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"""Evaluation functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from lib import data
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial

def closest_line(query_lines, metric='cosine'):
    """Compute the distance to, and parameters for, the closest line to each
    line in query_lines.

        - query_lines: Array of lines to compute closest matches for, shape
            (n_lines, width, height, 1)
        - metric: String to pass to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist to choose
            which distance metric to use
        - min_dist, starts, ends: Arrays of shape (n_lines,) denoting the
            distance to the nearest ``true'' line and the start and end points.
    h, w = query_lines.shape[1:-1]
    # Construct 10000 lines with these dimensions
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi - 2*np.pi/10000, 10000)
    all_lines = np.array(
        [(data.draw_line(angle, h, w)) for angle in angles])
    # Produce vectorized versions of both for use with scipy.spatial
    flat_query = query_lines.reshape(query_lines.shape[0], -1)
    flat_all = all_lines.reshape(all_lines.shape[0], -1)
    # Compute pairwise distance matrix of query lines with all valid lines
    distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(flat_query, flat_all, metric)
    min_dist_idx = np.argmin(distances, axis=-1)
    min_dist = distances[np.arange(distances.shape[0]), min_dist_idx]
    angles = np.array([angles[n] for n in min_dist_idx])
    return min_dist, angles

def smoothness_score(angles):
    """Computes the smoothness score of a line interpolation according to the
    angles of each line.

        - angles: Array of shape (n_interpolations, n_lines_per_interpolation)
            giving the angle of each line in each interpolation.

        - smoothness_scores: Array of shape (n_interpolations,) giving the
            average smoothness score for all of the provided interpolations.
    angles = np.atleast_2d(angles)
    # Remove discontinuities larger than np.pi
    angles = np.unwrap(angles)
    diffs = np.abs(np.diff(angles, axis=-1))
    # Compute the angle difference from the first and last point
    total_diff = np.abs(angles[:, :1] - angles[:, -1:])
    # When total_diff is zero, there's no way to compute this score
    zero_diff = (total_diff < 1e-4).flatten()
    normalized_diffs = diffs/total_diff
    deviation = np.max(normalized_diffs, axis=-1) - 1./(angles.shape[1] - 1)
    # Set score to NaN when we aren't able to compute it
    deviation[zero_diff] = np.nan
    return deviation

def line_eval(interpolated_lines):
    """Given a group of line interpolations, compute mean nearest line distance
    and mean smoothness score for all of the interpolations.

    This version of this metric is meant for vertical lines only.

        - interpolated_lines: Collection of line interpolation images, shape
            (n_interpolations, n_lines_per_interpolation, height, width, 1)

        - mean_distance: Average distance to closest ``real'' line.
        - mean_smoothness: Average interpolation smoothness

    original_shape = interpolated_lines.shape
    min_dist, angles = closest_line(
        interpolated_lines.reshape((-1,) + original_shape[2:]))
    mean_distance = np.mean(min_dist)
    smoothness_scores = smoothness_score(
        angles.reshape(original_shape[0], original_shape[1]))
    nan_scores = np.isnan(smoothness_scores)
    # If all scores were NaN, set the mean score to NaN
    if np.all(nan_scores):
        mean_smoothness = np.nan
    # Otherwise only compute mean for non-NaN scores
        sum_smoothness = np.sum(smoothness_scores[np.logical_not(nan_scores)])
        mean_smoothness = sum_smoothness/float(len(nan_scores))
    return np.float32(mean_distance), np.float32(mean_smoothness)