import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg as lin

from itertools import chain, combinations
from numpy.linalg import multi_dot as mdot
import pyfocus as pf

__all__ = ["fine_map"]

def add_credible_set(df, credible_set=0.9):
    Compute the credible gene set and add it to the dataframe.

    :param df: pandas.DataFrame containing TWAS summary results
    :param credible_set: float sensitivity to compute the credble set

    :return: pandas.DataFrame containing TWAS summary results augmented with `in_cred_set` flag
    df = df.sort_values(by=["pip"], ascending=False)

    # add credible set flag
    psum = np.sum(df.pip.values)
    npost = df.pip.values / psum
    csum = np.cumsum(npost)
    in_cred_set = csum <= credible_set
    df["in_cred_set"] = in_cred_set.astype(int)

    return df

def create_output(meta_data, attr, zscores, pips, null_res, region):
    Creates TWAS pandas.DataFrame output.

    :param meta_data: pandas.DataFrame Metadata about the gene models
    :param attr: pandas.DataFrame Prediction performance metadata about gene models
    :param zscores: numpy.ndarray of TWAS zscores
    :param pips: numpy.ndarray of posterior inclusion probabilities (PIPs)
    :param null_res: float posterior probability of the null
    :param region: str region identifier

    :return: pandas.DataFrame TWAS summary results

    # merge attributes
    df = pd.merge(meta_data, attr, left_on="model_id", right_index=True)
    df["twas_z"] = zscores
    df["pip"] = pips
    df["in_cred_set"] = 0 
    df["region"] = region

    # sort by tx start site and we're good to go
    df = df.sort_values(by="tx_start")

    # chrom is listed twice (once from weight and once from molfeature)
    idxs = np.where(df.columns == "chrom")[0]
    if len(idxs) > 1:
        df = df.iloc[:, [j for j, c in enumerate(df.columns) if j != idxs[0]]]

    # drop model-id
    df = df.drop("model_id", axis=1)

    # add null model result
    null_dict = dict()
    for c in df.columns:
        null_dict[c] = None

    null_dict["ens_gene_id"] = "NULL.MODEL"
    null_dict["mol_name"] = "NULL"
    null_dict["type"] = "NULL"
    null_dict["pip"] = null_res
    null_dict["region"] = region
    null_dict["twas_z"] = 0
    null_dict["chrom"] = df["chrom"].values[0]
    df = df.append(null_dict, ignore_index=True)

    return df

def align_data(gwas, ref_geno, wcollection, ridge=0.1):
    Align and merge gwas, LD reference, and eQTL weight data to the same reference alleles.

    :param gwas: pyfocus.GWAS object containing a risk region
    :param ref_geno:  pyfocus.LDRefPanel object containing reference genotypes at risk region
    :param wcollection: pandas.DataFrame object containing overlapping eQTL weights
    :param ridge: ridge adjustment for LD estimation (default = 0.1)

    :return: tuple of aligned GWAS, eQTL weight-matrix W, gene-names list, LD-matrix V
    log = logging.getLogger(pf.LOG)

    # align gwas with ref snps
    merged_snps = ref_geno.overlap_gwas(gwas)
    if len(merged_snps) == 0:"No overlap between LD reference and GWAS")
        return None

    ref_snps = merged_snps.loc[~pd.isna(merged_snps.i)]

    # filter out mis-matched SNPs
    matched = pf.check_valid_alleles(ref_snps[pf.GWAS.A1COL],
    n_miss = sum(np.logical_not(matched))
    if n_miss > 0:
        log.debug("Pruned {} SNPs due to invalid allele pairs between GWAS/RefPanel.".format(n_miss))

    ref_snps = ref_snps.loc[matched]

    # flip Zscores to match reference panel
    ref_snps[pf.GWAS.ZCOL] = pf.flip_alleles(ref_snps[pf.GWAS.ZCOL].values,

    # collapse the gene models into a single weight matrix
    idxs = []
    final_df = None
    for eid, model in wcollection.groupby(["ens_gene_id", "tissue", "inference", "ref_name"]):
        log.debug("Aligning weights for gene {}".format(eid))

        # merge local model with the reference panel
        # effect_allele alt_allele effect
        m_merged = pd.merge(ref_snps, model, how="inner", left_on=pf.GWAS.SNPCOL, right_on="snp")

        m_matched = pf.check_valid_alleles(m_merged["effect_allele"],

        n_miss = sum(np.logical_not(m_matched))
        if n_miss > 0:
            log.debug("Gene {} pruned {} SNPs due to invalid allele pairs between weight-db/GWAS.".format(eid, n_miss))

        m_merged = m_merged.loc[m_matched]

        # make sure effects are for same ref allele as GWAS + reference panel
        m_merged["effect"] = pf.flip_alleles(m_merged["effect"].values,

        # skip genes whose overlapping weights are all 0s
        if len(m_merged) > 1 and all(np.isclose(m_merged["effect"], 0)):
            log.debug("Gene {} has only zero-weights. This will break variance estimate. Skipping.".format(eid))

        # skip genes that do not have weights at referenced SNPs
        if all(pd.isnull(m_merged["effect"])):
            log.debug("Gene {} has no overlapping weights. Skipping.".format(eid))

        # keep model_id around to grab other attributes (pred-R2, etc) later on
        cur_idx = model.index[0]

        # perform a union (outer merge) to build the aligned/flipped weight (possibly jagged) matrix
        if final_df is None:
            final_df = m_merged[[pf.GWAS.SNPCOL, "effect"]]
            final_df = final_df.rename(index=str, columns={"effect": "model_{}".format(cur_idx)})
            final_df = pd.merge(final_df, m_merged[[pf.GWAS.SNPCOL, "effect"]], how="outer", on="SNP")
            final_df = final_df.rename(index=str, columns={"effect": "model_{}".format(cur_idx)})

    # break out early
    if len(idxs) == 0:"No weights overlapped GWAS data")
        return None

    # final align back with GWAS + reference panel
    ref_snps = pd.merge(ref_snps, final_df, how="inner", on=pf.GWAS.SNPCOL)

    # compute linkage-disequilibrium estimate
    log.debug("Estimating LD for {} SNPs".format(len(ref_snps)))
    ldmat = ref_geno.estimate_ld(ref_snps, adjust=ridge)

    # subset down to just actual GWAS data
    gwas = ref_snps[pf.GWAS.REQ_COLS]

    # need to replace NA with 0 due to jaggedness across genes
    wmat = ref_snps.filter(like="model").values
    wmat[np.isnan(wmat)] = 0.0

    # Meta-data on the current model
    # what other things should we include in here?
    meta_data = wcollection.loc[idxs,
                                ["ens_gene_id", "ens_tx_id", "mol_name", "tissue", "ref_name", "type", "chrom", "tx_start",
                                "tx_stop", "inference", "model_id"]

    # re-rorder by tx_start
    ranks = np.argsort(meta_data["tx_start"].values)
    wmat = wmat.T[ranks].T
    meta_data = meta_data.iloc[ranks]

    return gwas, wmat, meta_data, ldmat

def estimate_cor(wmat, ldmat, intercept=False):
    Estimate the sample correlation structure for predicted expression.

    :param wmat: numpy.ndarray eQTL weight matrix for a risk region
    :param ldmat: numpy.ndarray LD matrix for a risk region
    :param intercept: bool to return the intercept variable or not

    :return: tuple (pred_expr correlation, intercept variable; None if intercept=False)
    wcov = mdot([wmat.T, ldmat, wmat])
    scale = np.diag(1 / np.sqrt(np.diag(wcov)))
    wcor = mdot([scale, wcov, scale])

    if intercept:
        inter = mdot([scale, wmat.T, ldmat])
        return wcor, inter
        return wcor, None

def assoc_test(weights, gwas, ldmat, heterogeneity=False):
    TWAS association test.

    :param weights: numpy.ndarray of eQTL weights
    :param gwas: pyfocus.GWAS object
    :param ldmat: numpy.ndarray LD matrix
    :param heterogeneity:  bool estimate variance from multiplicative random effect

    :return: tuple (beta, se)

    p = ldmat.shape[0]
    assoc =, gwas.Z)
    if heterogeneity:
        resid = assoc - gwas.Z
        resid_var = mdot([resid, lin.pinvh(ldmat), resid]) / p
        resid_var = 1

    se = np.sqrt(resid_var * mdot([weights, ldmat, weights]))

    return assoc, se

def get_resid(zscores, swld, wcor):
    Regress out the average pleiotropic signal tagged by TWAS at the region

    :param zscores: numpy.ndarray TWAS zscores
    :param swld: numpy.ndarray intercept variable
    :param wcor: numpy.ndarray predicted expression correlation

    :return: tuple (residual TWAS zscores, intercept z-score)
    m, m = wcor.shape
    m, p = swld.shape

    # create mean factor
    intercept =

    # estimate under the null for variance components, i.e. V = SW LD SW
    wcor_inv, rank = lin.pinvh(wcor, return_rank=True)

    numer = mdot([intercept.T, wcor_inv, zscores])
    denom = mdot([intercept.T, wcor_inv, intercept])
    alpha = numer / denom
    resid = zscores - intercept * alpha

    s2 = mdot([resid, wcor_inv, resid]) / (rank - 1)
    inter_se = np.sqrt(s2 / denom)
    inter_z = alpha / inter_se

    return resid, inter_z

def bayes_factor(zscores, idx_set, wcor, prior_chisq, prb, use_log=True):
    Compute the Bayes Factor for the evidence that a set of genes explain the observed association signal under the
    correlation structure.

    :param zscores: numpy.ndarray TWAS zscores
    :param idx_set: list the indices representing the causal gene-set
    :param wcor: numpy.ndarray predicted expression correlation
    :param prior_chisq: float prior effect-size variance scaled by GWAS sample size
    :param prb:  float prior probability for a gene to be causal
    :param use_log: bool whether to compute the log Bayes Factor

    :return: float the Bayes Factor (log Bayes Factor if use_log = True)
    idx_set = np.array(idx_set)

    m = len(zscores)

    # only need genes in the causal configuration using FINEMAP BF trick
    nc = len(idx_set)
    cur_chi2 = prior_chisq / nc

    cur_wcor = wcor[idx_set].T[idx_set].T
    cur_zscores = zscores[idx_set]

    # compute SVD for robust estimation
    if nc > 1:
        cur_U, cur_EIG, _ = lin.svd(cur_wcor)
        scaled_chisq = ( ** 2
        cur_U, cur_EIG = 1, cur_wcor
        scaled_chisq = cur_zscores ** 2

    # log BF + log prior
    cur_bf = 0.5 * -np.sum(np.log(1 + cur_chi2 * cur_EIG)) + \
        0.5 * np.sum((cur_chi2 / (1 + cur_chi2 * cur_EIG)) * scaled_chisq) + \
        nc * np.log(prb) + (m - nc) * np.log(1 - prb)

    if use_log:
        return cur_bf
        return np.exp(cur_bf)

def fine_map(gwas, wcollection, ref_geno, intercept=False, heterogeneity=False, max_genes=3, ridge=0.1, prior_prob=1e-3,
             prior_chisq=40, credible_level=0.9, plot=False):
    Perform a TWAS and fine-map the results.

    :param gwas: pyfocus.GWAS object for the risk region
    :param wcollection: pandas.DataFrame containing overlapping eQTL weight information for the risk region
    :param ref_geno: pyfocus.LDRefPanel object for the risk region
    :param intercept: bool flag to estimate the average TWAS signal due to tagged pleiotropy
    :param heterogeneity: bool flag to compute sample variance in TWAS test assuming multiplicative random effect
    :param max_genes: int or None the maximum number of genes to include in any given causal configuration. None if all genes
    :param ridge: float ridge adjustment for LD estimation (default = 0.1)
    :param prior_prob: float prior probability for a gene to be causal
    :param prior_chisq: float prior effect-size variance scaled by GWAS sample size
    :param credible_level: float the credible-level to compute credible gene sets (default = 0.9)
    :param plot: bool whether or not to generate visualizations/plots at the risk region

    :return: pandas.DataFrame containing the TWAS statistics and fine-mapping results if plot=False.
        (pandas.DataFrame, list of plot-objects) if plot=True
    log = logging.getLogger(pf.LOG)"Starting fine-mapping at region {}".format(ref_geno))

    # align all GWAS, LD reference, and overlapping molecular weights
    parameters = align_data(gwas, ref_geno, wcollection, ridge=ridge)

    if parameters is None:
        # break; logging of specific reason should be in align_data
        return None
        gwas, wmat, meta_data, ldmat = parameters

    zscores = []
    # run local TWAS
    for idx, weights in enumerate(wmat.T):
        log.debug("Computing TWAS association statistic for gene {}".format(meta_data.iloc[idx]["ens_gene_id"]))
        beta, se = assoc_test(weights, gwas, ldmat, heterogeneity)
        zscores.append(beta / se)

    # perform fine-mapping
    zscores = np.array(zscores)

    log.debug("Estimating local TWAS correlation structure")
    wcor, swld = estimate_cor(wmat, ldmat, intercept)

    m = len(zscores)
    rm = range(m)
    pips = np.zeros(m)

    if intercept:
        # should really be done at the SNP level first ala Barfield et al 2018
        log.debug("Regressing out average tagged pleiotropic associations")
        zscores, inter_z = get_resid(zscores, swld, wcor)
        inter_z = None

    k = m if max_genes > m else max_genes
    null_res = m * np.log(1 - prior_prob)
    marginal = null_res
    # enumerate all subsets
    for subset in chain.from_iterable(combinations(rm, n) for n in range(1, k + 1)):

        local = bayes_factor(zscores, subset, wcor, prior_chisq, prior_prob)

        # keep track for marginal likelihood
        marginal = np.logaddexp(local, marginal)

        # marginalize the posterior for marginal-posterior on causals
        for idx in subset:
            if pips[idx] == 0:
                pips[idx] = local
                pips[idx] = np.logaddexp(pips[idx], local)

    pips = np.exp(pips - marginal)
    null_res = np.exp(null_res - marginal)

    # Query the db to grab model attributes
    # We might want to filter to only certain attributes at some point
    session = pf.get_session()
    attr = pd.read_sql(session.query(pf.ModelAttribute)
                       .filter(pf.ModelAttribute.model_id.in_(meta_data.model_id.values.astype(object)))  # why doesn't inte64 work!?!
                       .statement, con=session.connection())

    # convert from long to wide format
    attr = attr.pivot("model_id", "attr_name", "value")

    # clean up and return results
    region = str(ref_geno).replace(" ", "")

    # dont sort here to make plotting easier
    df = create_output(meta_data, attr, zscores, pips, null_res, region)"Completed fine-mapping at region {}".format(ref_geno))
    if plot:"Creating FOCUS plots at region {}".format(ref_geno))
        plot_arr = pf.focus_plot(wcor, df)

        # sort here and create credible set
        df = add_credible_set(df, credible_set=credible_level)
        return df, plot_arr

        # sort here and create credible set
        df = add_credible_set(df, credible_set=credible_level)
        return df