"""Functions used to generate various geometrical constructs.

from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

from .conf import config
from .mathops import engine as e
from .coordinates import make_rho_phi_grid, cart_to_polar, polar_to_cart, make_xy_grid

def mask_cleaner(mask_or_str_or_tuple, samples):
    """Return an array if given one, otherwise generate it from the parameters.

    mask_or_string_or_tuple : `numpy.ndarray`, `string`, or `iterable`
        if an array, returned untouched.
        If a string, return a radius=1 mask of that geometry.
        If an interable, (string, float) of name and radius, generated as given

        square array; value of one inside the mask, zero otuside

    if mask_or_str_or_tuple is None:
        return None
    elif (
            not isinstance(mask_or_str_or_tuple, str) and
            not isinstance(mask_or_str_or_tuple, (tuple, list))):
        # array, just return it
        return mask_or_str_or_tuple
    elif isinstance(mask_or_str_or_tuple, str):
        # name with radius=1
        return mcache(mask_or_str_or_tuple, samples)
    elif isinstance(mask_or_str_or_tuple, (tuple, list)):
        type_, radius = mask_or_str_or_tuple
        return mcache(type_, samples, radius)
        raise ValueError('badly formatted mask, string, or tuple')

class MaskCache(object):
    """Cache for geometric masks."""
    def __init__(self):
        """Create a new cache instance."""
        self.masks = {}

    def get_mask(self, shape, samples, radius=1):
        """Get a mask with the given number of samples and shape.

        shape : `str`
            string of a regular n-sided polygon, e.g. 'square', 'hexagon'.
        samples : `int`
            number of samples, mask is (samples,samples) in shape
        radius : `float`, optional
            normalized radius of the mask.  radius=1 will fill the x, y extent

            ndarray; ones inside the shape, zeros outside

            mask = self.masks[(shape, samples, radius)]
        except KeyError:
            mask = shapes[shape](samples=samples, radius=radius)
            self.masks[(shape, samples, radius)] = mask.copy()

        return mask

    def __call__(self, shape, samples, radius=1):
        """Get a mask with the given number of samples and shape.

        shape : `str`
            string of a regular n-sided polygon, e.g. 'square', 'hexagon'.
        samples : `int`
            number of samples, mask is (samples,samples) in shape
        radius : `float`, optional
            normalized radius of the mask.  radius=1 will fill the x, y extent

            ndarray; ones inside the shape, zeros outside

        return self.get_mask(shape=shape, samples=samples, radius=radius)

    def clear(self, *args):
        """Empty the cache."""
        self.masks = {}

def gaussian(sigma=0.5, samples=128):
    """Generate a gaussian mask with a given sigma.

    sigma : `float`
        width parameter of the gaussian, expressed in samples of the output array

    samples : `int`
        number of samples in square array

        mask with gaussian shape

    s = sigma

    x = e.arange(0, samples, 1, dtype=config.precision)
    y = x[:, e.newaxis]

    # // is floor division in python
    x0 = y0 = samples // 2
    return e.exp(-4 * e.log(2) * ((x - x0) ** 2 + (y - y0) ** 2) / (s * samples) ** 2)

def rectangle(width, height=None, angle=0, samples=128):
    """Generate a rectangular, with the "width" axis aligned to 'x'.

    width : `float`
        diameter of the rectangle, relative to the width of the array.
        width=1 fills the horizontal extent when angle=0
    height : `float`
        diameter of the rectangle, relative to the height of the array.
        height=1 fills the vertical extent when angle=0.
        If None, inherited from width to make a square
    angle : `float`

        array with the rectangle painted at 1 and the background at 0

    x, y = make_xy_grid(samples, samples)
    if angle != 0:
        if angle == 90:  # for the 90 degree case, just swap x and y
            x, y = y, x
            r, p = cart_to_polar(x, y)
            p_adj = e.radians(angle)
            p += p_adj
            x, y = polar_to_cart(r, p)

    if height is None:
        height = width
    w_mask = (y <= height) & (y >= -height)
    h_mask = (x <= width) & (x >= -width)
    data = e.zeros((samples, samples))
    data[w_mask & h_mask] = 1
    return data

def rotated_ellipse(width_major, width_minor, major_axis_angle=0, samples=128):
    """Generate a binary mask for an ellipse, centered at the origin.

    The major axis will notionally extend to the limits of the array, but this
    will not be the case for rotated cases.

    width_major : `float`
        width of the ellipse in its major axis
    width_minor : `float`
        width of the ellipse in its minor axis
    major_axis_angle : `float`
        angle of the major axis w.r.t. the x axis, degrees
    samples : `int`
        number of samples

        An ndarray of shape (samples,samples) of value 0 outside the ellipse and value 1 inside the ellipse

    The formula applied is:
         ((x-h)cos(A)+(y-k)sin(A))^2      ((x-h)sin(A)+(y-k)cos(A))^2
        ______________________________ + ______________________________ 1
                     a^2                               b^2

    where x and y are the x and y dimensions, A is the rotation angle of the
    major axis, h and k are the centers of the the ellipse, and a and b are
    the major and minor axis widths.  In this implementation, h=k=0 and the
    formula simplifies to:

            (x*cos(A)+y*sin(A))^2             (x*sin(A)+y*cos(A))^2
        ______________________________ + ______________________________ 1
                     a^2                               b^2

    see SO:

        if minor axis width is larger than major axis width

    if width_minor > width_major:
        raise ValueError('By definition, major axis must be larger than minor.')

    arr = e.ones((samples, samples))
    lim = width_major
    x, y = e.linspace(-lim, lim, samples), e.linspace(-lim, lim, samples)
    xv, yv = e.meshgrid(x, y)
    A = e.radians(-major_axis_angle)
    a, b = width_major, width_minor
    major_axis_term = ((xv * e.cos(A) + yv * e.sin(A)) ** 2) / a ** 2
    minor_axis_term = ((xv * e.sin(A) - yv * e.cos(A)) ** 2) / b ** 2
    arr[major_axis_term + minor_axis_term > 1] = 0
    return arr

def square(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a square mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return e.ones((samples, samples), dtype=bool)

def pentagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a pentagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(5, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def hexagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a hexagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(6, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def heptagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a heptagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(7, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def octagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a octagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(8, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def nonagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a nonagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(9, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def decagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a decagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(10, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def hendecagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a hendecagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(11, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def dodecagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a dodecagon mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(12, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def trisdecagon(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a trisdecagonal mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    return regular_polygon(13, samples=samples, radius=radius)

def truecircle(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a "true" circular mask with anti-aliasing.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        nonbinary ndarray representation of the mask

    Based on a more general algorithm by Jim Fienup

    if radius == 0:
        return e.zeros((samples, samples), dtype=config.precision)
        rho, phi = make_rho_phi_grid(samples, samples)
        one_pixel = 2 / samples
        radius_plus = radius + (one_pixel / 2)
        intermediate = (radius_plus - rho) * (samples / 2)
        return e.minimum(e.maximum(intermediate, 0), 1)

def circle(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create a circular mask.

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    if radius == 0:
        return e.zeros((samples, samples), dtype=config.precision)
        rho, phi = make_rho_phi_grid(samples, samples)
        mask = e.ones(rho.shape, dtype=config.precision)
        mask[rho > radius] = 0
        return mask

def inverted_circle(samples=128, radius=1):
    """Create an inverted circular mask (obscuration).

    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the shape in the square output array.  radius=1 will fill the

        binary ndarray representation of the mask

    if radius == 0:
        return e.zeros((samples, samples), dtype=config.precision)
        rho, phi = make_rho_phi_grid(samples, samples)
        mask = e.ones(rho.shape, dtype=config.precision)
        mask[rho < radius] = 0
        return mask

def regular_polygon(sides, samples, radius=1):
    """Generate a regular polygon mask with the given number of sides and samples in the mask array.

    sides : `int`
        number of sides to the polygon
    samples : `int`
        number of samples in the output polygon
    radius : `float`, optional
        radius of the regular polygon.  For R=1, will fill the x and y extent

        mask for regular polygon with radius equal to the array radius

    verts = generate_vertices(sides, int(e.floor((samples // 2) * radius)))
    verts[:, 0] += samples // 2  # shift y to center
    verts[:, 1] += samples // 2  # shift x to center
    return generate_mask(verts, samples).astype(config.precision)

def generate_mask(vertices, num_samples=128):
    """Create a filled convex polygon mask based on the given vertices.

    vertices : `iterable`
        ensemble of vertice (x,y) coordinates, in array units
    num_samples : `int`
        number of points in the output array along each dimension

        polygon mask

    vertices = e.asarray(vertices)
    unit = e.arange(num_samples)
    xxyy = e.stack(e.meshgrid(unit, unit), axis=2)

    # use delaunay to fill from the vertices and produce a mask
    triangles = Delaunay(vertices, qhull_options='QJ Qf')
    mask = ~(triangles.find_simplex(xxyy) < 0)
    return mask

def generate_vertices(sides, radius=1):
    """Generate a list of vertices for a convex regular polygon with the given number of sides and radius.

    sides : `int`
        number of sides to the polygon
    radius : `float`
        radius of the polygon

        array with first column X points, second column Y points

    angle = 2 * e.pi / sides
    pts = []
    for point in range(sides):
        x = radius * e.sin(point * angle)
        y = radius * e.cos(point * angle)
        pts.append((int(x), int(y)))

    return e.asarray(pts)

def generate_spider(vanes, width, rotation=0, arydiam=1, samples=128):
    """Generate the mask for a spider.

    vanes : `int`
        number of spider vanes
    width : `float`
        width of the vanes in array units, i.e. a width=1/128 spider with
        arydiam=1 and samples=128 will be 1 pixel wide
    rotation : `float`, optional
        rotational offset of the vanes, clockwise
    arydiam : `float`, optional
        array diameter
    samples : `int`, optional
        number of samples in the square output array

        array, 0 inside the spider and 1 outside

    # generate the basic grid
    width /= 2
    x = y = e.linspace(-arydiam / 2, arydiam / 2, samples)
    xx, yy = e.meshgrid(x, y)
    r, p = cart_to_polar(xx, yy)

    if rotation != 0:
        rotation = e.radians(rotation)
        p = p - rotation
    pp = p.copy()

    # compute some constants
    rotation = e.radians(360 / vanes)

    # initialize a blank mask
    mask = e.zeros((samples, samples))
    for multiple in range(vanes):
        # iterate through the vanes and generate a mask for each
        # adding it to the initialized mask
        offset = rotation * multiple
        if offset != 0:
            pp = p + offset
            pp = p

        xxx, yyy = polar_to_cart(r, pp)
        mask_ = (xxx > 0) & (abs(yyy) < width)
        mask += mask_

    # clamp the values to zero or unity
    # and invert the max
    mask[mask > 1] = 1
    mask = 1 - mask
    return mask

shapes = {
    'invertedcircle': inverted_circle,
    'truecircle': truecircle,
    'circle': circle,
    'square': square,
    'pentagon': pentagon,
    'hexagon': hexagon,
    'heptagon': heptagon,
    'octagon': octagon,
    'nonagon': nonagon,
    'decagon': decagon,
    'hendecagon': hendecagon,
    'dodecagon': dodecagon,
    'trisdecagon': trisdecagon,

mcache = MaskCache()