mkwvl(wvl, u.um))
    psf = PSF.from_pupil(p, efl, Q=3)  # use Q=3 not Q=4 for improved accuracy
    s = psf.slices()
    u_, sx = s.x
    u_, sy = s.y
    analytic = airydisk(u_, fno, wvl)
    assert np.allclose(sx, analytic, atol=PRECISION)
    assert np.allclose(sy, analytic, atol=PRECISION)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('efl, epd, wvl', TEST_PARAMETERS)
def test_diffprop_matches_analyticmtf(efl, epd, wvl):
    fno = efl / epd
    p = Pupil(dia=epd, xy_unit=u.mm, z_unit=u.nm, wavelength=mkwvl(wvl, u.um))
    psf = PSF.from_pupil(p, efl)
    mtf = MTF.from_psf(psf)
    s = mtf.slices()
    u_, x = s.x
    u__, y = s.y

    analytic_1 = diffraction_limited_mtf(fno, wvl, frequencies=u_)
    analytic_2 = diffraction_limited_mtf(fno, wvl, frequencies=u__)
    assert np.allclose(analytic_1, x, atol=PRECISION)
    assert np.allclose(analytic_2, y, atol=PRECISION)

def test_array_orientation_consistency_tilt():
    """The pupil array should be shaped as arr[y,x], as should the psf and MTF.

        A linear phase error in the pupil along y should cause a motion of the
        PSF in y.  Specifically, for a positive-signed phase, that should cause
        a shift in the +y direction.
    samples = 128
    p = FringeZernike(Z2=1000, samples=samples)
    ps = PSF.from_pupil(p, 1)
    idx_y, idx_x = np.unravel_index(ps.data.argmax(), ps.data.shape)  # row-major y, x
    assert idx_x == ps.center_x
    assert idx_y > ps.center_y

FNOS = [1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8]
WVLS = [.5, .55, 1, 10]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('fno, wvl', product(FNOS, WVLS))
def test_airydisk_has_unit_peak(fno, wvl):
    assert airydisk(0, fno=fno, wavelength=wvl) == 1