from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

from abc import ABCMeta
from contextlib import contextmanager
import warnings

import robot.api
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn

from import staleness_of
from import WebDriverWait

import six

from .locatormap import LocatorMap

class PageObject(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
    """Base class for page objects

    Classes that inherit from this class need to define the
    following class variables:

    PAGE_TITLE   the title of the page; used by the default
                 implementation of _is_current_page
    PAGE_URL     this should be the URL of the page, minus
                 the hostname and port (eg: /loginpage.html)

    By default, the PageObjectLibrary keyword 'the current page should
    be' calls the method _is_current_page. A default implementation is
    provided by this class. It compares the current page title to the
    class variable PAGE_TITLE. A class can override this method if the
    page title is not unique or is indeterminate.

    Classes that inherit from this class have access to the
    following properties:

    * selib     a reference to an instance of SeleniumLibrary
    * browser   a reference to the current webdriver instance
    * logger    a reference to robot.api.logger
    * locator   a wrapper around the page object's ``_locators`` dictionary

    This class implements the following context managers:

    * _wait_for_page_refresh

    This context manager is designed to be used in page objects when a
    keyword should wait to return until the html element has been


    PAGE_URL = None
    PAGE_TITLE = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = robot.api.logger
        self.locator = LocatorMap(getattr(self, "_locators", {}))
        self.builtin = BuiltIn()

    # N.B. selib, browser use @property so that a
    # subclass can be instantiated outside of the context of a running
    # test (eg: by libdoc, robotframework-hub, etc)
    def se2lib(self):
        warnings.warn("se2lib is deprecated. Use selib intead.", warnings.DeprecationWarning)
        return self.selib

    def selib(self):
        return self.builtin.get_library_instance("SeleniumLibrary")

    def browser(self):
        return self.selib._current_browser()

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def get_page_name(self):
        """Return the name of the current page """
        return self.__class__.__name__

    def _wait_for_page_refresh(self, timeout=10):
        """Context manager that waits for a page transition.

        This keyword works by waiting for two things to happen:

        1) the <html> tag to go stale and get replaced, and
        2) the javascript document.readyState variable to be set
           to "complete"
        old_page = self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name('html')
        WebDriverWait(self.browser, timeout).until(
            message="Old page did not go stale within %ss" % timeout
        self.selib.wait_for_condition("return (document.readyState == 'complete')", timeout=10)

    def _is_current_page(self):
        """Determine if this page object represents the current page.

        This works by comparing the current page title to the class
        variable PAGE_TITLE.

        Unless their page titles are unique, page objects should
        override this function. For example, a common solution is to
        look at the url of the current page, or to look for a specific
        heading or element on the page.


        actual_title = self.selib.get_title()
        expected_title = self.PAGE_TITLE

        if actual_title.lower() == expected_title.lower():
            return True"expected title: '%s'" % expected_title)"  actual title: '%s'" % actual_title)
        raise Exception("expected title to be '%s' but it was '%s'" % (expected_title, actual_title))
        return False